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Since my house warming party, I think I have hung out and went clubbing with Ralph at least three times. He has been so busy with modelling gigs. Even had a photoshoot with Khosi Nkosi a week ago. We have been chatting though and he told me that he is seeing this black rich guy from Bloemfontein. Honestly I am happy for him. I think, no, I know that everyone deserves love, especially if your man is rich because he will spoil you rotten. Well unless you were unlucky and gifted a stingy one.

So I am a bit happy that he is at the gate and here to see me. I open a bottle of wine and pour two glasses, waiting for him at the lobby. When he opens the door, I frown at his unusual attire. He is always a trendsetter, much like a Danny, a head turner if I must say. So this bad boy with mental health issues look he is rocking is not on, but maybe he is marketing it for someone.

“Hello love.” I open my arms for him and he gives me a cold hug. “Okay. Who did what to you? Who do I have to kill?”
He grins before taking a glass on my hand and downing it on one go. “Life is fucked up. Do I need a skin darkener for this dude to actually like and notice me? Where can I get melanin?” I frown. I have never seen this side of Ralph. What the hell is going on? Is he having a mental breakdown? Well I am keen on finding out because he is my friend.

“Is this about the Bloemfontein guy?” he takes the second glass and also drinks it so fast. Something is not right.
“Which Bloemfontein guy?” aibo. Does he have amnesia. He doesn’t wait for me to reply. He heads to the kitchen and I follow him. I find him gulping on the bottled wine like it’s just water.
“Ralph babe, talk to me. You won’t find whatever answer you are looking for at the bottom of that bottle.”
“Where are your guards?” he asks looking around.
“Around here somewhere. Do you want to sit down maybe?” he leans on the kitchen island and stares at me, like size me up from head to toe. I am wearing a chilled white co-ord and sleepers because I am chilling at my home. Is that not allowed anymore?

“You think you’re better than anyone else, don’t you?” say what now? “You think you are a perfect little thing. Just because one handsome guy showed interest in you, you think you’re the shit now?” what the fuck?
“Ralph, what are you on about? Is everything okay?” why is he coming for me as if I provoked him or something?

“You are the fuckin problem. What is it that you have that I don’t? Or what? Men are attracted to ashy assholes nowadays? Maybe I am the one who didn’t get the memo while I was in the States.” Yehheni. No he didn’t.

“Listen, I don’t know what crawled up your ass. Just go home and sleep on it. Maybe you will wake up feeling a bit better and your mind clearer. Like I don’t understand how you would attack me while I haven’t provoked you or anything like that.”
He laughs bitterly. “I would wake up with a clear mind and a brighter future If you’re dead. Because that would mean I have less competition on my man.” Death? His man?

“DELA!” I shout because this bitch us starting to creep me out with all this crazy talk. He does that annoying villain laugh.

“Shame, are you scared? You shouldn’t have flaunted my man in my face like that. Now you have to live with the consequences of your actions, or in your case, die.” It all happens so fast. One moment I am watching him take out something from his hoodie picket and the next, I feel it in my arm as a sharp object pierces my skin and I shriek. OMG! Ralph just stabbed me. I clasp my bleeding arm and take two steps back. The pain. Did I really let a snake into my home? And where the fuck is the security detail when you need it?

“Listen.” I clear my throat. This hurts like hell. How do people get stabbed or shot in the movies and continue fighting like nothing happened? “I don’t understand you, Ralph. Was Lethi your ex or are you guys hooking up?” even I know my question is stupid but I am just buying myself time.

“Cute. I am a model, I am sexy, I am successful and independent. He should be mine and mine alone, not yours. You dog deserve him. I deserve to be living in this house or driving that beast in the garage or even the owner of that black card on your wallet. Those things are all mine, not yours.”. This dude is delusional.

I take another step and balance my body on the wall behind me. “You deserve all the luxury and nice life just because you are white? Bitch wake up. This is not the apartheid era. Us, black people, can live a luxurious life much better than yours. But I must say I never thought you were thus bitter airhead.”

He advances to me and I can’t even run because I backed myself up on the wall. He passes a table and a vase breaks. That doesn’t deter him. Before I know it, he is standing in front of me. The knife pierces my lower abdomen and I scream. Fuck. That hurt more than the first one and it seems to drain half the strength and will I had. I slide down the wall and he does a victorious laugh.

“Who is the airhead now? Honey, I would watch my mouth if I were you. Where are your guards now, president’s daughter?”
“You won’t get away with this.” I manage to mumble that out and he grins. I am in so much pain.

“Ow but I have, Hun.” He squats in front of me. “After my man recovers, you will be old news. Probably ash or rotten flesh eight feet under.”
“Recover? What are you saying?” I can’t believe I still have the strength to engage in a talk with him.

“I had to rid him of all the toxicity that is you. When he comes out of the hospital, he will be born again. A new man.” He smiles in a creepy way. He did not just harm my man. Please tell me he didn’t. I try to shove him away with my uninjured arm and he laughs before smashing my head on the wall. Christ. When did he become this violent? Or maybe I didn’t know the real Ralph White.
“Just a pretty face, aren’t you?” he punches me and I literally see stars. Shit. I am bleeding out. My head is pounding and my face also hurts. Is this God’s way of punishing me for being gay? If so, then Well played, Messiah. “Since I am almost done with you, my next target is the wife. She is not worth my energy. One bullet in the head buy a skilled hitman will do.”

“Please don’t. She had kids.” I cant breathe properly. Zoe doesn’t deserve the same fate as me. She is innocent.

“Aww, those little devils. A little food poisoning will do and my man and I will sail off to paradise, elope and live happily ever after. What a life.” He straightens and then kicks me on the face. My body finally gives in. I slump on the floor, clutching on my abdomen. He smiled. “This is the end. Hold your breath and count to ten.” He sings Skyfall with a smile. “This won’t hurt if you just embrace it.” He raises his knife and before I feel that piercing feeling again, I hear a loud shattering sound. The next thing I know, he falls down before me with his eyes wide open and blood coming out of his mouth. What? Am I dreaming? My vision is blurry but I see someone in a black suit coming closer to me.

“Lindsay! Are you okay?” I think that’s Mabutho’s voice, even though I am not too sure. Maybe I am hallucinating. My eyes feel so heavy and I close then, still trying hard to breath.
“That’s a dumb question, man.” A second voice which sounds a little like Carter chirps in. “He is drifting away.”

I can literally feel my body giving in. The last thing I remember is someone picking me up before it’s complete lights out. I hope Lethi is okay.

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