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“They have such a nice cosy home.” Lethi comments as we drive past the Nzama gate and into their driveway. I groan.
“Let this be the last time you say that a mansion is cosy. If you repeat, I will pluck your teeth out.” I threaten and he cracks up.
“Ohh, I’m scared.” He indicates with his hands dramatically. I think he got more feminine hormones than me. This can’t be normal.

“You are such a bore, yazi.” I climb off the car after he is parked it and he laughs before following me to the front door. Lee opens with a wide smile before we can even knock. She is carrying her gorgeous Sthuli. This child is one of those beautiful children whose beauty isn’t noticed because they are not too forward or forward at all. But Mrs. Nkosi once said that Lee was like this when she was a baby, so it's no wonder that her child was born this way.

“Hey! How are you?” she greets us and hugs me with one arm.
“I am good, darling.” I extend my arms to Sthuli and she smiles shyly before coming to me. “Hello princess, the girl who bears the Zulu clan name. You grow more beautiful each day.”
Lee chuckles. “Don’t remind me. Butho said he will buy a new gun every year on her birthday just to keep off any man who would dare court her in the future. The only thing that would save the next generation of boys is if the princess becomes a nun.” Lethi chuckles.

“Well I guess we can sign them up in the same nunnery because I know that mine might also cause me to commit murder the moment she comes of age.” He chirps in. Lee smiles, looking between Lethi and I. God I am so terrible when it comes to introductions.
“Lee, this is Lethinhlahla Khambule, my man. And Lethi, this is Mrs. Lindelwa Nzama, uMaNkosi. You can call her Lee or MaNkosi but not Mrs. Nzama. She hates formalities. Well unless you become her patient, then you will be forced to call her Dr. Nzama.”

They both shake hands. “It’s so nice to meet you, Lethinhlahla.” She turns to me. “I can’t wait to brag in the group. Please come in.” we follow her inside her beautiful home. It is so warm and just so homey. You can literally feel the love in the air.

“This right here is Sthulikazi Zulu by the way. Lee’s adventure baby.” I whisper the last part to Lethi who snorts. “Baby, this is uncle Lethi. How about you greet him?”
Sthuli smiles. “Hello lume and hello uncle Lethi.” This child with manners though. She is the next humble princess after Lisa.

We enter the kitchen where we find Mabutho preparing drinks. He looks up when he sees us walking in and he smiles. “Good evening and welcome to our home. I am Mabutho Nzama.” He stretched his hand and Lethi shakes it.

“I am Lethinhlahla Khambule.”
Mabutho turns to me with a smirk. “No bets this time around?” did he have to bring that up now? I swear friends have a way of embarrassing you.
“No. Umshado Lo.” I respond.

He smiles widely. “Well halala.” He passed us the drinks and we thank him. “You deserve some eternal happiness in your life. Shall we start looking for tuxes?” I roll my eyes.
“Speed kills.” He chuckles and then turns to Lethi.
“So what do you do?”

“I am an investor, I have a logistics company and other minor companies under my name.” my man answers confidently. Well the man knows his story.
“That’s cool. I am a bodyguard by the way, I also own a private security company and in business with my siblings. We buy and sell second hand cars and bikes.”

“That’s cool. Do you have classics? There is a piece I have been looking for and I haven’t had much luck with it.”
“I don’t promise you anything but we can look at the basement. That’s where we keep all the expensive second-hand classic cars.”

Lethi grins like a kid in a candy store. “Well after you man.” They follow each other out of the kitchen without a single glance towards us.
“Men and cars. One can never separate them. I remember the argument we had when he told me he wanted to keep the cars in our basement. I told him its dangerous and it might attract criminals but he wasn’t having none of it. He wasn’t going to allow me to separate him from his babies.”

“Men are just big babies.”
“Tell me about it.” We both laugh. “So you and that hunk? My God! I didn’t know they still made men as fine as that.” She fans herself and I laugh.
“Honey you and me both. When he came at me, I was at a loss of words. That was my real reaction. I froze. I still can’t believe how lucky I am. Even though I have to share him with his wife.” Her eyes pop out.

“Say what now?”
“Yeah, he is happily married and he wants to take me as a second spouse. The idiot man has already introduced me to his wife, his mother, aunt and brother.”
“Is your ass imported?” what? I was not expecting that. I break into laughter and she also laughs. “Love, it has to be imported for it to drive a married man that crazy. This is going to be added in the agenda of Saturday.”

I frown. “What’s Saturday?”
“Thembisile’s movie premiere. The one in Cape Town. Can’t believe you forgot about it. But I can’t blame you.” She smirks. Sly bitch. “We are flying to CT first thing Saturday morning and we will go to a spa before preparing for the night.”
“Fuck. I totally forgot about that. I don’t even have an outfit. But I guess I will go to Swati’s boutique.”

“Thee Swati? Zamaswazi Mathenjwa?” I nod. “How did you get hold of her?”
“When you’re dating a rich snob like Lethi, everything is possible.” She laughs.
“Help me set up the table.”

I put Sthuli down and we take the dishes to the dining room. We place everything at the table and just as we are about to sit, Lethi and Mabutho come back. Lethi kisses my cheek before sitting down next to me. Mabutho takes Sthuli and places her in his lap. She is the one who says grace before we start eating.

“So see anything you like down there?” I ask Lethi and he nods.
“Yeah, a 1964 black World’s Fair Skyway Mustang. Its one of a kind and the only one in the southern Africa. Mabutho is willing to sell it to me for R10 million.” My eyes pop out.
“What’s so special about it? Does it fly?” I ask, flabbergasted. A R10m car? It has to be super special.

He chuckles. “No, babe. It’s one of a kind and a classic. Adding it to my car collection will be a huge honour.”
“Is it even allowed on the road?” everyone laughs. The car sounds like a dinosaur. Something that belongs in a museum not on the road.

“It is a one of a kind car. It made its first debut in the 1964 World’s Fair hosted in New York where only 12 of them were showcased. It is indeed an honour to have it in your garage.” A voice startles and we turn to find Mr. Nzama Senior leaning on the doorway.

“Khulu!” Sthuli exclaims before trying to get down from her father’s lap. Butho laughs and helps her down. This is the first time I have seen her happy over someone else other than the trouble twins.

“Hello my angel.” Mr. Nzama picks her up and showers her with kisses all over her face. Sthuli giggles adorably. “Hey everyone. Sorry for interrupting your dinner. I am pissed at my wife so I thought I should come and check on my number one lady.” He kissed Sthuli’s check before sitting down on a vacant chair.

“What did you do, dad?” Mabutho asks as Lee stands up to dish for her father in law.
“Hey! Why is it that men are always wrong?”
“Because that’s usually the case, even if we are right. We just have to say sorry to keep the peace.” Lethi comments and Mr. Nzama chuckles.

“Wow, finally someone who can knock some sense into our men.” Lee teases before sitting down.
“I am Celimpilo Nzama and you are?” the man introduces himself with a stretched hand and Lethi shakes it.
“I am Lethinhlahla Khambule.”
“The billionaire?” Lethi nods. “Mmm.”
“You’re a polygamist?” Lethi asks politely and Nzama chuckles.

“I think so. I have three legal wives, four baby mamas and two girlfriends. I can’t help it. Women can’t resist the Nzama charm.” He is giving those Luzuko vibes but unlike Luzuko, Mr. Nzama loves all his children equally and he isn’t afraid to show his love, affection and attention.
“Well I think I might be a polygamist soon, if I am not right now. I would like some advice on how you make it work, but privately whenever you find time.” Nzama smiles.

“Okay. We can talk after dinner. Hey Lindani.” He waves his hand.
“Hey Mr. Nzama.”
“So isn’t anyone of you interested to know what my wife did?” he asks, biting his meat.
Lee snorts. “Humour us, baba. But I will know if your story is true or false soon enough.”

He rolls his eyes. “So your mother has what you youngsters call a crush on Pharrell Williams. Now she heard that the man will be having a concert in Joburg next month and she has been pestering me about getting her a backstage pass ticket. Not that I can’t make that happen but since I ignored her request, she has been pissing me off with the Williams talk. Like Pharrell wear nice hats or has nice dance moves. I just told her she should propose to him if she likes him so much and stormed off because I was fed up.”

“Dramatic exit much.” I whisper and Lee laughs.
“I am not on mom’s side because she is clearly the one who is wrong here. But don’t you think you were a tad too harsh on her, baba?” Lee asks and Nzama Huffs before feeding his grandchild.

“Let me focus on you, my angel. At least you don’t judge or side with your gender.” Everyone around the table laughs. He is sulking and I think he should’ve went to one of his many women to comfort him but I think one of the rules about polygamy is that you shouldn’t go to another wife while mad at the other because you will vent and drag the other into your argument. This polygamy shit has a lot of rules.

The dinner continues swiftly with laughter here and there. Lethi looks so comfortable around the Nzamas. I hope he will be like this on Friday when he meets the rest of the squad. At the end of the dinner, Nzama gets a call from his wife and he rushed out but not before exchanging numbers with Lethi. I guess they will have a chat next time.

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