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This past weekend has been nothing but a blast. From my epic housewarming party to the movie premiere. Everything was just amazing. The housewarming ended on a high note, despite Futhy’s bomb. Ralph seemed to like my friends and I saw him chat with Lethi at least once. I don’t want him to feel left out and shit. I hope whatever darkness that surrounds him has something to do with his toxic ex and I hope he fixes it as soon as possible. He is a wonderful soul and deserves all the happiness in the world. Lethi stayed with my crew till dawn and I was so happy that the gents welcomed him with such warm arms. No one made him feel less of a man for dating me, a proud gay man. Nonkosi went home with Phila at the end of the party. I hope they get married one day. Phela we are old now and have money. What left for us is to explore the world, have kids and get married.

At the premiere, I wore a stunning red pantsuit. The coat had a long trail with glittering red and silver stones and head feathers on the shoulders. The pants were normal dress pants and made the entire outfit fabulous. When Lethi saw pictures of my outfit, he sent Zamaswazi a bonus. He is dramatic that one. Overall, everything was great and now it’s back to real life. The stress about event is gone. Now on to the next challenge of my life. My relationship with Lethi. Which, by the way, was exposed by some blogger. Someone took pictures of Lethi and I kissing at the party and they sold it to a magazine. The issue came out yesterday and it went viral. Someone said it was rumours but another person shared a photo of me and Lethi kissing outside the hospital where Aphiwe was admitted in, just to show that it wasn’t a coincidence. I know Lethi has had no problem with publicizing our relationship from the go but this is too much. Everyone is all up in our business. Can a girl breathe?

Anyways, I just came off work. This was the worst Monday ever. I usually love Mondays at work because people are always coming in with their weekend drama, but today everyone seemed to be too interested in hearing about my drama from the horse’s mouth. And trust me, the attention is not nice at all. I decide on having early dinner at Oceans Mall because that’s a peaceful mall. No one is going to take pictures of you and post them on the blue bird app. I head over to of their top class restaurants. After settling down and ordering, I go to the crew group chat. They emphasized with me on the drama earlier on and then moved past it. Drama is not a new thing in the crew. A message comes in from Futhy saying they are going on Family Feud to play against another royal family. I love that show and I am so happy for my friend. I wish I can be on the audience on that day.

“You’re a hard person to track.” A voice startles me and I raise my head. Shut the front door. Thee one and only Zoleka Khambule is seated across me. What the actual fuck? Does Lethi know about this? Last time I checked, she was MIA. I guess she was planning her next move carefully.
“Zoleka.” I lean back and put my phone on the table.

She smiles. “I am not here to fight.” Said every woman confronting their husband’s mistress before they start throwing insults and fists. A waiter quickly comes to our table. “The usual for me, dear.” She looks so proper, like someone who would star on the next season of The Real Housewives of Durban. The waiter nods before leaving. “So, Lindani, out of all the men in Durban, you chose to go for mine. Why is that? Why would you want to break my family like that?” wow. Going in straight for the kill. How do mistresses answer such questions again?

“I am not going to disrespect you or anything, Zoleka. In fact I hold you in high regard. You are a good woman from what I have read or seen on the internet. I didn’t go for your man. He is the one who came after me and this is the honest truth. On our first meeting, he followed me to the restroom. On our second meeting, he just showed up at my doorstep. The only time I went to him or near his property, was when I dropped off his black card at his company. I know you know this already, but Lethi is an amazing man. He is kind, loving, caring, honest, stubborn and most importantly handsome. He is the best party any man or woman would want. This is not me stepping on your toes. It’s just that I have fallen so hard for him. I did not intend on breaking his family or anything. The polygamy shit is crazy, like all kinds of fucked up, but I would do it if it meant having Lethi in my life.”

She clears her throat and put on her sunglasses. “But he is mine, he is husband. The father of my children. Why would you want to get between us like that? You are not a woman, Lindani. Your presence is going to more harm, more conflict and more confusion for everyone around us. Why don’t you just let it go? He has given you a card that can sustain for your whole life. Why don’t you give it a rest?”

I sigh. “He is yours, Zoleka. No one is disputing that. But he is also mine. You know the real him. You know it’s not that easy to just let go of him just because someone told you to. This has nothing to do with his net-worth. I have known him for such a short time but he has been there for me, a constant present. He supports me physically and emotionally. He is the best. I am not fighting, but why the hell would I let go of someone who treats me like a queen?”

She scoffs and looks down. The waiter brings our orders and I drink my wine just to digest this meeting because it’s a lot to take in. In a way, I am glad I talked to her. The discussion was freeing and intense. I don’t wanna be put in this position again. “How does one do this again? Do I welcome you into our lives just like that? Do I introduce you to the kids and say “my lovies, this is your new stepmom or stepdad”? Do I have to talk to you about what happens in the Khambule family? What the fuck am I supposed to do because Nhlahla made it clear that he intends on making things official between you? And now the media is on our case. Tell me, what am I supposed to do?” she asks, raising her head and staring straight at me. How the fuck am I supposed to know the answer to that? I am not Lethi. I am not the one who started this whole shit. I don’t have any answers.

“You don’t have to do anything. You just continue being the lovely woman that I chose to be my wife.” Lethi’s voice startles us. I don’t even wanna know how he found us. He joins us on the table and looks between Zoleka and I. And then his gaze focuses on Zoleka until she takes off her glasses. I didn’t even think that she was crying underneath. Her eyes are red. Now I feel a little shitty about the whole situation but it is what it is. “Lindani is not here to break our family. He is just going to strengthen it and hopefully in the future, both of you will learn to coexist. As you know, he won’t fall pregnant or anything, but should we want kids, we might consider surrogacy or adoption. You don’t have to entertain anyone who asks you silly stuff about our situation. You are married to me and you are loyal to me. You don’t owe anyone, even my parents, answers. You also have nothing to worry about.” She sighs and then nods. He turns to me. “Why are you here instead of your house?” is that the first thing he is going to say to me today?

I roll my eyes. “I just needed a breather away from the drama and Oceans is a very peaceful mall.”
“We haven’t dated for that long but I do see a future with you. I won’t ask you to marry me or anything, but I will ask for a chance to get to know my future spouse a bit better and later on get married to you, if my wife allows.” Lethi has no timing whatsoever. He is the worst.

“As if I have a choice.” Zoleka mumbles, drinking her white wine. I guess this is a done deal then and by how things are right now, I would say Zoleka and I will get along but I will give it about 2 years. No rush.

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