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“You would think that with all the warnings issued, people would actually listen. But no. they act like they are listening but then turn around and do the exact shit you warned them about. What’s the reason of having a psychic friend if you won’t listen to her simple free advice, huh?” Futhy asked, pacing up and down in the waiting room.

She was livid with the way things had happened. She was also worried about Lindsay’s state but that didn’t mean she couldn’t vent about her feelings. She was actually in town with her friends and their husbands to do brunch because it had been a while since they sat down and bonded without having to rush to an event. In the middle of brunch, she had a vision of Ralph attacking Lindsay and she could feel that it was happening right that moment. So she sent Mabutho and Carter to Lindsay’s house.

“I wish psychos came with warnings or labels. Lindsay is so kind and welcoming. He sees the best in everyone and I am sure he didn’t see this coming. Of course he heard your warning but he didn’t think that his ‘friend’ might do something like this. I mean, what was the motive?” Lee asked in a low tone. She knew not to shout in a hospital.

“I just got news that Khambule was also admitted into this hospital two hours ago.” Q, Futhy’s bodyguard, announced walking and everyone turned to look at him, practically demanding answers with their stares. “he was involved in a car crash 5 minutes from his household. He sustained a few injures but they weren’t fatal. He is in theatre. I think they said his leg was damaged or something.” he reported and everyone went quiet.

“Wow. I didn’t see that one coming. Why I blindsided by the ancestors or something?” Futhy asked, sitting down next to her husband.
“I think it’s because you have a strong connecting with Lindani. That’s why you felt his attack and not Khambule’s. In any case, you have nothing to worry about. I am sure both of them are out of danger and the threat has been neutralized.” Kuhle stated as he comforted his wife.

“Not really. My gut feeling is telling me that something is not right, I am literally waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point.” Futhy responded, leaning back on her chair. “Who is going to inform Lindsay’s family about this?”
“I will.” Lee responded and honestly she was the better candidate for the job because Futhy was in no position to speak to an outsider. “Do you have her number?” Futhy called out Lindsay’s mother’s number and Lee went to the cafeteria to make the call.

“I don’t understand this situation at all. Where the hell were his guards? I mean she must have screamed at some point during the attack. No one heard anything in the house? Really? How big is his house that you couldn’t hear a scream from the ground floor if you’re on the first floor?” Noma asked. She was actually thinking out loud.

“Khambule doesn’t have as many guards as you and Futhy has.” Mabutho responded. “There is about two guards stationed to protect Lindsay and I think they got the call about their boss being attacked. They got distracted and forgot about their job, which is protecting their ward. Like that’s bodyguard guide 101. Never leave your ward without any protection.”

“Thanks for the lesson, Butho.” Carter responded sarcastically and Mabutho just rolled his eyes. “Maybe the wife is the next target. I mean from bits of the conversation we heard, Ralph wanted Lindsay’s guy all to himself and he couldn’t have that while the wife was still in the picture.”
“Yeah, but he is dead now. So I think that part of the plan died with him.” Kuhle responded.

“Unless the plan was already in motion. He isn’t the one who caused Khambule’s accident, simply the mastermind behind it. He went to Lindsay because the situation was a bit personal. Maybe he hired someone to harm or scare the wife, or even kill her.” Mabutho chirped in and they all looked at him. “I mean it took him weeks to plan this. It had to be perfect to the end.”

“So a hitman maybe?” Kuhle asked and Mabutho nodded.
“But that’s just the worst case scenario. Let’s wait for Lindsay to wake up and then we will take it from there.” Noma states and everyone agreed.


3 hours later, Lindsay was out of surgery. The doctors came to give a report to his friends and family. His mother and sister were already there with everyone. Luckily there wasn’t any permanent damage caused by the incident but it would take some time for him to recover. So he was going to take a break from work. He hadn’t woken up though and that was everyone’s concern because the doctors said he should’ve gained consciousness by now.

On the other side of the hospital, Khambule was out of surgery and doing better than Lindsay. His right leg was injured badly and they had to put a cast on for the time being and he was ordered to use a wheelchair to move around. His left arm also suffered a blow but it wasn’t that bad. A week of taking it easy would assure a full recovery. When he opened his eyes, he saw Zoleka sitting on a chair not far from the bed. He cleared his throat and his wife gave him a teary smile.

“You’re okay. Oww God. I am so glad. I was so worried about you. The doctors said you should be up and running in no time but you have to take it easy. So that means bed rest for the next two weeks.” she spoke so fast and he couldn’t help but smile. His wife was always like this when she was scared for him or his life. It wasn’t his first time in the hospital, so he could easily see right through her.

“What part of me was damaged the most?” he asked.
“The right leg and left arm but you don’t have to worry. Your personal nurse is at your service.” she did the salute and he chuckled.
“Well aren’t I the luckiest men to have the sexiest nurse on the planet?” she giggled and shook her head.
“Focus on your recovery and not my sexiness.” he pouted and she laughed. Then he cleared his throat.

“Was Lindani informed about me being here? Not that I am not happy you’re by my side, but I would’ve loved for him to be also here with me.” Zoleka looked everyone but into his eyes. “Wife, why are you dodging eye contact? Did something happen?”

“He dumped you.” she said in a soft tone and he frowned. He opened his mouth to respond and she chuckled. “I am just kidding. You know how I spew crab when I am nervous. But here it goes. He was attacked round about the same time you were. His white friend attacked him at his house, stabbed him twice and punched him on the face. He is out of surgery now but he hasn’t gained consciousness. He is also here at the hospital.”

His frown deepened. He wasn’t comprehending any of the words coming out of his wife’s mouth. He couldn’t process them faster. “I don’t understand.”
“Apparently the friend was obsessed with you and he felt as if he needed to get Lindsay out of the way in order to have you all to himself. I am wondering if he forgot about the little old me or something.”

He tried sitting up and actually removed some of the tubes connected to him, including the drip. “I need to see him, as in now. Can you take me to his ward?”
“Please.” she sighed before standing up and wheeling the wheelchair near his bed. Then she helped him sit on it before she wheeled him out of his ward.

“If we bump into any of your nurses or doctors, I am not getting involved.” she threatened and he just chuckled. They arrived at the waiting room where Lindsay’s family and friends were at.

“Good evening everyone. How is Lindani doing?” Khambule asked.
“Deteriorating, thanks to you.” Lindsay’s sister muttered.
“Which way is his ward?” he asked, not paying attention to that comment.
“He is in ward 2.” Futhy responded. “I can take you there.” she stood up and led the way. Both Khambule and Zoleka followed him. When they got to his ward, he was surrounded by machines. His face was swelling and he looked so small and vulnerable.

Khambule wheeled himself closer to the bed and held Lindsay’s hand. “I am sorry that my stupid guards weren’t there for you when you needed them the most. I promise you they are fired. I want you to know that none of this is your fault. You didn’t do anything. It’s just that your friend was a psycho and you’re not liable for his actions. I hope you recover soon and then we can start planning out life.”

“Do…o...n’t.” a muffled sound came from Lindsay and everyone in the room frowned. Khambule quickly removed the oxygen mask helping Lindsay breathe. He blinked a little and swallowed hard. “Don’t fire them.”
Futhy laughed. “Oww, fuck. You almost scared me. But trust you to think about other people while your life is on the line.”

Lindsay tried chuckling but he wasn’t there yet. Khambule helped him drink some water and he leaned down on his bed, closing his eyes. “Zoleka is in danger. Ralph called a hit on her.” he said before taking a deep breath and slowly drifted away again.

“Was he serious?” Zoleka asked, looking at her husband.
“Don’t worry. I will handle it.” Futhy stated before heading out and leaving the 3 spouses together.

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