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I can’t believe Khambule. I just can’t. How could he do something like that to me? He did not only cheat on me but he bought evidence to rub it in my face. How could he? What he did showed me that he doesn’t respect me and he doesn’t love me like he always claim to. And who in their right mind cheat on his wife with a gay man? That’s just insane and all kinds of fucked up.

Yes he once told me about him liking me in the past but I thought that was just a phase, not something that will come back later in life. Maybe it’s some kind of midlife crisis shit. Yeah, that can be the only explanation to this. Or maybe this ashy version of Moshe Ndiki bewitched my husband and wants to Milk him dry. I just can’t believe my husband though. He loves me. He is so in love with me and he is obsessed with me. He would never think of doing what he did last night. He even wanted to walk that Lindani out after I asked to speak to him aside. That’s some next level witchcraft from the middle East. So even gays ayaloya these days? Wonders never ceize to end.

“Is everything okay sisi?” Mqondisi's voice startles me. I look at the cup of coffee in front of me. I’m pretty sure it has grown cold. I raise my eyes and look at the young man. He looks so much like my husband, the traitor. I wish I can buy him with this cup for the cunning resemblance but he is innocent.

“Everything is fine, Mqondisi.” He is currently visiting us. He has just finished his engineering degree. He said he will start looking for a job next year. He is just resting now.
“How about I make you another cup because I am pretty sure that has gone cold and in exchange, you can tell me what’s bothering you. Though I might have a clue.”

I chuckle and he takes that as a yes. He moves around the kitchen and prepares another cup. “What do you know about 'Lindsay' as you called him?”
He grins. “Lindani Mzobe, known as Lindsay, is a proud gay man and a socialite of some sort. He works as a receptionist at Dubandlela Construction Company. Has an Administration Degree. He is also friends with the owner of DCC, Princess Melamina Zulu. They are in the same circle of friendship and it is very tight. You don’t get in unless you’re a partner to one of them or a really close friend. Aside from that, he was raised by a single parent and had only one sibling. He is also a promoter and ambassador for some brands like LOYALTY and BATHU.”

I frown. “How the hell do you know all this? Or maybe you’re also obsessed with him?” Khambule men obsessed with gay men? Jesus come down now.
“No. No. No. It’s not like that. I just admire him and his crew. I know almost everything about them.”
“Everything that is public knowledge or everything everything?”
He laughs. “Okay, almost everything that is public knowledge. He also just went through a break up.”

“Mmm. At least I know something about him. But I still don’t know what the fuck he wants from my husband and my family. He is nothing but a home wrecker right now.”
He hands me the cup of coffee. “Enjoy. Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich? Because I am making one for myself.”
“Sure, go ahead.”

We continue chatting, with him telling me more about this strange Lindsay character. Even though I have figured that he may not be a gold digger, he is still after my man and that doesn’t sit well with me. Lethi might be bisexual but he has a wife and kids for godsake. What is he hoping to achieve by bringing this clown into our tight family? We don’t need him. He is just here to destroy nje, nothing more. While nibbling on the cheese sandwich, Khambule enters the room looking a bit happy than he is supposed to be. I guess his Moshe Ndiki gave him too much sex.

“How are you guys doing?” he asks, taking my sandwich and eating it. “Mmm. This is nice. Did you make it, Mqo?”
“Yes, bhuti.”
“Where is mine?”
Mqo laughs. “I thought you were banned from this house.”

Khambule rolls his eyes. OMG! What has that gay clown done to my husband? He is an eye roller now? “Please make two for me. I am going upstairs to shower. Baby, please come with me.” He gird me that panty dropping smile of his that makes me melt even in this day and age. I am not going to fall for it. Not today. He can forget it. “Mkami. Sthandwa Sami. Mama wabantwana bami.” My God. Why did I date a charming Zulu man? Look at him sweeping me off my feet with six words. I am doomed.

I get up from the chair and angrily stomp my feet. I head to the bedroom and hear his footsteps behind me. I know the drill. When he comes home with a serious talk, we are going to have that talk in our massive bathtub while both of us are naked. Getting to our walk-in closet, I undress, dropping everything on the bench and proceed to the bathroom. I fill the tub with hot water, bath salts and foam bath. This tub is like our sanctuary. But I know today it is going to be my doom because he is going to have to tell me all about Lindsay, honestly, without leaving any details behind. When the bathtub is almost full, I close the tap and we both get in. We sit facing each other and my feet rest on his lap near his semi hard dick.

“So, how are you, Nhlahla?”
He exhales loudly. “Honestly, my mind is chaotic and peaceful at the second time. I am 100% happy for the first time in my life but I am also not okay because I know my actions are hurting you. I am sorry for disappearing on you for a whole week. That was written of me. I am really sorry, my love. Do you forgive me?”
“As if I have a choice. I am stuck with you till death do us part.”

He chuckles. “I told you the story about the guy I dated before we met and how things ended with him. I have always been bisexual, MaHlophe, but after what happened to my ex, I wanted to suppress the other part of my sexuality. And then I met you. I was content and totally happy with you. Believe me, mawabo, I was happy, I still am.”
“So, what changed?”

“I met Lindani at this gathering. He was his usual bubbly hyper self. I went near him. He didn’t even take notice of me. My people researched about him and a week later, I saw him at a club. I thought maybe it was lust, so I invited him to a hotel room. We slept together and at 3am, I woke up. I stared at him for a whole hour and I realized that I had fallen for him.”

I look down and rub my forehead. I know honesty is the best policy but hearing about how your husband fell for another person, worse a man, doesn’t make things easier.

“Baby, please look at me.”
“Continue talking, Nhlahla. You wanted my full attention, now you have it. Talk.” My tone comes out harsh but can you blame me? What would you be doing in my position? Smiling as if your world isn’t falling apart?

He sighs. “At 5 am, I left but I left my card behind, sting he can use it as he pleases. I then visited him at his house later that day. I don’t know why I was there. We talked like normal people and even watched a movie. After that, I was freaked out by my feelings for him. So I ghosted him for a week. Then one day he bumped into us at the mall with the kids. He didn’t know about you. So he went crazy. He bought a car and a house with my card and sent it back. He wanted nothing to do with me. I then planned a week trip to Singapore and ambushed him with it. He was mad at me the whole time. When we got to our destination, I told him everything. He didn’t take it well, even went out for the whole morning and got me freaking out. He came back later and well the rest is history. We are together now. I know I am asking for the impossible, mkami. Believe me, I know. But I need both of you in my life. I may take him as my second spouse in the near future. I just need you to accept and acknowledge him as my second life partner.”

I get up and step off the tub.
“No, Nhlahla. What you’re asking for is too much and I just can’t. Not right now.”

I walk out of the bathroom with tears streaming down my cheeks. What the fuck is wrong with Nhlahla? Has he completely lost it? I can’t deal with this shit. Not now and maybe not ever.

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