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I never really thought I would survive. I swear I saw my life flash right before my eyes. Like what the actual fuck? In what universe does your ‘friend’ fantasize about being with your man to such an extent that he tries to kill you and actual endanger the said man’s life? It just doesn’t make any sense. If he tried an attempt on my life, that would’ve been, I don’t know, valid at some point. But to ‘cleanse’ Lethi, that’s just damn psycho move. I am glad he is okay though. I would’ve died if suffered some permanent damage.

I was a bit surprised when I finally woke up and found Lethi sleeping on a hospital bed next to mine. They said I woke up and warned them about the hot on Zoe’s life but I honestly don’t remember any of that and that’s the truth. The only time I remember gaining consciousness was when I woke up to Lethi sleeping next to me. Being in a room with him and his wife is kind of weird. In a way, I can see how much she really loves him but she can’t show full affection just because I am here. Is this what polygamy is actually all about? If so, then I don’t know how I feel about it but it’s not that uncomfortable.

Lethi is currently in the cafeteria to see his kids. You know, some hospitals are still strict about the no kids visiting policy, so he is meeting them in the cafeteria. I thought Zoe was with them but I frown when I see her coming back without Lethi. She sits next to my bed and sigh.

“I honestly feel like this chat is long overdue.” she starts off and I sit up. My body still aches when I move but I am healing. “I wasn’t happy when Nhlahla told me about you. In fact I was livid. I thought about leaving him because I just couldn’t take it. My mother advised me to get rid of you by any means necessary but I love Nhlahla and I saw how he was around you. I knew your departure or death would affect him dearly. So I tried accepting my new reality. Trust me, it wasn’t easy knowing that if he is not at home or at work, he is definitely spending time with you.” I don’t know how to feel about everything she is saying but I know I must hear her out.

“Nhlahla is like my favourite doll. The one I don’t take out for other kids to see or play with. He is my favourite person in the whole wide world. When I am with him, I feel like I can be vulnerable and nothing can harm me because he is there to protect me, share some comfort and wisdom with me. He loves me for who I am not what I have. When I ask him why he loves me, he always say that he doesn’t have a reason to love me. It just comes naturally. because if he had one or two reasons to love me, then that means if those reason were to fade, he would stop loving me.” that’s a lot to take in.

“I wish I could hate you or judge you for the recent attack on Nhlahla’s life but that would be hypocritical of me. See, when we broke up years ago, I dated a guy who was a gangster. He was charming and funny and loving. But then Khambule came back to demand his wife with full force and I swayed. You know how charming he can be. He has been like this since we started dating. So I dumped the other guy and gave Nhlahla my all. Of course the guy wasn’t happy. He went to fetch my son from school and held him captive. He demanded I come back to him or else he will kill my son. Nhlahla somehow tracked this guy and when he found him, he got himself captured. They tortured and nearly killed him. Your friend’s grandparents, the royal family from Western Cape, are the ones who rescued both Nhlahla and my son. He came out of that with many scars. I don’t know if you noticed but he has a lot of scars in his chest, abs and back. Also a bullet scar on his thigh. So don’t feel bad about this incident. I guess this is me fully accepting the fact that Nhlahla is not mine alone, I have to share him with someone else.” She gives a teary smile and I take her hand.

“I have never been in this situation before, so I don’t know what to do but I will just follow my heart. I hope we will be able to respect each other and know each other’s boundaries and also respect each other’s space unless you invite me into your home and me visa versa.”

“That’s doable. Also, please take the bike. I can’t deal. He has become a teenager ever since he came back with it. I was surprised he wasn’t riding it when he got into an accident.”
I laugh. “I’m afraid I can’t, you know. Congrats about the hotel by the way. I am planning on taking my friend there next week for his birthday.”

She smiles. “I will make sure to be present and make your stay extra special. I am new to this hospitality industry but I am planning on taking a short course so I can understand how everything works.”
“Maybe I will join you since I am also opening guesthouses soon.”
“Nhlahla told me about that. I guess we are fully into the hospitality business now.”

“Now that’s the best sight I have ever seen. The two people I love the most talking and actually bonding.” We both turn to see Lethi leaning by the door. He is using crutches to support him. He is so stubborn.

“WHERE IS YOUR WHEELCHAIR?” Zoleka and I ask at the same time and we both chuckle.

“Okay, I take my words back. I liked y’all better before this union. You are not about to gang up on me.” He responds, stepping inside and settling on his bed.
Zoleka laughs. “Let me go to the kids.” She stands up and heads out.

“I have no problem with you guys getting along but you can’t be ganging up on me. That’s not cool.” I laugh. Why is he talking in American slang right now? Did the accident tap into his hidden nigga side?

“If it’s for you own good, then we will gang up on you. If it was me walking up down with my injuries and straining my leg, you would’ve tied me to a bed.”
“We are no the same. You are fragile and you are mine. I don’t want you overworking your body while you should be recovering.”

“Please practice what you preach, mister.”
He rolls his eyes and then sits on the edge of my bed. He rests his leg where Zoe was seated. “What were you all gossiping about?”

“How to run the Khambule household. Not something you should concern yourself about. All you have to do is be on standby with your wallet when we need you.”

He raises his eyebrows at me. “Seriously?”
I laugh. “No. We were just getting to know each other and she told me About the story with her ex so that I wouldn’t feel bad about the whole saga that put us in here.”

“Even if her ex didn’t do what he did to me, she wouldn’t have judged you. She is forgiving a welcoming. It’s one of the things I admire about her.”
“So have you ever cheated on her before?”

“Before you, no. I know it’s hard to believe. A businessman who is always on the road travelling. I should have a lot of one night stands behind me but that’s not who I am. I am a one woman man, well plus you now since you’re on the equation.”

I chuckle. “You can send your negotiators in May. I think everything would’ve cooled down by then.”
“Are you serious?”

“Fuck, thank you so much. I am in love with you Lindani Mzobe and I can’t wait to prove for the rest of my life.” He kisses me. He looks so adorable right now. “So when are we having kids?”
“Chill. We gotta crawl before we can walk.”
He sighs. “Okay, but only for you.” He kisses me again.

My God. Who would’ve thought? Me ending up with a multimillionaire like him? I didn’t think that fate was possible with gays but after this, I believe in anything. Even the fact that Pluto exists and it’s either a planet or a star. Whatever it is. I am sure if I said I wanted to go there, Lethi would make a plan. That’s how much he loves me. It’s not toxic, just unconditional.

---THE END---

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