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Why do people drink again? My whole body aches my throat is dry and my head is heavy. I don’t wanna get up from this bed but I know I have no choice. Groaning, I roll of the bed, head to the bathroom and take a cold shower which has me yelping but I know it will jumpstart me. By the time I dry my body I'm already feeling better. I brush my teeth, comb my hair and then clean my bedroom. Wrapping a Robe on my body I had to the kitchen and retrieve cold bottled water. I need a finish all the contents in one go. I know a home-cooked breakfast won’t do. So as soon as I'm dressed, I will go have breakfast at any restaurant, says the new black card owner.

“Good morning babes.” I am startled by Ralph’s entrance. I totally forgot about him spending the night.
“Hey love. How’s the hangover?”
He chuckles. “Not bad. I missed drinking and chatting with you. Maybe we should go out tonight.”
I grin. “Not you making plans of drinking again while I am nursing a hangover.” He laughs.

“You only live once.”
“Whatever. Anyways, get dressed. We are going out for breakfast in 10 minutes and after that, I have a friend I need to see in the hospital. Then we will spend the day together. How does that sound?”

In no time, I am dressed to kill and Ralph and I drive to the nearest mall. He can't stop complimenting my car. He thought that maybe someone borrowed it to me until he had the monitor greet me. he literally screamed for 60 seconds without taking a break. And they say I'm the drama queen. When we get to the mall, we had to Galaxy bingo for our meaty breakfast. We continue catching up but making sure not to touch the subject about his abusive ex boss. Honestly working for a female boss is much better considering Ralph’s case. If I had power, I would send lightning to that asshole of a  designer.

When we are done eating I purchase a cute stuffed animal with some goodies, balloons and a breakfast meal. We drive to the hospital and the receptionist doesn’t give me any hassles since it’s visiting hours. She just directs me to Aphiwe's ward. When I get there, I find Lethi chatting with his daughter. She is laughing at whatever joke he said.

“Knock-knock.” I make my presence known and both father and daughter turn to look at me. Lethi frowns first and then smiles a little. I step inside. “Good morning everyone. How is the princess doing today?” I ask placing the goodies, balloons and breakfast on the table.

“I am doing great. Who are you?” Aphiwe responds in a tiny voice. The girl doesn’t beat around the bush.
“I am Lindsay but you can call me uncle Lindani. Here you go. A beautiful doll for a beautiful princess.” I give her the stuffed animal and her face lights up.
“Thank you so much. She is so pretty. I will name her Lily.” She hugs the animal. She is so adorable.

Lethi comes to me. “Thank you for cheering her up.” I smile at him.
“This is me unofficially doing second wife duties.” I whisper and he laughs. “Have you eaten or even taken a shower?” he is still wearing yesterday’s clothes.

“No. I didn’t go home last night. Mainly because I didn’t want to leave my princess but also because my wife said she didn’t want to see me.”

“Well I don’t care about her not wanting to see you. You need to look and smell fresh for your daughter. You can’t be looking like a rich hobo as if you’re DJ Sbu. You will scare the child away, and me.” He chortles. “Also I bought you some food because I could sense that you hadn’t eaten.”

“Thank you. That’s so thoughtful of you.”
“And I should take my leave. I don’t want your wife to find me here and beat me up.”
He chortles. “She will never do that. Let me walk you out.”

I go closer to Aphiwe’s bed and hug her. “I will see you soon, princess. Maybe after you’re out of this place, we can have a play date.”
“That sounds cool. Being here is so boring.” She rolls her eyes. What a drama queen. But she makes my non-existent ovaries float with butterflies.

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