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I am feeling all nervous and worked up when my guests start arriving. I have never hosted an event before, well not one so personal. So I am anxious. I pray that everything goes well and all my guests feel welcomed and at home. Nothing is worse than people being uncomfortable at your event. They actually make you trend for that. I am grateful though that I have Danny with me. I think I would’ve had a panic attack by now if it went for him. I’m dressed in my black kimono robe and black shorts as I welcome the beautifully dressed guests. People sure know how to stick to the theme these days.

The first to arrive in the crew is Nomxolisi with her husband, Phumudzi and Lee with Mabutho. I am not surprised. Lee is very punctual. She is rocking a gorgeous shirt with matching skirt and heels. Her body though. Mmm. I have a huge crush on thick woman. But that woman to woman crush, nothing too intense or sexual. After exchanging greetings, one of the twins show them around the house. Being a host means I have to be at the door to welcome everyone. Isaac, one on the Kuhle’s friends, couldn’t make it but he sent a huge gift. I haven’t opened it yet. I guess I will view all the gifts on Sunday as soon as I’m back from Cape Town. Sbo and Thembisile also won’t make. She is in Joburg, shooting her next big series. When Sbo isn’t busy, he follows her around the world. A bit romantic and possessive but I’m not judging.

The next to arrive are Phiwa with his fiance, Nonku. Yes, one of the twins finally decided to settle down. Their wedding date hasn’t been set yet but I am sure it is happening this year. The thing is Nonku comes from a very street traditional family and the family is not happy about them cohabiting. They are followed by Zah and Mbuso. Not a day goes by without drama with those two. Mbuso actually cheated on Zah, or he kissed some woman and Zah went crazy. She nearly cut off his dick but they are better now, or I hope so.

“Wine for the lady of the house.” She hands me a box of wine bottles and I frown. “Honey that’s Lubelihle wines. A special gift from my husband an I.” my eyes pop out. Yes, Lubelihle wines is a wine company owned by Futhy’s mothers in law but that shit is limited edition and single bottle cost over R5k. That’s normal for whiskey and champagne but not wine.

“Thank you so much, my lovies. I will Honor these and lock them in my cellar. Nobody will touch them. Well except for me when I’m celebrating a really special occasion.”
“Like this one.” Mbuso suggests with a smile and I nod.

“Yes, like this one. Please go inside. Enjoy the appetizers and welcome drinks which you will find on the first table as you enter.” We share a hug and they head inside. I don’t have a proper wine cellar yet, so I will put this in my room. Danny comes out and frowns at the box. “Play nice hostess while I put this away. Yes. Thank you.” He shakes his head. I don’t wait for an answer. I head to my room and put the box in my closet. I lock it and walk to the lounge. I take one glass of champagne and down it.

“LISA!” Danny screams as I walk back to the front door. I rush there to find Lisa and Zenzo walking towards Danny. Lisa is looking so pretty in a floral tank top and white tulle skirt which is almost knee length. The belly isn’t showing, so great choice of clothing. Zenzo is looking handsome as ever in a t-shirt the same colour and design as Lisa’s top. They are wearing matching outfits. Couple goals.
“Hey guys. I’m so glad you could make it.” I greet them and we share hugs. Lisa smiles.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world. We had to take a short break on our world tour. After this, we are going to visit Croatia Republic and then we come back to SA to recuperate and bring in the new life.”
“Well, we will be ready with the tiny gifts. Anyways, welcome to my humble home. Please help yourselves to the drinks and appetizers in the longue. I can’t believe you’re here.” I hug Lisa again and she giggles.

“Believe it, love.” She takes her husband’s hand and they enter the house. My guests continue arriving, colleagues and party friends. My sister also arrives but she is not alone. She brought a friend. One thing about relatives, they always find a way to ruin the party. Who said she must bring a plus one? But I ain’t gonna let her put me down. After complimenting her, she heads inside with her friend. I think I am going to need Gin in order to survive today.


“How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence, your majesty.” I tease Futhy as she arrives with her husband. They are actually the last couple in the crew to arrive. Even Noma and Carter have arrived and they are usually late comers.
Futhi huffs, throwing a glance at Kuhle. “That crazy royal man made me change my whole outfit. He wasn’t comfortable about ‘it’ showing too much of his assets. We had to go from boutique to boutique looking for a last minute outfit. I am so pissed but I am not going to let it ruin your day. You look lovely by the way. Nice hair, nice face, nice outfit. Who beat your face?” I chuckle. There is always drama surrounding this woman.

“This other lady from Mbali. She is good, right?”
“Totally. I love her work. Who amongst our friends have arrived?”
“Everyone, actually. Even Lisa and Zenzo.”
She smiles widely. “I can’t wait to see those two.” She turns to her husband. “Baby, everyone is here. Let’s head in.” Kuhle comes towards us carrying a white envelope. He hands it to me.

“From the Zulu family. Happy house warming, Lindsay.”
I smile. “Thanks, Kuhle.” I hug him. “Bev is in the lounge and someone will direct you to where everyone else is. But I think you will find Lee and Noma by the bar.” She laughs and pulls Kuhle inside.

Lethi finally arrives with his sibling and another man around his age which I think is his friend or something. I don’t care if he brought a friend. He is the one who technically paid for this party. He is wearing the outfit that he bought at Zamaswazi’s boutique and he looks so handsome and so edible. I am sure a few ladies are going to throw themselves all over him tonight. Suddenly I feel so giddy, like a teenage girl seeing her crush up-close.

“Hi.” I greet him with my cracking voice and he chuckles, his eyebrow lifting.
“Am I that charming?” he asks and I giggle.
“Am I making it too obvious?”
He laughs before he steps closer and hugs me, pecking my lips in the process. “I hope my housewarming gift has arrived yet.”

“Yes, with your snarky comment.”
He laughs and then turn to the people he is with. “You already know Mqondisi. This is my baby sister, Mntomuhle and my friend and business associate, Senzo Nxumalo.”
“Nice to meet you all. Please follow me. I think you’re the last ones to arrive. The party is about to start.” I lead them to the lounge where they take their drinks and appetizers. Then I hand them over to an usher who leads them to the backyard.

I head to my bedroom and quickly change into my real outfit for the day, my white lapel collar lace shirt with white graphic print straight leg pants and white Hibacci sneakers. I open the first three buttons of my shirt just to entice Lethi and show off my minimal muscles. One need to hit the gym yazi. I put on cologne and then head downstairs. I take a glass of champagne and walk to the party. The whole place has been transformed. There is a huge gazebo near the pool where all the guests are seated. There is also a live band that is playing soft melody, something close to jazz. There is also a DJ stand or table and an open dance floor. We are about to get down guys. People scream when they see me. I feel like a celeb right now. I laugh and head to the main table. There are three dinner tables filled with my guests and my friends and Lethi with his guests are on the main table. I take my place at the head of the table. I didn’t want too much spotlight by having my own chair separate from everyone.

“How are y’all doing?” I ask nervously and my friends laugh.
“Not you going all shy on us now.” Zah comments and I laugh. Our relationship began when she was still working at DCC. I just love her aura and energy.

A short buffy guy walks to the front. At first I am confused by him but them I recognise him. His name is HumbleBeast and he is an MC from Esikhawini. I have been to an event where he was an MC and I can safely say that he is really good. He greets the guests with intoxicating level of energy and I am happy the twins chose him. Someone places a mic in front of me and I frown.

“Since our guest of honour invited us, it’s only right that he welcomes us into this beautiful home before we turn up.” He looks at me and I chuckle. I stand up, taking the mic and my eyes wondering around.

“Wow. That’s a lot of people.” I hear chuckles. “I guess I will thank everyone for coming later. For now I would like to welcome you all into my new home. You all look stunning. Feel at home but don’t steal the art in the wall. It’s worth y’all’s retirement packages.” Everyone laughs. I sit down and the programme starts.
I always go overboard with details when it comes to events guys🙈😅. It’s the event planner in me. Anyways, love you all❤️

(that's Lindsay's party shirt by the way)

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