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You would think that being gay automatically makes life easier but that is just bullshit, at least on my part. After the news about my relationship with Lethi broke out, I started receiving death threats from different people. Can you believe it? I also discovered that people out there still use mail in this day and age because I received a couple of hate mails or letters. If I wasn’t for Lethi's security detail, I would’ve been scared of even my own shadow. My colleagues started treating me differently, especially females. Some gave me that jealous ex or baby mama stinky eye. The drama child.

The journalists were worse though. They showed up practically everywhere, wanting to get the scoop of how the relationship started from the horse's mouth. Some even wanted to know if I bewitched Lethi or not. I mean come on. If you bewitched your partner, would you tell a journalist? Unless you’re done with that relationship. Lethi also had it worse. Gays all over the nation started flooding his DMs. They flirted with him, sent dick pics and asshole pics. The madness! He had to deactivate his accounts immediately because my people were trying to fuck with my relationship. This one time we were dining out, some gay showed up. He had a really huge ass. He came to our table and said “you can smash all that ass instead of that plank. Plus this one will keep your dick warm all the time.” He literally shook it in Lethi’s face. Lethi just raised one of his eyebrows and said “pass” then he raised his hand. Next thing I knew, the big butted gay was escorted by two of Lethi’s guards. The drama never ends.

But that was not the worst of it. Believe me, it gets even more interesting. A week after the spontaneous first meeting of Khambule and partners, there was a family meeting at the Khambule household. Zoleka's family wanted Lethi to break up with me and clear the rumors about our relationship. They literally forced is hand and even threatened to take the kids away. They probably thought Zoleka was on their side but they were shocked when she spoke and said she will support any decision taken by her husband. Her family started terrorizing me, accusing me of bewitching their daughter and made her an imbecile. Ngimfake umathithibala. Her sisters didn’t mind sending insulting messages day in day out. Some of Lethi’s cousins joined in on those insulting ventures. I ended up changing numbers because it was too much. My friends took me to a spa last week in Port Elizabeth just to distress and I actually enjoyed that time away.

Someone would’ve thought with all the drama surrounding us, Lethi would eventually drift away from me but that is the opposite of how things are happening. It’s like he just started loving me soon after our love trended. In the midst of all the negativity, he took me to Lagos after the family meeting. We spent two days there but the man went all out. He showed me love and affection through his love language, showering me with gifts. People say money can’t buy you happiness but if you’re with great company, it can.

Well I tried to plan an activity that would excite us. Lethi visits the gym regularly, so I thought hiking might he fun for both of us. That MC guy who was at my event, Humble Beast, actually has a backpacking company called Great Hikes Backpackers. They had this amazing Valentine’s Day trip planned for singles and couples. I took Lethi there and we were having a lot of fun, until it was time for yoga. I have never laughed so hard in my life. His body was so stiff and tense. He couldn’t do a single pose. As punishment for laughing at him, he actually made me watch gay porn. Then gave himself a handjob and then went to sleep, leaving me high and dry. I swore to never laughed at him after that. The man is vengeful.

So for the actual Valentine’s day, he couldn’t be with me because he spent the day with his wife. I wasn’t jealous or anything because I was getting used to sharing him. He made my day so special though even in absentia. There was breakfast on my bedside table when I woke up with a cute good morning note. Then a hot bubble bath was already prepared for me. The bathroom floor was filled with violet rose petals, my favorite colour. There was also a glass of champagne with grapes on the edge of the bathtub. It was so perfect and romantic. Of course I had to take pictures and videos of the whole set up for the gram dear. After that amazing bath, I went downstairs, ready for work, and I found Azana in the middle of my living room with a guitar on her arms. An entire Azana y’all. Did I not scream? I rushed to hug her and greet her. Then she started playing 'Uthando Lwangempela' which happens to be one of my jams and I melted in to a puddle. Who knew polygamous Zulu men could be this romantic?

After that I was driven like a queen to work. I was smiling from ear to ear the whole day. I did send Lethi a text to thank him for the marvelous morning. Calling might’ve meant I am overstepping and interrupting Zoleka’s time. During lunchtime, I received two small boxed with a clear “DO NOT OPEN” instruction, when I asked, the man told me about delayed gratification. Drama. After work, I was driven home where I found a glam squad waiting for me. They gave me little time to shower before they started dolling me up. They even did my nails and hair. They put on purple die on my hair. After that, they actually dressed me up in a baby purple pantsuit with feathers on the front. They completed the look with silver heeled boots and a matching purse. I couldn’t believe the end result. I looked like a fucking stunning model. It made me miss my runway days. Then I was escorted to this secluded restaurant in Ballito. When I stepped inside, my breath was taken away by Lethi who was dressed in a black suit, black shirt and black Italian shoes. He looked like a frickin Mafia King and I just wanted to die right there and then. We complimented each other, even made out, and then ate out dinner. After it, the waiter brought out three boxes identical to the ones I received earlier that day. He placed them on the middle of the table. Another waiter came with a white envelope and handed it to Lethi.

“Where are the boxes I sent earlier?” he asked looking at me. I took them out from my purse and placed them next to the ones on the table. He beckoned I open them. I found identical keys on every box and I frowned at him. “The houses for your guest house project you mentioned.” He said it casually and my mind went blank for a whole minute. I was trying the make sense of what he was saying. Then he opened the envelope and lid out the papers in front of me. After skimming what they contained, I screamed and went to him. I hugged him tight and kissed him all over his place.


Lethi is such a romantic man. Like what the fuck do you get for him? A watch? No. He has hundred of those, different brands, different collections and hella expensive. You also can’t buy him a car because he had dozens of those and he hardly use half of them. So I swallow my pride and ask Zoleka. She had known him for longer than a decade. We ain’t best of friends but we are civil towards each other. That’s what expected if you’re marrying or married to the same man. She actually got a boutique hotel in Cape Town as her Valentine’s gift. It’s so classy. It has a kiddies and adult spa, yoga studio, meditation studio, a gym, numerous dining areas and a golf course on site and so many interesting things to do. I am planning on taking Danny there for his birthday in a few weeks. I am actually not jealous of her gift. The building is a state of the art, million dollar with but Lethi also gave me something which I will call my own. So he is really good at this husbanding thing and he owes Zoleka for breaking her heart.

So Zoleka told me Lethi has a thing for those fast food restaurants that kids like to dine in. I narrowed it down to three, KFC, Wimpy and McDonald’s. So I went with McDonald’s because I like their burgers. I also bought him a BMW R 1200 GS X drive hybrid two wheel drive Motorcycle. Zoleka told me a little story about bikes. I didn’t get the ending of it but I hope Lethi appreciates it.

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