Kuro Neko(rewrite)

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(Fun fact, this is the episode that has the honor of being my least favorite in the whole show. There are a lot of bad episodes within Season 4 that many consider as the absolute worst episode ever made. Queen Banana for hurting Chloe, Ephermal for being completely pointless and bad in general, and Penalteam for hurting Chloe and giving us the most OP miraculous in the world. It would make sense for my least favorite to be here, but it must be a surprise to you all that my least favorite episode is none of these. Although those episodes are worse than Kuro Neko, I hate this episode to bits. I am serious. Kuro Neko to me is my mental torture. Now the biggest questions on your minds are, why is this your least favorite? What did this episode do to earn least favorite in your opinion? What evidence do you have to prove it is your least favorite? Well in a nutshell, they pretty much flipped off Cat Noir, my favorite character. Plus they replaced which makes ZERO sense(Anasi, Season 2: "Cat Noir, you know your irreplaceable."). They also made LB a massive douchebag in my opinion. So much of a jerk, that I lost all my respect for her. Plus plus, they changed CN's motive to loving LB instead of the obvious reason of feeling left out, also made CN extremely selfish and irresponsible, and the writers expected this to end this arc well. IMO, Kuro Neko didn't end shit. Although my Kuro Neko will not end this arc, I will be doing the episode justice. Way better than the original piece of shit that is Kuro Neko. But anyway, here is the rewrite of my mental torture).

Our story starts with Adrien at a photo shoot in the park for his next upcoming ad campaign.  The day has been grueling for him.  He has been standing still, and posing all day long.  Adrien just cannot wait to be done with this, and go home or do hero stuff.  "Ok, and that's a wrap.  Great job as always, Adrien."  The photographer said.  "[yawns].  Thanks you.  Just another day at work.  [in whisper].  And another good day wasted."  Adrien replied.  Adrien leaves the shot, and goes to his car.  Where Natalie, now in her new walker, is waiting for him.  As he walks, Adrien looks at his phone, and sees all of his friends were spending him video calls. When Adrien clicks on them, it's his friends asking if Adrien can possibly hang out today. Of course, that cannot happen. "Did the photo shot work well, Adrien?"  Natalie asked.  "The answer is pretty obvious, Natalie.  Yes."  Adrien replied as he yawns.  The two get into the car, and are driven home.  Natalie chills, while Adrien partially falls asleep from the exhaustion.  Adrien and Natalie arrive home.  The sound of the car stopping wakes Adrien up.  "Get enough sleep, Adrien?"  Natalie asked.  "Uh, yeah.  Just enough."  Adrien replied.  Adrien gets out of the car, and acts like a sweet heart by helping Natalie out of the car because of her walker.  "Oh.   You didn't have to help me, but thank you anyway, Adrien."  Natalie said.  "I figured it would be for the best.  I mean, first your coughs then this walker.  Your sickness is starting to concern me, Natalie."  Adrien replied.  "It's nothing really.  The doctor did say that I should be fine in a couple of weeks.  He suggested me to wear this in case of...coughs.....to be safe."  Natalie said.  "And that's what I want too.  For you to feel safe."  Adrien replied.  Natalie smiles, as the two walk inside of the house.  Adrien goes to his room, and sits on his couch.  "Oof.  Today was rough."  Adrien said.  "Tell me about it.  12 hours of no camembert feels like a torture device I am attached to.  I sure missed my smelly, moldy cheese."  Plagg replied as he goes to get his favorite food.  "Well that, and 12 hours of photos.   I had to miss school today, and miss out seeing my friends.  These photo shots are really taking away my freedom."  Adrien said.  "On the bright side, your Father is actually letting you leave the house for once."  Plagg replied.  "Of course, but there is nothing fun about it.  I just wish there was something entertaining to come out of today."  Adrien said.  Adrien gets his wish when he hears an explosion outside.  He gets off his couch, and runs to his window.  Adrien sees a car being thrown over a building, as people run away.  "Looks like Shadowmoth send another villain in to defeat us.  Sorry, Plagg, but you are going to have to your cheese fetus on hold.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said as he transforms into Cat Noir.  Hoping to get a good fight and save the day, Cat Noir runs as fast as he can to the fight.  When he arrives, Cat Noir sees something not normal.  Ladybug and her team of Pigella, and Carapace already defeating the villain, and doing a pound it.  "Uhh.....hey guys."  Cat Noir said.  "Oh, Cat Noir.  Great to see you again."  Pigella replied.  "Same with you.  So....the villain is gone?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Yeah.  You should have seen it.  Ladybug wrapped up the bad guy, I sheltered the being, and Pigella used her gift to stop it.  Ladybug captured the akuma, and boom, victory for Team Miraculous."  Carapace replied.  "[stands in silence].  Oh.  So, I guess me coming here was pointless?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Well, we did get to see you again, so I guess not entirely pointless."  Pigella replied.  "Hey, focus.  Go to your spots, so I can get your miraculous."  Ladybug ordered.  "But what about Cat Noir?"  Carapace asked.  "[looks at Cat].  Oh....uh......what's his name......feline can just go.  We already have this covered."  Ladybug replied.  "Don't you mean......"  Cat Noir asked.  Before he can answer, Ladybug ignores him, and leaves.  Cat Noir is a bit confused and sad at the same time.  He still doesn't let it bother him, and goes back home to rest.  Cat Noir de-transforms.  "That was odd.  Ladybug already starting a battle without me."  Adrien said.  "How is that odd?  She is just doing here duty as a hero and as a guardian."  Plagg asked.  "Well, she would normally chill with me, before getting another hero.  I didn't expect to see her start a fight without me again."  Adrien replied.  "Sounds a bit like jealousy that the heroes get more time out there than you."  Plagg said.  "What?  I'm not jealous at them.  I have no problem with Pigella or Carapace in battle.  In fact, I enjoy having the team around.  I just don't like that Ladybug didn't let me get involved.  I could have been a good helping hand to her, and the others.  And on top of that, she called me feline, and not Cat Noir?"  Adrien replied.  "That did caught my eye.  Not sure why she did that, but maybe she was in a rush.  After all, she is a guardian now."  Plagg said.  "And I haven't gotten word on how she is feeling for a while.  I am hoping she is ok, and if she isn't, I want to help her.  She is my partner after all, and it is right to show care for the other."  Adrien replied.  "[hear more screams].  Well maybe you have your chance now, Cat Noir."  Plagg said.  "Your right.  Let's hurry.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien replied as he transforms into Cat Noir.  Cat runs as fast as he can again, until he makes it to battle.  "Alright villain.  Prepare to face the claws of the furious Cat Noir."  Cat Noir said.  "Pound it."  Ladybug, Queen Bee, and Pegasus said celebrating their victory.  Cat Noir looks, and is confused again at the sight of this.  The same scenario once again occurring.  "Oh look, Cat Noir is here."  Queen Bee pointed.  "Hey.  So I guess you guys have this covered as well?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Yep.  Just used a good voyage, Queen Bee added some venom, and Ladybug captured the megakuma.  Just another day at the office."  Pegasus replied.  "Ok.  Hoped you guys had fun.  I mean, I had a good time running here to see you guys I guess."  Cat Noir said.  "Sorry guys.  Had to take care of work.  Go to your spots, so I can get your miraculous."  Ladybug ordered.  Queen Bee and Pegasus leave, as Ladybug ignores Cat Noir again, and leaves him in the dust.  Cat's concern and sadness rise, but this time it kind of hits him.  He still stays strong, and just goes back home.  Adrien de-transforms.  "Again.  In like what, five minutes.  I guess I wasn't needed after all."  Adrien said.  "Well at least Queen Bee and Pegasus said hello to you.  That's something."  Plagg replied.  "Of course, but now this feels like a waste. I was hoping to kick Shadowmoth's butt again, but I guess not."  Adrien said.  "Relax.  I'm sure you'll get some butt to kick soon."  Plagg replied.  "Yeah.  Let's hope, Plagg."  Adrien said.
This unfortunately leads to a montage of Cat Noir being wasted.  Adrien sees screaming, smoke, or any damage in Paris.  He transforms into Cat Noir, and goes to save the day.  But when he arrives, Ladybug and her team already saved the day.  The team at least greets Cat, while Ladybug doesn't show any care for Cat Noir.  They leave Cat Noir all alone.  This has sadly been happening again, and again, and again, and again.  With the heroes fighting against the villains, expect Cat Noir.  Making his sad emotions rise in a fast pace.  After that montage, Adrien is at a photo shot, where he is modeling for yet another ad campaign.  Adrien doesn't show any interest at all during the photos.  "No.  No.  No.  Your not showing enough energy.  Enthusiasm.  Or emotion.  What gives, Adrien?"  The photographer asked.  "I just had a bad day.  Again.  I think a trip to the bathroom will make me feel better."  Adrien replied.  "If that is the case, then hurry up.  We don't have all day."  The photographer ordered.  Adrien goes to the restroom, and sits on the toilet.  Looking gloomy at the ground.  "You ok, Adrien?"  Plagg asked.  "If you want a lie.  Then yes, I'm ok.  [signs].  It's been three whole weeks since Ladybug has been choosing the other heroes instead of me.  THREE WEEKS!!!!"  Adrien replied.  "At least Paris is safe.  And Shadowmoth got defeated once again."  Plagg said.  "But I want to help defeat him, Plagg.  I am tried of feeling like the one guy who is apart of the team, but is never utilized or mentioned.  I am starting to feel more and more than a character who never gets chosen in a video game.  That shows how left out I am."   Adrien replied in sadness.  Plagg starts to feel bad for Adrien, as he expresses how this change of scenery has affected him.  "Well, you still have me.  Your loyal cheese loving friend."  Plagg said hoping to cheer Adrien up.  "Yeah.  At least I still have you."  Adrien replied.  After their talk, Adrien goes back out, and finishes his photo shoot the best he can.  The photo still aren't what they wanted, but they ran out of time.  Adrien then gets into his car, and is driven home.  As he gets out of the car, he sees another explosion in the distance.  Adrien immediately runs into his room, and transforms into Cat Noir.  He runs at the speed of lightening to the fight, and finally have a role for once.  Cat Noir lands on a building, but sees that Ladybug, Viperion, Purple Tigress, and King Monkey already defeating the villain.  Not wanting to be seen, Cat Noir hides behind a chimney, and listens.  A news report walks up to Ladybug, and ask her about Cat Noir. "So, Ladybug. Another day of defeating Shadowmoth with you team of incredible heroes. But what about Cat Noir? He hasn't shown up in weeks, and we are all curious what is up. Did you two fight or something?" The reporter asked. "Well, first of all, who are you talking about again?" Ladybug asked back. "Cat Noir. You know. the Black Cat superhero. The one who was with you from the start." The news reporter replied. "Ohhhhhhh. Him. Yeah, Cat whatever is fine. He is just like all the other heroes on our team. I have no idea where he has been for the last few weeks. But we saved the day in the end, so it doesn't really matter for him." Ladybug replied like a douchebag. Cat Noir hears all of this, and is in utter despair. While he lies in sorrow, Viperion turns around, and sees Cat Noir. He cannot do anything, since Cat Noir leaves before he can say a thing. Viperion looks in concern for Cat Noir considering he knows both his and Ladybug's identities. Cat Noir walks on the roofs in misery. Often close to actually shedding tears from his "absence." Cat still tries to stand strong, but it is too difficult for him now. Cat then pulls out his staff, and calls Ladybug. He stands and waits, but she doesn't answer. He is asked to leave a message. "Great. Must be busy or something. [beep]. Hey, Ladybug. It's Cat. Just calling to tell you I am still here if you need my help. I bet your guardian job is stressing you out, but I am willing to do anything to help you. Call me back when you get this message if you can." Cat Noir said as he ends his message. After that, Cat Noir sees another villain attacking Paris. With Ladybug and her team of Ryuko, Pigella, and Queen Bee in action. Instead of going to help, Cat Noir stand, and ask himself if he should go or not. After all, he wasn't really needed for these last couple of weeks. Eventually, he convinces himself to go into battle, since that is what he wants. But as he goes to find them, he sees Ladybug use her lucky charm in the distance. Cat Noir follows those ladybugs, to a rooftop with the team doing a pound it. "Oh hey, Cat Noir." Ryuko pointed. The others say hi, expect Ladybug. "Hello. How have you all been? I assume you guys have this covered? Again." Cat Noir asked. "We do, and we've all have been pretty ok." Ryuko replied. "Enough chatting. Go to your spots, so I can get your miraculous before anything bad happens." Ladybug ordered. The other guys leave, as Ladybug stays behind. "Hey....Ladybug. Glad to see you again, as I hope you are for me." Cat Noir said. "Whatever. I have to go now." Ladybug replied as she goes to leaves. "Look, if you are upset for me not showing up, I can understand that. I have always been trying to arrive on time, but you guys somehow defeat the villain before I can even land a hit." Cat Noir said. "Well, try to show up faster next time." Ladybug replied. She is about to leave, but Cat Noir stops her. "I am just curious on how've you been? Since you know, I haven't spoken to you in a while. And I tried calling you, but you never reply back." Cat Noir said. "I've been cool. Just a bit worked up." Ladybug replied. "If that is the case, maybe I can help. Like, I know who Ryuko and Queen Bee are, so I can get their miraculous, and give them to you." Cat Noir suggested. "You don't know where they are, so what's the point?" Ladybug asked. "The point is I am trying to help you out.  You even promised me I can help you if needed the night you came back." Cat Noir replied. "What are you talking about?" Ladybug asked.  [flashback to what Cat Noir said during Ladybug's hallucination].  The truth to is that you are one of the most important figures in my life.  Unlike most people, my life isn't perfect or happy.  My life is more miserable than you can imagine.  I have a parent who isn't there for me.  Not many friends I cannot normally hang out with.  In fact, being Cat Noir is one of the few things that put a smile on my face.  Because if gives me a sense of freedom.  And fighting along with you makes it even better.  But when you became the guardian, our relationship as partners, and my role as Cat Noir have been deflating.  You started breaking rules, leaving me out of missions, and never telling me anything.  And this reveal of you telling someone your secret identity proves my point.  Apart from feeling abandoned, I feel so worried about you in general.  Your role as guardian seems to be making your life worse and I desperately want to help you, but you never let me help your or tell me about it.  I really don't understand why your doing this. It's starting to terrify me, and I don't want this nightmare to go on.  I just.....I just want you to promise me you will stop this, and turn back into the Ladybug I know and love.  And if there any problems with you being the guardian, I am more than happy to help you.  [end flashback].  "Hmmm.....Never heard of it."  Ladybug said.  "[in shock].  Ha......haha......hahahaha.  Funny joke, My Lady.  You can drop the act now.  You got me good.  I mean, there is no way you wouldn't seriously keep your promise with me right?........right?"  Cat Noir asked hoping she is telling the truth.  Sadly, this happens.  "URG!!!  THAT'S IT!!!!!  WHY DON'T YOU DO ME A FAVOR BY STOP BEING A WASTE OF TIME, AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Ladybug screamed.  Cat Noir is in silence and shock, as Ladybug leaves him.  Cat Noir wants to still stay strong, but that is impossible now.  Cat starts to drop tears from his face, and onto the ground.  Cat Noir starts crying.  He cannot stop.  Even when he tries to, Cat Noir cannot stop having tears flood out of his eyes.  He sits on the roof.  "Claws in."  Cat Noir said crying.  Plagg reforms, and sees his depressed owner.  "Man, what is her deal?"  Plagg asked.  "I know what is is.  It's that I am a waste for her now. A complete waste of space and time. A complete waste for everyone."  Adrien said as he cries.  "No, Adrien.  That's not true at all.  You are never a waste of her's or anyone's time."  Plagg said trying to help his owner.  "[sheds more tears].  I don't even see the point in this stupid ring anymore."  Adrien replied as he is about to take off his ring.  "WOAH!  WOAH!  WOAH!  WOAH!  WOAH!  Adrien, are you crazy?"  Plagg asked in shock.  "What?  There is no point for Cat Noir after all.  It's not like Ladybug would care if I leave.  No one will."  Adrien replied.  "But I will.  I will always care for you, Adrien.  There will never be a day in my life where I stop caring for you, Adrien.  That's literally impossible for me to do. Because I'm more than just your kwami.  I'm your best friend.  And the thought of losing your best friend is devastating."  Plagg said trying to stop Adrien.  Adrien stops trying to take off the ring.  "Please.  Look at what you are doing.  Look and see what is wrong here.  I get it.  You are very upset with Ladybug, but this isn't the solution.  You were so happy to still have me by your side after everything that has been going on. I don't want to lose you, and neither do you. So please, Adrien.  Please, stop this."  Plagg begged.  With tears in his eyes, Adrien looks at Plagg begging for Adrien to stop.  He looks down at his hands, where he is trying to take off the ring.  Adrien finally looks back at Plagg again begging.  "Oh my God.  What am I doing?"  Adrien asked he puts his ring fully back on, and starts to cry more tears.  "Hey, Adrien.  It's ok.  It's ok.  I'm still here."  Plagg replied as he hugs his holder on the cheek.  "[wipes off tears].  Wh.....what should I do now?"  Adrien asked.  "We can talk about it when we get back home.  Just transform, and let's get out of here."  Plagg replied.  "Ok........Ok we can do that.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said as he sadly transforms into Cat Noir, and leaves.
At home, Adrien lies on his bed in complete guilt.  "I feel like such a moron for trying to give you up, Plagg.  I'm sorry I had you worried for a moment."  Adrien said.  "Adrien.  What matters to me is that you didn't take that ring off, but at the same time, I cannot blame you if you did that.  Yes, what you were doing was extremely stupid.  But you were not thinking straight at that time.  You were dealing with a massive breakdown.  I can understand your pain. It just wasn't a good way to heal it."  Plagg replied.  "I still feel bad for doing that.  I just don't know what to do anymore.  Ladybug thinks I am pointless, and so do I."  Adrien replied in sadness.  "Again, stop filling your head with lies.  You are not pointless, and you and Ladybug know it.  You've had a rough day.  I think it's best for you to take a nap.  Some sleep will help calm you down."  Plagg suggested.  "I can try.  Are you going to eat cheese, while I snooze?"  Adrien asked.  "Yeah.  But I am going to keep a good eye on you, Adrien.  If there is anything you need, I will be here."  Plagg replied.  "Thank you, Plagg.  For everything you've done for me."  Adrien said.  Plagg smiles, as Adrien falls asleep.  "Ok.  There is seriously a problem among us.  I need to get answers right now."  Plagg said.  Plagg leaves Adrien's room, and flies away.  At Mari's house.  "YOU WHAT!!!!!!!!!"  Marinette screamed.  "You heard me.  We broke up because he pushed boundaries.  I didn't want to tell you right away because I bet it would stress you out."  Alya replied.  "Oh, Alya.  I'm so sorry this had to happen to you.  I wished you would've told me sooner."  Marinette said.  "It's Nino's fault to be honest.  He wanted to know the truth, and jumped to conclusions fast.  I cannot be with someone who would spy on me for answers.  Especially with, you know. And no need to feel concerned.  It's been a over three weeks, and I'm still kind of recovering from the breakup. I should be ok for now."  Alya replied.  "In any case, Alya.  If you need any help or care, I'll be here for you."  Marinette said.  "Thank you, Marinette."  Alya replied as she hugs her BFF.  Alya leaves, as Marinette smiles helping her BFF.  "WOW!!!!!!  Offering to help your BFF a helping hand through her breakup. But Cat Noir cannot help you with being a guardian." Plagg said in anger. "WAIT, PLAGG!!!!!!! What are you doing here?" Marinette asked in shock. "Don't Plagg me. You don't even have the right to use my name after what you did." Plagg replied. "What? What did I do? I did nothing wrong today?" Marinette asked. "God you humans are so blind. How do you have the audacity to say that? Of course, you did do something wrong, no terrible. You hurt Cat Noir, aka your PARTNER, feelings!!!!" Plagg yelled. "But, I just told furry noir to leave because I was busy." Marinette said. "It's CAT NOIR, and you practically told him that he is a waste of your time. So, NO, you didn't do that." Plagg replied. "Ok enough of this. Why are you here?" Marinette asked. "To clearly yell at you for being a jerk to him. But that's not the only reason. I want answers. Answers on what is happening between you and Cat Noir. Back then, you two were a pretty good, chill duo. But now, it's like you are forgetting about Cat, and his existence. Not to mention, he has been left out of everything now." Plagg replied. "Isn't that a good thing? He can rest." Marinette said. "True, but maybe if you actually HEARD what he told you that evening, then you would understand. Cat Noir is his break. He loves being a hero. He loves fighting crime. Everything about Cat Noir makes him feel alive. But now, it is slowly dying now because of you ignoring him. Which makes me sick considering my owner's life is worse than you could possibly imagine." Plagg replied. "I'm sorry, but I'm the guardian, so....." Marinette said. "AND DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE, MARINETTE!!!!!!! You say your the guardian, and it is a stressed out job. Yet, Cat Noir is willing to help you, and say it is nothing, but a waste. Well, thanks to you, Cat Noir almost gave up his miraculous." Plagg replied. "HOLD ON, CAT HAIR DID WHAT????!!!!!!" Marinette asked in shock. "CAT NOIR!!!!!!! And yes. He almost quit because of you. So, tell me. WHY are you ignoring my holder?" Plagg asked wanting to know the truth. "The truth?" Marinette asked back. "YES, THE TRUTH!!!! TELL ME WHY YOU ARE IGNORING HIM, NOW!!!!" Plagg demanded. Marinette thinks, and gets reminded of her Cat Blanc PTSD. "[deep breathes]. You wouldn't understand it." Marinette replied. "I would if you just told me. All Cat Noir ever wanted was to help you because he is very concerned about you. Moreover, he is very concerned that his career as Cat Noir is now nothing. So why can't you tell me?" Plagg asked. Marinette stands in silence. Not wanting to tell Plagg the truth. "Shame on you, Marinette." Plagg said as he goes to leave. "Well.....Well it doesn't really matter for Cat whatever anyway." Marinette replied. "For the thousandth time, it's Cat Noir. And what are you talking about?" Plagg asked. "Well, I'm actually glad you came because there is something you should know that your owner must never know about." Marinette replied. Plagg looks worried, but we never know what she said.
    Back with Adrien, he is waking up from his nap. "[yawns and stretches]. Well, Plagg was right. A good nap really can make someone better." Adrien said. Adrien gets out of bed. "Plagg. I feel better now......[silence]......Plagg?" Adrien asked. He goes to his cheese cabinet, and finds that Plagg is not there. "Huh? Plagg. Plagg, where are you?" Adrien asked. Adrien looks all over his room to find his best friend. Plagg arrives back home, and goes through the bathroom door all sweaty and heavy breathing. "[Adrien turns around]. Plagg. There you are bud. You almost scared me half to death." Adrien said. "Oh, sorry. I was...........smelling socks. Nothing important or heartbreaking ." Plagg replied in a worried manner. "You look under the weather. If you are still upset with me, I can understand." Adrien said. "No. No. I'm fine. Just a little tired. [clears throat]. So, did the nap help?" Plagg asked. "It did. I feel a bit better now. Still concerned on what to do now, after what happened today, but I'm not as depressed as I was before." Adrien replied. "I'm happy to see that your better now. What do you want to do now?" Plagg asked. "I was just planning on staying in bed, and looking at my book, before going back to bed." Adrien replied. "Book?" Plagg asked. Adrien goes to his bed, and opens a secret drawer in his bed. Inside of it is a book. "You didn't tell me you had secret drawers. That would have been perfect for all my cheese." Plagg said. "I bet it would be, but this is for something more important. [opens book]. Inside of this book is photos I have taken with friends, and even Ladybug. Photos that make me happy whenever I feel gloomy or down. It always makes me feel better no matter what." Adrien replied. As Adrien looks and flips the pages, photo book contains countless photos of Adrien and his friends. At the houseboat, at the park, and Andre's at anywhere they go. Apart from that, there are photos of him and Ladybug as well. When they defeated villains, hanged out on a roof during a sunset, got ice cream together, and on top of the Eiffel Tower. The photos go on, and Adrien smiles at every single one of them. "Wow. These are beautiful, Adrien." Plagg said. "Would it be better if they were all photos of camembert?" Adrien asked. "Umm......yeah." Plagg replied. The two of them laugh. "But jokes aside, I think this is a great way for you to remember all the joy in your life." Plagg said. "It is my friend. Even though Cat Noir is at stake, at least I am not entirely miserable. [yawns]. Well, I'm going to bed, Plagg. It's a Sunday tomorrow, and I have nothing going one at that time. So we have a whole day to ourselves." Adrien replied. "Sweet. Better get rest now, so we can be active in the morning." Plagg said. Adrien nods his head. Adrien the puts on pajamas, climbs into bed, and goes to sleep(a lot of people were actually happy Adrien wore pajamas in this episode. So, your welcome). Adrien slumbers, but as Plagg lies down, he looks at his owner. Plagg gets a concerned face, as he slowly falls asleep as well.
The next morning, Adrien wakes up, and gets out of bed.  He changes back into his clothes from yesterday, and cuts on his couch.  Plagg wakes up as well, and starts his morning with a nice piece of stinky cheese.  Plagg joins Adrien on the couch, as they watch TV.  "What's on today's agenda my fellow best friend?  Eat cheese?  Relax?  Eat cheese?  Go out with friends?  Eat cheese?  Eat cheese?  Or maybe, eat cheese?"  Plagg asked.  "You've been talking a lot about cheese ever since yesterday."  Adrien replied.  "What?  I makes me feel less stressed.  [eats his cheese].  That, and it taste so good."  Plagg said.  "Well would you be stressed?  It's Sunday."  Adrien asked.  "Oh.......uhhhh.......hey look, a shiny car."  Plagg replied fast.  Plagg isn't lying, as a car ad plays on the TV.  "Ok, well I was probably going to ask my friends if they want to hang out today."  Adrien said.  "Well that's cool.  But what is a villain attacks?"  Plagg asked.  "That's not really a problem for me.  I'm taking a break from being Cat Noir."  Adrien replied.  "WHAT?  WHY?"  Plagg asked in shocked.  "Relax.  I'm not quitting. I decided to take some time off to get over Ladybug screaming at me. Kind of re-energize myself, before I make a come back." Adrien replied. "Oh......ok. I was really worried for a second. Like REALLY worried." Plagg said. As Plagg gets more cheese, Adrien pulls out his phone. He goes into his text messages, and texts all his friends. Everyone he knows, asking if they want to hang out, since that's what they wanted. "Wait a minute. Will your Father approve of this?" Plagg asked. "No, but I already have it covered. I just simply sneak out as Cat Noir, and go." Adrien replied. "I thought you were taking a break from Cat Noir?" Plagg asked. "I am. Just as a hero. Besides, I will be Cat Noir for at least five minutes. No big deal." Adrien replied.  "Well that depends if your friends answer or not."  Plagg said.  "Pff, they've been trying to hang out with me for weeks.  I'm sure they will answer the second they read this."  Adrien replied.  As the day goes out, Adrien spends hours in his bedroom playing video games, watching the news of Ladybug and her team fight villains, or just chilling on the couch.  During this time, Adrien has been checking his phone to see if anyone has answered him.  No one left a single reply.  This upsets Adrien as the day slowly transforms into the night.  Adrien lies on his couch in disbelief, and sorrow.  He checks his phone again, and no one responded.  "Wow.  Not a single new text in hours.  I guess they were all busy today."  Plagg said.  "This cannot make sense.  They always respond back to me.  Something isn't right."  Adrien replied.  "You'll see them all Monday, Adrien.  Maybe then they can explain what the deal is."  Plagg suggested.  "I can only pray.  Well, today was not what I was hoping for.  I'm just going to head to bed now."  Adrien replied.  "What to look at your photo book, before we slumber?"  Plagg asked.  "Sure."  Adrien replied.  In his pajamas, Adrien scrolls through his book of photos, and good memories he has with his friends.  It puts a smile on his face, so Adrien doesn't feel sad anymore.  With that, he goes to sleep. 
On Monday, Adrien is excited to see all his friends after a long weekend all alone.  He walks into the school, and sees his pal Kim. Adrien ask him how he is doing, and if he got his text message. Kim replied that he was ok, but very busy. Surprised, Adrien continues to ask his friends like Nino, Ivan, Max, Juleka, etc. And all of them gave the same answer. They were busy. This makes Adrien even more sad, since they wanted to hang out with him, but when he asked, they all couldn't do it. This had his school day progresses to be boring and miserable.  Before a photo shot, Adrien tries again to get together with his pals next Sunday. The day Adrien doesn't have anything. Adrien checked his phone daily during the shot, and no one responded. Adrien however was able to comfort himself with he photo book he has, and Plagg. The next day at school, he tries again. He ask his friends if he got his message, and they all replied it cannot happen their all busy.  This makes Adrien even more upset.  As the rest of his school weekend it spent going to school, doing photos, and going home.  Despite not hanging out, Adrien annual text his friends.  Asking how their all doing.  Unfortunately, zero responses.  On Sunday, Adrien is as usual eating dinner all alone. He pokes his meal, and shows depression in his face. Natalie then walks in to check on him. "How is your dinner, Adrien?" Natalie asked. "[signs]. It's just fine, Natalie." Adrien replied in a sad manner. "Umm.....is everything ok?" Natalie asked as she sits next to him. "Everything is perfectly fine, Natalie. Nothing wrong with me, or my life. Just a plain old happy boy living his happy life." Adrien replied. Natalie sees there is something off about Adrien. "Well, you don't seem alright. You look, sad, Adrien." Natalie said. "What? Me, sad? Of course not. I just had a long day, and I'm tired. And so sleepy I can cry tears right now. It's all good." Adrien replied. "Well, if you need someone to speak too, you can always talk to me." Natalie said. "Do you really mean it?" Adrien asked. "I may be your Father's assistant, but I am also one who should look out for you." Natalie replied. Adrien thinks. "Ok. Thanks, Natalie." Adrien said. Natalie gets up, and leaves Adrien. Just then, Adrien has someone calling him on the phone. He immediately grabs his cell, to see how it is. "Luka?" Adrien asked. He answers the phone. "Hello." Adrien said. "Oh, hey, Adrien. It's Luka. I was just calling to ask how you have been doing?" Luka asked. "I've been.........fine, why do you ask?" Adrien asked back. "Well, it's been a while since I last saw you. I bet you are doing some modeling campaign things, but I haven't been able to keep in contact in a long time. I often get worried if you miss us, or something else is going on in your life." Luka replied. "Well, everything is cool on my side. It has been a week since anyone has answered my calls, or texted me back. So, yeah." Adrien said. "Oh really. I wished I could respond, but with my job on my back, I had no time to check." Luka replied. "I guess that makes sense." Adrien said. "It does. Off topic, but me and the other guys are hosting a big concert on Friday. Everyone from your class is coming from your school. We were hoping you can show up as well." Luka replied. "A concert? That sounds like a lot of fun." Adrien said. "Keep me posted if you can come." Luka replied. "I will. Thanks for informing me." Adrien said. Luka hangs up, and looks upset. He walks back into his bedroom. "Something bothering you, Luka?" Juleka asked. "Yeah. Just checking in on a someone. [in whisper]. Someone who is suffering." Luka replied. Adrien is happy at first, but sad because he has work that day. However, he really really wants to go to this concert. Adrien leaves the dining room, and goes to the study. "[knocks door]. Come in." Natalie said. Adrien walks in. "Oh, Adrien." Natalie said. "Hi, Natalie. I was wondering if you can do something for me?" Adrien asked. "Your son wants to see his friends on Friday at a concert. And by the looks of it, he hasn't had the best week." Natalie said to Gabriel. "Ok. And cannot he wait until Sunday? The day he doesn't have any work?" Gabriel asked. "I literally told you, Adrien looks like he had a bad week. He looks desperate to see his friends." Natalie replied. "Hmmmm..........well, the photographer is in Italy to see his family this Thursday through Sunday, and we cannot find another one to replace him. So......" Gabriel said. "Your Father said you can go, Adrien." Natalie said to Adrien in the study. "[gasp]. Really?" Adrien asked in excitement. Natalie nods her head. "Oh, thank you so much, Natalie." Adrien said as he runs a way in joy. Adrien's happiness puts a smile on Natalie's face. "You can go? Adrien that's amazing to hear." Luka said. "I know, right." Adrien replied. "Well, see you on Friday then." Luka said as he hangs up. Adrien lies on his bed in joy. "I'm happy you finally got what you wanted." Plagg said. "Of course, Plagg. Finally, FINALLY I get to hang out with my friends. And on a Friday. I'm so excited, and happy." Adrien replied. "Well, that's one catastrophe down. Now there is only Cat Noir." Plagg said. "Yeah, about that. I feel a lot better now. Even if my time off was bad." Adrien replied. "Oh, that's wonderful to hear. VERY wonderful." Plagg said as he giggles a bit. "What's with the giggles?" Adrien asked. "Oh....umm......I love to eat delicious camembert." Plagg replied as he rushes to his cheese. Plagg gets some cheese, and starts eating it fast. "Hmm, odd, but at the same time natural for him." Adrien said. Soon, Adrien hears screaming outside of his room. He runs to his window, and sees Ladybug, along with her team of Pigella, King Monkey, Pegasus, and Polymouse, fighting a new villain. One, Kuro Neko. "Alright. Hope your energized as I am Plagg because it's time." Adrien said. "[eats cheese]. Time for what?" Plagg replied. "Time for Cat Noir it make his reappearance. Plagg, claws out." Adrien said as he transforms into Cat Noir.
    Outside, Ladybug and her team aren't going so good as they were before. "Polymouse, use your power to find it's amok." Ladybug ordered. "Ok. Multi...." Polymouse replied. She cannot use her powers, because Kuro Neko bashed her against a car. Kuro Neko focuses on Ladybug, and goes to attack her. He slashes at Ladybug, but she dodges his attack. Ladybug then wraps her yo-yo around the sentinel-monster, but he sends her flying against a building. Kuro Neko charges at her again, but Pigella distracts him with her weapon. Kuro Neko focuses on her, so Pigella tries to run. But Kuro Neko was too fats, that he grabs her, and forces her against the ground. Ladybug gets up, and wraps her yo-yo around the Kuro Neko. The sentiment-monster roars, and runs away. Dragging Ladybug against the street. The yo-yo gives out, leaving Ladybug badly injured. "Great work, Kuro Neko. Now, crush her, and bring me her miraculous." Shadowmoth ordered. Kuro Neko charges, but King Monkey and Pegasus attack form behind. They distract the sentiment-monster, and he tries to scratch at the two. Ladybug takes this time to use her lucky charm. It forms a fishing rod with a fish buoy. Ladybug looks around to see what to use it for, while her team distracts Kuro Neko. King Monkey and Pegasus do a good job with the beast, but not good enough. The senti-monster uses its tail to crash King Monkey into a wall. He then uses his paw to pin Pegasus against another wall. Kuro Neko grabs both of them, and chucks them at Ladybug. On the ground, the whole team regroups. Kuro Neko lets out a powerful meow, and runs at the gang. Ladybug, Polymouse, Pigella, King Monkey, and Pegasus stand up. Ready to fight. But not been halfway to them, Kuro Neko gets uppercut, and backflips onto a car. The whole team is shocked, and even more shocked at who it is. Cat Noir. "Hey guys, long time no see." Cat Noir said. "Cat Noir. Where have you been. It's been weeks since we last saw you?" King Monkey asked. "It's a long story, but I'm all good now. And I am ready to help. [looks at Ladybug]. Hello, My Lady. Great to see you again." Cat Noir replied. Ladybug responds with nothing. "Uh, Ladybug. Aren't you going to say hello?" Pigella asked. "Umm.......ummm......[gasp]. Look out." Ladybug shouted. They gang turns around, and sees Kuro Neko charging at them. "Ok, what's the plan?" Polymouse asked. "You guys stay back, and figure out what that lucky charm does. You guys look like you've been through a lot. So it's my turn to step in." Cat Noir replied. He spins his staff, and charges at Kuro Neko too. Kuro Neko goes to crush Cat Noir, but he jumps into the air. He uses his staff to hit Kuro Neko in the face. Annoying the beast, Kuro Neko gets even more mad. He tries to slash Cat Noir, but he dodges all of his attacks with front or back flips. Cat Noir proceeds to hit Kuro Neko with his staff. In the face, paw, leg, etc. Cat Noir slips underneath one of Kuro Neko's attacks, and hits him in the stomach. Cat Noir appears behind him, when all of the sudden, he hears someone inside. That someon is yelling at Kuro Neko. "What the? The stomach can talk?" Cat Noir asked. Cat stops thinking because Kuro Neko turns around, and attacks Cat Noir. Cat Noir dodges more of Kuro Neko's attacks. Wanting to hear that voice again, Cat Noir goes underneath Kuro Neko. Once there, he hits his stomach again. And once again, someone yells inside. "That's it." Cat Noir said. He runs back to the team. "Ok guys, listen up. Someone is inside of the sentinel-monster." Cat Noir said. "I'm sorry, what?" Everyone expect Ladybug asked. "Yes. It sounds insane, but believe me. Someone is in there." Cat Noir replied. "If that is true, maybe that is where the amok is." Pegasus suggested. "Perhaps......[looks at luck charm].......and that's exactly what the lucky charm is for." Cat Noir replied. Kuro Neko turns around again, and charges at the kids again. Cat Noir runs too, ignoring the fact he is running into a senti-monster. Kuro Neko opens his mouth to devour our kitty. But Cat Noir jumps into the air. And in slow motion, dives to his mouth. Just then, Cat Noir extends his staff inside of Kuro Neko's mouth. Forcing him to keep his mouth open. The team is very surprised at what just happened. "Now Ladybug, use your lucky charm to fish out whoever is inside of here. And do it fast. I'm not sure how long I can keep his mouth open." Cat Noir said. Ladybug doesn't answer Cat, but does what he wants. She and her team walk up to the beast, with Polymouse, Pigella, King Monkey, and Pegasus all on guard in case Kuro Neko tries anything. Ladybug cast her rode into Kuro Neko's mouth. The senti-monster gags a bit, spitting silva into Cat Noir's face, but he stand strong. Ladybug's rod grabs something, and she pulls back. Soon, a child comes out one Kuro Neko's mouth, and into Pigella's hands. As Cat Noir keeps his Kuro Neko's mouth open, the girl explains what happened. Her pet black cat ran away from her, so she has been saving money in her little cat back to buy it toys. Therefore, he can come back. It failed, and her sadness attracted Shadowmoth. He gave the girl Kuro Neko, a much better cat than her old one. The amok went into her cat back, which is conveniently in her hands. Ladybug tells her that she use break it, so she and the heroes can stop Kuro Neko. The girl refuses to do so. While in the mouth, Cat Noir takes over, and talks to the girl. Cat tells her that he knows what it is like for the one he cares about to leave him. And that feeling of abandonment hurts like a gunshot. But when it comes to stuff like having a senti-monster be created to make you happy, doesn't really. Cat understand's her pain, but not the solution. With that encouragement from the time Cat Noir almost quit, the girl breaks the cat bank. The amok flies out. Ladybug then opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the amok, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away. "Miraculous Ladybug." Ladybug said as she uses her powers. The lucky charm fixes all the damage in Paris, and Kuro Neko disappears. Giving Cat Noir's hands a break. As he lies on the ground, a black cat licks his face. To the girl's surprise, the cat is actually her black cat. She hugs him, happy to see her pet again. Cat Noir smiles too. King Monkey helps Cat Noir up. "You ok, Cat Noir. You were holding that mouth open for a long time." King Monkey said. "It's nothing. What truly matters is that the villains lost, and the heroes won." Cat Noir replied. "Thank you for helping us. It was awesome to see you again." Polymouse said. "Yeah. Those fight moves were incredible. You really gave it your all." Pegasus said. "What can I say? I'm just doing my job. Saving Paris, and fighting alongside you guys." Cat Noir replied. "Well, thanks again, Cat Noir." Pigella said. Cat Noir nods his head. The guys get ready for a pound it, expect Ladybug. "My lady, you going to join in?" Cat Noir asked. Ladybug stares at him in fear/anger, and we finally get to see why. To everyone's POV, they see Cat Noir. But to Ladybug's POV, she only sees Cat Blanc. Eventually, she does a pound it with the group.
    Cat Noir arrives back home, and de-transforms. "Whoo! I feel phenomenal, Plagg. Finally, I get to shine, and defeat the villain with our team." Adrien said in an excited manner. "Great to see Cat Noir back in action again. Hopefully, Ladybug won't leave you out anymore. Ladybug and Cat Noir will be back in action in no time." Plagg replied. "We only have to hope, pal. But I am sure things will be back to normal soon. Well, this made my day, so I better end it off now. Don't want anything to ruin this moment for me." Adrien said. Adrien changes into his pajamas, gets into bed, and falls asleep. Plagg looks at him, and slowly forms a sad face. Plagg flies into his cheese cabinet, before looking at Adrien again. "I'm sorry." Plagg said as he closes the door of the cabinet.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 4: The Collusion of TraumaWhere stories live. Discover now