Gabriel Agreste Part 2(rewrite)

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Continuing out our story is the beginning of the soirée.  Cars arrive to Gabriel's house, and fancy people enter his home.  They have their thumb print scanned, their phones taken away, and an animal mask to maintain privacy.  The guest who are checked in head to the dining room.  Adrien waits next to his Father, as he waits for his friends to arrive.  As the guest continue to enter, Chloe and her family arrive to the party.  Chloe is happy to see her closet friend again, and hugs him when she enters.  "I must say, your really out doing yourself, Gabriel.  All of this for a simple party."  Audrey said.  "Privacy is what I strive for the most, after Emilie's passing.  It is an honor to have you both attend today."  Gabriel replied.  Chloe's parents check in, and head to the dining room.  Kagami and her Mother arrive next.  With Kagami not happy to be here today.  As her Mom checks in, she sees Adrien next to his Dad.  She approaches him and Chloe.  "Hey, Kagami."  Adrien said.  Kagami doesn't reply, and stands next to Chloe.  Away from Adrien.  Finally, Felix and his Mother arrive, and just like Kagami, he is not happy to be here again.  "Gabriel.  I am so glad to able to see you again today.  Especially after Felix told me you gave the ring back to him.  It means a lot to him, and it means a lot to our family."  Felix's Mom said.  "Yes.  Felix was VERY HAPPY I GAVE him my RING.  It was the right thing to do."  Gabriel replied.  Felix's Mom checks herself in, and heads to the dining room.  With all the guest arrived, Gabriel activates a system that makes sure he is on FULL privacy.  The windows are blocked with iron doors, the doors and locks, and no one can leave.  Gabriel then has all cellphone takes away.  To make sure no one leaves with anything taken or recorded.  "Adrien, please take your friends to your room, until the soirée is done.  Expect for Felix.  I want to have a quick word with him, before I go."  Gabriel said.  "Yes, father."  Adrien replied.  Adrien takes Chloe and Kagami to his room, while Felix stays with Gabriel.  "So, you love the ring?  It is a nice piece of jewelry I say so myself.  You know.  One that bonds marriage together, and the one thing that reminds me of my wife."  Gabriel said.  "It is nice, and I am glad I have it back after so long."  Felix replied.  "Very funny.  I am going to cut to the chase.  You stole my ring, and I want to know why?"  Gabriel demanded.  "My motivation is that my Mom wanted it back.  Just like you, it is the only thing that reminds her of her sister.  But I can see the ring is more important to you, than it is to me.  So rather than continuing to fight, I want to end the war between us, and give you the ring back."  Felix replied.  He takes off the ring, and gives it to Gabriel.  "Your serious?"  Gabriel asked.  "I am.  And it's cool.  I will find a way to tell Mom this."  Felix replied.  "Glad you made the right choice in the end."  Gabriel said.  Felix leaves to join his cousin, as Gabriel goes into the dining room.  Before he enters, he notices a scratch on the ring.  When he rubs the scratch, silver paint falls off.  He rubs it even more, and realizes it is a fake ring.  Gabriel gets furious at being tricked, that he goes to Natalie.  He barges in, and tells her the bad news.  "What's wrong, sir?"  Natalie asked.  "What's wrong?  I'll tell you what is wrong.  Felix gave me back my wedding ring, but he lied to me.  He gave me a fake ring, and thinks he can get away with my real ring."  Gabriel shouted.  "Relax, Gabriel.  It's fine.  You can get that ring back after the party."  Natalie said.  "Or.......I can go into Adrien's room, and take it back by force."  Gabriel replied.  "Absolutely not.  You don't want to cause a scene, Gabriel.  How about thinking outside of the box this time."  Natalie recommended.  "What do you mean?"  Gabriel asked.  "You have two powers are your disposal.  The power to create super villains, and the power to create senti-monsters.  These powers to you are meant to help you save Emilie.  But they can also be the powers to get your ring back."  Natalie replied.  "hmmm...........interesting strategy.  This gives me an idea."  Gabriel said.  He takes his glasses off his face.  "Nooroo, Duusu, Duel Metamorphosis."  Gabriel said as he transforms into Shadowmoth.  He uses the peacock power to create an amok(Fun Fact: The reason I called it feather in my Season 3 rewrite is because I had no idea how to spell it.  It wasn't until I post Season 3 rewrite that I learned how to spell it.  Also, same case for Duusu. I spelled it Dussu not Duusu. So it is now amok, not feather, and Duusu.  Apologies for any confusion).  He puts the amok into his glasses, and creates a senti-monster.  The sent-monster is a clone of Gabriel Agreste.  "Senti-Gabriel.  You are designed to help me get back my ring from Felix."  Shadowmoth said.  Senti-Gabriel nods his head, and walks out of the study.  "So, how is this thinking outside of the box plan going to work?"  Natalie asked.  "Trust me.  I know what I am doing here."  Shadowmoth replied.

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