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(Now with the rewrite of my least favorite episode of MLB done, time to rewrite the worst episode of MLB.  I think we can all agree that Penalteam is complete garbage.  I mean, they not only hurt Chloe again for some reason, but we got four new heroes in one episode.  Among two of which, are the core of Penalteam's issues.  The Goat and the Rooster.  The goat can create whatever object it wants, basically a ripoff of Ladybug's power.  And the Rooster.  I mean you are literally a God with this power.  In a nutshell, the rooster can have whatever special ability they want.  And I MEAN ANY special ability.  Still to this day the most OP miraculous in existence.  But for those who read Miraculous Menace, I wrote saying I will rewrite their powers here.  So, you don't need to be concerned for any God powers here.  The Dog and Ox can stay the same because they are just cool to me.  Now despite how bad this episode is, Penalteam is kind of a special episode.  Because it is the final rewrite I will be doing for MLB.  The very last one.  Once you are done reading this, it is only original stories by me.  And let me tell you, I am excited to show you them.  With this all off the plate, please enjoy my final rewrite for an MLB episode).

Adrien is in his car, being driven to the football stadium.  To participate in a sports field trip.  Natalie is with him as well.  "Thanks for also convincing my Father to let me come here today, Natalie."  Adrien said.  "Of course, Adrien.  You told me all about how you are excited to play football.  I couldn't bare to see you upset missing out on this one."  Natalie replied.  "Absolutely.  I mean, I never really done it before, but I am willing to try my best to win."  Adrien said.  Natalie looks happy to see Adrien happy. Inside the stadium, Adrien's class of Marinette, Alya, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Ivan, Alix, Kim, Max, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, Lila, and Jack, are getting their team organized. With Kim as one captain, and Mari as the other. "Ok........let's go with....Max." Kim said. Max walks to Kim. "Hmmm......Alya." Marinette said. Alya walks to Marinette. Kim and Mari continue to pick up team members, as Adrien finally arrives to the stadium. Mari's team is herself, Alya, Rose, Juleka, Sabrina, and Alix. Kim's team is himself, Mylene, Ivan, Nino, Chloe, Max, and Jack. "Great, now that you all have your team assembled, allow me to introduce you call to Mr. Diveate(if I misspelled it, I apologize). I invited him here today to help coach and assist you all for today's lesson." Mrs. Bustier said. "Yes. It's a pleasure to be here today with you all. I have been studying football all my life, and you will be very surprised that this is one of the best to build team spirt with others. Football is more than just kicking a ball into a goal, and scoring. No. It is all about increasing your ability to work together. How you play. How you communicate. And how you support each other. The point is not about winning. It is about enjoying the sport, and playing as a team." Mr. Diveate replied. "And football is a lot more fun when we get to crush our opponents into the ground." Kim said. "Pfff. If anything your going to crumple because of your massive ego." Alya replied. "Hey, my ego is more than just massive. Besides, how are you going to win when we have Markov on out team?" Kim asked. "Actually, umm.....Markov is getting some new parts installed. So, he wasn't able to make it today." Max replied. "You were saying something?" Alya asked back. "I was......I was.......Urg. We're still going to beat you anyway." Kim declared. As they do that, Marc is dragging Nathaniel to the stadium. "Can you explain to me why I have to do this. I could be drawing comics now. Why waste my day kicking a ball, and running?" Nathaniel asked. "Come on, Nate. You've been drawing everyday. Consider this a little break from your comic book work. Also, football is more than just that. There are so many amazing moves, twist, and turns along the way. Basically, football is like a comic book if it were a sport." Marc replied. "Still, I rather draw than play a dumb sport." Nathaniel said. "WHAT? Don't call football dumb. It is my favorite sport in the world. Plus, Mrs. Bustier got world famous sport's journalist, Mr. Diveate, to join you guys. He has always been an important figure to me, since I was little." Marc replied. "Sounds more like you meeting your idol, than me forcing me to come here." Nathaniel said. "Urg, just give it a shot. I promise you, it will be a lot of fun." Marc replied. "Ummm. No. But you are the only one who can make an excuse for me. So, please, Marc. Do this one for me." Nathaniel begged. Marc thinks. "And because of that, Nathaniel cannot participate in the sport." Marc said. "Really? Is this true, Nathaniel?" Mrs. Buster asked. Nate nods his head. "[signs]. If that is the case, then you can be excused from the sport. But you will have to watch on the bench with Lila." Mrs. Bustier replied. Lila is on the bench, causally faking an injury to avoid playing. "That's perfect. Thanks, Mrs. Bustier." Nathaniel said as he goes to the bench. "Ok. With that out of the way, time to start." Mrs. Buster replied. "Wait a minute. They have seven members, and we have only six." Marinette pointed out. Mrs. Bustier looks at both teams. "Your right. There are an uneven number of players." Mrs. Bustier replied. "Well, I guess that means we are winning without a doubt." Kim said. "Hey, that's unfair." Marinette yelled. The class starts to argue, which makes Mr. Diveate a bit upset. "Ok class. Settle down, settle down. There is no need to fight. There can be a better way to solve this problem." Mrs. Diveate said. "We could just have one of their team mates leave to the bench." Alix suggested. "Good idea, but a football team needs at least seven members to play." Mr. Diveate replied. "What about if Marc joins our team? That can work." Rose suggested. "'What, me?" Marc asked. "That can work. You would be a goof fit for them, Marc." Mr. Diveate replied. "Well.......[Marc thinks]........I mean...I shouldn't waste your time." Marc said. "Come on, Marc. You would be awesome on our team." Marinette replied trying to convince Marc. "[thinks some more]......Ok. Ok, I'll join in." Marc said. "Perfect." Mr. Diveate replied. Outside the stadium, Adrien finally arrives. "Now remember.  Be back here at 1:00.  Photo shots start at 2:00 on Monday's."  Natalie said.  "I'm aware.  Thanks for reminding me."  Adrien replied as he leaves the car(so Penalteam occurs the day after the events of Kuro Neko.  On a Sunday.  Therefore, Penalteam is like a direct sequel to Kuro Neko). Adrien runs inside of the stadium, to see his class mates. They are all ready to play some classic football. Mr. Diveate is about to blow the whistle, until Adrien screams. "Morning, guys." Adrien said as he stops running. "Morning, Adrien." His class mates replied. "Adrien. Your late." Mrs. Bustier said. "I am? [looks at phone]. Shot. I'm so sorry, Mrs. Bustier." Adrien replied. "It's ok, but unfortunately, we already have a team ready." Mrs. Bustier said. Adrien looks at both teams. "So, I guess I won't be playing football after all." Adrien replied in a sad like manner. "Oh, of course not. Your can still play for Kim's team. If you want." Mrs. Bustier said. "Any team matters. I was just really excited to play, and then poof, this happens." Adrien replied. "No need to feel upset. You will get a chance to play." Mrs. Buster said. Adrien smiles at least, and goes to the bench with Lila and Nathaniel. Adrien makes sure he stays far away from Lila. "Anyway. Time for you all to show us your team spirt, and ability to work together." Mr. Diveate said.
    After blowing his whistle, the football match begins.  Marinette kicks the ball to Rose, who runs to the other team's goal.  Max and Mylene block her, so Alya thinks fast.  She kicks to Rose, who runs past them.  Rose then kicks to Marc, who then kicks to Sabrina.  Sabrina runs, as Ivan and Jack try to get her.  But Sabrina surprisingly is able to go past them.  The ball still at her feet.  The other members of Kim's team try to get her, as Sabrina prepares to shot.  Too bad the goalie is Chloe, who is all defense now.  "Oh....forgive me for this, Chloe."  Sabrina said.  Sabrina than kicks the ball powerfully, that is sky rockets towards the Chloe.  Chloe is shocked, and tires to stop it.  But she fails.  Sabrina scores a goal.  Everyone, including Mr. Diveate is mind blown.  "Wow, Sabrina.  I never seen you do anything like that before."  Marinette said in astonishment.  "What can I say.  I guess I'm good at football."  Sabrina replied.  Chloe gets off the ground, after she failed to stop the ball.  "Oh my God, Chloe.  Did you get hurt?"  Sabrina panicked as she runs to her BFF.  "No.  Not at all.  But you never told me you can do that."  Chloe replied.  "Again, I guess I'm that good."  Sabrina said.  "Ok, no need to flex on us.  So you got a goal.  Big deal."  Kim replied.  "She isn't trying to flex on us, Kim."  Chloe said.  "Oh, so your on their side now."  Kim replied.  "That's not what I meant." Chloe said. "Ok, enough with the fighting. Fighting mostly ruins the whole experience of football. Let's just go back to playing like any ordinary team would." Mr. Diveate replied. "Fair point." Marc said. "Excuse me?" Mr. Diveate asked. "Oh.....nothing. Nothing at all." Marc replied. Mr. Diveate blows his whistle again, and the game continues. Chloe kicks the ball, and it lands to Kim. He runs, and shows off his football skills. He dashes past Marinette, jukes Rose, and almost trips Alix. Kim passes to Nino, who runs with the ball. But then, he encounters Alya. The two of which have an awkward interaction, considering their breakup. Nino doesn't pass the ball, and Alya does nothing. Mylene takes this chance to steal the ball, and pass it to Ivan. Ivan runs with the ball, and goes to the goal. Marinette and Marc try to stop him. Ivan thinks fats, and goes to kick the ball into the goal. But with his soft side, he is only able to kick it softly. This has Marc get the chance to take the ball. "Ok, what was that, Ivan?" Jack asked. "I didn't want to hurt Juleka if I hit too hard." Ivan replied. "This is football. There is no mercy." Jack said. Jack runs after Marc, who is going a smooth job with the ball. Marc sees Jack coming behind him, so Marc gets assisted by Mari. He gives the ball to her, and she passes to Alix. She distracts Max with the ball, so that she can pass to Marc again. Marc then flicks the ball into the air, and kick it while still in the air. He rockets towards Chloe, and she once again fails to stop him from getting into the goal. Just like Sabrina, everyone is surprised and shock. Mari's team goes around Marc, and say he did an awesome job there. Meanwhile, Kim is furious. "SERIOUSLY!!!!!! How can we suck so bad at this sport." Kim yelled. "Dude, relax. It's just a sport to enjoy." Nino replied. "Yeah. You seem to be having fun. Fun with your ex." Kim said. "HEY!!! I was just nervous seeing her again. No need to judge me there." Nino replied. "Well, maybe focus more on the ball than her." Kim said. Kim approaches Mari's team. "This is clearly unfair. You guys have two all stars, and we have only one. The one being me" Kim said. "Seems Kim is a bit jealous that we are ruining his fun." Alya replied. "Oh really? Well you looked like you were having a lot of fun chating with Nino." Kim yelled. Alya is frozen and anger. "Screw you, Kim." Alya yelled back. "Sorry it isn't my fault you two still have feelings for each other." Kim replied. Alya gets even more anger. Eventually, Kim and Alya have an all out brawl of words. Yelling at each other at the top of their voices. Mr. Diveate tries to step in to stop this, but they ignore him, and tell him to stay out of it. Mr. Diveate watches as the teams start to fall apart. Thus, he starts feeling negativity, which gets the attention of one, Shadowmoth. Using his power, Shadowmoth creates a megakuma, and sends it to the negative emotion he feels. As the megakuma flies, it goes into Mr. Diveate's whistle. A mask forms on his face. "Penalteam. I am Shadowmoth. So these kids aren't showing their team spirt? Thanks to me, I will give you all the power to make them work together. You will have the skills needed to form the perfect football team. One who works together, communicates well, and especially, crush heroes like Ladybug and Cat Noir. Speaking of which, bring me their miraculous when your mission is complete." Shadowmoth ordered. "They will all soon understand what the power of teamwork is really capable of." Mr. Diveate replied as he transforms into Penalteam(imagine Penalteam's actual design on his character).
Alya and Kim are still fighting, as two red cards fly into them.  Attached to their body, Kim and Alya transform into Penalteam versions of themselves.  The same goes for Mrs. Bustier, Mylene, Alix, Lila, Jack, and Chloe.  Everyone gets confused, until they look at Mr. Diveate.  "So, you guys don't want to play like a team?  Then I will show you how to play like a team."  Penalteam said.  His team of himself, Mrs. Bustier, Kim, Alya, Mylene, Alix, Lila, Jack, and Chloe are ready to fight.  The other remaining students run away in fear, except for Marc. He stays behind to watch the game hidden in the crowd seats. Marinette and Adrien take this chance to transform.  Marinette runs to a bathroom, and spots on into Ladybug.  Adrien runs to another bathroom, and claws out into Cat Noir.  After they transform, Ladybug and Cat Noir show up to battle.  "Well well well.  If it isn't Ladybug and Cat Noir.  The supreme super duo of Paris.  You two may have defeated Shadowmoth countless times, but we have all the requirements needed to get your miraculous."  Penalteam said.  The other members agree.  "Please.  You may have a casual team of super villains, but I have a team of superheroes."  Ladybug replied.  "Umm, don't you mean....." Cat Noir asked. "And my team and I are going to make your wet their pants. We are going to be so intimidated, and you will wish you never met us. This is going to be as easy at taking out Mr. Pigeon." Ladybug said. "Wow. Lot of confidence you have, Ladybug. In that case, let's up the stakes. We will play only one inning. 45 minutes long. In any way possible, you must have more points than the other team when the time runs out. If you and your team win, I will give you my megakuma. But if my team wins, we get all your miraculous. A little bonus reward for Shadowmoth." Penalteam replied. "Now, My Lady. Maybe you should....." Cat Noir said. "DEAL!" Ladybug screamed. "Perfect. Better grab your so called team, before we get started. I mean, don't want to play things unfair here." Penalteam replied. Ladybug leave to get her team, completely ignoring Cat Noir in the process. Cat Noir is all alone, by himself, with Penal and his team. Ladybug only collects four members for her team. Nino, Rose, Max, and Juleka. When Ladybug returns, she has only Carapace, Pigella, Pegasus, and Purple Tigress to accompany her. "Hahahahahahaha. This is seriously your super team? Just a turtle, a pig, a horse, and a tiger? I expected a whole army at best against us." Penalteam said. "So what? I don't need my entire team to help me defeat you. At best, we only need five to take out you all." Ladybug replied. "Don't you mean a six? We have Cat Noir." Carapace asked. "Who?" Ladybug asked back. "Cat Noir. He is right there." Carapace replied. "Oh, cat's not playing. He can just chill on the bench, or just leave us alone." Ladybug said. "Wait? But I can help...." Cat Noir replied. "Ok, let's start this game." Ladybug replied ignoring Cat Noir. Purple Tigress is as goalie, while it is just Ladybug, Pigella, Pegasus and Carapace against the Penalteam. Penalteam, whose team is himself, Alix, Mrs. Bustier, Alya, and Chloe, blows his whistle, and officially starts the game. Chloe, as goalie, passes to Alix, who runs to the other teams's goal. Ladybug runs to get the ball, but she gets blocked by Mrs. Bustier. Alix runs with the ball, until Carapace runs to stop her. But then Alya interferes. She blocks Carapace, and the sight of his ex distracts him long enough for Alix to run past him. She kicks the ball, and Purple Tigress fails to stop the ball. "Haha. Great job team. One, zero." Penalteam said. His team cheers, as Ladybug's team gets ready again. Cat Noir still sits on the bench in sorrow, and feeling left out. Penalteam blows his whistle again, and Purple Tigress kicks the ball. Pigella gets it, and runs to the other team's goal. Penalteam runs after him, and stays be his side. Penalteam taunts Pigella, by making her believe he is going to do something. This has Mrs. Bustier steals the ball from her.  Pigella turns around, as Mrs. Bustier runs with the ball towards Ladybug's goal.  Pegasus tries to stop the ball, but he is blocked off by Alix. With no assist from Ladybug' team, Mrs. Bustier kicks the ball right into the goal again.  "Two, zero.  And with forty minutes remaining, your team better hurry up."  Penalteam said.  Penalteam blows the whistle again, and this leads to a montage.  A montage of Ladybug's team getting their butts absolutely spanked.  As they get their butts kicked, Cat Noir is still forced to sit on the bench, and watch his friends play.  Penalteam gets a goal.  Kim gets a goal. Alix gets a goal.  Alya gets a goal.  Everyone on Penal's team gets a goal.  Expect Chloe.  Ladybug, Carapace, Pigella, Pegasus, and Purple Tigress try to stop them, but they fail.  And not once.  Not once have they scored a goal.  Nor have they supported each other in the process. After twenty minutes, the score is 10 to 0.  "WOW!!!!!  Ten goals in twenty minutes.  Are you guys even trying to stop us? Because it just looks like you are giving this to us."  Penalteam said.  "[deep breathes].  This is not going to help us, Ladybug.  Maybe bringing Cat Noir in will help."  Carapace suggested.  "No.  That will not help us."  Ladybug replied.  "You know what.  Just because I'm a nice guy, I will let you take a five minute break to rework your strategy.  Because I came for a game, but not like this."  Penalteam said.  Ladybug agrees to it, and Penalteam gets off the field.  Purple Tigress joins Ladybug and the others.  Cat Noir goes to join to, but is forced back to the bench by Ladybug.  "Ok, so we need a plan."  Ladybug said.  "Yeah. But what do you suggest we do?" Pegasus asked. Ladybug thinks to see what she can do now.  As she looks and thinks, someone yells Ladybug.  Ladybug, Carapace, Pigella, Pegasus, and Purple Tigress look, and see it is Marc.  "I have been watching the whole game, and this is just embarrassing. I mean, your all superhero's, yet you are getting creamed.  Listen, I know a lot about the sport, football.  So much, that my shirt is signed by some of my favorite football players.  [takes off jacket, and shows them].  I learned a lot from football.  Best ways to kick the ball.  Best strategies for offense and defense.  But most importantly, I learned that a good football team, needs teamwork.  From the looks of it, you all are going solo.  So I am here to assist.  I want to help you, Ladybug."  Marc said.  "As do we."  Sabrina, Nathaniel, and Ivan said as well.  They show up, to assist Ladybug.  "I took some time to convince them to help you out.  Since of course, your team isn't doing so fresh.  Now, I know they are a team of super villains, but with our coordination and support, we can have a shot at this."  Marc said.  "He's right.  We want to help stop Penalteam, so you won;t lose your miraculous.  That, and I want to help save my BFF."  Sabrina said.  "I want to save my sweet, Mylene."  Ivan said.  "Too be honest, I came along to end this, and go home.  But still, I want to help save my fellow friends.  Like any good team mate would do."  Nathaniel said.  Ladybug sees the commitment in them all, and realizes she has been a bit delusional during this fight.  "Ok.  Yeah, your definitely right, Marc.  Which gives me an insane idea." Ladybug said. She yo-yo Marc, and takes him with her. She takes Marc to a private area. She opens her yo-yo, and pulls out the Rooster miraculous. "Marc, here is the miraculous of the Rooster. Which grants the power of sublimation. You will use this miraculous, and it's power for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will give this miraculous back to me. So tell me, can I trust you?" Ladybug asked. Marc struggles to answer, but says, "Yes. You can trust me, Ladybug." Marc replied. He puts on the Rooster miraculous, and the kwami flies out. "Greetings human. I'm Orikki. It's an honor to meet you. I haven't gotten a new holder in centuries. I'm so excited. All you have to do is say Orikki, sunrise, and boom, your a superhero." Orikki said. "Understood. Orikki, sunrise." Marc said as he transforms into Rooster Bold. "Sabrina. Here is the miraculous of the Dog. Which grants the power of adoration. You will use this miraculous, and it's power for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will give this miraculous back to me. So tell me, can I trust you?" Ladybug asked. "Yes, Ladybug. I am trustworthy for this miraculous." Sabrina replied. She puts on the Dog miraculous, and the kwami flies out. "Well hello there. I'm your kwami, Barkk. I hope you love playing caught because your power allows you to return an object you ball touches. Now, just say Barkk, on the hunt, and let's go." Barkk said. "Got it. Barkk, on the hunt." Sabrina replied as she transforms into Miss Hound. "Ivan. Here is the miraculous of the Ox. Which grants the power of determination. You will use this miraculous, and it's power for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will give this miraculous back to me. So tell me, can I trust you?" Ladybug asked. "I will do anything to save the love of my life. As well as my friends. So yes, Ladybug. You can trust me." Ivan replied. Ivan puts on the Ox miraculous, and the kwami flies out. "Hi, the name's Stomp. You seem like a big fella. I like that. Just say, Stomp, make way, and let's get moving." Stomp said. "Alright. Stomp, make way." Ivan replied as he transforms into Minotaurox. "Nathaniel. Here is the miraculous of the Goat. Which grants the power of Passion. You will use this miraculous, and it's power for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will give this miraculous back to me. So tell me, can I trust you?" Ladybug asked. "You can count on me Ladybug. After all, I'm the guy who drew all those comics about you and Cat Noir." Nathaniel replied. Nathaniel puts the miraculous of the Goat on, and the kwami flies out. "Hello. I'm Ziggy. A helpful kwami and companion to anyone in harm or pain. Just say Ziggy, bleat it, and we can go spread out assistance." Ziggy said. "With pleasure. Ziggy, bleat it." Nathaniel replied as he transforms into Caprikid.
Back in the stadium, the break time is over.  Penalteam is back on the field.  "So, it is just the tiger the turtle facing me and my team?  Pff.  Looks like Ladybug is going to lose her and yours miraculous today."  Penalteam said.  "Not quite."  Ladybug replied as she lands back onto the field.  "Hmm, impressive entrance.  But it doesn't matter. Your team of five is not match for mine." Penalteam said. "That may be true, but actually, I took this time to take advantage of our current situation." Ladybug replied. She whistles with her fingers, and then four figures jump into the air. Each and very one of them land onto the field. Penalteam and his team, as well as Ladybug's team plus Cat Noir, watch and see who her new guest are. It is four brand new heroes for Team Miraculous. "Penalteam, guys. Allow me to introduce to you all Rooster Bold, Miss Hound, Minotaurox, and Caprikid. The latest new holders of the Rooster, Dog, Ox, and Goat miraculous." Ladybug said. "Hmmm. New heroes to accompany you. Looks like you used your time wisely, and got me a challenge. Now this is where the real fun begins." Penalteam replied. With a snap of his fingers, Kim, Mylene, Lila, and Jack join the game. To have an equal balance of players. "So, what's the plan?" Rooster Bold asked. "Just like you said, work together, and support each other when needed. The main objective, get to eleven points in twenty minutes. If not, then it's game over." Ladybug replied. "As long as we are here, it will be far from game over." Rooster Bold said. the other heroes agree. Ladybug nods her head, and gets ready to play. Penalteam blows his whistle, and the match continues. Chloe kicks the ball, and it lands to Mylene. She runs as Minotaurox goes after her. He blocks her, so Mylene passes to Jack. Jack runs to the goal, as Carapace and Pegasus try to stop him. He jukes them both, and makes a run for it. Jack kicks the ball, but Caprikid refuses for him to do that. He runs, jumps into the air, and blocks the ball with his body. On the ground, Caprikid runs to the goal. Mrs. Bustier, Alix, and Alya run towards him at once, but Pigella is open. Caprikid passes to her, and she runs. The three after Caprikid turn around, and focus on Pigella. Miss Hound is open, and Pigella kicks to her. With the ball by her feet, Miss Hound turns, and kicks the ball to the goal at a fast pace. Just like before, Chloe fails to stop the ball. Ladybug's team cheers at their first goal. But Cat Noir still sits in disappointment. "Huh? Looks like Team Miraculous decided to use teamwork for once. It's just one goal still. There's no way they are going to get ten more in fifteen minutes." Penalteam said. His team agrees. Penalteam blows his whistle, and the game continues. Chloe kicks the ball, and is lands to Lila. Lila runs, and keeps her eye on Ladybug.  Ladybug runs to her, and Lila kicks the ball to Kim.  Kim runs, as Lila blocks Ladybug with a grin on her face.  Kim runs and goes to shot the ball.  Rooster Bold slides in front of Kim, and Kim responds by kicking the ball to Alya.  Alya runs, as Pegasus tries to get the ball from her.  He succeeds, and passes it to Minotaurox.  Minotaurox runs with the ball in a straight line to the goal.  Not panicking at all the other Penalteam players after him.  "Pff.  Amateur."  Penalteam said.  As his team closes in closer, Minotaurox makes his move.  "Resistance."  Minotaurox said as he uses his powers.  As the Penalteam players close in, they get deflected off of Minotaurox.  Penalteam is surprised, as Minotaurox flicks the ball into the hair, and kicks in back into their goal again.  "WHAT???  That's not fair.  He cheated."  Kim said.  "Not really.  Penalteam did say we have to win using anything we have.  Remember?"  Ladybug asked.  [flashback].  In any way possible, you must have more points than the other team when the time runs out.  [end flashback].  "She's right.  I did say that."  Penalteam said.  He doesn't let it get in the way, and the game continues again.  The ball gets passed to Mrs. Bustier, who runs to the goal.  However, Miss Hound's ball hits the football ball.  She lets Mrs. Bustier run past her.  "Fetch."  Miss Hound said as she uses her powers.  The ball then teleports to Hiss Hound, and she runs to the goal.  Apart from Penalteam getting into her way, she passes to Rooster Bold.  Rooster Bold then kicks the ball hard, and slams into the goal again.  The ball gets back on the field again.  Kim gets anger, so he gets the ball the second he can, and runs as fast as a cheetah.  He dashes past his opponents, and kicks the ball as fast as he can.  Carapace tries to stop the ball, but the ball hits him hard.  Carapace rolls on the ground, as the ball fails to get into the goal.  "Time out.  Time out."  Ladybug screamed.  Penalteam blows his whistle, as the game stops for now.  Ladybug's team surrounds Carapace.  "Are you ok, Carapace?"  Ladybug asked.  "Ouch.....I think so.  The ball really hit my left arm hard...Ow.."  Carapace replied.  "I think he busted it."  Rooster Bold said.  He touches Carapace's arm, and it hurts really bad.  "Yep.  This is serious."  Rooster Bold said.  "Well what do we do?  Should we have Carapace bench, and bring Cat Noir in?"  Miss Hound ask.  "Nope.  Again, not an option.  Caprikid can easily fix this using his powers.  Caprikid."  Ladybug replied.  "Yes.  Just hold still.  [clears throat].  Genesis."  Caprikid said as he uses his powers.  His paint brush shoots a colorful rainbow, that goes onto Carapace's arm.  The arm starts to glow, until the rainbow stops.  "So, how do you feel?"  Caprikid asked.  "I fell.....[gets up].....good.  But my arm feels good.  Better yet, phenomenal.  But how?"  Carapace asked back.  "Just my superpower.  I can heal anyone or myself using my paint brush.  Your welcome."  Caprikid replied.  With Carapace back in action, the game continues again.  Purple Tigress throws the ball, and it lands to Rooster Bold.  He does opens;t run, as he sees he is surrounded by all the Penalteam players.  "No where to run now, boy."  Penalteam said.  "The real question you should be asking, is can you caught me or not?  Sublimation."  Rooster Bold said as he uses his powers. Rooster Bold pulls out his quil, and draws a symbol. With the symbol completed, he prints it on his chest. Soon, Rooster Bold has the ability to run at a fast speed. He dashes around and past all the Penalteam players, until he gets bored of it. He then appears behind them, and kicks the ball into the goal in like ten seconds(little breakdown on the Rooster's rewritten powers. Rooster Bold also has the ability to give himself super strength of super intelligence based on what symbol he draws. Fun fact, despite how OP it truly is, I actually am a fan of choosing your own special ability. I wanted the same thing here, but no in a less OP way. So thanks to the quil, I got the idea to have him draw something that allows him a power upgrade. Speed, strengthen, or intelligence. HE CAN ONLY USE ONE SYMBOL, AND THEN HE STARTS TO SLOWLY TRANSFORM BACK. Just saying. Now, these power upgrades aren't like god like powers. And I can show that later on. Trust me). After all the new powers are introduced, this leads to another montage. This time, Team Miraculous has the upper hand. Ladybug scores a goal. Pigella scores a goal. Caprikid scores a goal. Pegasus scores a goal. Everyone expect Purple Tigress and Cat Noir score a goal. The time is one minute, and the score is ten to ten. As the clock ticks, Ladybug has the ball. She jumps with the ball between her feet, and passes it to Pegasus. He uses voyage to teleport it to Carapace. Kim and Jack go after Carapace, but he uses shelter to protect himself. With the ball projected, he runs to the goal with thirty seconds left. He un-shields, and passes it to Minotaurox. He runs, and jukes Lila. Minotaurox then passes it to Caprikid, who passes it to Miss Hound, who passes it to Rooster Bold. Ten seconds on the clock. Rooster Bold flicks the ball, jumps into the air, and kicks the ball as hard as he can. In slow mo, the ball flies towards the goal. Chloe jumps to try to stop the ball. Ladybug and her team, as well as Penalteam as his team watch as the ball gets closer and closer. Chloe is so close to the ball, and then.........the ball course through her fingertips. And Rooster Bold scores the final goal. The football game is over. Team Miraculous wins. Ladybug and her team celebrate, as Penalteam lies in failure. "So, a deals a deal." Ladybug said as she reaches her hand out to Penalteam. "[signs]. You did win fair and square. And I am a man of my word. Congratulations, Ladybug." Penalteam replied as he gives his whistle to Ladybug. Ladybug breaks it. Freeing the megakuma inside. Ladybug the opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the megakuma, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away. Penalteam gets de evilized. Turning them all back to normal. Ladybug then opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm. "Here, Mr. Diveate. This magical charm will protect you from Shadowmoth's wrath. Keep it with you at all times." Ladybug said. "Thank you, Ladybug. And good game." Mr. Diveate replied. Ladybug and her team get ready to do a pound it. Cat Noir gets off the bench, and tries to join in. "Should we wait for Cat Noir?" Purple Tigress asked. "No time. Let's do it now." Ladybug replied. They all do a pound it, and leave with Ladybug. Once again, leaving Cat Noir all alone.
The class reunites on the football field. "So, now that everything is back to normal, let's get back to the football match." Mrs. Bustier said. "Wait. Before we start, I have something to say first." Kim replied. He gets in front of everyone. "I'm sorry be being such an egotistical jerk today. I guess the thought of winning got to my mind, and that's all I was focused about. I treated my teammates badly, my opponents badly, and pretty much ruined the experience of team spirt development. I especially want to apologize to Alya and Nino. I shouldn't have gone too far by bringing up your, you know. In other words, I'm sorry." Kim said. Alya kinds of growls a bit, but eventually forgives Kim. "Well, thank you for your apology, Kim. That was very kind of you to do. But now, I think it is best we do what's right for one of us. Adrien. It's time for you to play." Mrs. Bustier said. Adrien is still a little sad after the battle, but is happy to finally play some football. Adrien fills in for Kim, who is one the bench with Lila and Nathaniel. Adrien looks happy to finally play some football after all day. But as Mr. Diveate goes to blow the whistle, someone yells Adrien's name. Adrien looks, and sees it is Natalie. Sadly, despite finally getting some time with his friends, it is 1:00. Adrien has to leave for his photo shot. "Oh no. I'm sorry guys. I have to go now. It's for a photo shot." Adrien said. "Your kidding. I'm sorry to hear this Adrien. It's a shame you have to miss out playing football with us." Mrs. Bustier replied. "It's ok. There's better luck next time. [in whisper]. If there is one." Adrien said. Adrien leaves his friends, and approaches Natalie. "I assume your football game went the way you wanted, Adrien?" Natalie asked. " did. It went exactly as I wanted it to go." Adrien replied. Natalie and Adrien walk out of the stadium, as Adrien feels more endless pain. Missing out on another fun activity, and another battle against Shadowmoth.

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