Cat Noir's Perfect Payback Part 2(original story by me)

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Gabriel and Natalie are being driven home.  With Gabriel being so ready to "murder" Adrien for what he did.  When they get home, Gabriel immediately storms out of the car, and into his home.  "Sir, maybe try reconsidering your choice here.  Adrien shouldn't deserve being locked up again."  Natalie begged.  "I DON'T CARE, NATALIE.  He made a fool out of me tonight.  Now he is going to wish he never stood up to his own Dad."  Gabriel replied.  Gabriel approaches Adrien's room.  "ADRIEN!!!!!!"  Gabriel said as he slams Adrien's bedroom door open.  Gabriel looks around, but cannot see his son in sight.  "ADRIEN!!!!!!!  Where are you?"  Gabriel said as he looks around. "You cannot hide from me, Adrien. I commanded you to come out NOW!!!!!! I'm your Father." Gabriel demanded. Gabriel looks through his son's bathroom, closets, etc. But his son is not there at all. "Sir." Natalie said. "WHAT??!!!! Can't you see I'm a little busy here." Gabriel asked. "I see that, sir. But, I think you should come see this." Natalie replied. Natalie takes Gabriel to the study, and points to the fire place. "What the?" Gabriel asked. Gabriel puts out the fire, to prevent his house from going up in flames. After that, he finds Adrien's burnt photo book. The pictures are already charred. So there is no way to know what is on them. "Looks like Adrien might have came home after all.  And he wanted to burn something?"  Gabriel said.  "[gasp].  Sir!!!  There's another problem.  The grimoire's gone."  Natalie replied in terror.  "WHAT???!!!!"  Gabriel screamed.
At the Arc de Triomphe, Essence, his helicopter, and some of his clawers are waiting for Cat Noir.  "It's been ten minutes, master.  No sign of the kitty cat."  Clawer said.  "It's Cat Noir.  And relax.  Let him take his time.  From the call, he wasn't doing so well.  Make sense because finding out the one you care most for officially backstabbing you, really makes the emotional damage a lot more painfully than it already is."  Essence replied.  "Understood, master."  Clawer said.  Soon after, Cat Noir lands on the Arc, all packed up and ready to leave.  "Huh?  Ahhh, Cat Noir.  You've finally made it like I asked.  I have been very excited to meet you.  But not as enemies.  As partners."  Essence said.  The two approach each other, and shake hands.  "I am as much as excited as you are, Essence.  It's an honor to be apart of your team.  Better than the team I'm apart of.  Scumbag friends, and a piece of crap leader."  Cat Noir replied.  "Man, you really had a hard time didn't you.  But no need to worry.  Unlike Ladybug, I actually treat my companions with the respect they deserve.  And I for one don't backstab my friends.  Unless of course, they try to betray me."  Essence said in a threatening way at the end.  "The chances of me backstabbing you are the chances I get with the girl I hate.  [shivers in disgust].  So, what is the plan exactly?"  Cat Noir asked.  "My plan is nice and simple.  But in the end, I know we'll be victorious.  [at the oil rig.  Essence's lair.  Essence voiceovers what is happening.]. Starting now, I am building a countless army of menacing clawers.  [shown Clawer being created].  An army so large, that Ladybug's team doesn't stand a chance.  [back at Arc.  No longer voiceover].  At first it may seem like a basic all out invasion on the city, but little do these heroes know, it's all a trap.  After a long and tiring battle, they will be exhausted to fight.  That's where we come into play.  The main target is Ladybug because she holds the miracle box containing all of the Mother Box miraculous.  And don't worry, I'll make sure you get to spend as much time with Ladybug as you want."  Essence replied.  "That would be much appreciative of you."  Cat Noir said.  "That's not all.  Once we're done here, we' ll go after other miraculous within the world.  Until we have every single one."  Essence replied.  "Interesting.  I like that." Cat Noir said.  "Of course you would."  Essence replied.  "Well, what are we waiting for?  We have a bunch of jerks to punish."  Cat Noir said.  "Woah.  Woah.  Woah.  I like how ready you are for all of this, but no."  Essence replied.  "Excuse me?"  Cat Nori asked.  "I told you I am building a countless army of clawers.  And it will take some time to build, as well as get you ready.  Your a strong fighter, but with my techniques in battle, you will be more dangerous than all those other wannabes."  Essence replied.  "You don't say."  Cat Noir said.  "I do.  We can start our work in the morning.  For now, let's get you out of this place."  Essence replied.  "Definitely.  They don't deserve me anyway."  Cat Noir said.  Essence, Cat Noir, and his clawers get aboard his helicopter, and fly away from Paris.
    The helicopter flies over sea. Cat Noir looks out the window, and sees a base in the distance.  Cat is surprised at the sight of this place. The helicopter lands on a helipad, and is turned off. "Cat Noir. [helicopter door opens]. Welcome to your new home." Essence said as he gets off the helicopter. Cat Noir gets off too, and is astonished. "What once was an abandoned oil rig. Has soon transformed into my base of operations." Essence said. "Woah. This place is huge. Buildings. Factories. A helipad. And it's was here the whole time. No wonder we never see you much in Paris." Cat Noir replied. "Just playing the game smart, Cat. I made sure no one, and I MEAN NO ONE would find me here. It's literally miles away from Paris, but it only takes a good 45 minutes to an hour to get there. And even if one were to find me, they would probably be blown to a million pieces by me, or my clawers. Speaking of clawers, they helped make myself a more threatening villain than I already am. That, and build my entire base for me. Allow me to show you the grand tour." Essence said. Essence takes Cat Noir around his base. "[shows black building on the right of the photo]. Here is out factory where my clawers are being made. All produced by two machines. [shows white building on the left of the photo]. Here is my radio tower. It allows me to view any news in Paris. Because it's best to keep up on what's new in this world. [shows gray building behind the main building]. And here is our laboratory. It's a weird look, but I think it looks cool. There is also a computer inside, where I often spend my time creating plans, or other stuff. [takes to gray building next to the black building on the right of the photo]. One of my favorites. The furnace room. Or as I like to call it, the eternal gateway to devastation. I say that because I have a flaming put at the bottom. It's where all my scarps and trash go. [goes to platform behind the helipad]. And here is just a platform." Essence said. "Just....a platform?" Cat Noir asked. "Well yeah. It is often good for looking at the sea from a closer view. But for us, this is where we will do training." Essence replied. "Ok." Cat Noir said. "All of these are pretty cool. But nothing compared to the God of them all. [turns Cat Noir around]. My command center." Essence replied. Essence takes Cat to a metal door. Essence inputs a code to the door. "Access granted." The door said. The metal door opens, revealing the inside of Essence's home. "So yeah, my room is over there.  Which you are NOT allowed in is over there. The room I set up for you is across from mine. And sometimes you will see clawers working on stuff. They won't bother you." Essence said. "Good to know. But side note, why cannot we know our secret identities?" Cat Noir asked. "Oh, we can. Just not for the time being. I was thinking we do it, after we take out Ladybug and her team. To keep things safe. But hey, unlike some people, I don't break promises I keep." Essence replied. "I've had people who I made promises with. It didn't work out." Cat Noir said. "That's rough. Anyway. Let me take you to our other floors." Essence replied. He takes Cat Noir to an elevator in the middle of the room. "Now, this elevator only goes up. And there are three floors including this one. We're going to skip floor two because you need to see floor three." Essence said. "Whatever you say." Cat Noir replied. Essence pressed floor three, and the elevator rises. It arrives at floor three. A room but entire in darkness. "Now, Cat Noir. Behold the best part of the my base. My throne room." Essence said. Cat Noir stands in front of the throne, as Essence sits down. "It's very dark in here. Good thing I have night vision to see where I'm at." Cat Noir said. "I always found that to be a fun feature for the Black Cat miraculous. However, you won't be needing it now." Essence replied as he presses a button. Soon, the two metal doors open up, unleashing the outside world of the rig. Cat Noir turns around, and is mind blown. "Wow!" Cat Noir said in surprise. "Standing and looking at that view is nothing. The throne is where the magic happens." Essence replied. Cat Noir goes and stands next to Essence on his chair. They watch the few for a couple of seconds. "Sorry, but I really don't see the magic here." Cat Noir said. "Because your not in the chair of course. Sitting on this throne ins't meant for you to have a nice seat. It's suppose to symbolize the feeling of control. Ruling a place of your own. Where everyone obeys your every command. A sense of being ruler, a warlord, a true villain. This is exactly what I want to have once I have what I want with the miraculous. A whole world bowing before me. And you as well now." Essence replied. "Never knew being a villain can actually have its perks." Cat Noir said. "Same for being a hero. Expect, a villain can whatever he or she pleases. Unlike heroes who follow stupid rules, and get zero appreciation from their loved ones. In other words, being bad is more enjoyable than being good. Want to give the throne a shot?" Essence asked. "Uhhhh, sure, Essence."  Cat Noir replied.  Essence gets up from his seat, so Cat Noir and sit down on it.  As Cat sits on the throne, he over looks the ocean.  "You can enjoy the view for now.  I'll leave you here to take it all in.  Our dinner will be ready shortly."  Essence said.  "Dinner?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Of course.  We need to survive somehow."  Essence replied.  Essence leaves, as Cat Noir focuses on the view of Essence's lair.  As he sits, he looks at his staff.  Cat opens his phone app, and looks at all the contacts he has.  Including, Ladybug.  The sight of Ladybug on this staff angers Cat, so he blocks her from him.  As well as the rest of his contacts.  They would've ever care if they talked to him anyway.  Cat puts his staff away, and continues to look at the view.  He is mesmerize at the sight he sees, and the feeling he has on the throne.  It makes Cat feel alive inside.  "I can see your enjoying the experience."  Essence said.  "Ahhh, oh, it's you, Essence.  Uhh, yeah.  Your not kidding.  It does feel good."  Cat Noir replied.  "Well, I'm glad you liked it.  Now come.  Dinner is served."  Essence said.  Essence takes Cat Noir to the floor two.  Where his dinner room, and other training room are located.  He opens the door to his stunning dining room.  Filled with a fire place, chandelier, oak wood table with oak wood chairs, freshly lit candles, and a beautiful setting.  "Ok, now this is just too much.  How do you have the money to afford all of this?"  Cat Noir asked.  "I don't.  It's called stealing. I never pay for my stuff, or pass out on the chance to gut someone head to toe."  Essence replied.  "Jeez.  You really have the thrill of murder.  Like, your not going to try to kill me right?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Only if you betray me."  Essence replied.  The two sit across the table from each other, as the feast begins.  Some clawers come in, and set it their meal for the two guest.  Essence chills, while Cat Noir is surprised at this.  The clawers delivers silverware, plates, glasses, napkins, and place mates.  After the table is set, they bring in the main course. The place the meal in front of Essence and Cat Noir, and lift up the domes. "Here we have a filet of beef. Cooked to a medium rare temperature. Surf n Turfed with a poaches lobster tail. A little butter bowl for dipping. Garnished with a freshly mashed potato. And finished off with some truffles." Clawer explained. Cat Noir is stunned at this rig's quality food. "You seem, surprised." Essence said. "No kidding. I never knew you guys eat fancy here." Cat Noir replied. "I eat fancy here. These clawers live off of oil. Don't just sit there. Eat." Essence said. "Oh, ok." Cat Noir replied. Cat Noir starts slicing into his meal, and tasting the clawer's food. "Holy cow. This is delicious."  Cat Noir said as he savors the beef.  "Thank the clawers for their performance.  They may be programmed to kill, but they are also programmed to kill my starvation."  Essence replied.  "Well, are you going to start eating?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Of course."  Essence replied. Essence cuts a piece of meat with one hand, and with the other hand, moves his mask up to eat the meat. Therefore, he can savor a good meal as well as keep his identity a secret. "Does he normally do that when he eats?"  Cat Noir asked.  "It's called keeping my identity a secret.  A rule and I are very aware with.  Maintaining a secret identity allows a hero and a villain to be safe from those against them.  And although you miraculous holders still have some of your face exposed, I went for the whole thing.  As well as give myself a voice changer to avoid more suspicion.  It's all about keeping a secret."  Essence replied.  "Yeah, tell that to Ladybug."  Cat Noir said.  "What do you mean, Ladybug?"  Essence asked.  "Well, she keeps telling me, oh Cat Noir, you can never reveal your secret identity to anyone.  Not even me.  It is for us to be safe at all times.  So after making that rule, she told someone her secret identity."  Cat Noir replied.  "Your kidding?"  Essence asked.  "Not at all.  She even allowed it with the of our teammates, who happen to be a couple..I mean....ex couple now."  Cat Noir replied.  "Looks like she isn't the trustworthy type of girl."  Essence said.  "Ladybug is nothing but a hypocritical liar, that wants the get rid of me for no reason.  Apart from breaking that rule, she has been a cruel bully to me. I wished Scarabella would be her replacement." Cat Noir replied. "Your talking about Ladybug who wasn't really Ladybug right?" Essence asked. "Correct. Scarabella was "replacement" for Ladybug. I did accuse her of being an imposter, but afterwards, we became good friends. Scarabella was very nice to me.  She understood my pain, and what I was going through.  I also helped her get use to the Ladybug miraculous, since she struggling. Overall, she was someone I had a good bonding with. She's not the only one. There's also someone else.  A girl by the name of Marinette.  Personally, she understood my pain as well.  She was the one good friend I had who saw my suffering.  Despite Paris being my never ending torture device, I still had some people who care for me.  It would shatter my heart if they did something terrible to me."  Cat Noir replied. The two finish their dinner, and get cleaned up.  They return back to floor one.  "So, yeah.  This is what I call home.  I already told you, but in case you forgot.  Your room is the one to the right.  Mine, on the left.  Tomorrow we will start our training to be unstoppable.  By this time in a couple of weeks, Ladybug and her team will have no idea what hit them."  Essence said.  "Perfect."  Cat Noir replied.  "Yes, partner.  Well, see you in the morning."  Essence said.  Essence goes to his quarters, as does Cat Noir.  Cat looks at his room, and only gets a nice bed, sink, a shower, and a trash can.  Not like his old bedroom, but it's at least something.  Still transformed, Cat Noir climbs into bed, and falls asleep.
    The next morning, Marinette wakes up from her bed after a long night. She climbs out of bed, gets dressed, and gets some food for her and the kwamis to eat. "Morning, guys. I have breakfast." Marinette said holding a croissant. The kwamis get up, and fly to the croissant. They all get a piece and start to eat it. "What about you, Tikki?" Marinette asked. Tikki didn't go get a piece of croissant. "I'm not hunger, Marinette." Tikki replied in an anger like tone. "Ok. No need to get mad at me." Marinette said. Soon, Marinette's phone rings constantly.  She pulls her phone out, and sees Alya trying to call her.  Marinette answers the phone.  "Hello."  Marinette said.  "GIRL, did you see the news?  You wouldn't believe what just happened last night."  Alya screamed.  Curious, Marinette goes to her computer, turns on the news to see what is up.  She clicks on a video, where a news reporter explains the massive argument Gabriel and Adrien Agreste had yesterday.  Stating it was the most insane topic they had all week.  Mostly because of the fashion model quitting his job, and then punching his own Dad in the face at the end.  Marinette and the other kwamis are beyond shocked at this revelation.  "Oh my God.  Is this some kind of jokes?"  Marinette asked.  "No.  I still cannot believe it either.  Adrien punching his own Dad in front of a live audience.  Then quitting.  This is nothing I've ever seen before in my life."  Alya replied.  "No kidding.  And poor Adrien.  His Father must be in rage after what he did."  Marinette said.  "I bet he is, considering we've been trying to call him all morning.  Yet, he hasn't replied to us."  Alya replied.  "Seriously.  I'll call you back, Alya.  If there is anyone Adrien would want to talk to, it's me."  Marinette said as she hangs up.  "I have to get to the bottom of this.  I am the only one who knows of Adrien's fashion problem.  Let's just hope he answers."  Marinette said.  Mari calls Adrien, and waits for him to pick up.  The kwamis surround her, as they all wait.  Surprisingly, Adrien didn't answer her.  "What?"  Marinette said.  Mari tries calling him again.  Same thing happened.  Adrien didn't answer the phone.  "No.  This cannot be right."  Marinette said.  Mari tries calling Adrien again.  Hoping third time is the charm.  It's not the charm, and he doesn't answer.  "Wow, Alya wasn't kidding.  Perhaps his Father prevented him from using his phone afterwards."  Pollen said.  "Possibly, Pollen.  But Adrien shouldn't be forced to not speak to us.  There is only one way for me to solve this.  [transitions to Agreste's house].  What do you mean I cannot speak to, Adrien?"  Marinette asked.  "I already explained, Marinette.  Adrien is under a strict grounding for the stunt he pulled."  Gabriel replied.  "I can understand your anger, but Adrien shouldn't be forced to stay away from us.  He deserves better than this."  Marinette said.  "Well he shouldn't have punched me.  He deserves to be punished for this.  Starting with the fact he won't be returning to school anymore.  In fact, he will never set a single foot outside again."  Gabriel replied.  "WHAT?  That's not fair.  There has to be a better solution to this.  You can't lock him up again."  Marinette begged.  "I'm his Father, so I decide what is right for my own son.  And in fact, there is a better solution to this.  It's leave my home right this instant."  Gabriel ordered as he hangs up.  Mari growls.  "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS, GABRIEL!!!!!!"  Marinette yelled.  Gabriel watches as Mari leaves his home.  Natalie then walks into his office.  "No signs of your son, sir.  I tried tracking his phone, but it's like he blocked the signal."  Natalie said.  "This is not the progress report I has hoping for, Natalie.  [turns to her, and stares deep into her eyes.  Natalie backs up in fear].  I told you.  Find him, and bring him to me.  If you think I am going to let my prick of a son get away with this, then you think I'm crazy."  Gabriel replied.  "I don't think your crazy, sir.  I am still trying me best."  Natalie said.  "Well, you aren't trying hard enough.  In fact, your not trying at all your worthless piece of junk.  [miraculous glows.  Clears throat].  You better find him.  I have to go attend more important business."  Gabriel replied.  Gabriel walks up to his painting.  "So saving your wife is more important than your own missing son?  How long do you expect to keep this up, Gabriel?"  Natalie asked.  "At least Emilie wouldn't have leave me, steal from me, or make a clown out of me.  I just want you to bring Adrien home, so I can pummel that little brat.  And FYI, we're keeping this going, until YOU FIND HIM!!!!!!!!!"  Gabriel yelled.  Gabriel goes to his moth lair, as Natalie looks at Gabriel in absolute disgust.
    Similar to Mari, Cat Noir wakes up from his bed at Essence's lair. He climbs out of bed, and walks out his room yawning. Cat steps outside of the rig, to get a good breath of fresh air. Taking it all him. "Had a good sleep, Cat Noir?" Essence asked appearing behind Cat Noir. "I did. A very good sleep." Cat Noir replied. "That's good to hear because today we have training to do. Lots and lots of training to do." Essence said. "Oh, yeah. And we have to train because what exactly?" Cat Noir asked. "Mostly to turn you from an average fighter to an all out unstoppable threat. Like me." Essence replied. "Ohhh, got it. So, when do we start?" Cat Noir asked. "Right now." Essence replied. "Wait, what?" Cat Noir asked. Essence grabs Cat, and takes him to the platform in front of the helipad. "So my fellow feline companion. This is where we'll be training. There is also my training room inside of the main building, but that is for agility exercises. This right here is fighting exercises. In other words, we are going to brawl ever single time we set foot to the area." Essence said. "Wait. We're going to fight, each other, every single time, we set foot here?" Cat Noir asked in terror. "Yep. For these first few practices, I will go easy. Ok?" Essence replied. "Great to know." Cat Noir said. "Now, this is going to be pretty simple. We are just going to fight with hands and legs. Just those two body parts. No weapons at all" Essence replied. Cat nods his head, and puts his dukes up. Essence does the same, ready to fight. The two of us on each other, staring deep into their eyes. After some moment of silence, Essence and Cat Noir charge at each other. Essence punches at Cat Noir. Cat dodges, but Essence grabs his tail, and whams Cat Noir to the ground. Essence then throws Cat Noir off the platform, and into the water. Cat Noir swims back up to air, shocked at how fast that was. "Hey. I thought you said you were going easy on him?" Cat Noir asked. "I was. If I wasn't, I would have probably broken your hip. Just swim back here, so we can continue." Essence replied. Cat Noir swims back to the platform, and Essence helps Cat Noir help. Only for Essence to pull Cat in closer. "Your tail was open. Aka a piece of your clothing. Keep anything attached to you close by at all. Don't let someone grab it. They can use it to their advantage." Essence said as he pulls Cat Noir up. The two get back into position. They put their dukes up, and they both charge at each other. Essence jumps kicks to Cat Noir. Cat dodges the kick, but stands close by the villain. Essence swings a punch to Cat Noir's face, and kicks Cat against a metal railing. Cat Noir lies on the ground in pain, as Essence walks up and knees to him. "You were too close to me. Next time if you dodge an attack, don't think he or she is done. Always be ready for anything like that punch. And if you were to stay close, don't wait. Go for the kill." Essence said. Despite still feeling damaged, Cat Noir gets up to continue fighting. Cat Noir and Essence stand in front of each other, and they charge to fight again. This time, Essence trips and falls to the ground. Cat sees this happen, and goes to help his partner. Cat Noir offers his hand to Essence, only for Essence to clinch it tightly, and kick Cat Noir to the ground. Essence gets up. "That was child's play. If your opponent falls, don't show sympathy. Make them regret falling to the ground." Essence said. Cat is now 3 to 0 against Essence. And it's only the morning. During this course of time, Essence and Cat Noir have been training in a montage. In which, Cat Noir hasn't laid a single blow on Essence. But instead, gets beaten the crap out of by the villain. With punches, kick, backhands, uppercuts, gut punches, you name it. The montage ends with an uppercut that leaves Cat Noir dead. "Wow. It's been [checks time]. Six hours, and not once have you taken me out. How pathetic, kitty cat." Essence said. "[deep breathes]. I'm......trying." Cat Noir replied exhausted. "Not hard enough. But, I will giver you props for lasting this long. Six hour beat down, and your still standing. Until now of course." Essence said. Essence sees Cat Noir so tired, and weak. He knows he needs a new strategy. Essence walks to the "dying" Cat Noir. "Remember why you joined sides with me? To make Ladybug pay for her backstabbing. Right now, pretend I'm her. Pretend I'm the backstabbed who brought you sadness. Are you seriously going to let her do this to you. Beat you up, and make you look like a fool? No. Your going to maker her feel the pain you feel. So she knows what it is like to be in your shoes. Releases that anger into a force to be reckon with. Do it now." Essence said. Essence helps Cat Noir up, as he gets to his spot. Essence is ready to fight. Cat Noir looks at Essence, and imagines him as Ladybug. The sight of his old partner starts to have the gears grinding. Cat gets into fight position. They start the fight, running at each other. Essence goes for a punch, but Cat Noir jumps over it. Cat sees his tail open, and remembers what Essence told him. Before Essence can grab it, Cat Noir pulls it away. Essence is close by Cat Noir, so Cat thinks of the other piece of advice he gave him. If you want to be close, go for the kill. Essence turns around, as Cat Noir kicks Essence in the face. Cat Noir is shocked, as is Essence. Cat Noir doesn't get distracted, and charges at Essence. Essence doesn't as well, and dodges Cat Noir's punch. Essence is now about to pound Cat Noir to the ground, but this time, Cat moves out of the way fast. Avoiding Essence's attack. Cat Noir then runs, jumps into the air, and punches Essence again in the face. Cat Noir's anger rises, and he does all out brutal on the villain. Cat Noir punches and kicks Essence in the gut countless times. Cat Noir uppercuts the villain, and gets on top of him. Cat Noir starts pummeling the villain into dust over, and over, and over again. Until one final punch finishes the job. Cat Noir takes needed deep breaths, as he gets off of Essence. Essence coughs, as he lies on the ground in pain. "Ha. That........was absolutely incredible. Going from a normal everyday punching bag to a fighter who hold nothing back. Really the kind of fighting I was looking for." Essence said. "You said it yourself. I'm doing this to make Ladybug pay." Cat Noir replied. "Consider that motivation. Now help me up." Essence said. Essence offers his hand to Cat Noir, and Cat goes to grab it. But then, he thinks of the last piece of advice Essence gave him. Don't show your opponent sympathy. So, Cat immediately takes the hand away. "Do it yourself." Cat Noir said. "Pfff. I taught you well. Very impressive." Essence replied as he gets up. "Hope I didn't do that much damage to you."  Cat Noir said.  "I've been through worse.  [clears throat].  We've made good progress over the morning. Next up is agility in the other training room. But first, we can take an hour break in our quarters. You'll be needing it." Essence said.  "Undersold.  Hey, quick question.  How was your mask still on, after I punched you in the face?"  Cat Noir asked.  "It's a strap on mask, but I made sure it would be difficult to punch off."  Essence replied as the two of them walk inside the main building.
    Back in Paris, Marinette's friends are at Luka and Juleka's house boat. "She texted me back.  Apparently Adrien wasn't ignoring us at all.  His Father was forcing him not to speak to us." Chloe said. "That's horrible. All because he wanted to quit." Rose replied. "That's so cruel of him." Mylene said. The other agree to it, until one speaks. "But why would he want to quit being a model? If he hated it that much, he would have told me about it. I'm his best friend." Nino said. "Hmmmm. He has a good point, actually. He would have told us everything." Jack replied. "True.  He would have told us about it." Ivan said.  "That's not the worst part you guys.  Adrien isn't allowed to be outside ever again."  Chloe mentioned.  Everyone focuses on that, and start to feel worried for Adrien.  As well as question why he didn't tell them the truth.  They all chat, as Luka sits in concern.  Luka thinks back to what Ladybug, aka Marinette, said to Cat Noir, aka Adrien.  The part where she wished Master Fu never gave him that miraculous.  And hearing them all talk about the event with Gabriel, makes Luka feels worse.  Luka leaves his friends, and goes down below.  Juleka sees her brother walk away.  She feels worried about him, so she leaves to follow him.  Luka is on the couch all alone.  Feeling nothing but sadness.  "Hey.  [Luka gasp, and looks].  Are you ok, Luka?"  Juleka asked.  "Oh, sis.  I'm....I'm alright.  Just a worried for Adrien."  Luka replied.  "We all are worried.  But I'm sure his Father will let him out soon."  Juleka said.  "Who do you know that?  He publicly embarrassed his Dad yesterday.  If anything, it will take a miracle for him to let Adrien out."  Luka replied.  Juleka sits next to her brother.  "Normally you would support me during my tough times.  Like the fashion blog I was apart of.  You said to me, you will do amazing, sis.  You just need self confidence.  And it helped me a lot.  So, I think I should return the favor.  [touches Luka's hand].  You are just paranoid for all the worst outcomes.  And I get it.  I've been paranoid countless times.  It's really, really not a lot of fun.  But, do you know how I get out of them.  I think of how good the outcome can truly be.  Being afraid of the worst to come will make you feel scared inside.  But when you find the good in things, you would feel more relaxed.  And that's what you should do.  Find the good in this situation.  It's going to be ok, bro.  Everything is going to be alright.  I promise."  Juleka said.  "Thanks, Jul."  Luka replied.  Juleka leaves back upstairs.  "[Luka speaks in his head].  Juleka is a great little sister, but she and everyone else has no idea of what I came across.  And never will know about it.  My own ex, and the boy everyone is worried about, both the defenders of Paris.  But, only one is there, while the other is forced to stay away.  Cat Noir must feel broken inside, after the fight he got with his Father.  Even more with Ladybug screaming at him.  Now, Adrien is more isolated than he ever was.  Then with Ladybug's new rule of Cat Noir not joining in makes it worse.  Of course, Ladybug is going through a lot now that she is the guardian.  Tons of pressure and stress on her hands.  But, does that make her actions towards Cat Noir justifiable?  Does it excuse them?  I don't know, but this tension between them is now ripped apart.  Maybe Jul is right.  I should try to find the good, even though that is impossible.  I just wish Marinette and Adrien are still ok during all of this."  Luka said.
Back at the oil rig.  It's nighttime, and Essence and Cat Noir are served another beautiful dinner.  "Tonight, we have pan roast chicken breast.  Fresh corn off the cob, doused in butter.  A pea purée.  And a molten lave cake in a cup for dessert.  Enjoy."  Clawer said.  Cat Noir and Essence enjoy their meal.  With Essence once again making sure his identity remains a secret at all cost.  "[chews and swallow chicken].  So, I've seen you and your clawers use invisibility before.  How exactly is that possible?"  Cat Noir asked.  "It's called good engineering.  But it wasn't easy to obtain.  It took me weeks to get right.  WEEKS.  But it was worth a good scare."  Essence replied.  "I know because you locked me in a room full of Clawers that nearly killed me."  Cat Noir said.  "It's all water under the bridge now, Cat.  We're no longer enemies, but rather partners.  Yes, it would seem impossible for us to be friends, but here we are.  Enjoying a feast like the rulers we are soon going to be."  Essence replied.  "I mean, if it weren't for you, I would have lost my miraculous.  But in the end, I'm more focused on getting revenge on Ladybug."  Cat Noir said.  "You are just getting us to the thrill of being villainous.  Soon, you will be excited to rule the world with me.  Just imagine all the fun we will have together.  All the pain we will bring.  Ha.  That's the best part.  Hearing innocent lives scream for help, only to get a sword piercing them through the back and out the front."  Essence replied.  "Right.  I still don't get the whole murder, bloody, threatening attitude you have.  Why is that?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Death is defining.  Pain is pleasant.  Murder is marvelous.  Trauma is terrific.  Suffering is smoothing.  Gore is gorgeous.  And everything meaningless.  There is no true joy in this world.  There is nothing in this world.  Only torment.  That may seen a life not worth living, and it was for me.  Until I realized, that pain and suffering...feels good.  It feels really good.  Just the thought of taking a knife, and slitting one's throat with it ohhhhhh, brings a joyride of entertainment.  It was the feeling of bringing torture to others that made my life worth living.  Instead of a life that serves a pointless purpose.  I act like a psycho because it's the only thing I find happiness in.  I think murder is funny because it's the only joke I get.  The sight of seeing on scream in suffering, puts a big smile on my face."  Essence replied.  "So you think that this is the only thing you see as something that makes you happy because torture is the only thing you see in the world?"  Cat Noir asked.  "That's what I said."  Essence replied.  Cat doesn't respond, and just continues eating his dinner.  When they are done, they go back to the first floor.  "Well, we did great for our first day.  Keep this up, and we should have our invasion ready by next week."  Essence said.  "Nice.  I appreciate the advice you gave to me.  Despite being a supervillain, you do know how to help your allies."  Cat Noir replied.  "I was just trying to make you better.  Love to chat still, but I need my hours."  Essence said as he leaves to his room.  But then Cat Noir thinks, and grabs Essence's hand.  "Hold up."  Cat Noir said.  Essence turns around.  "Sorry if this will waste your time, but do you mind if I ask you one last thing?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Is it that important?"  Essence asked back.  "It pretty much is, but if you don't want to answer it, I can wait until tomorrow."  Cat Noir replied.  "Hmmmmmm.  I do need at least eight hours of sleep to be full functional.  And I normally get up at 6:00.  It is 10:00 now, but I guess I can cut an hour of sleep for this.  And you did do a good job with our last fight.  So...........Ok, sure.  I can do that."  Essence said.  "Awesome."  Cat Noir replied.  "So, what is this so called question want me to answer so badly?"  Essence asked.  "Something I've been wanting to know for a long time.  Why are you doing this?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "Pardon me?"  Essence asked back.  "Why are you doing this?  Why are you a villain?  Why are you attacking us?  What is your reason or motive for being Essence?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "You really want to know my motivation?"  Essence asked back.  "Yes."  Cat Noir replied.  "[Essence thinks].  Very well then.  Follow me."  Essence said. 
    Essence takes Cat Noir to the elevator, and they set inside.  Cat Noir is confused, but then Essence takes off his right glove.  Essence then presses his thumb against an area under the button wall.  "Scan completed.  Welcome, Essence."  The elevator said.  Soon, the elevator rumbles, and then starts to descend down.  Cat Noir is pretty freaked out now, and is more freaked out that the elevator doesn't only go up.  There is a whole elevator shaft underwater, and underneath the oil rig.  Cat's face is shocked, as the elevator finishes descending.  The doors open.  "Questions later.  Come."  Essence said.  Cat Noir listens, and the two of them walk on in a black hallway.  Filled with torches of fire behind the walls, shown by glass.  Cat still cannot believe all of this.  Essence stops at the end of the hallway.  "Stay behind me.  Do not come or stand next to me."  Essence said.  Cat stays back, as Essence takes off his entire mask.  Cat is more shocked now.  Essence they gets his eye scanned, his silva scanned, and his breath scanned.  "Eye scan, passed.  Silva scan, passed.  Breath scan, passed.  Welcome, Essence."  The wall said.  Essence puts his mask back on, as the wall starts to open up.  Cat Noir is now speechless.  "You can come now."  Essence said.  Cat Noir joins Essence, as the two of them walk into a room.  Inside of which, it streams of molten lava, and a alter in the middle of the room with torches around it.  That is where Essence is standing now.  Cat Noir joins him.  On the alter, is a tablet of stone with some strange symbols on it.  "Behold.  The very reason why I am doing this."  Essence said. He then starts touching the tablet with his hands. "Ohhhhhhh. Ohhh, that feels good. I can feel the power inside. It wants me. It's calling for me. Begging to be broken free from its prison." Essence said getting a little too weird with the tablet. "Uhhhh, excuse me. But, a piece of stone is why your a villain?" Cat Noir asked. "Touch the tablet, and you'll see why." Essence replied. "Ok.....I mean, it's just a tablet. Don't see how that's....." Cat Noir said as he touches the tablet. As he places is palm on it, Cat Noir gets a sight of crazy visions. The visions are shown in flashes of red energy, expositions, and a burning world. After the visions, Cat Noir falls backwards onto the ground. "[deep breathes]. Wh......WHAT WAS THAT????" Cat Noir asked in terror. "Heh. It's ok, I got that reaction the first time I touched it." Essence replied. Essence helps Cat Noir up. "So, what is it?" Cat Noir asked. "I told you, the very reason why I am doing this. Also known as, The Forbidden Power. The very thing you felt inside of the stone." Essence replied. "The Forbidden Power?" Cat Noir asked. "That's right. It is a sacred, legendary, enchanted power. Uncovered centuries ago. Although it is inside of stone, you can still feel the power inside of it. It feels phenomenal after you get the visions and crazy stuff. Give it another try." Essence replied. "No way. I'm not touching that thing again." Cat Noir said. "Ok, it's your lose. [Essence goes back to the tablet, and moves his hand on it]. It is unlike any super ability ever in the world. Creation, Destruction, Illusion, all the other powers are no match for this one. I intend on setting it free from the tablet, and having the power course through my veins. With it, I will easily make the entire world my glorious empire. All will obey me, and those who don't, haha. KABOOM!!!!!! Dead with no regret." Essence replied. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait? So, your telling me your doing all of this for a superpower?" Cat Noir asked. "Taking over the world and getting every miraculous as well, but yes." Essence replied. Cat Noir starts to giggle. "What's so funny?" Essence asked. "[stops giggling]. I'm sorry. It's just, I find it a bit hilarious that your main motivation is some kind of power. Like, that's really what you want from all of this." Cat Noir replied. "I can see what you mean, Cat Noir. I cannot argue there. Actually, this power is extremely special. Extremely special, to you. [Cat Noir gasp]. Because The Forbidden Power is the main reason why you are wearing that ring right now." Essence said as he points to Cat Noir's miraculous. "Wait, what?" Cat Noir asked. "In fact. The Forbidden Power is the reason why Ladybug has her earrings, why Rena Rouge has her necklace, Carapace has his bracelet, etc. Bottom line, The Forbidden Power is what made EVERY SINGLE MIRACULOUS in the world." Essence replied. "HOLD UP, IT DID WHAT NOW???!!" Cat Noir asked in shock. "You heard me. The very power in this stone created the miraculous, the miraculous boxes, and especially the kwamis. All of it, from here." Essence replied. "Wh.....wh........what? How is that all possible?" Cat Noir asked needing answers. "If you really want to know, I think it's best if we start from the beginning." Essence replied.
    [flashback is told all by Essence]. It all began centuries in the past. Egyptian times to be exact. The era of building an empire in the hot sand, with all those obeying ones command. During this time, slaves were forced to build pyramids for the Egyptians. A grueling and lifeless experience for all. They couldn't do a thing about, expect one particular slave. The name was never revealed, so I'll just use Ned for now. Ned was tired of the abuse he has to go through, and try to put an end to this all. He confronted the Egyptian king. Demanding to be let go. As well as his people. He cannot bare to see them all suffer for their enjoyment. The Egyptian King thought, and of course, laughed like the menace he truly is. You expect me to let my people free? The king said. Guards, dispose of this man. With that, Ned was forced out of Egypt by the guards. He was taken miles away from the city, to a huge cave. Once there, they beat Ned relentlessly. Until he wasn't making any movement. After his punishment, the guards tossed his corpse into the cavern. Closing it shut, so no one would know. Little do the guards know, Ned was still alive. Ned tried to recover from being almost beaten to death. He was still able to walk, and stumbled deepening into the cave. His wounds made him weaker by the step, and couldn't see a thing. That was, until a flash of red light caught his eye. Noticing the light, Ned walked closer to it. When he got there, it was a crack in one of the cave's walls. Ned took a closer look, and saw something behind the wall. Thanks to his skinny body, Ned carefully slipped through the crack on the wall. When he finished, he was in an entirely different room of the cave. And the red flash was revealed. Inside of the room, red black like stone was all over the place. Shining bright light everywhere. As Ned was astonished, what really caught his eye was one piece of stone. It wasn't red. It wasn't black. It was a normal piece of stone. Ned was interested, so he grew in closer to the stone. When he got there, he didn't know it was, or why it was there. But he soon found it's purpose when he touches it. [Ned gets the same visions Cat Noir got from earlier. Expect Ned screams from it's feeling. Ned flies into the air still screaming, and then a red flash of light covers the whole room]. When Ned awoke, he had no idea what happened. All Ned could remember was finding this room, and that's it. But then, Ned notices that something wasn't right. All his wounds. They were no more. Not a single scrap on his body. Moreover, he could walk perfectly. Nothing was hurting him. He was...healed. Soon, Ned felt something strange inside of his body. A strange powerful feeling. He saw red sparks flying out of his hands. Ned took a closer look at the sparks. He clinches his fingers, and he created a red ball of energy. Ned did so with the other hand. Ned was more astonished about this newly discovered power inside of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. Apart from his new power, Ned felt extremely hunger and thirsty. Ugh, I wish I had something to eat and drink. Ned said. Soon a voice started calling him through his head. It said, create. Ned was confused, so it repeated. Create. Create. Think of what your hearty desires, and create. The voice said. After that message, Ned did what the voice said. He thought of what his heart desires, and create. Using the power, Ned created ten loaves of bread, and a bowl of water. Ned was mind blown. The voice was telling the truth. I.....I create. I created food and water. Ned said. Hunger, Ned feasted on the bread, and chugged down the water. After his meal, Ned still could not believe this new power. now, destroy. Destroy to escape this place. The voice said. Trusting the voice now, Ned destroyed. He aimed his right hand to the crack in the wall, channeled a ball of red energy, and blasted. The blast destroyed not only the cracked wall, but the wall keeping him locked up. Ned walked out of the cave. Blinded by the hot sun. Ned still cannot believe this power inside of him. It was something the world has never seen before. Ned knew he can never go back to Egypt. But, maybe just maybe, the power he has can help save him and his people. Over the course of time, Ned has been studying his abilities and powers. Training himself to use creation and destruction properly. What else can he do. [starts to fly, and travel at a fast speed]. And making sure no one knew about his discovery. Ned was now more than just a slave. He was a God. However, he realized that this power, shouldn't be all to himself. He believed everyone in the world, not just Egypt, should know about this power. And Ned knew how to do it. Ned spent weeks designing his masterpiece. Objects that would change how everyone would see the world from now on. Week after week after week, Ned worked, and was finally finished. It's time. Ned said. Ned created a pair of earrings and a ring. Ned placed them on the tablet where he uncovered his ability. He transferred a bit of his creation powers to the earrings. And transferred a bit of his destruction powers to the ring. With the transfer complete, Ned used his powers of creation, and made history. [a blast follows after Ned is finished. He was sent against a wall, as the the dust settles]. Ned, created the first two miraculous in the world. Tikki, the kwami of Creation. And Plagg, the kwami of Destruction. Like any good parent, Ned cared for Tikki and Plagg. He fed them, trained them, and showed them more about their powers. From what I've learned, Tikki was a generous and helping type of kwami. While Plagg was more of a reckless and careless type. Ned made sure both stayed under control. Anyway, Ned explained to the two kwamis that they were designed to change the world forever. He then explains to them what their powers our, and how to activate them. The came the ultimate test. Ned put on the Ladybug miraculous, and tested to see if his creation was a success. Using lucky charm, Ned's creation worked. He was able to create a random object. As for Plagg, he did the same test. Using the power of destruction, Ned was able to destroy anything he touches with his ring hand with cataclysm. Tikki and Plagg were revolutionary. But, Ned wanted to know what would happen if a kwami used their powers on their own. And so, he put that to the test. Unfortunately, Ned learned the hard way of what happens when a kwami uses their powers without a holder. [when Plagg used cataclysm, he almost caused an earthquake that would have killed everyone]. It results in serious consequences. You see, a normal miraculous holder doesn't at all do what a kwami at their full potential does. At least, that is what they thought. So Ned made sure that if Tikki or Plagg used their powers, they would have to use it NOT at their full potential. There were still consequences, just not the kind that put the human race at stake. However, Ned was actually happy with this result. More on that later. During their training, Ned took the time to give Tikki and Plagg some little, upgrades of their power. He conducted a series of potions. Each made of a different series of ingredients. [Ned feeds one potion to Tikki and Plagg]. This allowed Tikki and Plagg the ability to have different transformation forms. Such as aqua, ice, Astro, gliding, magma, and drilling. Just in case a miraculous holder needs help in a certain situation. Finally, there was the Mother of all important details Ned designed Tikki and Plagg for.  The finally important detail he gave Tikki and Plagg is that if one uses their miraculous at the same time, they will be granted one wish. Anything they want, can be given to them if they have the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous. There was only one consequence. People believe the wish will do as it says, but they never knew the true horror of the wish itself. If one were to use the wish, there would a price to pay.  Let's say you want to bring someone back from the dead, someone else would then die for that person to be resurrected." Essence said. [end flashback]. "So, if Shadowmoth gets mine and Ladybug's miraculous, he will pay something in return?" Cat Noir asked. "And his wish will come true. As for me, I only intend on using the wish if something were to go wrong when we win.  Kind of like a get out of jail free card to be exact." Essence replied. "Good to know." Cat Noir said. "Yeah.  Anyway, back to the story." Essence said. [back in flashback all spoken by Essence]. "With all those details out of the way, Ned wanted to create more of his creations. Expect they wouldn't have the whole wish aspect to them. Using his powers and the tablet as his creation table, Ned created miraculous one by one. The Fox, Turtle, Bee, Butterfly, Peacock, Bunny, Dragon, Horse, Snake, Monkey, Mouse, Pig, Tiger, Dog, Rooster, Goat, and Ox. Every single kwami with the Mother Box. He gave them all a unique ability. In which, a miraculous holder would only be able to channel a bit of it's power. BUT not all of it. Ned didn't try the whole use power without a holder thing, since although that is important, he didn't want to put the world at risk again. Speaking of Mother Box, Ned needed to keep them in a safe place. So, he used his powers to get what he wants. Ned created the first miracle box in existence. The Mother Box. A magical world inside, where the kwamis can live freely. It made them very happy. After years of work, Ned was no longer Ned.  He was someone even more powerful.  Someone unlike everyone else.  From that day forward, Ned was now, The Forbidden One.  With his new name, The Forbidden One was ready for the next stage of his plan. The Forbidden one knew he needed to find people worthy of the miraculous powers.  But he also needed a group to give the ones worthy of a miraculous.  So, he carefully went back to Egypt, and spied on it's people. They were all stilling under the King's control. Obeying his every command. The sight of his people being slayed and beaten made The Forbidden One sick. But he knew giving this jewels to random people wouldn't be the wish choice. He needed them to be spread someway else.  So, he looked around, and found people just like him.  Ones willing to help those in need.  Those who stand up for others.  Those who want what The Forbidden One wants.  Savings those around him.  Later that night, The Forbidden One created message balls, and sent them to five people he found worthy.  The message told them that they have been chosen to endure a special purpose. One that will change their very lives forever. The balls flew them to The Forbidden Ones cave, where they are enter his domain. The Forbidden One tells the five that he is planning on saving everyone in Egypt. And stop the terror of their King. But first, he needs their help with his plan.  The Forbidden One introduced the five to the kwamis.  He explains they are the very beings used to help them.  And that the five will help him choose the ones worthy.  Over the course of three years, The Forbidden One has been training the five no stop.  Putting their strengths, intelligence, and weakness to the test.  Making sure they were worthy of being the care takers of the miraculous.  It was a brutal and life changing experience, but in the end, it paid off.  The Forbidden One has praised them for their work, and named the five the first Order of the Guardians of the miraculous. With his Order ready, he sent the five to find those worthy of the miraculous' power.  Just like The Forbidden One, the three guardians spied on the city of Egypt.  Finding people they believed are worthy of the miraculous. Among them were an adult woman for helped her children from almost getting crushed. An adult man who helped an old woman with a broken leg. And various other Nobel deeds. The guardians spend weeks spying on these individuals, who continued their righteous acts. With all that info, the guardians made their choices. [the adult lady was given the Ladybug miraculous. The adult man was given the Black Cat miraculous. And everyone else they save gets a miraculous]. With that test out of the way, it happened. The first miraculous holder's in existence came to be. Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and all the others rose up. They dominated the cruel Egyptians for putting them in harm. The guards try to fight back, but they were no match for their power. They're were unstoppable heroes. Soon, all the miraculous holders, the five guardian, and The Forbidden One himself were at the foot of the Egyptian King. What? I thought I disposed of you peasant. The king said. Well, maybe your guards should have tried harder. But thanks to them, I have the power to do what I always wanted. To save my people from your devious ways. The Forbidden One replied. With that, the King of Egypt was over thrown, and banned from Egypt. As well as this followers. Everyone in Egypt was saved. The city was finally at peace. All thanks to the miraculous." Essence said. [end flashback]. "I remember him. Master Fu told us all about him, and that he started The Order. He saves Egypt? That's incredible." Cat Noir said. "It was for the best. But now on this topic, how did you claim your miraculous? Did you do anything those people did?" Essence asked. "No. I just helped Master Fu off the ground." Cat Noir replied. "What? Your kidding? Essence asked in shock. "Yeah. What's the issue?" Cat Noir asked back. "Like, you helped Master Fu up, and he gave you Plagg? That's not how this works. Normally it would be an adult who gets chosen for a miraculous. And the good they do is much more than helping out a stranger. He seriously did that?" Essence replied. "Well, he did told us he had zero training that those guardians at his time. So, he didn't know what to do properly." Cat Noir said. "How so?" Essence asked. "Master Fu wasn't always the wise mentor we knew. When he was first chosen, he was put up to the task of watching the miraculous. Long story short, he created a senti-monster that destroyed the temple." Cat Noir replied. "I saw that on the news a while back. That was him?" Essence asked. "Yep, but he became a better mentor. Before he sacrificed himself for Ladybug and I." Cat Noir replied. "Well, at least he redeemed himself." Essence said. "Yeah. So, if The Forbidden One had The Forbidden Power, why is is back in the tablet where he found it?" Cat Noir asked. "[signs]. With a force so powerful, one's mind can be corrupted easily. And that's exactly what happened to Ned."  Essence replied.  [back to the flashback].  "Ten years later, the entire world was blessed with miraculous.  The more The Forbidden One made, the more Guardians that joined.  The more Guardians that joined, the more Miraculous holders came.  And the more Miraculous holders came, the world became a better place.  The guardians trained the miraculous holders day and night. Which made them discover some interesting secrets of the jewels. [Ladybug achieves ability to create magical charms]. Earth was perfect. Until a tragedy occurred.  Over time, The Forbidden One starts to grow a dark force inside of him.  The power he had made him the most powerful being in the world.  Superior, smarter, and dangerous than anyone on the globe.  Eventually, he started snapping at those who disobey his commands.  And forcing all to do what he wants.  Ironically, he was becoming just like the Egyptian King from earlier.  A cruel, menacing dictator. Just like the king, everyone was sick of The Forbidden One. They appreciate his help, but now he is more monstrous than the Egyptian King. Soon, everyone left him. Even the guardians, and the miraculous holders left him. He was all alone. Broken. Miserable. A powerful anger rising inside of his soul. This made a The Forbidden One snap, and decided to do the one logical thing. Destroy the whole world, and rebuild it from scratch to his demand with the power of the wish. Yeah, you heard me. Carnage spread to the world as The Forbidden One used his destruction and creation powers to kill countless lives. He murdered everyone and everything in his way, until he found the first Ladybug and Cat Noir. When he found them, he wasted no time trying to kill them. He wanted to make this world his with the wish. Using it for a selfish desire. Despite being outnumbered, The Forbidden One was unstoppable to defeat.  The miraculous holders stood strong, and tired using their powers to stop him.  There were no use.  The Forbidden One was way too powerful.  It was almost like The Forbidden One was going to win.  He was going to get his recreated world.  He was going to be back in control.  But........he didn't.  And it was because of his first two creations, Tikki and Plagg.  Thanks to their training, the first Ladybug and Cat Noir officially achieved their full potential.  Thanks to the transfer, Ladybug and Cat Noir had the ability to fly, and travel at fast speeds.  And their powers were the best part.  The Ladybug has the ability to create anything she wants, while the Black Cat has the ability to control his destruction.  Meaning that he could use his power to create a small little firecracker cataclysm, or a nuke that can destroy the whole world.  In other words, they were more powerful than all the other miraculous holders.  Thanks to their new found powers, they put up a great fight against The Forbidden One.  And thanks to a blast of creation and destruction against The Forbidden One, he was defeated.  Ned lost his powers because of that blast.  And with his powers gone, Ned was a powerless man.  He ended up dying on the battlefield.  The miraculous holders and guardians soon saw the dangers of The Forbidden Power.  They all knew this would be too risky to be in ones hands.  So, they made sure it would never be used like that again.  They managed to return the power back into the tablet.  And the Egyptian Ladybug used her creation powers to put an ancient lock on it.  Profiting anyone from obtains the power if they touched it.  They hid the tablet in a safe place, never to be seen again. Since then, the guardians and miraculous holders were being used over the years.  At the same time, the guardians knew they would be the ones responsible now for this power.  So, they did what Ned did.  They created their own organization far in the mountains. The temple your Master destroyed to be specific. Realizing what The Forbidden One taught them, the guardians spend years translating their work to a sacred language. One that only the guardians knew how to translate. Therefore, no one would know about the kwamis and miraculous. They traced their work into separate books. Also known as, the grimoires."  Essence said.  [ends flashback].  "This my fellow partner, is why the Forbidden Power is so important to you.  Because it created everything about the miraculous."  Essence said.  "Wow!  That was, crazy.  So, all of this.  ALL OF THIS!!!!  Was because of the power in that tablet?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Yes."  Essence replied.  "But, here's what I don't understand.  If they put a lock on it to prevent it from being obtained again, how will we get it?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Glad you asked.  According to legend.  If you get every single miracle box in the world.  With all the miraculous inside of it.  Place them on the corresponding parts of the tablet.  And recite a sacred verse hidden in every grimoire.  The lock will be broken, and The Forbidden Power will be accessible.  THAT'S why I need every miraculous in the world.  To get what I truly want in front of me."  Essence replied. Cat Noir then remembers in flashback to when he stole his Father's grimoire. Cat Noir leaves Essence to go get some sleep.
    The next morning, Cat Noir gets out of bed. He stretches, before going to his duffle bag. Cat Noir unzips it, and digs for the grimoire he gotten from his Father. When Cat finds it, he takes it with him to find Essence. Essence is on his throne, watching the day reform once again. Cat Noir arrives to the third floor, to see Essence. "Good morning, partner." Cat Noir said. "Good morning to you as well. What brings you here?" Essence asked. "Oh, nothing. Just here to show you a little something." Cat Noir replied. "I prefer bigger things, but show me what you got." Essence said. "As you wish. Remember when you meant the grimoires hold all the teachings of The Forbidden One?" Cat Noir asked. "Yeah." Essence replied. Cat Noir pulls out, and shows the grimoire to Essence. "Your joking." Essence said. "Nope. A grimoire of the miraculous, just for us." Cat Noir replied. Essence is in utter shock, as he slowly grabs the book from his hands. "I........I cannot believe this. How did you get this?" Essence asked. "I stole it. From someone who doesn't deserve it." Cat Noir replied. Essence starts to giggle slowly and in a crazy way. "Do you have any idea what you have just done?" Essence asked. "No." Cat Noir replied. Essence gets off of his throne. "You just gave us the power to guarantee us a win against Team Miraculous. This book here is the power source for our victory. You, Cat Noir, helped us won." Essence said. Essence grabs Cat Noir's hand, and takes him downstairs. The two go to the laboratory of the rig. "So this is where we do all our experiments and research. Test out new ideas or plans. A little recap in case you forgot." Essence said. "No need. I remember fully." Cat Noir replied. Essence and Cat Noir go to one table full of potions. Essence sits down in a chair. He opens the book, as skims through the pages. "Fascinating. If only you showed this to me sooner." Essence said. "My bad on that one. Back on topic. How is this book going to help us win against Ladybug and her team?" Cat Noir asked. "Remember when I told you the miraculous have been my main focus my entire life, and that I know everything about them? Allow me to show what I mean." Essence replied. Essence goes to the page all about Cat Noir and the Black Cat miraculous. Cat Noir is very intrigued now. "So, this may look like an ordinary page with weird symbols on it. But that a minute to watch this." Essence said. Essence rolls his chair to a station full of potions. He grabs some liquids, materials, and a cup. He opens the canisters, and gets to work. Starting by mixing a couple of different ingredients into four separate canisters. After that, Essence ceils them all shut. He then shakes them, until they all turn into a colored potion. Blue, green, purple, and yellow. Essence pours them all into the cup, and mixes them all together, leading to a tiny explosion. Cat Noir is confused, as Essence rolls back to the book. "I would suggest you take a good side steps backwards at this point." Essence said. Cat Noir does that, and takes six steps backwards. Essence takes his potion, and takes some of it into a drooper. Moving the drooper over the page for Cat Noir, be squishes, and releases a small drop onto the book page. Essence runs next to Cat Noir, as that small drop results in a loud explosion. Dust fills the laboratory, blinding everyone. As the dust settles, Essence goes back to his station. As does Cat Noir. When they arrive, Cat Noir is astonished at what he sees. New writing all over the grimoire page. "What on Earth." Cat Noir said in shock. "Pretty cool, right? The guardians used some kind of invisible ink to hide this information from the miraculous holders. Preventing them from realizing their full potential." Essence replied. "Oh, I remember that. You talked about that the day Ladybug pulled out all those magical charms. And that I would get a power upgrade as well." Cat Noir said. "Good memory. But yes. According to the pages, it says there are still more to your powers than you think. In fact, you can reach your full potential if you focus on what you want from it. So with Ladybug, she needs to focus on what she wants to create. But you, you get to focus on how destructive your cataclysms can be." Essence replied. "So, I can be more stronger than I already am?" Cat Noir asked. "Correct. But before you starting trying, that's not all. From your memory, you should also remember that Ladybug tried to summon a baseball bat. Claiming she can create whatever she wants. But instead, she only pulled magical charms from her yo-yo. Making a clown out of herself. That is because she never really reached her full potential. It's very confusing, but hear me out. The Forbidden One was killed because Ladybug and Cat Noir reached their full potential. Meaning Ladybug can create whatever she wants, while Cat Noir can choose how destructive he wants his cataclysm. It may not be on this page, but its on [flips pages] this one." Essence replied as he stops on a blank page. "It's....a blank page." Cat Noir said. "Not yet." Essence replied. Essence pulls out a vile full of black and red dust. "This right here, Cat Noir, is dust of a forbid stone. I gave it that name. Forbid stone are the red and black rocks found in the cave Ned found the tablet in. When I found the tablet a year or so ago, I decided to take all the forbid stone as well for experiments. Glad I did. Check this out." Essence said. Essence pours the entire vile over the blank page. Once every last spect is on the book page, the dust starts to melt on the page. Cat Noir is amazed at this magic. And he is even more amazed when it finished melting. That once black page, turned into another page all about Cat Noir. "Trippy. Anyway, this is what happens when you put dusted forbid stone on one of these other blank pages. It melts into new information about the miraculous. If you see here, the guardians weren't just hiding one secret, but two. On these pages, it shows how a miraculous holder can officially reach their full potential. So far, Ladybug is at least 25% at her full potential, which is weak. But once she reaches 100%, she will have the power to create anything she wants. Now, that does sound bad for us villains, but Ladybug doesn't know this. We do. Thanks to this page, we can turn Cat Noir into a even more destructive threat than he is about to become." Essence said. "So many secrets in just one book. But why didn't the guardians tell I can do this on the page before?" Cat Noir asked. "It was meant as a special type of training to have someone go from a rookie hero, to a heroic miraculous holder. Think of it like this. You become Cat Noir, and you have a guardian to teach you. After they've seen your progress, they would show you how to reach your full potential. You get a power upgrade. After the guardian sees your new progress with that upgrade, they reveal that you haven't reached your full potential. They then show you the blank page, revealing there are three more stage, until you've reach your full potential. You just follow the methods, and the cycle is complete. As for not showing this all on one page, again think about it. Let's say you are starting to be Cat Noir, and you found out you can reach your full potential on the first page. You do what the pages say, and become an unstoppable superhero. No offense, but I bet you would be extremely reckless if you had this kind of power at the beginning." Essence replied. "Ok, I guess that makes sense. They did this, so we wouldn't be so dangerous." Cat Noir said. "Yes. Wouldn't want the end of the world or something.  But with my training, and this book at hand. We can achieve power beyond our wildest dreams." Essence replied. Essence slowly starts to laugh menacingly. Cat Noir starts to giggle a bit, and then laugh menacingly as well. They laugh, and laugh, and laugh, before they stop. "Close enough. You'll get use to it." Essence said.
    Back in Paris, Ladybug, Pigella, Viperion, and Ryuko take out another one of Shadowmoth's villains. They all meet on a rooftop. "Pound it." All of them said celebrating their victory. "Great job as always guys. Go to your spots, so i can get your miraculous." Ladybug ordered. The three heroes leave to their spots. As Ladybug gets the Pig and Dragon miraculous, Luka is de-transformed with Sass. "Still worried, Luka?" Sass asked. "You know it. Apart from Ladybug, Cat Noir hasn't shown up to battle once ever since that night. Do you think Ladybug hurt him enough that he quit? Like, really quit?" Luka asked back. "The guardian hasn't been the kindest towards Cat Noir, but let's give Cat a couple of days. After all, he left for a week, but came back energized and happy. Hopefully it will happen here again." Sass said. "I am praying your correct, Sass." Luka replied. Ladybug then shows up, and takes the Snake miraculous away from Luka. "Hey, Ladybug. Sorry if I am bothering you, but I just want to ask. How've you been?" Luka asked. "I've been fine. Nothing bad going on in my life at the moment. Why do you ask?" Ladybug asked back. "Just wanting to see that you are in good shape. After I heard about your new promotion as guardian, I would expect you to be very stressed out." Luka replied. "I am stressed. But I've been having it under control recently. Thanks for asking." Ladybug said. "It's not a problem at all. Well, see you again when you need me." Luka replied. Ladybug bods her head, and leaves. "[talks in head]. Glad to see Marinette ok. I only hope now Adrien feels the same way." Luka said. Marinette runs to her home, and de-transforms on her balcony. "Another miraculous victory against Shadowmoth." Marinette said. Mari climbs back into her room, only to be confronted by Su Han. "Well if it isn't the youngest guardian to ever exist." Su Han said. "What? Su Han. What are you doing here?" Marinette asked. "Just checking in on you, and making sure you haven't made a mistake at all. As you might recall, I've been keeping a close eye on you and Cat Noir when I arrived in Paris. By the looks of it, your team has been keeping Paris balanced, which is what I am looking for. You've been collecting the miraculous, making sure that they are all here, which is phenomenal. And nothing seems to be going wrong during this, which is fantastic." Su Han replied. "Yep. All under control." Marinette said. "Great. What about, Cat Noir?" Su Han asked. "Who?" Marinette asked back. "Cat Noir. Your partner, who I told you I've been keeping an eye on. From the looks of it, he has barely been showing up. Explain this to me now." Su Han replied. Tikki watches from Mari's bag, wanting to see her response to this question. "Ohhhhh, yeah. Litter Box is doing ok. He is just taking a little break from being a hero." Marinette said. Both Su Han and Tikki are shocked. "A break? What do you mean a break? Miraculous holders never get breaks. Are you telling me Cat Noir is taking the lazy route in his job?" Su Han asked. "He probably is.  But he told me it's no big deal at all. Cat will be back in action after today. No need to worry about it." Marinette replied lying. "Is that so. Might I remind you if you made one tiny mistake, you lost all miracle box privileges. Which is the highest disappointment a guardian can ever receive. Cat Noir better be back, or else." Su Han said. "Or else I'm a disappointment. I know." Marinette replied. "Good. Now, I have important business to attend to at The Temple. The place Master Fu destroyed years ago. I might be gone for a few weeks, but based on what I've seen, you should have this place under control. Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep an eye on everything going on here. So don't expect this to be a vacation for you and your buddies." Su Han said. "Got it." Marinette replied. Su Han leaves Mari's home, as Tikki is still astonished Marinette lied. "That's not what happened, Marinette." Tikki said coming out. "What didn't happen?" Marinette asked. "Cat Noir telling you everything is ok. That's not true. You told him that you would be better is he never had that miraculous. Why didn't you own up, and tell Su Han the truth?" Tikki asked back. "I don't know what you mean. That's how I remember it. Besides, it doesn't matter in the end. Tonight we are getting our new Black Cat miraculous holder. So I need to call hair ball, and tell him to meet me later tonight." Marinette replied. "Your seriously going along with this plan? Did you even do what Alya told you? Think about it." Tikki asked. "There's no need to think. Furry ball is pointless now, so it best if I get a new holder to treat like all the others. Therefore, he is useful." Marinette replied. Tikki is still very mad at Marinette for doing this idea.
    Back at the oil rig, it's training time. Essence places a Clawer in front of Cat Noir. "Ok, Cat. Listen carefully. Today we are going to not is not about strength, agility, or combat fighting. Today is all about improving the power you already have." Essence said. "Yes, sir." Cat Noir replied. "So what your going to do here is simple. Your going to cataclysm this Clawer in front of you. And no, he will not attack you. Expect here's the twist. You have to do it, but destroying him as little as possible." Essence said. "That's impossible. My cataclysm will destroy him entirely. I've done it to a whole swarm of them once." Cat Noir replied. "You have, but once you achieve 25% of your full potential, you can do that easily. At 25%, you will have the ability to choose a small cataclysm, releasing little damage, or a massive cataclysm, releasing big damage." Essence said. "That's it? I would have expected better from it." Cat Noir replied. "Well, Ladybug can only make magical charms, and that's it." Essence said. "Hmm, I mean I can't argue there. So, remind me on what I have to do here." Cat Noir replied. "You just need to focus on how destructive you want your power to be. In other words, focus on destroying this clawer with little damage. Let's begin." Essence said. Cat Noir takes a deep breath, and focuses. He clinches his right hand, and thinks about how destructive he wants his cataclysm. He continues to think, and think, until he is ready. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said as he uses his powers. He touches the Clawer, and the robot gets destroyed entirely. "You weren't thinking hard enough. Which is fine." Essence said. Cat Noir's ring beeps. "Go recharge your kwami, and come back here. We don't have all day." Essence said. Cat Noir leaves, and comes back recharged and ready. "Ok, try again, expect think harder. Focus on what you want from this. That's the key to it all." Essence said. Cat focuses again, but harder this time. He wants a small cataclysm, and he will get one. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said as he uses his powers. He touches the clawer, who gets destroyed again. "Again. Seriously, Cat." Essence said. "I was thinking harder. I was trying." Cat Noir replied. "You need to start doing, then trying ok. Go recharge, so we can try this again." Essence said. Cat Noir leaves, and is back again to do this. "Remember. FOCUS!!!! Focus hard on what you. Focus on what you desire. And don't release that cataclysm, until you feel ready for this. Cat Noir. I believe in you. But you need to show me why I should believe in you." Essence said. Essence back ups, and Cat Noir gets ready. He clinches his right hand again, and focuses harder than before. To energize himself, he gets flashbacks of past Ladybug moments. Where she broke her promise with him in Kuro Neko. When she forced him to sit and watch in Penalteam. And when she creamed at him in Perfect Payback Part 1. This starts to have green black like lightening spark from Cat Noir's right hand. He continues to focus harder, as Essence watches in surprise. Soon, Cat Noir's outfit starts to change. He is going into a new form. With all of that, Cat is ready. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said as he uses his powers. He touches the clawer, and it only damages the robot on the chest. A few pieces fall out, but the clawer is still alive. Essence and the clawers are shocked at this power. As well as Cat Noir's new look. Cat's outfit has dark green(Cat Walker's hair color) stripes going from his pinky, thumb, and middle finer to his shoulders. And those stripes are on his legs as well on the sides to his waist. "Woah. [looks at clawer]. Did......I do it?" Cat Noir asked. "Look for yourself." Essence replied. They pull out a mirror, so Cat Noir can see his new look. "Oh my God. What happened to my costume? It's all, green now." Cat Noir asked. "Just like Ladybug, you reached 25% of your full potential. You did it, Cat Noir. You really did it." Essence replied. "I did. I actually did it." Cat Noir cheered. Cat's ring then starts to beep. "Unfortunately, you still have a cool down to your power. But no need to panic. At you full potential, 100%, there is no cool down." Essence said. "Awesome. I cannot wait to see Ladybug's face when she sees my new power." Cat Noir replied.
    Speaking of Ladybug, she is at the top of the news building at night.  "Ok.  Time to get this over with."  Ladybug said.  She pulls out her bug phone, and goes to Cat Noir's number.  But, when she goes to call Cat, he cannot.  Because Cat Noir blocked her from his phone.  "What?"  Ladybug asked.  Ladybug tries calling Cat Noir, bus he keeps failing.  Ladybug gets annoyed, but she needs to do her plan somehow.  So, Ladybug goes to Plan B, and calls Alya.  She tells her BFF, to come to the news building as Rena to take care of business.  "I'm sorry, you need me to do what now?"  Rena Rouge asked as we cut to a new scene.  "Call ally cat because I need to talk to him.  And he blocked me for some reason."  Ladybug replied.  "Ok, why exactly?"  Rena Rouge asked.  "It's important.  Please help me here."  Ladybug replied.  "[signs].  If it will make you feel better."  Rena Rouge said.  Rena gives her flute to Ladybug, so she can call Cat Noir.  But, Cat Noir also blocked Rena from him.  "What?  He did the same thing with you as well."  Ladybug said.  "Really?"  Rena Rouge asked.  Rena looks at her flute, and sees it.  "Huh?  Why did he do that?"  Rena Rouge asked.  "Not sure, but I seriously need to meet him here, tonight."  Ladybug replied.  "Relax, girl.  Maybe give me a day or two.  He'll answer."  Rena Rouge said.  "You don't understand, Rena.  I NEED to see him NOW!!!!!!"  Ladybug yelled.  "And you will.  It's pretty late now.  Best if you get some sleep, before you start freaking out."  Rena Rouge said.  "[signs].  Fine.  I guess I can wait."  Ladybug replied.  "You will wait, Ladybug.  See you tomorrow."  Rena Rouge said as she leaves.  Back at the oil rig, Essence and Cat Noir have their third dinner.  "Pan seared halibut with a creamy seduction on top.  Garnished with green beans and a celery root purée.  And piece of dark chocolate cake covered in editable gold."  Clawer said.  "Did he just say editable gold?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Yes.  The things money can give you in life.  Expect I didn't pay for this."  Essence replied.  "Let me guess, you stole it."  Cat Noir said.  "Bingo."  Essence replied.  This once again leads to another conversation between the two.  "So, Cat Noir.  How does it feel to finally be as equal as Ladybug?"  Essence asked.  "Fantastic.  This new power is extraordinary.  And my outfit looks cooler as well."  Cat Noir replied.  "It's just the beginning.  The next stages is where the fun really begins.  As you go one, your powers will become stronger and stronger.  Your going from a rookie to a full trained miraculous holder.  Or in this case.  A fallen hero to a vengeful villain."  Essence said.  "And it's all Ladybug's fault that this is happening.  Pfff.  But she deserves it in the end."  Cat Noir replied.  "Speaking of Ladybug, how surprised were you when you found out I know all the identities of her team?  If she ever saw that, she would be freaking out for weeks.  But then again, even sight of her panicking makes me laugh like I'm at a comedy show."  Essence asked.  "I was shocked.  Very much so.  But I don't mind hurting them.  It's along story, but in a nutshell, they deserve to be punished as well.  They were good teammates, who I liked, up until now.  When I saw who they were behind the mask."  Cat Noir replied.  "Feels good to know your enemies identities.  Makes them more afraid of you, than they should be.  But that secret is nothing.  What if I told you I know the identity of someone that you wouldn't believe?"  Essence asked.  "You caught my attention.  Who is it?  Ladybug?  Scarabella?  Me?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "I wished, but no.  Shadowmoth."  Essence replied.  "Please that's....WHAT!!!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.  "You heard me loud and clear.  I know the identity of one, Shadowmoth.  The evidence I had lined up completely led to him.  I actually believe he would be Shadowmoth when he first appeared as Hawkmoth, but I still wanted to make sure.  He almost fooled me a month or so ago, but it was all a rouse.  And he believes he got away with it all.  But he didn't". Essence replied.  "Well, who is he?  Whose Shadowmoth?"  Cat Noir asked wanting to know.  "Chill out, kitty.  I am more than happy to tell you.  But this only stays between us here.  No one else."  Essence replied.  "I have no one else.  Tell me."  Cat Noir said.  "Alright.  Hope your ready.  [silence in the room.  Essence takes a deep breath].  Your main enemy Shadowmoth, holder of the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous, is none other........than Gabriel Agreste."  Essence replied.  Cat Noir is frozen in shock, and in slow mo, he drops his fork and knife.  "Wh......who did you say is Shadowmoth?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Gabriel Agreste.  You know,  the famous fashion designer whose son socked him in the nose a few days ago.  That guy.  He's Shadowmoth."  Essence replied.  "Ha....haha....hahahaha.  Hahahahaha.  Your joking?  Your seriously joking?  There's no way Gabriel Agreste is Shadowmoth.  Like, no way at all."  Cat Noir said hoping Essence is lying.  "I agree it does look like a joke, so I was lucky enough to get a video of him de-transforming in public.  Behold the truth."  Essence replied.  Essence pressed a button under the table, and it projects the video.  There, the video shows Shadowmoth de-transforming into Gabriel Agreste.  Cat Noir is in even more shock at the sight of this.  "Your.......your telling the truth.  Gabriel Agreste is.....Shadowmoth."  Cat Noir said in shock.  "I told you.  I figured I save it for a surprise on a day like this.  When you gave me a grimoire about the miraculous."  Essence replied.  Cat Noir goes from shock to sadness, as he starts to shed tears on his lap.  "Are you crying?"  Essence asked.  "No.....I just need some time alone please."  Cat Noir replied.  Cat gets up from his seat, and runs out of the dining room.  With Essence and the clawers looks at him run.  Cat Noir goes into his room, and starts crying on his pillow.  Feeling agony once again after a while.  The thought of his own terrible Dad being his enemy the whole time brings Cat Noir the same level of misery as the day he found out he was going to be replaced.  It really did an emotional gut punch on him.  Cat lifts his head up full of tears.  He gets a flashback to something Essence told him.  [in flashback].  There is no true joy in this miserable world.  There is nothing in this world.  Only torment.  (Plus).  Your going to make her feel the pain you feel. So she knows what it is like to be in your shoes. Releases that anger into a force to be reckon with.  [end flashback].  Cat Noir then snaps once again.  Feeling anger from this revelation.  "Hey, you alright, partner?"  Essence asked as he enters the room.  "Ohhh, I'm good Essence.  Apologies for my exit.  I just want to ask.  How powerful will I be at my full potential?"  Cat Noir asked back.  "From the book and The Forbidden One story, pretty much unstoppable."  Essence replied.  "Great.  I want that power before we go to fight.  To show Paris how miserable they've made me.  Then, I want to show the entire world my misery.  By claiming all the miraculous in the world, and ruling it by your side.  Because that's all there is.  Pain and suffering."  Cat Noir said.  "Adapting to my ways?  Impressive.  See, being a villain isn't that bad."  Essence replied.  "It's not bad.  It's life changing.  When I see my old team and Shadowmoth, remind me to brutalize them."  Cat Noir said.  "With pleasure, partner."  Essence replied as he closes the door.
In another montage, we witness two things going on at the same time.  Essence and Cat Noir training together.  Whether it is sword fighting, combat, agility, or power upgrades.  And Ladybug's team fighting Shadowmoth's villains as well as Ladybug trying to contact Cat Noir.  Throughout this montage, Cat Noir has gone from 25% of his full potential, to 50% of his power.  His new suit has the same Cat Walker hair color stripes, expect the ones on his shoulder and legs attach to each other on the outfit's front and back.  His mask also gets those same stripes underneath his eyes(similar to Rabbit Noir's mask).  As for Ladybug, she and her team keeping crushing Shadowmoth, and getting appreciated because of it.  Not knowing that Essence's army is rising even bigger now.  During this, Cat Noir reaches 75% of his full potential.  The outside is the same again, expect he gets a black cape to go along with his outfit.  Ladybug has been spending night, by night, by night trying to contact Cat Noir.  But he doesn't respond.  Even when she uses the phones of her teammates as well.  She is that desperate.  Eventually, this montage ends, and we cut to a news report.  Sating it has been four months since the Adrien Agreste freak out, and he hasn't made an appearance in awhile.  It makes fangirls cry that their idol is no longer there for them.  As others express what will happen to Gabriel's brand now.  More importantly, Natalie is watching the news with Gabriel, which shows how Natalie made zero progress with finding Adrien.  "Wow.  Four months, Natalie.  Four months, wasted trying to FIND MY WORTHLESS SON!!!!!!!"  Gabriel yelled.  "Sir, calm down.  I've been really trying hard to find where he is.  I put in a lot of effort."  Natalie replied.  "Well it didn't matter in the end, since you keep coming home with NOTHING!!!!!!  You as worthless as he is, Natalie."  Gabriel said in a rude manner.  Natalie sits in embarrassment, as Gabriel rages in the library.  As he does that, Essence and Cat Noir are overlooking Paris on top of the place where it all began.  The Arc De Triomphe.  "Four months on this day I've joined forces with a super villain.  A day where I went from a hero to a villain.  A day where I transition from good to evil.  And.....I feel great about it.  After all the abuse I've been through, I find someone who rescued me from my horrible life as a hero.  And thanks to you, Essence, I am able to get my heart burning, unpleasant revenge on Ladybug and her team.  Even if I didn't achieve my full potential just yet. I just cannot express my thanks to you for all of this."  Cat Noir said.  "I was only trying to help you."  Essence replied.  Soon, a clawer joins the evil duo.  "[turns around].  Clawer, you made it like I asked.  What's progress on our plan?"  Essence asked.  "Phenomenal, master.  All the clawers are in position as you requested.  The invasion may start under your call."  Clawer replied.  "Wonderful.  But first, we have to make sure one last guest joins us for the ride."  Essence said.  Essence pulls out a phone, and calls one, Gabriel Agreste.  As Gabriel rages more, Natalie sees and hears Gabriel's phone ringing.  "Ummm, sir."  Natalie said.  "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!"  Gabriel screamed.  "It's for you......sir."  Natalie replied.  Gabriel walks to Natalie, and forcefully takes his phone.  "HELLO!!!!!"  Gabriel screamed answering the phone.  "Jeez.  No need to get that worked up, Shadowmoth."  Essence replied.  Gabriel stops raging, and goes into shock.  "You don't seem so excited to speak to me, Shadowmoth.  Cannot blame you.  It's always a thriller when one of your enemies knows your little secret.  As excited as I am to speak to the other big bad in Paris, I want to save our conversation in person.  Go to the Eiffel Tower in approximately fifteen minutes.  If your not there in time, I'll expose, and probably cut out your tongue, and make you choke on it for not listening to me."  Essence said as he hangs up.  "That my friends, is how you do a threatening phone call."  Essence said.  "Well done, master."  Clawer replied.  "Well....what are we waiting for?"  Cat Noir asked ready to do this.  "Nothing at all."  Essence replied.  Essence radios in on his other clawers.  "Clawers.  It's Essence.  You have permission to start.....the invasion."  Essence said.
    And so, it begins. Essence's plan starts to finally unfold. Clawers jump from the water, and land on the streets of Paris. They climb out of the sewers. Emerge from the alleyways. Into one, giant, terrifying hoard. The clawers start slashing everything in there way. As civilians runs away from the menacing robots. The screams fill the streets of Paris, which erupt into madness. Explosions go off. Smoke fills the air. And it was all caused by Essence and Cat Noir, who watch their work. [takes a big sniff]. Ahhhhh. The sweet smell of chaos." Essence said. [takes a big sniff]. It smells good to." Cat Noir replied. "Indeed it does. But onto more important stuff. Let me breakdown our battle plan one last time. Ladybug and her team are going to be fighting a whole army of my clawers. It's size will be big enough to sustain them for a long time. Which is good for us. As they fight, we are going after two people. Rena Rouge and Shadowmoth. Rena will be spying as she does now. What she doesn't know is that I will be sending a clawer to spy on her. Once it gives me her position, we strike, and get the Fox miraculous.  We then go to the Eiffel Tower, and fight Shadowmoth.  Once again, claiming his miraculous.  During this, my clawers will fight Ladybug's team, but lead them to the Eiffel Tower.  And if were lucky enough, we should have Shadowmoth's miraculous by the time Ladybug and her team are done.  Just when they think it's all over, we come into play.  We beat the ever living crap out of them all, get the miraculous, find out who Ladybug is, get the Mother Box, and victory is ours."  Essence said.  "In that case, let's go squash a ladybug."  Cat Noir replied.  The clawer leaves the two to attend his fellow machines.  Essence and Cat Noir turn on a cloaking device they have.  Turning them both invisible.  They go out, as the clawers continue to bring more despair to Paris.
    At Mari's house, which hasn't gotten attacked by the invasion yet, cannot stop expressing her anger towards Cat Noir ignoring her. She does this in front of all the kwamis, as well as Alya with Trixx. "How can that cat do this to me? He thinks it's ok to ignore me. ME!!!!!!! No one ignores me. NO ONE!!!!!!! I did so much for him, and he repays me like this. That is just cruelty from that kitty cat." Marinette said. "Give him some time. He will call you." Alya replied. "ITS BEEN FOUR MONTHS, ALYA!!!!!!! FOUR MONTHS WITH NO RESPONSE!!!!!!!" Marinette screamed. "Sorry, didn't know how important talking to Cat Noir is to you." Alya replied. "It is important, and he has the nerve to keep me away. What a jerk." Marinette said. Tikki, already furious, finally snaps. "ENOUGH!!!!!!!" Tikki yelled. Marinette, Alya, and the kwamis gasp. "I CANNOT TAKE THIS FROM YOU ANYMORE!!!!!!! I'M SICK OF YOUR HYPOCRISY, YOUR LIES, AND YOU!!!!!!!" Tikki yelled. "Relax, Tikki. She just wants to talk to Cat Noir." Alya replied. "Oh, really??? How can she talk to a guy, who she barely remembers. She cannot say his name right, acknowledge his existence, etc. Yet she has the audacity to call him out for her wrongdoings. Get this. Marinette LIED to you. She never talked to Cat Noir. She never been honest on how's he is doing. EVERYTHING SHE TOLD YOU WAS A LIE!!!!!!" Tikki screamed. "Tikki, where is this all coming from? You're never anger like this." Marinette asked. "It wasn't, until my holder thinks its ok to replace someone she is afraid of still." Tikki replied. "Wait, what?" Alya asked. "Yes. Marinette is still afraid of Cat Noir, and thinks the only good solution is to REPLACE HIM!!!!!!!!" Tikki yelled. "Hold mean the conversation we had? You know, the one we had in the sewers about.....getting rid of Cat Noir." Alya asked. "YES!!!!!! AND SHE KEEPS USING THE STUPID COVER UP THAT HE IS POINTLESS, WHEN THAT IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NOT TRUE AT ALL!!!!!!!! MARINETTE KNOWS IT, AND I KNOW IT!!!!!!" Tikki yelled. "Marinette, is this true?" Alya asked. Marinette is faced with everyone staring at her. She starts to shudder her words trying to find an excuse. But in the end, she fails. "You've been lying to me this whole time?" Alya asked. "What? No. No, no, no, no. Alya, I would never lie to you. Your my BFF." Marinette replied in a worried tone. "You never talked to Cat Noir. You never thought of thinking about this. have been lying to me." Alya said. "Alya, you know that's not true at all. It's just....." Marinette replied. There talk is interrupted by a loud explosion that shakes Mari's room. Marinette and Alya look outside, and are speechless at what they see. Paris under a massive swarm of clawers. Wrecking havoc all over the place. They never stop. They just keep going. "There has to be thousands of those things out there." Alya said. "No kidding. We have to stop them now." Marinette replied. "Why?  Why should I trust you now, when you've been lying to me?" Alya asked. "Yes, Marinette. Why should she trust you?" Tikki asked as well. "Girls, this is serious. People's lives are in danger right now." Marinette replied. Tikki and Alya don't listen. "[signs]. Look, if you help me now, I guess I can reconsider what I was planning to do." Marinette said. "Cancel it, and we will help you." Alya replied. "Seriously?" Marinette asked. "Cancel, or your on your own." Alya replied. Marinette hesitates to agree, but knowing Paris is in danger. "Fine. I'll call it off. I will not replace, Cat something." Marinette said. "Noir, but at least we got somewhere. FYI, just because that's over with doesn't mean you should keeping treating Cat Noir badly.  Also consider losing a good friend as well. But we can chat later. Let's go." Alya replied. Both Marinette and Alya transform into Ladybug and Rena Rouge. Knowing they are fighting an army, Ladybug is going to need everyone's help. Throughout the chaos, Mari's friends have been running away from the carnage. Clawers nearly get them, but Ladybug saves them from any danger. Once she takes her friends to safety, she gives them their miraculous. So Nino, Chloe, Kim, Max, Kagami, Luka, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, Sabrina, Marc, Nathaniel, and Ivan get their miraculous. The whole team, expect Rena Rouge who is spying, meet up on a rooftop. "Ok guys. This is beyond anything we've ever faced before. I've never seen this many clawers in one go. Essence must have pulled out all the stocks on this battle." Ladybug said. "Just to be clear, Essence is the dude who almost killed you right?"  Miss Hound asked.  "He is."  Ladybug replied.  "Well, then were all screwed."  King Monkey said.  "Hey, don't say that."  Ladybug replied.  "I'm sure he will do the same with us.  I mean, have you seen him in combat.  Brutal."  Polymouse said.  The other team members start to feel nervous going against Essence and his army.  No surprise considering this is there first time facing the villain.  "Listen.  I know he is tough and his army is gigantic, but is that any excuse for us to run away?  No.  We are Team Miraculous.  We don't let the villains scare us.  We do the opposite.  Yes, there are so many of them, but with our teamwork, we can crush them all.  I know we can do this guys.  That is why I brought all of you here.  Because with all you by my side as well as each others, we propose as a scarier threat than Essence."  Ladybug replied.  Eventually, that speech gave Team Miraculous their confidence back.  They break out of their fear, and are ready to do this.  "Pardon, but what about Cat Noir?  Why isn't he here?"  Viperion asked.  "No time.  We have to act fast.  Now listen.  Purple Tigress, Pegasus, Queen Bee, Rooster Bold, Ryuko, you all make sure civilians are safe from the battle area here.  Once your done, you all will surprise attack from above.  The rest of us will go in there, and start to wham those freaks.  No one use their superpowers.  We have no idea how long this is going to last.  Understood?"  Ladybug asked.  They all chant yes.  With that, their plan goes into place.  As the clawers continue to destroy Paris, Ladybug and her team of Carapace, King Monkey, Viperion, Pigella, Polymouse, Miss Hound, Caprikid, and Minotaurox confront the clawers.  "At long last.  Ladybug and the other heroes.  Minus a few others we've seen.  Glad you guys showed up.  We thought this was going to be easy, and we came for a hard battle."  Clawer said.  "Well, your in luck.  Your going against the best superhero and team in the world.  Sorry to disappoint, Essence, but all his hard work making you guys is going down the drain."  Ladybug replied.  "Pfff.  We'll see about that.  Let's get them boys."  Clawer said as they start to charge at the heroes.  Ladybug's team does the same thing.  "Watch out for their claws.  They won't tear thru your outfits, but they hurt a lot."  Ladybug said.  Some clawers jump, and sky dive to the team.  Carapace acts, and throws his shield at the robots.  Destroying them all, and ruing the sky attack.  King Monkey starts bashing clawers left and right.  Plus dodging their attacks with cool flips.  Polymouse and Minotaurox team up, and use their weapons, jump rope and hammer, to destroy more clawers.  Sadly, one slices Polymouse in the back, which upsets Minotaurox.  He grabs the clawer, and uses his hammer to destroy ever bit on the robot's head.  Minotaurox checks on Polymouse, who is alright thanks to him.  They continue to fight, as Caprikid and Ladybug take out more clawers coming their way.  Ladybug uses her yo-yo to decapitate a whole bunch around her, as Caprikid uses his paint brush to stab clawers everywhere.  Pigella adds up the body count, all while keeping a positive additude.  She uses her tambourine to kill more clawers.  Viperion joins in, and does the same as well.  Ironically, they both has musical weapons, so they team up to destroy more clawers around them.  The last one is Miss Hound, who goes solo.  She dodges the clawers strikes like a dog, and does little damage to them.  One Clawer kicks her to the ground, and some other distract the other heroes, so they cannot save her.  The clawers laugh at Miss Hound, ready to pretty much skin this dog.  But before they can, a top destroyed one clawers face.  After that one falls dead, the top returns to destroy more clawers.  Weather the top goes through the head, chest, or anywhere else, the hoard around Miss Hound is no more.  This was all thanks to Queen Bee.  "You alright, Miss Hound?"  Queen Bee asked.  "I am thanks to you, Queen Bee."  Miss Hound replied.  "It's nothing.  Ok guys.  Let's show these clawers all are might."  Queen Bee yelled.  Soon, Purple Tigress, Ryuko, Pegasus, and Rooster Bold jump from the roof, and into an army of clawers.  They crash land, and start destroying the robots one by one.  Ryuko gets the most action, slicing and dicing through the robots.  She even gets some decapitations with her sword.  Purple Tigress uses her tail(her weapon FYI), to smack clawers in the face.  Destroying some, but not all.  Thankfully, Pegasus uses his boomerang to kill more clawers in there way.  Lastly, Rooster Bold kicks and punches clawers, but fails to kill any.  Eventually, they overwhelm the nervous miraculous holder.  But Ladybug and the others come in to destroy the machines.  "Great work you guys.  See, all we need is some team spirit, and Essence stands no chance."  Ladybug said.  "You said it, Ladybug."  Ryuko replied.  As the other congratulate themselves, one clawer spies form above.  "Sir, the clawers are starting to go to the scrap yard.  Everything is going smoothly."  Clawer said.  "Good work. Remember, keep them distracted enough, until we finish.  Spend your friends to take care of them now."  Essence ordered.  "Right, master."  Clawer said.  Soon, and other army of clawers charge at Team Miraculous.  "Enough celebrations guys, there's more coming."  Pigella said.  The team refocuses, and charges to the clawers. 
During this entire battle, Rena Rouge has been making sure nothing goes wrong at the top of the news building.  Using her flute as a telescope, everything is going A ok.  Rena gets up, and turns around.  "Hello, Rena Rouge."  Cat Noir said.  "Ahhhhh.  Oh my God.  Cat Noir you scared the crap out of me."  Rena Rouge replied.  "My apologies.  So, didn't expect to see you here.  Spying on a battle, instead of helping Ladybug.  In fact I think if I recall correctly, Ladybug told me that she will never give you the Fox miraculous again.  But, your here right now with the Fox miraculous."  Cat Noir said.  Rena starts to get worried.  "Ohhh, this.  This is a.......a misunderstanding, Cat Noir."  Rena Rouge replied.  "Is that so.  Looks more like a secret you were keeping from me.  Which is fine.  I love secrets actually.  My favorite one is the fact Alya Cesaire is standing right in front of me."  Cat Noir said.  Rena goes form worried, to down right terrified.  "What did you just say?"  Rena Rouge asked.  "I said, Alya Cesaire, is, Rena, Rouge.  And she is standing right in front of me."  Cat Noir replied.  "Excuse me.  I'm not Alya.  She is.....umm.....a superhero fan.  Who sure loves us heroes.  Nothing more.  Nothing less."  Rena Rouge said.  "Ha.  Your as much as a liar as Ladybug.  There's no need to find anything from me now, Alya.  My partner told me everything."  Cat Noir replied.  "Ladybug told you about me?"  Rena Rouge asked.  "Of course not.  [Rena Rouge turns around].  Because Ladybug never tells Cat Noir anything, Alya Cesaire."  Essence replied as he appears behind Rena.  As Rena turns back around in shock, Cat Noir uses his staff to hit her in the face.  Essence charges, and kicks Rena in the back, and onto the ground.  "Looks like the little fox wasn't sneaky enough to find from the big bad Essence and his newest best friend, Cat Noir.  Now Essence is going to mangle you to bloody bits."  Essence said as he attacks Rena Rouge.  The two fight, with Rena blocking and dodging Essence's attacks.  "[as they fight].  What?  New best friend?"  Rena Rouge asked.  "You heard my partner loud and clear, Alya."  Cat Noir replied.  "PARTNER!!!!"  Rena Rouge yelled.  Essence hits her in the hand, and throws her to the ground.  Cat Noir charges, and uses his staff to send Rena against a wall.  Rena gets up.  "I don't understand.  How could you work with him???"  Rena Rouge asked in shock.  "When I found out the truth.  The truth behind Ladybug, you, and what you were planning on doing to me.  Which as I remembered, taking my miraculous away."  Cat Noir replied.  "WAIT, WHAT???!!!!"  Rena Rouge asked in shock.  Essence and Cat Noir attack from the air, but Rena Rouge dodges.  As she turns to them, Cat Noir kicks Rena in the face, and backhands her to the ground.  Essence takes this chance to hold her down.  "Oh, yes.  You and Ladybug were planning the unforgivable.  Getting rid of her loyal partner, Cat Noir."  Essence said.  Essence slams his boot on her back, before picking her up, punching her in the gut, and kicking Rena against another wall.  "Cough, cough.  You don't understand.  Ladybug did say that, but she called it off now."  Rena Rouge explained.  "Wow.  Having care for me for once.  Glad to see she woke up, but the damage has already been done.  There is no way I am going back to be her's and everyone else's punching bag."  Cat Noir replied.  He charges at Rena, so Rena has to fight him.  She tries to punch Cat, but he dodges and Cat Noir starts beating the crap out of Rena Rouge.  Punching her in the gut, face, nose, kicking her, etc.  Essence watches, as Cat Noir pretty much destroys his fellow teammate(FYI, Cat had no idea Rena knows who Ladybug is.  If he did know, then he should know that Rena is Scarabella based on the events of Hack San.  But he doesn't, making this fight darker than it could be).  Cat throws the beaten down Rena Rouge against another wall.  She lies on the ground, taking deep breaths, as Cat Noir approaches her.  He crouches before the fox.  "[sign].  I can't blame you for all of this.  Ladybug is the one to blame for my pain.  She was the one who started treating me like trash, and got the idea to get rid of me.  But, you did defend me, so I thank you for that.  [punches Rena in the face].  But does that take away the fact you never cared or helped for me?"  Cat Noir asked.  "What?"  Rena Rouge asked back in pain.  Cat Noir kicks her again in the face.  "You should have listened to me.  You should have seen what pain I had inside.  But instead, you ignored me and expect me to be happy.  There's no more happiness or joy in my soul.  Just the pure dark feeling of negativity.  But now, I work with someone who made me feel happy again.  By telling me that the darkness inside, feels good when bringing it to others.  And boy, was he right.  I never felt joy like that in months.  What's better, is that were not done.  There are still more backstabbers to show my pain to."  Cat Noir replied.  Cat takes off Rena's miraculous.  De-transforming her.  "Goodbye, Alya."  Cat Noir said as he kicks Alya in the face.  Knocking her out.  "And yet, I have no regret to what I just did."  Cat Noir said.  "Neither do I."  Essence replied.  Cat Noir holds onto the Fox miraculous.  "Two down, seventeen more to go."  Essence said.  Essecne then gets a call from one of his clawers.  "Hello."  Essence said.  "Sir, it's clawer.  I just saw Shadowmoth going to the Eiffel Tower.  How's Rena Rouge?"  Clawer asked.  "Pretty much dead, but no really.  How's the heroes?"  Essence asked back.  "Working at the pace we want."  Clawer replied.  "Fantastic.  Keep up the work.  [ends call].  Now, Cat Noir.  Time to proceed to the next phase of our plan."  Essence said.  "Purfection."  Cat Noir replied as he and his partner leave.
    Back with Team Miraculous. They are once again destroying armies of clawers. They all use their weapons, but not their powers to destroy the robots. But the more they destroy, the more that come along the way. "Man. These guys won't stop coming." Carapace said. "Then that's a good reason to keep fighting. Come on." Ladybug replied. Ladybug and her team continue to charge at the robots. Destroying them along the way. The clawers may be getting killed, but their plan is working perfectly. They are leading Team Miraculous to the Eiffel Tower. The place they were suppose to go to now. The clawers continue to fight the heroes. With every single hero getting a kill. Even the ones who were struggling, Miss Hound and Rooster Bold. They fight and charge at the machines, while at the top of the Eiffel Tower, Cat Noir and Essence wait for Shadowmoth. "And then she yells at me, when I was trying to help her out. What's even worse is the fact Ladybug promised me I can help her if she needs is. What a jerk." Cat Noir said. "Yeah. More than a jerk. But in a few minutes from now, she will be regretting messing with you." Essence replied. "True. True." Cat Noir said. There is a little moment of silence between the two. "So, how are you so flexible and fast? On top of that, how do know what move to do against another opponent?" Cat Noir asked. "I see your curious. Well its hard for me considering you and the other heroes can do that without any training. I'm not overpowered.  I'm just built different.  I trained non stop for a few years straight. Advancing my agility, strength, and speed. Believe me. It wasn't an easy thing to go through. Often I would say it's torture, but I worked through the pain." Essence replied. "How?" Cat Noir asked. "Easy. I just thought of the miraculous. They are my primary motivation to achieving The Forbidden Power. I cannot wait to get this box, and all the others.  As for my secondary motivation, it is bringing suffering onto innocent souls.  I satisfy it well thanks to fighting you guys, but I will be able to satisfy it even more once we rule the world.  " Essence replied. "On that topic. Since you know a lot about the miraculous, what other ones are there?" Cat Noir asked. "Hmmmm. Good question. [thinks]. Oh, there's this one miraculous called The Prodigious.  It gives one the ability to transform into different types of animals based on the human values.  Weirdly, some of them are a dragon, monkey, snake, tiger, and horse.  All animals from the Mother Box.  Not sure why The Forbidden One did that, but I guess he wanted to try new things."  Essence replied.  "Neat.  I bet turning into animals would be cool."  Cat Noir said.  "It is, but only if I have a pure, good intentions, which I'm miles from having." Essence replied.  "I can tell."  Cat Noir said.  Essence giggles a bit.  "Oh.  What about the Eagle miraculous?  You caused a lot of mayhem in NYC."  Cat Noir said.  "That's what happens when you let those achieve their true potential.  Did you know that the Eagle as well as the other Native American miraculous were used with George Washington during battle?"  Essence asked.  "I didn't know that.  Even history used them?  The more you know."  Cat Noir replied.  "Yeah.  There's also other miraculous boxes.  Some of which are the same animal, but with different powers.  Again, I would suspect The Forbidden One to try new things, and I guess he wanted to use the same animal again for some reason.  Like, there's another butterfly and tiger miraculous.  There a lion miraculous with The Prodigious, but another one in the South African Box.  So, yeah it's complicated, but cool."  Essence said.  "And soon they will be all ours.  Along with this world."  Cat Noir replied.  "First, we need to get what we need, and then we can conquer.  It's all about hard work paying off.  And it most definitely will here."  Essence said.  Essence then gets a radio call from one of his clawers.  The robot informs Essence of Shadowmoth's appearance.  He is coming now.  "Ok, enough chatting.  Shadowmoth has come to join us.  FYI, you are going to brutalize him."  Essence said.  "Thanks fro reminding me.  I've been waiting for this."  Cat Noir replied.  "Love the energy.  Now, here's what we are going to do.  Your going to activate your invisibility, and hide behind Shadowmoth, while he talks to me.  As we chat, I will soon give this signal [does signal].  When you see that signal, you attack from behind, and I attack from the front.  We get the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous, and it's gameover."  Essence said.  "Excellent.  Mind if I get most of the blows on him?"  Cat Noir asked.  "If you get a chance.  Now hurry.  He should he here any minute."  Essence said.  Cat Noir moves to his spot, as Essence waits.  Overlooking all the damage he caused onto a burning Paris.  His view gets interrupted, when Shadowmoth is in the air, and lands behind Essence.  "Well hello, [turns around] Gabriel."  Essence said.  "Aren't you happy to see me now."  Shadowmoth replied.  "Why wouldn't I be?  I've been looking forward to meeting you.  The almighty villain of Paris.  The holder of two powerful miraculous.  And the next victim I going to destroy."  Essence said.  "Not if I destroy you first.  Which is exactly why I am here.  To prevent people like you from ruining my plans."  Shadowmoth replied.  "You've been at this gig for over a year.  Yet you failed to get a single miraculous.  At least I was able to get a hold of some, before eventually losing them.  Just face it, Gabe.  I'm better than you.  And I always will be better than you."  Essence said.  "It doesn't matter if you are better than me or not.  What matters is that I get the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir.  As well as the others here for a bonus.  I don't know what you want with them, but they are more important to me than they are to you."  Shadowmoth replied.  "Right.  Hey, don't you have a kid that punched you in the face?  At least you still have him."  Essence said.  "Yes.  My son, Adrien, is nothing but an embarrassment.  Ruining my reputation all because he is a cry baby.  Besides, my business is far more important than him.  He may be my son, but what I am working towards is far more important."  Shadowmoth replied.  Cat Noir, hearing all of this, is on the verge of wanting to rip his Dad's head off.  "Wow, I don't know what's worse?  You causing violence in Paris, or the fact that your the definition of a terrible Father."  Essence said.  "I choose who I want to be.  And this is how I want to be."  Shadowmoth replied.  "A heartless supervillain.  Got it.  Sorry, but say bye bye to Nooroo and Duusu.  They will be with us now."  Essence said.  Essence gives the signal, and Cat Noir screams as he jumps to Shadowmoth.  Cat Noir yells and tackles Shadowmoth, and starts beating him in the face.  Shadowmoth kicks Cat off of him, as Essence steps in.  He kicks Shadowmoth in the face, punches him in the face, picks him up, and throws him across the tower.  As Shadowmoth gets up, Essence and Cat Noir attack from different angles.  Surrounded, Shadowmoth moves out of the day.  Dodging their attack.  Essence and Cat Noir get up, and charge to the villain.  With Cat Noir going attacking first.  Using his staff, he beats the crap out of Shadowmoth.  Even when Shadowmoth wants to attack, Cat Noir stops him.  Cat Noir knocks Shadowmoth's cane and hand fan from him, before hitting him in the face with his cane.  Shadowmoth starts bleeding from the nose, but Cat Noir doesn't care.  Cat Noir shows no mercy, as continually destroys Shadowmoth.  "Take care of him.  I have a plan."  Cat Noir said.  Essence agrees to it, and taps in for Cat Noir.  Essence let's Shadowmoth attack him, but Essence dodges Shadowmoth's slow attacks.  While they fight, Cat Noir uses his cataclysm, transforming into his new outfit, to drill a tunnel down the Eiffel Tower.  He uses his staff, to be above the tip of the Eiffel Tower  Thanks to his newly powered cataclysm, Cat Noir was able to blast a hole down the tower.  Just as he planned.  Cat Noir looks down, and sees a giant hole to the ground.  "Throw him down here."  Cat Noir said.  Essence sees what Cat Noir did, and is more than happy to do so.  He grabs Shadowmoth, and chucks him down the hole.  To add more pain, Shadowmoth hits the metal bars surrounding the tower.  With each one hurting more and more on the way down.  Shadowmoth lands on the ground of the Tower, where Essence and Cat Noir come down to join him.  Cat Noir walks to a dying Shadowmoth, grabs his chest, before removing his miraculous.  De-transformed, Gabriel is exposed.  "Take these."  Cat Noir said throwing the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous to him.  Cat Noir hold Gabriel, and starts to punch him in the face some more.  Every time Cat Noir hits his Father, Gabriel spits out more blood.  With every sound of agony, Cat Noir hits harder.  Until one final punch has Gabriel against a corner of the Eiffel Tower.  "So, how does that feel huh?  The feeling of getting the life sucked out of you.  Just like you did to me you monster."  Cat Noir said.  "What?  I have no idea what your talking about."  Gabriel replied.  Cat Noir gets anger, and kicks Gabriel in the gut.  "You abused me.  Lied to me.  Imprisoned me.  Treated me like a pawn.  And never once loved me."  Cat Noir said as he kicks Gabriel after every sentence.  "I really don't see the big deal here.  Why are you that mad at Gabriel Agreste anyway?"  Essence asked.  "Oh, I don't know, Essence.  Maybe it's because I found out my Dad is a super villain."  Cat Noir replied in anger.  "What..................A.....Adrien."  Gabriel said.  "Claws in."  Cat Noir replied as he de-transforms.  Both Gabriel and Essence are surprised.  With Essence dropping his sword to the ground.  "What?  Adrien Agreste.  The world famous fashion model.  Your Cat Noir."  Essence said in shock.  "Not a model anymore, but yes.  I am Cat Noir."  Adrien replied.  "But.....but......but......but.....but this makes no sense.  How is my own son Cat Noir?"  Gabriel asked still recovering.  "How about, [kicks Gabriel again] spending some quality time with your kid, instead of trying to hurt innocent lives everyday."  Adrien replied in anger.  "Adrien, please.  You have to stop this now."  Plagg begged.  "Shut up, Plagg.  You know, just when I thought you couldn't get more disgusting than you already are, I was wrong.  I was terribly wrong.  Because not only is does my awful, neglectful, abusive Father doesn't love me, but he happens to be my enemy.  As is everyone else.  That's just......just too devastatingly accept.  Everyone around you, not caring for your existence.  It makes me feel like the most depressed person in all of Paris."  Adrien replied.  "Adrien.  Listen to me.  I think there is a way, we can discuss this."  Gabriel said.  "Yes, there is a way." Adrien replied as grabs Gabriel's right hand, and breaks his fingers.  Gabriel screams in bloody pain, as Plagg watches his owner abuse his Dad.  "Ahhh.  Hurts doesn't it.  You know what else hurts?  ME!!!!!!"  Adrien screamed as he kicks and punches his Father again.  "It's even more pathetic that you consider your job to be more important than your own child.  You getting mine and Ladybug's miraculous serves a much bigger purpose than me? Your son? I will never give you a single spec of my sympathy, Father.  You don't even deserve to be called sympathetic."  Adrien said.  "Adrien.  I'm begging you.  Stop this.  Control your anger."  Plagg begged.  "I said, SHUT UP, PLAGG!!!!!!!"  Adrien screamed.  Plagg hurdles in fear, as Adrien gets more mad at his Dad.  "You will never show or give anyone this kind of pain ever again.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien said as he transforms back into Cat Noir.  Cat Noir clinches his right hand in rage.  Closing his eyes, Cat focuses on his cataclysm.  Soon, Cat's right hand starts to spark, before shooting green(CW's hair) lightening from it.  The sight has Gabriel not move, as he sits in fear.  Cat Noir takes deep breaths, that transform into anger loud deep breathes.  It expresses the anger he is feeling inside of him.  Eventually, he opens his eyes, and scream, "CATACLYSM!!!!!"  Soon, a powerful dark green blast, more different than his one from before during the Shadowmoth fight, hits Gabriel.  Gabriel screams in pain, as he is raised into the air.  Essence watches as Cat Noir focuses on the blast, making it more and more deadly.  His Father's screams grow louder by the second.  Feeling the power of destruction attack his body.  This then leads to something truly horrific. Gabriel's body stars to crack up all over him.  His hand form cracks with dark green light coming out.  Cat Noir doesn't care.  He wants his Dad to feel all the child abuse he gave him.  Gabriel's face starts to form cracks, and his glasses shattering on his face.  With one more powerful anger roar, Cat Noir uses all his power to the cataclysm.  Gabriel screamed even louder, before he EXPLODES into nothing at all.  The blast spreads dust around the Eiffel Tower.  Blinding Essence, and sending him to the ground. As the dust settles, Essence can see again. He sees a green shine coming from within the dust cloud. When Essence looks a little closer, he sees his partner, Cat Noir. But, he isn't wearing the same outfit he once had before. Cat Noir now has his hands to his elbows and feet to his knees covered in CW's hair color. He has the same stripes on his chest and back, as well as the muscles on arm and leg. He wears his cape, but with an addition hood with holes, so his cat ears can pop out. And he is sparking in that same dark green energy. Cat Noir then turns to see Essence. "Cat Noir..........what did you do?" Essence asked. "I don't know, but it felt....awesome." Cat Noir replied. Cat clinches both his hands, creating the same dark green energy he has. "I can use cataclysm in my left hand now?" Cat Noir asked. "How?  You can only do that in the hand from which your ring is on.  Hold on, did.....did you just reach your...full potential?" Essence asked as he gets closer to him. "I don't know." Cat Noir replied. "Check your ring. It should be beeping by now." Essence said. Cat Noir looks at his ring, and sees it not blinking at all. He used his superpowers, but there is no cool down. "You did say that if I reach my full potential, I will have no cool down correct?" Cat Noir asked. "I did. I did say that. [gasp]. Which means." Essence replied. "I reached my full potential." Cat Noir said. With this news, Cat Noir starts to slowly giggle in a sinister tone. "[stops laughing]. Don't you see, Essence. I now have all the power I need.  All the power, to make Ladybug and her team pay.  I can feel it's power coursing inside of me. The power of destruction. More stronger than it once was before. Thus making me, UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. "[coughs/laughs]. Your right." Essence replied. Essence soon gets a radio call from one of his clawers. The robot reports that almost all the clawers are dead, and that Ladybug and her team are in front of the Eiffel Tower now. Essence, after hearing this, goes to investigate. Cat Noir joins him too, and they both see Team Miraculous fighting. "Well my feline. The time has finally come." Essence said. "I know. And with my new power, they don't stand a chance." Cat Noir replied in an evil tone.
    Team Miraculous finishes off the last few clawers. With Ryuko using her sword to kill the last two. "[deep breaths]. That's the last of them." Ryuko said. "We did it, guys. We won." Pigella replied. Team Miraculous comes together, and does a pound it to celebrate. "Awesome job you guys. We all did phenomenal out there. Every single one of us served their part well." Ladybug said. "Of course we do. Like they say, villains always lose no matter what." Caprikid replied. "Right on my man." Rooster Bold said. "And we didn't have to use our powers. Essence made this feel easier than we expected." Purple Tigress replied. "Who cares? It's his fault for not trying harder. Sadly, were done here. I will summon my lucky charm to fix all of this, after I get all your miraculous back." Ladybug said. Soon, Cat Noir jumps to the ground close to Team Miraculous. "Huh? Hey, look. It's Cat Noir." Viperion said. Everyone looks, and sees cat Noir, who is back in his normal suit. "Hey guys. Heard Essence unleashed a whole army of clawers onto Paris. Good thing you guys were here to save the day." Cat Noir replied. "Thanks, but where have you been. It's been months since we last saw you?" Queen Bee asked. "It's a long story, but I'm back again. Sorry about my absence. I was hoping to kick some robot butt today. Oh well. Maybe next time." Cat Noir replied. "Yeah, whatever. Ok guys, we need to go now." Ladybug ordered. "Sorry to interrupt, Ladybug, but do you mind if I ask you something?" Cat Noir asked. "Can't you see I'm busy fluffy black." Ladybug replied. "It's Cat Noir, and it will be quick. I promise." Cat Noir said. Ladybug thinks, but mostly just wants to leave him. "Come on, Ladybug. Give the guy some of your time. I mean, we haven't used any of our powers, so we should be ok until then." Polymouse said. Ladybug thinks some more, and agrees to it. "[deep breath]. If it's quick, then yes." Ladybug said. "It's nothing really. I just wanted to know why did you replace me with your spy, Rena Rouge?" Cat Noir asked. "Seriously, that's your.....[freezes].....wait, what did you say?" Ladybug asked back. "I asked, why did you replace me with your spy, Rena Rouge. Or, why were you lying to me this whole time? Why were you ignoring me with whole time? Why were you abandoning me this whole time?" Cat Noir asked back threateningly. Ladybug is still frozen in fear at what Cat Noir just asked.  "Sorry, did you say Rena Rouge? I heard that she cannot be here anymore because of reasons?" Carapace asked. "Not sure if that is the case, but apparently that was just a rouse to trick me." Cat Noir replied. "Ladybug, what is he talking about?" Carapace asked. Carapace as well as the other heroes stare at Ladybug. She starts to stutter. "I have no idea what he is talking about." Ladybug said. "Hahahahahaha. This is so purfect. You know, I was always questioning your rude behavior and attitude towards me, Ladybug. And now I know the reason why. It's because of Rena Rouge. Your so called me partner your so happy to have by your side." Cat Noir replied villainously. "Cat, I'm serious. Rena isn't here. She had to stop because of Shadowmoth." Ladybug said. "Oh really? If that is the case, then how do I have this?" Cat Noir asked. Cat pulls out the Fox miraculous, releasing Trixx from the necklace. Ladybug goes from a fried to horrified. Despite this, Ladybug still tries to find a way out of it stuttering her words. "It's no use, Ladybug. He knows everything." Trixx said in sorrow. Team Miraculous is shocked at this truth. "Ummm....ummmm.....[clear throat]. What did you do to her?" Ladybug demanded. "Actually, the correct grammar is, what did we do to her." Essence replied walking up to Cat Noir. The sight of Essence has Team Miraculous get into battle mode. They stare at the villain, but wonder why Essence is not attacking Cat Noir. "Wait, why isn't Essence pounding Cat Noir?" Pegasus asked. "Isn't it obvious, horsey. Ladybug, guys, it''s my honor to introduce to you all, Essence. Aka, new partner." Cat Noir replied. Everyone gasp in shocked when Cat Noir said that. Even more shocked is Ladybug. "Did......did you just say...." Ladybug said. "Partner? Yes he did. And I am proud to introduce to you all my new partner, Cat Noir. The purfect companion for my team." Essence replied. Essence looks at the other miraculous holders, who are all surprised. "So, your Team Miraculous. Ladybug's so called powerful team of superheroes. Holders of miraculous within the Mother Box. The most powerful miraculous in the world. Oh where are my manners. It's an honor to meet you all today. [bows as he says that]. And it will also be an honor claiming fifteen more miraculous to our collection of four." Essence said. "Four?" Ladybug asked. "The Black Cat, the Fox, and [pulls out miraculous]. The Butterfly and Peacock." Essence replied. Even more astonishment is sent into our heroes. "Rena Rouge and Shadowmoth were too weak against us. Making it easy to claim their jewels. And sadly, you guys are next." Essence said in a devilish manner. "Wait, this cannot be right. Why....why would Cat Noir work with you??? Why suddenly switch sides out of nowhere???? Why would he do this???" Ladybug asked wanted answers. "You weren't kidding to how blind she is." Essence replied. "I told you so. [looks at Ladybug]. So, My Lady. You want answers to why I'm a villain. Well, let me ask this. Do you want to know why I despise you now? It's because I dealt with your torment for the last time. When you got the grand title as guardian, something changed between us. We went from a powerful duo, to you constantly abusing, lying, and destroying me ever time I show a whisker. You left me out of countless missions. You broke rules like they don't matter. You never tell me a thing that is important. You never let me help you. You never listen to me. But those aren't compared to the worst thing you have ever done to me." Cat Noir said. Cat pulls out his staff, puts it on full volume, and plays a video. The video of Ladybug's plan to replace Cat Noir. The entire audio of what she said. Team Miraculous is speechless at this secret, but Ladybug is beyond that. She is literally chained in horror when he started playing that video. Mind blown that he found out about this. She is so frightened that she literally stops seeing only Cat Blanc.  She now sees only Cat Noir looking menacingly. "[video stops]. I joined forces with Essence not because I feel betrayed, but because I feel heartbroken. Heartbroken at the fact my own partner sees me as nothing, but a joke. That's all I am to the world. A big JOKE, that everyone enjoys making fun of. Well now, I done. I'm done with all of it. I'm done with the abuse, the backstabbing, the lies, EVERYTHING!!!!!! And I am going to make sure, you regret all the bad things you done to me, Ladybug." Cat Noir said. Cat Noir starts to walk closer to Team Miraculous. He isn't close to them, but just enough. Cat Noir then takes a deep breath, before going onto his knees. Soon, Cat Nori focuses, similar to what he did at the Eiffel Tower. The dark green lightning starts to spark, before coming out of Cat Noir. Team Miraculous watches in terror, as Cat Noir transforms into his full potential. His new outfit and everything. Using his new power, he slams his fist onto the ground. Creating cracks to Team Miraculous, all standing on a bridge. The cracks start to explode starting from where Cat Noir is sitting. Ladybug tells them all to run, so they turn around and run away. But the cracks are too fast for them to escape. They caught up, and blow the team all away. Dust rises, as Team Miraculous rolls on the ground away from the bridge. Ladybug coughs, as her and her team look at the dust storm. They start to see someone inside of the dust. Coming out of the cloud is Cat Noir. Wearing his hooded cloak. Ladybug and her team see the newly outfitted Cat Noir. "So, like my new look? I mean, I wasn't what I was expecting, but it's something. I do love the hood. Adds a more darkness kind of feel to me." Cat Noir said. "What.......what just happened?" Ladybug asked in terror. "Easy. I achieved the one thing you thought you did, Ladybug. I actually reached, my full potential." Cat Noir replied. Everyone gasp at this. "I have to say this new power of mine feels meowlous. And with it, I am going to make you pay FOR ALL THE PAIN YOU HAVE GIVEN ME!!!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed.  Cat Noir charges up a cataclysm ray from both his hands, and blast it towards a a building by them(the one that served as the fighting ground for Miracle Queen).  When the blast hits the stone, the building exploded like a nuke.  Sending dust and pieces everywhere.  Blinded, Team Miraculous runs to try to find a way out.  Pegasus helps by using voyage to open a portal to somewhere safe.  He helps his teammates get through the portal, as some are left behind like Ladybug, Ryuko, King Moneky, Caprikid, and Purple Tigress.  Thanks to Ryuko's power, she uses wind to clear out the dust.  She grabs the other heroes, and leaves Cat Noir.  "Haha.  Run all you want, guys.  Run, but you cannot hide from me."  Cat Noir said.
    Thanks to voyage and wind dragon, Team Miraculous is safe. They all regroup at the a rooftop to discuss a plan. "Ok, is everyone alright?" Ladybug asked. All of them replied they ok. "Good. Ok, so we have an ultra powerful Cat Noir to deal with.  We need a plan to calm him down, or stop him."  Ladybug said.  "Wow.  Calling him by his real name now.  Why?  So we think none of this abuse happened after all?"  Carapace asked.  "What?  No.  Not at all."  Ladybug replied.  "Just like, Cat, how do we know your not lying?"  Polymouse asked.  "Seriously guys.  We're doing this now.  There is a villain rooming out there, and we all have to stop them."  Ladybug replied.  "No, we are going to stop him.  Just not with you."  King Monkey said.  "Really?  You guys need me in order to do this.  I'm the leader here."  Ladybug replied.  "We do.  Just not someone who wants to destroy people they hate.  Let's go guys."  Ryuko said.  So Team Miraculous basically abandons Ladybug, just like she did to Cat Noir.  How ironic.  In Paris, Cat Noir is using his power to beam cars and buildings to find his friends.  "Guys!!!!  Where are you????  No need to be afraid, you should be traumatized!!!!  Once I find you all, I will take your miraculous for the honor of Essence!!!!!  And there is nothing you can do to stop me!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.  Team Miraculous watches over Cat Noir, and try to think of a plan.  "Ok, what should we do, guys?"  Purple Tigress asked.  "Well we can't fight him.  He's our friend.  Maybe we can try talking it out"  Viperion replied.  "Are you insane????  He said he is going to fight us.  Besides, how do you expect to speak to a guy who has cataclysm coursing through him?"  Queen Bee asked.  "She has a good point.  That cannot work."  Miss Hound replied.  "So, we're expecting to fight Cat Noir?  That's not going to make it better."  Pigella said.  "We have to do something in the end.  But what?"  Rooster Bold asked.  "Let me go talk to him."  Viperion replied.  "Again, are you crazy?"  Queen Bee asked.  "Listen.  I know how to calm people down.  And I can see where he's coming from.  Give me at max three minutes with him.  If things go wrong, then we will fight."  Viperion replied.  The others huddle to discuss this.  "Ok.  Be safe."  Queen Bee said.  Viperion nods his head, and goes into the battlefield.  "[blast a car that explodes].  Guys!!!!!  Come out and play!!!!!!"  Cat Noir yelled.  "Cat Noir."  Viperion replied.  Cat Noir turns around, and sees Viperion.  He is about to blast him, until Viperion speaks.  "WAIT!!!!  Please, Cat Noir.  Please listen to me."  Viperion begged.  "Why should I listen to you, traitor?"  Cat Noir asked.  "I'm not a traitor, Cat Noir.  I'm your friend.  Remember?  You gave me this miraculous.  We worked together.  We bonded together.  I'm not going to hurt or fight you.  I promise."  Viperion replied.  "Viperion, are you lying to me?"  Cat Noir asked.  "No.  I'm not.  Please, let's just talk."  Viperion replied.  Cat Noir thinks, and eventually agrees.  He charges down his cataclysms.  "Thank you.  Now listen.  I can see your upset.  I see your anger.  I can see your mad at Ladybug.  I can see something is wrong with you.  But this is not the solution to all of this.  Destroying Paris, and defeating us.  That's not going to make anything better.  It's going to be alright though."  Viperion said.  "So your telling me Ladybug should replace me?  And I should continue to be her punching bag?"  Cat Noir asked.  "What?  Of course not.  I agree 100%, Ladybug was doing a terrible thing.  I see that perfectly.  I'm just saying becoming a supervillain is very irresponsible.  Especially for you.  Cat Noir, I know you.  I care for you.  We all do.  I know Ladybug has been keeping you away, but deep down, me and all the others feel worried for you.  We feel bad for what she has been doing to you.  I mean it."  Viperion replied.  "You don't say."  Cat Noir said.  "Seriously.  I am telling the truth."  Viperion replied.  "[at the rooftop].  He's handling this pretty well."  Queen Bee said.  The others around her agree. "So with all that in mind, stop this.  Stop having your anger take control over you.  It's the right thing to do here, Cat Noir."  Viperion said.  Cat Noir takes all of Viperion's words in, and thinks for a moment.  "Hmmm, that's the most I heard anyone show respect for me."  Cat Noir said.  "Yes.  Yes.  That's good."  Viperion replied.  "But, there's one problem."  Cat Noir said.  "A problem?  What's that?"  Viperion asked.  "[signs].  It's too late to fix me now."  Cat Noir replied.  He powers up his cataclysm, and blast to Team Miraculous.  They all scatter, but barely miss the beam. The blast explodes the roof. Sending Team Miraculous to the ground. "Cat Noir, please!!!" Viperion begged. He runs to Cat Noir, who responds by uppercutting Viperion, and kicking him against a car. Cat Noir runs up to him, and slams his foot onto Luka. With his hand free, Cat Noir waste no time grabbing the Snake miraculous. Viperion gasp, as he de-transforms back into Luka. The other team members look, and are shocked that Luka is a hero. "Say all the nice things you guys want. In the end, there is no fixing my pain." Cat Noir said. "Cat Noir, I'm begging you. Stop this, now." Luka replied. Cat Noir responds by turning around, and blasting Luka with a cataclysm beam. As Luka is lifted into the air, the rest of Team Miraculous watches in trauma. Luka's body starts to form those same crack Gabriel had. Before Luka tragically explodes in front of everyone. Team Miraculous gasp in horror. Cat Noir stops his beams from running. "Luka was weak. Just like all of you. I didn't return after four months for a sweet talk. I returned to get my revenge." Cat Noir declared. "Lu....Luka." Purple Tigress said feeling sorrow. With the sight of her brother being killed in front of her, Purple Tigress is mind blown.  She starts to shed tears. She starts crying on the ground. "Ahhhh. Your sad because I killed your slithery snake, Viperion? Grow up and deal with it, pussy cat." Cat Noir replied harshly. Purple Tigress, after hearing Cat Noir say that, gets furious. She screams, and charges to Cat Noir. Purple Tigress goes to punch Cat Noir using clout, but Cat dodges her attack. Purple Tigress continues to try to fight Cat Noir, but he causally dodges all her attacks. All while laughing at her pathetic fighting. Eventually, Cat Noir punches Purple Tigress in the face. Sending her to the ground. Cat Noir is about to stomp on her, then Team Miraculous comes in to help. Ryuko tackles Cat Noir, but he throws her off of him. Cat responds with a cataclysm beam. Ryuko dodges it, as Cat Noir tries to kill her with his power. Ryuko lands back with her team, who all go at once to fight Cat Noir. Cat Noir turns to a new tactic. He creates orbs that float in the air. Cat Noir sends them to his team, who all dodge his attack. No problem for Cat Noir because they turn around, and charge at them. Soon, the orbs turn into a beam, and go to Team Miraculous. Realizing the trap, they all run from the sky strike. The blast does knock some of them to the ground, including Pegasus. As Pegasus gets up, he sees Cat Noir charging at him. Pegasus gets up to fight Cat, but his new trainer made Cat Noir as challenging as Essence. Cat Noir punches Pegasus in the face, kicks in the gut, grabs his leg, and chucks him against a building. Cat Noir charges up another beam, and blast the top of the building he sent Pegasus to. The blast destroys some roof, that threatened to crush Pegasus. Carapace seeing this, throws his shield to help his friend. But Cat Noir stops it by blasting a beam to where Carapace is at. It sends him, Rooster Bold, and Minotaurox, who were by him, flying against the ground. Pegasus moves quickly, but gets grabbed by the throat by Cat Noir. In fear, Pegasus tries to escape. But Cat's grip is too strong for him to try. Cat Noir removes his glasses, claiming the Horse miraculous. Showing no sympathy, Cat Noir ruthless charges a cataclysm, and destroys Max in the process. Another one down, Cat Noir runs to the other team members. King Monkey throws his staff to hurt Cat Noir. Cat Noir grabs it, and chucks it back into King Monkey's face. Soon, Cat Noir charges up his cataclysm, and jumps into the air. He is about to ground pound them all, but they run out of the way. There, Cat Noir's ground pound release a massive explosion. Blowing all the other heroes away. As the dust rises, everyone tries to see where Cat Noir is. Cat Noir is now charging, and he grabs Caprikid. Cat Noir rams Caprikid against a car, and then against a wall of a building. Before Cat Noir takes his miraculous, throws him into the air, and blast a cataclysm to a spinning Nathaniel. Destroying him. The fear rises from the other heroes that Cat Noir is intending to murder them all. They don't stop, so Purple Tigress, who still has clout activated, Minotaurox, and Miss Hound go after Cat Noir. Thanks to a boost from Minotaurox and Miss Hound, Purple Tigress performs a sky attack to Cat Noir. Cat Noir blocks his face, as Purple Tigress clouts the ground. An explosion goes off, but nothing like Cat Noir's. As the dust settles, Cat Noir is still blocking his face, but it's not harmed. When Cat Noir opens his eyes, he is revealed to be flying. Himself and the other heroes are shocked at this. "Oh right, did I forget to mention I can fly when I reach my full potential? If not, my apologies." Cat Noir said. Thanks to his new flying powers, he has the high ground. Cat Noir charges more cataclysm orbs, about fifty at max, and sends them to his enemies. This sky strike has Team Miraculous run for safety. As the cataclysm orbs blast down upon them. Creating more dust storms, it makes it hard for them to see. The team tries to find a way out, while getting blown away by the blast. Rooster Bold manages to get out, and tries to act fast. He uses sublimation, and gives himself super strength. Thanks to his power upgrade, Rooster Bold grabs a car, and throws it at Cat Noir. Cat sees it, and cataclysms it without a sweat. Rooster Bold tries to get more cars, and other objects, to stop Cat Noir. Rooster Bold throws, and throws, and throws at Cat Noir, but he just destroys them all in the process. Rooster Bold runs out of ammo, so he goes for another option. He goes for a freaking building to chuck at Cat Noir. But, despite his strengths, he fails to even get it off the ground. Rooster Bold tries, but fails. "Having trouble, birdie? Don't worry, you will lift that building, once you get to stage one of your full potential. Or if, you survive me." Cat Noir said flying down to Rooster Bold. Rooster Bold tries to punch Cat Noir, but Cat dodges, grabs Rooster Bold's hand, and literally snap it in half. Rooster Bold screams, as his teammates hear his call of pain. They run to help him, but it's too late. Cat Noir takes the Rooster miraculous, and cataclysms Marc into dust. The team looks in horror again. With some of them like Polymouse and Pigella feeling horrified to continue to fight. Cat Noir doesn't care, and sees there pain as enthusiasm. He charges more cataclysm rays, and blast at the team. They all dodge it, and go for a group attack by surrounding Cat Noir. Using there weapons, Team Miraculous tries to fight Cat Noir. Cat Noir uses his power to try to kill them all. Cat Noir blocks Ryuko, Queen Bee, Minotaurox, Purple Tigress, Carapace, King Monkey, and Miss Hound's attacks with his hands. He also dodges their initial attacks by doing front and back flips. During this, Cat Noir takes the chance to blast at King Monkey. Cat misses, but the dust blinds King Monkey for Cat Noir to attack him. Using his new flight powers, Cat Noir grabs King Monkey, and takes him with into the air. The others watch as King Monkey is risen to a high altitude. High enough, Cat Noir grabs the Monkey miraculous, de-transforming Kim, and straight up dropping him to his death. Kim falls back to the surface of the earth, as his friends watch. They try to go save him, but at the same time, Cat Noir charges up another cataclysm beam. He sends it down to a failing Kim, screaming for his life. Queen Bee is about to throw her top to save Kim. But she was too slow. The beam catches up, and blast Kim in the back. After unleashing one more scream, Kim explodes into dust. Traumatizing Queen Bee and the others more. Soon, Cat Noir descends down back to his enemies. "This just comes to show that I'm unbeatable at this point. Isn't it obvious you cannot defeat me, fools. I'm just that purfect at being a villain." Cat Noir said. "How can you say that honestly? How did a flirty, sweet, funny Cat Noir transform into a heartless, despicable, murderous supervillain? Why did you have you go down this path?" Purple Tigress yelled. "Because there is no more happiness in my soul." Cat Noir replied. "Cat Noir. Please, stop. You have to stop. Viperion is right. We do care for you. We do worry for you. Cat Noir. We're your friends." Pigella begged. "Not anymore." Cat Noir replied ruthlessly. He flies to Pigella, and beats the crap out of her. Punching her in the face, gut, slamming her on the ground, kicking her in the face, etc. Her pain stops when Cat Noir grabs the Pig miraculous, and sends her roll onto the streets. Everyone gasp, especially Purple Tigress. Feeling the rage inside after her brother's death and her girlfriend's beating, Purple Tigress runs to Cat Noir. Before she can hit him, Cat Noir close lines Purple Tigress. He grabs her right hand, and Cat Noir starts to slam her back and forth on the ground. Cat Noir gets the the Tiger miraculous, before throwing Juleka next to Rose. Soon, Cat Noir charges up more cataclysm beams, and sends them to the girls. Spending their last seconds together, Rose and Juleka hug plus shed a tear, before the get cataclysm out of existence. "Can't you see what I mean. I will never stop destroying you all, even if you beg for it. That means nothing to me, as I am to you all." Cat Noir said. "That's not true." Ladybug replied joining the fight. "Well, if it isn't my scumbag of a partner, Ladybug. I've been looking forward to crushing all these guys, but most especially YOU!!!!!" Cat Noir yelled. "Cat, listen. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. It wasn't right at all. I feel like a jerk for what I was trying to do to you. I hate seeing you destroying our teammates. This isn't the Cat Noir I know and love. Just please, stop this. Control yourself." Ladybug begged. "Pfff. So now your showing sympathy for me. After everything you did to me, you FINALLY show sympathy for me. To be honest, seeing you now right in front of me just made me one thousand times anger because of how much I want to slaughter you. How about I show you, and everyone remaining what pain you brought me really looks like." Cat Noir declared. Cat flies into the air, and cuddles into a ball. Green lightning starts hosting out of his body, expressing how dangerous Cat Noir wants this cataclysm to be. The green lightning grows stronger. Even stronger than it once was before hand. Ladybug and her team back up in fear, as Cat Noir's power grows stronger. Every second that passes by, Cat Noir grows stronger by. Until, Cat Noir is surrounded in a dark green energy sphere. Channeling more of his power. With enough energy in store, Cat Noir screams to the top of his lungs. And then, he releases his anger. A gigantic cataclysm ring is shot through all of Paris with Cat Noir in the middle. As the ring goes, everything it touches explodes in massive destruction. Buildings, homes, the news building, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, the mayor's office. All of it gets touches by the ring, and blows up. Unleashing rubble and debris raining down from the sky like a meteor shower. Civilians away from the battle, run away screaming. Trying not to die from being rained on. It is absolute chaos. The heroes run away from the falling destroyed buildings. All while dodging and avoid debris trying to crush them to death. The dust rises again, covering our heroes. As they cough through the dust storm, debris continues to fall from the sky. Some fall, some almost get hit, and some are cannot breath. So, Carapace uses his shield to cover himself. He runs to find his teammates. Carapace succeeds in finding Ryuko, Queen Bee, Polymouse, Minotaurox, Miss Hound, and even Ladybug. All together, Carapace uses shelter to protect them all. Even when damage is brought to the shell, it keeps the heroes safe. Back with Cat Noir. He is overlooking all of the damage he brought to Paris. It is no longer a city. Rather, what's left of a nuke when if explodes. Carapace un-shields, so he and the rest can see all the destruction Cat Noir did. Not a single one of them says a word. They only stare at the wreckage in fear. Their shock allows Cat Noir to see them in the destroyed city. He charges up a cataclysm ray, and sends it to the team. Ladybug notices it, and screams for everyone to move. They all see the blast as well, so Ryuko uses wind dragon to get everyone out of the way. The blast leaves another explosion, as Ryuko takes the team to a more open area. Cat Noir follows as well, using his super speed in the sky. Ryuko and the other regroup to come up with a plan. "Great. We lost more than half of the team, and now Paris is completely in ruins. What do we do now?" Ryuko asked. "I don't know. I can't even think straight now. I just watched our friends. Our teammates, die in front of me. I have never seen anything that heartless in my life." Polymouse replied as she starts to panic. "It's almost like there is no hope at all. There's nothing we can do to bring them back. We lost them. We lost our homes. We.....we're screwed." Miss Hound said as she too worries. "Guys. Listen. I am as scared as you guys are. As well as devastated. It feel like something eating me from the inside. I get it. It's hard to accept, and I cannot blame any of you guys for misery. After all, I'm the one who caused all of this." Ladybug said. "Glad to see you owe up. Still, this doesn't get mine or any of our respect back. [the others agree]. But more importantly, what do you suggest we do then?" Carapace asked. "Even if we lost many on the way, there's still one last sign of hope we can use. Lucky charm." Ladybug said as she uses her powers. The lucky charm forms a puzzle with 900 pieces. "A puzzle. Our last hope is a PUZZLE!!!!!!!" Miss Hound shouted. "Yes. But it's not that complicated. A lucky charm fixes all of the damage caused by a villain. After we defeated Cat Noir, I can use it to bring them all back. As well as fix all the damage in Paris." Ladybug replied. "Not if I have anything to say about it." Cat Noir said as he crash lands in front of them. The other heroes and Ladybug get into fighting position. "They don't deserve to come back after what they did. As well as all of you." Cat Noir said. Cat charges up more cataclysm rays, and blast them at the rest of Team Miraculous. They all dodge, but the blast does have Ladybug lose her lucky charm. Cat Noir sees it, and threatens to destroy it. He blast at the puzzle, but Ladybug uses her yo-yo to snag it out of the way. Cat Noir then charges up some of his cataclysm orbs, and sends them to his enemies. The orbs blast at them, so Team Miraculous starts dodging them left and right. As they do that, Cat Noir flies in the air to do another attack. This time, he creates a cataclysm bomb, that he chucks at the heroes. The blast is extremely bigger, and blows all the heroes away. Minotaurox gets send against a wall, and Cat Noir flies to him. Cat Noir grabs Minotaurox, and repeatedly punches him in the nose, until it's bleeding. Cat Noir throws him to the ground, and take the Ox miraculous. Before ending his pain by cataclysm Ivan away. Cat Noir focuses on the rest of the heroes, and creates more cataclysm bombs. He throws them at the heroes, who run to dodge the attack. Ryuko runs on the walls of damaged buildings, and leads to the other side to fight Cat Noir. Cat Noir summons cataclysm orbs to distract the other heroes, while he deals with Ryuko. Cat Noir creates more bombs, and throws them at Ryuko. She dodges them doing beautiful back flips, and uses her sword to slash at Cat Noir. Cat slides back, so he goes back to basics. Charging up his cataclysm rays to blast at Ryuko. She moves quick to dodge them, before she kicks Cat Noir in the face, and sweeps him off his feet. Ryuko stands above him, but Ryuko played a rookie move being too close to Cat. Cat Noir grabs his staff, and hits Ryuko's left ankle hard. Ryuko screams as she falls to the ground, as Cat Noir gets up. The heroes run to help her. But Cat Noir blast at them again. Then, Cat Noir uses his staff to literally beat Kagami to the ground. Whacking her all over her body with his metal pole. After one final slam on her back, Cat Noir takes the Dragon miraculous. He surprisingly leaves her there on the ground. Kagami tries to get up, but Cat Noir helps her out. By creating a cataclysm bomb, throwing it over his back, and lands right on Kagami blowing her up. Ladybug and the others gasp, as Cat Noir shrugs off her ex girlfriend's demise. "It must be hard seeing all your allies die in front of you, My Lady. But your suffering is a symphony to my ears." Cat Noir said. Cat charges up more cataclysm rays, and blast them at the rest of the team. As dust rises, Polymouse emerges. She uses multitude to clone herself.  The clones charge at Cat Noir, as Cat Noir blast at them.  Some clones get blasted away, while some manage to grab and climb onto Cat Noir.  The clones punch Cat Noir, having him move around.  He tries to shake or get them off his body, but more clones keep on coming.  Needing to get out of this situation, Cat Noir channels more of his energy.  After more dark green lightning sparks out of him, Cat Noir releases an energy wave of destruction.  Destroying all of the clones, and returning Polymouse back to her original form.  Cat Noir runs to Polymouse, and stomps her to the ground.  He grabs the Mouse miraculous, before waking the scared Mylene beg.  She is terrified of this battle.  But Cat Noir doesn't give sympathy to his enemies.  So he cataclysms her out of existence.  Only four heroes remain.  Cat Noir this time powers up his fist.  He charges at the heroes and tries to punch them to death.  Cat Noir rams his fist into the ground, buildings, etc.  And each one explodes in a big mess.  The rest of the heroes band together.  Queen Bee activates venom to freeze Cat Noir.  Both her, Miss Hound, and Carapace charge at Cat Noir.  Cat sees them, and charges up more cataclysm rays.  He blast at them, but they either jump or slide from the attack.  Once close, the three heroes ambush Cat.  As Cat Noir blocks, hits, and dodges all their attacks, he sees Ladybug trying to sue her lucky charm.  He throws Miss Hound off of him, and throws a cataclysm bomb to his Lady.  The blast sends her to the ground, and the lucky charm across the street.  Cat Noir goes to destroy it, but Queen Bee grabs her top to stop him before he does so.  Cat notices the attack, when Queen Bee jumps in the air to sky dive to Cat.  Cat Noir grabs her top, and destroys it.  Cat Noir then backhands Queen Bee, takes the Bee miraculous, and kicks her away.  Cat Noir blast at the lucky charm, but Ladybug grabs it before it can hit it.  Cat Noir focuses on her, and starts blasting at Ladybug.  She dodges the cataclysm rays, which result in more explosions in the destroyed wasteland that is Paris.  One blast does send Ladybug against a building, so Cat Noir takes this chance to go after her.  He charges to Ladybug, but before he can get her, Miss Hound tackles him.  Rolling him away, Miss Hound tries to stop Cat Noir from destroying anymore of them.  That fails when Cat Noir grabs Miss Hound by her throat, and slams her against a wall.  He throws her to ground, before grabbing her again and flying.  As he flies, he scraps Miss Hound against the concrete ground of the city.  Cat Noir then goes into the air, and throws Miss Hound against a car.  That he blast with a cataclysm ray.  Creating an explosion that sends Miss Hound onto the ground again.  Cat Noir lands, and takes the Dog miraculous.  After revealing Sabrina to everyone, Cat Noir charges up another cataclysm ray.  But Carapace goes to stop him this time.  He throws his shield at Cat Noir's face, so Cat blast at him.  Carapace dodges, before they embrace in a little hand to hand combat.  Carapace tries his best to protect, as Cat Noir moves fast to block/dodge his strikes.  Unfortunately, Cat Noir punches Carapace in the gut, before he twist his right arm around, and throw him over his back and onto the ground.  Cat grabs the Turtle miraculous, revealing his best friend, and then chucking Nino against a wall.  Firs through, Cat Noir goes to destroy Sabrina.  He charges up a cataclysm ray and blast it, but then all of the sudden, Chloe pushes Sabrina out of the way.  Being the loyal friend she it, Chloe sacrifices herself to save her BFF, while feeling the pain of Cat Noir's power.  Chloe screams in agony, as Sabrina is forced to watch.  Sadly, the Queen Bee herself explodes like all the other heroes.  Sabrina sheds tears after seeing her only friend die in front of her eyes.  Then just like Juleka, Sabrina gets anger.  She grabs a rock to crush Cat Noir's head with it.  Avenging her best friend.  Cat Noir responds by uppercutting Sabrina, and kicking her against a wall.  He charges up a blast, and uses it to destroy Sabrina.  After that, Cat Noir turns around, and slowly walks to an injured Nino.  When Nino sees Cat Noir, he begs for mercy.  Cat Noir still doesn't care, but stands above Nino to deliver one last sentence.  "Sorry I have to do this, bro."  Cat Noir said.  Nino gets confused, until he slowly realizes what he meant by bro.  But it doesn't matter.  Nino gets killed after Cat Noir uses his cataclysm punch on Nino's gut.  Ladybug watches all of this, and is absolutely speechless.  Cat Noir turns to her, and walks.  "[as they talk, Ladybug backs up, as Cat Noir walks towards her].  At long last, it's just you and me, My Lady.  Ladybug and Cat Noir.  The crime fighting duo.  The purfect pair.  The defenders of Paris.  I have been waiting to see you, after I joined forces with Essence.  To see the look on your face as I get my revenge on you.  And, it was worth it.  Even if I had to destroy countless lives, and my friends.  But who cares.  It's not like they cared for me anyway."  Cat Noir said.  "Cat.....please......stop.  There can still be a better way to fix this."  Ladybug begged.  "Huh?  What a coincidence.  That's actually what Shadowmoth told me before I broke his fingers and killed him.  How ironic considering you two are nothing but cruel people to me."  Cat Noir said.  Cat Noir continues to walk to Ladybug, who is scared.  "If that is the case, then sorry all of this was a waste.  Miraculous Ladybug."  Ladybug said as she uses her powers.  But as the lucky charm flies in the air, Cat Noir blast it before the magical ladybugs can emerge.  Ladybug gasp in terror.  "You were saying something?"  Cat Noir asked.  Ladybug starts to panic as her only tool of saving everyone is now destroyed.  She whispers no, before taking deep breaths of horror.  "We're not done here just yet.  I still need you to take care of.  And I saved a very, very special method of revenge made just for you.  I call it.........Essence."  Cat Noir said.  "Essence?"  Ladybug asked confused.  Soon, Ladybug gets slammed to the ground by Essence in slow mo.  Using his fist, Essence slams Ladybug to the ground over and over again.  He grabs her by her leg, and chucks her against a car, then her back against a lamppost.  Before Essence slams Ladybug on the ground one more time.  Leaving a crater in the ground where Ladybug is laying.  "Pfff.  Woah.  You really did a number on this place.  And your team, wooow.  That was such a show for me to witness.  Great job, partner.  So, I would expect your revenge was everything you wanted."  Essence said.  "Almost.  I still have one last miraculous holder to take care of."  Cat Noir replied as they both face Ladybug.  They walk up to Ladybug.  Still on the ground.  "Would you like to do the honors?"  Cat Noir asked.  "What?  Me?  You want me to..."  Essence asked back.  "I want to watch her lose Tikki.  Hurry up before she gets up."  Cat Noir replied.  Essence walks down into the crater, and gets on top of Ladybug.  "Hey...[claps her face]......HEY!!!!!"  Essence screamed.  Ladybug wakes up, as Essence holders her down.  "Heh.  It's funny actually.  When we last fought I was soooooo close to getting your miraculous.  Until some minor things happened to stop me.  Now we meet again, and I am about to get your miraculous.  But this time, no one will be here to help you."  Essence said.  Ladybug panics, and tries to get Essence off of her.  He continues to hold her down, as he slowly goes for her earrings.  Moving his hands, until they are wrapped around the jewels.  Ladybug continues to try, but she cannot break herself out of this.  Then, it happened.  Essence removes the Ladybug miraculous from Ladybug's ears.  And as Cat Noir watches, he sees the dark truth.  Ladybug de-transforming into Marinette.  This reveal gives Cat Noir a blast of shock to him.  Marinette takes deep breaths, as Essence looks right at her.  "So, this is who the Miraculous Ladybug truly is.  Some ordinary teenage girl."  Essence said.  "Marinette."  Cat Noir whispered.  "Huh?  What did you say, Cat Noir?"  Essence asked.  "Ma.....Marinette Du Pan Cheng."  Cat Noir replied in terror.  "Marinette Du Pan Cheng.......perfect."  Essence said.  Essence radios a clawer, and tells the robot to go to her home to get the Mother Box.  And them claiming it will mean they've won.  Essence gets off of Marinette, and throws her in front of Cat Noir.  He holds her down on her knees, so she cannot do a thing.  Cat is still looking in utter disbelief.  " this cannot be can't be can't be Ladybug.......wh........Why?........why?.......WHY?????????.......WHY DID MARINETTE DU PAN CHENG HAVE TO BE LADYBUG???????"  Cat Noir screamed.  Cat Noir starts to shed tears, as Marinette is confused.  "What's wrong?  Why are you upset it's me?"  Marinette asked.  "Cl.......claws in."  Cat Noir replied as he de-transforms.  As he does, Marinette is speechless as well.  When she finds out Cat Noir is actually, Adrien Agreste.  "Ad.....Adrien.  Your......your Cat Noir."  Marinette said in shock.  Adrien says nothing, and just sheds more tears.  Seeing that his worst nightmare has come true.  Someone who truly cares for him, being the source of all his misery.  "You were right after all, Essence.  The only thing in this world is pain and suffering.  Because just when I though my life couldn't get worse, I find out the only classmate who understood me is actually Ladybug.  My moral enemy.  I guess this comes to show that my life as a hero will always be a never ending nightmare.  But the feeling of making Ladybug suffer is a dream come true as a villain."  Adrien said.  "Adrien, please I'm begging you to...."  Marinette replied.  "Oh shut up, Marinette.  I don't want to hear more of your mercy.  And to think you were the girl I was falling in love with back then.  Disgusting."  Adrien said.  Marinette is still in terror, and only gets worse when the clawer returns with the Mother Box.  "For you, master."  Clawer said.  Essence is astonished, as he let's got of Mari to go to the box.  Essence giggles as he touches the Mother Box with his hands.  "It's ours.  THE MOTHER BOX IS FINALLY OURS!!!!!!"  Essence screamed.  Essence laughs in a manically way, as Marinette if forced to watch in fear.  Soon, Essence's helicopter arrives to take them out of here.  "Ok, Cat Noir.  Our time here is up.  Let's go."  Essence said.  "Not yet."  Adrien replied.  "Excuse me?"  Essence asked.  "I have one last thing I need to do before we go."  Adrien replied.  Adrien snaps his fingers, and from an alleyway, a clawer comes out with Alya.  Alya is placed in front of Marinette.  Adrien then grabs Essence's sword, and goes behind Alya.  "Do you want to know why I had to murder all of your pathetic superheroes?  Not only because they are my backstabbing classmates, but because I wanted you to feel what it is like to be me.  What it's like to be in my shoes.  What it's like to feel betrayed, abandoned, replaced, useless, ignored, left out, and especially.....alone."  Adrien said.  Adrien takes Essence's blade, and puts it behind Alya's back.  After taking a deep breath, he pulls the blade backwards.  Marinette screams no, before Adrien in cold blood stabs Alya through the back and out the front.  Alya eyes open wide, as blood come out of her chest and mouth.  Adrien pulls the blade back, as Marinette reacts in silence and horror.  Marinette sheds tears down her face. She gets up and runs to her BFF, who the clawer let's go of.  Adrien returns Essence's his sword, and as Essence watches, Adrien boards the helicopter.  Marinette begs for Alya to stay with her.  Alya spits out more blood, before she stops moving.  Marinette shakes Alya telling her to wake up, but even with her prayers, it comes to no use.  Alya stops breathing, dying in Mari's arms.  Marinette realizes it's too late, and starts to cry.  Holding Alya's body in her arms.  "I"m so sorry.  [Marinette looks up].  I mean, I knew Adrien wanted revenge, but......I never thought he would want it like this. Murdering your friends.  Your best friend.  Your city.  That's a real gut punch."  Essence said.  There's a quick moment of silence between them. "But it's your fault there all dead.  You are the one who started keeping Cat Noir away.  You kept on ignoring and yelling at him.  You got the bright idea to replace him for no good reason.  [crouches in front of Marinette].  But thanks to you, you helped me win, and get ever miraculous within the Mother Box.  Hehheh.  And now, you must live the rest of your miserable life.  Remaining the real why I've won.  [gets up].  So thank you, Marinette.  Thank you so much......for everything."  Essence said.  Essence turns around and climbs into the helicopter with Adrien and the others.  They close the door, as the helicopter starts up.  It flies into the air, and leaves the city once known as Paris.  Marinette, with tears still in her eyes, looks down at the dead Alya.  Marinette hugs her corpse, as she cries on the streets of her destroyed home. The scene then slowly fades to black
    A new report turns on explaining what has happened after Cat Noir's rampage. It has been five months since the events, and Paris is slowly but surely being rebuilt again. Apart from the heroes, almost over seven hundred people died during the climax of Cat Noir and Essence's attack. Citizens are panicking on what is going to happen now that Ladybug has been defeated(also, no one knows who she is still). Unfortunately, this massacre has also spread to New York, Shanghai, London, Japan, and South Africa. All the cities being reduced to rumble, and adding more deaths to the kill count. Back in Paris, the school is opened up again. Mrs. Bustier tells her students that despite the events, they will still have to go to school since the area there is rebuilt. In a very dark scene, we see the only students there are Marinette, Alix, Jack, and Lila. The rest gone for good.  Marinette, surrounded by mostly empty desk, feels her sorrow rising back up. Marinette is of course still affected by the events of Cat Noir. Considering she is primary the one who caused all of it. As Marinette walks home, she sees another news report. There, Brazil has been ambushed by Essence and Cat Noir a few days ago. Killing hundreds if not thousands of people. The sight of the burning city has Marinette gets flashbacks. Flashbacks to Cat Noir killing all her teammates, revealing he is Adrien, killing Alya in front of her, and Essence walking away to leave Paris. This trauma has Marinette start to cry. She runs away from home. Shedding more tears from every step she takes. As Marinette runs, she ends up in a rumbled part of Paris. This has Marinette's sadness get worse, as she continues to run. Eventually, she trips and falls into a hole. As Mari gets up, she notices this isn't a hole. This is the same crater where Essence and Cat Noir got her miraculous, and killed Alya. Marinette, now on the ground, lies down crying. She can never forgive herself for what she has done. As Marinette cries, someone's shadow covers her. "Hey, Marinette." Someone said. Marinette gets up, and turns around. That someone is her friend, Alix. "Alix. Is that you?" Marinette asked. "Yeah, it's me." Alix replied as she goes next to Marinette in the crater. "I don't get why your here. I don't deserve to me next to anyone." Marinette said. "Well, it's been rough every since that attack. I mean, a lot has....." Alix replied. "STOP REMINDING ME!!!!!! [Alix says huh]. Don't you see, I am miserable because all of this is my fault. It's my fault Cat Noir turned evil. It's my fault those people died. It's my fault for everything. I'm not a nice friend, Alix. I'm a horrible bully." Marinette said as she cries more. Alix watches Marinette cry, so she comes to comfort her. "I know..........but there is a way to fix all of this, Ladybug." Alix said. Marinette looks at Alix, who reveals a miracle. Inside of Alix's pocket, is the Rabbit miraculous. "WHAT?????" THE RABBIT MIRACULOUS!!!!!!! BUT HOW DO YOU HAVE IT?????? AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN, LADYBUG??????" Marinette asked in shock. "Relax, relax. It's ok. I can explain everything. [in flashback]. When Cat Noir used that cataclysm attack that destroyed all the buildings, it showed no mercy. [rumble falls]. People were screaming everywhere, as I was there when it happened.  It was horrifying even for me. I watched innocents get crushed to death. Choke on the dust. It made me cry in fear. I was only able to save some people, but after we got out I saw dark green lightening. I had to see what was up. I ran to where I saw that light, and there I saw who did all of this. [sees Essence beat up Ladybug]. As I watched, I saw what happened. [sees Ladybug de-transforms, and Cat Noir de-transform]. After I saw Adrien kill Alya and walk away with Essence, I saw you cry holding her corpse. [end flashback]. That is when I found out my close friend is actually Ladybug. And Adrien is Cat Noir." Alix replied. "[wipes tears off]. I'm glad to see that you didn't get hurt. But, how did Fluff get here in the first place? She and her miraculous were inside of the Mother Box." Marinette asked. "She answer that for you." Alix replied. Fluff comes put of her miraculous, and forms into of Marinette. "Marinette. MARINETTE!!!!! [flies and hugs her]. I'm so happy to see you again. [let's go]. Thank you, Alix. For bringing me to her." Fluff said. "I'm just as happy as well, Fluff, but tell me how did you escape?" Marinette asked wanting answers. "Oh, of course. I'm still surprised I actually got away. Can't say the same for the others." Fluff replied. "What do you mean?" Alix asked. "[in flashback]. Essence and Cat Noir were fighting Lady Butterfly in Brazil. She was a challenging miraculous holder, but they caught up to her combat. That's when Lady Butterfly blasted a cosmic beam at Essence, who was holding the Mother Box. The blast knocked him back, and the box off a ledge. The box wasn't damaged, but some of the miraculous got out including me. Realizing this was my chance to escape, I grabbed my miraculous, and ran. The others tried to escape, but they failed. [got miraculous taken back by the clawers as Fluff flies away. End flashback]. I came here as fast as I can, before I ran into Alix, who was looking for you. Good timing." Fluff explained. "Don't you see, Marinette. Thanks to Fluff, we can end this mess.  We can prevent this from ever happening." Alix said. Marinette thinks, before she realizes something. Her lucky charm was a puzzle that had 900 pieces. She then realizes it's been four months since Adrien's disappearance, and five months since Cat Noir's attack. Finally, she remembers that it was 9:00 when she checked her phone, before getting the miraculous in CN'sPP Part 1. "Oh my God. My lucky charm had a purpose after all." Marinette said. "What?" Alix asked. "Guys, I know how to fix all of this. I know what to do." Marinette replied. "Well, can we do it fast." Fluff said. "Why?" Marinette and Alix asked. "Because I see a couple of clawers up in the sky." Fluff replied as she points. The kwami was right. Clawers are in the air. Realizing there here to get the miraculous back, Marinette, Alix, and Fluff run somewhere to hide. Sadly, the clawers pin point their location, and go down to get them. Marinette, Alix, and Fluff run into a room in a damaged building, where Marinette starts blocking the door. "Do you think they saw us?" Alix asked. "Most definitely. Now listen, here's what you need to do. Nine months ago, the day before Adrien punched his Dad, I checked my phone as Ladybug and it was 9:00. That is specifically the time you must go to." Marinette replied. "What, why there?" Alix asked. "The day Adrien did punch his Dad, was the last time I saw him. When he was Cat Noir. That was the day he must have joined forces with Essence. And I think I know how. Essence found out about something incredibly stupid I was planning on doing to Cat Noir. He must have found it out, told Cat Noir somehow, and that made Cat snap that he joined his side. If I'm correct, you to go to that day, or the day before to see how he did it. After you found it, you need to prevent that from every happening, so all of this never occurred. After you do that, go back to the present, and give me the miraculous." Marinette replied. "Are you sure about it?" Alix asked. "I'm hoping I am." Marinette replied. Soon the clawers arrive, and start banging on the door. "Hurry, Alix." Marinette begged. Alix puts on the Rabbit miraculous. "Hope your ready to be awesome, Alix. Just say Fluff, clockwise, and say burrow to use your powers." Fluff explained. "You got it. Fluff, clockwise." Alix said as she transforms into Bunnix(easily think of her design in Evolution). Bunnix uses burrow to open a time portal, but struggles to create it. Marinette begs for her to do it, but then clawers start breaking in slowly. Bunnix tries again, but fails. As Bunnix keeps trying, Marinette begs for her to do it. Bunnix starts to panic, as she tries to open a burrow. Finally with enough courage, Bunnix summoned burrow. Bunnix is about to go, but stops. "But what about you? I cannot leave you here." Bunnix said. "[door pounds harder, and clawers start breaking in faster. Marinette falls to the ground]. Just go. I'll be ok." Marinette replied. Bunnix does that, and goes into her burrow. Closing the portal just in time when the clawers break in. They confront Marinette, who gets up. "HA!!!! Your too late. Bunnix already went back in time to prevent all of this. Nothing you can do now." Marinette said in confidence. Just as she says that, a clawer straight up stabs Marinette in the chest, and rips her heart out. Marinette is in shock, as she looks down to her open chest. The clawer holds her heart with blood dripping on the floor. "At least we get to go out with one final kill." Clawer replied. Marinette gags, before falling to the floor dead. Inside of the burrow, Bunnix is amazed at all the time portals. Despite how this is, she needs to focus. Bunnix runs to find the main timeline. When she does, she reverses time to see what happened. During which, she passes memories such as Cat Noir destroying her friends, Cat Noir beating up Alya, and the clawer invasion. Soon, Bunnix comes across where Adrien punches Gabriel in the face. Going a little too far, she moves time forward. There, she comes across the scene where Ladybug yelled at Cat for fighting alone. Hoping this will help, she moves a little forward to when Adrien puts on Essence's mask. She then watches Adrein breakdown, yell at Plagg, before agreeing to work with him. "A mask? That must be how he found out." Bunnix said. She reverses time again to find an answer. She stops at the scene where Ladybug says it's 9:00. Bunnix watches, as Ladybug ignores Cat Noir. Leaving him sad. Bunnix continues to watch, and then she fins Essence and Cat Noir's conversation. There conversation ends with Essence giving that mask to Cat Noir. "That's it." Bunnix said. Bunnix looks, and sees their location. The building is at the end of Granger ST. With the location in tac, Bunnix is ready to go. Ladybug is going to collect the miraculous, after it has been 9:00. But as she runs, a time portal opens up in front of her. Then, Bunnix appears. "What the? Bunnix?" Ladybug asked. "Yes, but a bit smaller. And younger. Anyway, Ladybug you have to stop what you are doing right now, and go to Granger ST now. It's an emergency." Bunnix replied. "Why do I have to do that?" Ladybug asked. "This is no time for questions. You have to go now." Bunnix replied. "Well, how do I know I can trust you? Your not the same Bunnix from before." Ladybug asked. "UGH!!!!! Look, do you want to lose all the miraculous, and watch your friends die or not?" Bunnix asked back. "What?" Ladybug asked back. "Then run to Granger ST. RUN!!!!!!" Bunnix yelled. Ladybug does just that, and runs to Granger St. "I'm praying to God this does the trick." Bunnix said. Bunnix goes back into her burrow, and the time portal closes. Ladybug runs to Granger ST, where she stops after she sees Essence and Cat Noir. Ladybug spies on them, as Essence talks to Cat. Soon, Essence throws Cat Noir the mask. "What's the mask for?" Cat Noir asked. "Hahahahaha. Put on the mask, and you'll get....." Essence replied. "Ambushed by a superhero." Ladybug said as she grabs the mask with her yo-yo. She lands in front of Essence, who is surprised to see her. Essence charges, but Ladybug yo-yo Essence, and throws him away. "Woah! Nice job Ladybug." Cat Noir said. "That's what I do. [looks at mask]. He was trying to give you a mask?" Ladybug asked. "Yeah, he was going to say get something, but you stepped in. It was probably a trap for him to get my miraculous." Cat Noir replied. Cat Noir looks, and sees Ladybug running away from him. Cat Noir signs. Soon, a time portal opens up, and Bunnix comes out. Bunnix's cool down is up, since she can use burrow only once, and she de-transforms. "Do you think it worked, Fluff?" Alix asked. "I'm not sure. Paris looks ok, but maybe it still isn't. Check the news." Fluff replied. Alix pulls out her phone, and hears the news. On it, the news reports that today has been extremely tragic, and horrible. Alix and Fluff get worried. Before the news tells them it was for the villains. It then reports that Ladybug and her team managed to save the day. "Oh my God...........I think it worked." Fluff said. "No, it did work." Alix replied. The two of them smile a bit, before they hug. Shedding tears because they saved everyone and everything they lost.  "I'll return my miraculous to the guardian now.  I hope we will see arch other again, Alix."  Fluff said.  "Me too, Fluff."  Alix replied.  Fluff then flies away to Mari's house.
    At Mari's house, Alya goes up into her BFF's bedroom. "Hey, girl. You wanted to see me?" Alya asked. "Yes, but please, don't expect this to be a good thing." Marinette replied. "What? What's the matter?" Alya asked. "[signs]. You see that Essence mask there? Relax, I'm not Essence, and it's definitely not a trap. I swear my life on it. Put it on." Marinette replied. Alya sees the Essence mask, and picks it up. "You swear your telling the truth right?" Alya asked. "I'm serious." Marinette replied. Alya trust Mari, so she puts the mask on. It then cuts to Alya taking the mask off in fear. "Whh......whhh.........WHAT??????? HOW DID HE GET ALL OF THIS?????" Alya asked in terror. "I still don't know, and I don't want to go in depth of it. That's for me to happen myself. For now, I need you to do something hard for me. need to stop being Rena Rouge." Marinette replied. "Huh? Why?" Alya asked in shock. "Because everything I've been doing was awful. Remember when I told you I talked to Cat Noir, and we made things up? Yeah, I lied. I never spoke to him, and we never made things up. It's because of the thing that was bothering me." Marinette replied. "WAIT, WHAT??????" Alya asked in shock. "Instead, I have been doing dreadful things to my partner. Continuing them after we "talked" when I came back. And because of this mask, what I've been doing would have been my biggest mistake ever. If Cat Noir saw this, he would have joined forces with Essence." Marinette replied. "Wait so, Cat Noir was on the verge on becoming a supervillain?" Alya asked. "Yes, and it would have been all my fault. I would never be able to forgive myself if that happened. [feels guilt]. So now, I'm doing what has to be done to fix my mistake. Starting with taking Trixx away from you." Marinette replied. "Do you seriously have to?" Alya asked. "It's for the best. I'm sorry, Alya." Marinette replied. Alya thinks for a moment. "If this is going to help Cat Noir, then......I understand. Trixx, I was an honor." Alya said. "Thank you, Alya." Trixx replied. Alya then gives the Fox miraculous to Marinette. "One last thing before I go. Lie to me like that ever again, and don't consider me being your BFF." Alya said in a serious tone. "[signs]. I can understand that." Marinette replied. "I'm not joking. You better not or ever do that to me again. Just feel lucky I'm giving you this last chance." Alya said as she leaves Mari.
    At the news building in the night, Cat Noir arrives to speak to Ladybug.  She is already there, waiting for him to show up.  "Good Evening, Ladybug.  I'm here just like you wanted."  Cat Noir said.  "Thanks for that.  I know it's late, but I really need to talk to you now."  Ladybug replied.  "It's been a while since you did spoke with me.  What made you want to talk to me now?"  Cat Noir asked.  "It's because I'm sorry."  Ladybug replied.  "Sorry?  For what?"  Cat Noir asked.  "What do you mean for what?  Isn't is obvious.  I'm sorry for everything I did to you.  You were right this entire time.  Ever since I became the guardian, we have been distance from each other.  I kept on keeping you away.  Leaving you.  Abandoning you.  I never bothered to speak to you, listen, or tell you anything.  I kept breaking the rules over and over, and never took the time to think what am I doing is wrong.  I told someone my secret identity.  I let someone replace me.  I just kept on breaking them.  Even after all of that, I became more of a monster.  I was such a jerk to you whenever you showed up.  I ignored you.  Your existence. I even forgot your name. Every time you offer to help me out, I rejected you.  And the worst part of all of this was the fact I had no idea I was hurting you. I always been abusing you. I'm the worst partner anyone can ask for." Ladybug replied as she cries throughout that entire apology. Through out all this, Cat Noir has been in shock at Ladybug's admitting her behavior and attitude towards him. "[sheds more tears]. I don't deserve forgiveness after what I've done, and I will fully understand if you want to leave me. But please listen to this........I am so, so, so incredibly sorry for what I did to you, Cat Noir." Ladybug said as she sheds more tears. As Ladybug cries on the ground, Cat Noir sits down next to her. "You have no idea, how miserable you made me feel. How scared you made me feel. How useless you made me feel with all your lies, insults, and abuse. Throughout all of this, I slowly started to lose my respect for you. Calling me weird names. Breaking almost all the rules you told me countless times not to break. Purposely leave me out. Yelled at me. It just made me sick. So painfully sick. It's slowly looked like you took Cat Noir away from me, leaving me to be a broken boy all alone. And that just feels like a punch to gut because......[starts to feel sad] life is horrible." Cat Noir said. Ladybug gasp. "Under this mask lies someone who is beyond depressed.  It's a never ending torture device.  I have a parent who doesn't acknowledge me. Friends who barely see me. Pretty much locked up ever single day.  It's terrifying.  The only way I can actually being Cat Noir. As well as being with you, Ladybug. It's because you are one of the most important people in my life. Not because I love you, but because you are probably the first person I've ever had a healthy friendship with. [Ladybug gasp again]. We laugh together. Bond together. Hang out together. To me, you so much more than just a partner. You are the closet friend I've ever had in my life. Apart from Plagg. Then all of the faded away. It faded away into dust. And for what reason? You, starting to treat me like I'm something in your way. And I honestly don't know why. Why did you have do be such a bully to me? Why did you have to go from my closet friend, to someone who treats me like garbage? Garbage you desperately want to get rid. Why, Ladybug? Why did you do this to me?" Cat Noir said as he starts crying as well. Ladybug, seeing Cat Noir's pain, thinks for a moment. She knows exactly why she was such a jerk to him, and that reason has ruined their relationship. "[Cat Noir sheds more tears]. It's because........[Cat Noir gasp and looks at Ladybug]........because.........because............because you were akumatized." Ladybug replied. Cat Noir gasp in shock. "I was.........akumatized. But......but that makes no sense. If I were, then I would have seen you, Ladybug." Cat Noir said. "No it's much more complicated than you think, Cat Noir. And I......I'm so scared to tell you because I will hurt you again." Ladybug replied as she cries more. Cat Noir pulls up Ladybug's face, and wipes her tears off. "Hey, Ladybug. It's ok. I can take it." Cat Noir said. "Really? Are you sure?" Ladybug asked. Cat Noir nods his head. "[wipes more tears off]. Ok............a few months ago, [in flashback] Bunnix came to me. She told me a disaster was caused in the future due to something that happened today.  I went into her burrow, and she took me to another timeline. There, I saw all of Paris, but it was......destroyed, and the Moon was shattered........I was just as scared as anyone would be..........And then, I saw him. Cat Blanc..........He was you. But your outfit and hair were all white. Your skin was as pale as a paper. And your beautiful green eyes were nothing, but a devilish blue. I was so shocked and scared to see you like that.  I tried to help you, but then you attacked me. We fought, when all of the sudden.....You knew who I was........That made everything worse..........I tried to get your akuma, but you just kept on fighting back trying to destroy me...........Until one strike sent me underwater, and there I saw..........I saw me, Hawkmoth, and everyone and everything in Paris all dead. It was traumatizing for me to witness. That's when I were the one who destroyed not only Paris, but everything in the world.......After I defeated you, I went back hoping I never saw you like that ever again..........But I was terribly wrong. [gets flashes of Cat Blanc when she saw Cat Noir at the end of Miraculous Menace. End flashback]." Ladybug said. "Wh......what?  I really did all of that? I murdered everyone and everything in the world?" Cat Noir asked freaking out. "It hurts for me to say this, but yes. I'm.....I'm so sorry, Cat. I was...." Ladybug replied. "Stop. [looks at his hands]. I can now see why you were so afraid of me. It's because I remind you of Cat Blanc isn't it?" Cat Noir said as he starts shedding more tears. "Cat, please. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do." Ladybug replied. "Please, Ladybug. Stop it. I'm nothing but a monster to you now. A hideous, heartless monster." Cat Noir said in guilt. "No, Cat. That's not true at all. Cat Blanc is a monster. You aren't." Ladybug replied. "But Cat Blanc is me. Cat Noir. So, that's a lie." Cat Noir said. "Cat. Please stop blaming yourself for this. It's not your fault at all. You were never meant to be Cat Blanc. It was never meant to happen." Ladybug replied trying to calm Cat Noir down. "But it did in another timeline, and I ended up messing everything up as always. That's honestly who I am.  A pathetic mess. A fool. A waste of life." Cat Noir said. "No. No." Ladybug replied. "I'm nothing but a murderous mistake." Cat Noir said. Ladybug then hugs Cat Noir, after he said that. Cat Noir gasp, as Ladybug has tears run down his back. "Please, Cat. Stop talking like that. I just want what you wanted this entire time.  This tension between us to end." Ladybug begged. Ladybug cries more, as they both sit in silence.  Soon, Cat Noir then hugs her. Ladybug gasp. "Ok........ok, I can do that." Cat Noir replied. The two of them hug on the ground, as they both shed even more tears. Eventually, they let go out each other. "I hope I didn't hurt you." Ladybug said. "No, you did, [Ladybug gasp] but now that I think about it..........I'm glad you told me." Cat Noir replied. "WHAT????" Ladybug asked in shock. "Now, listen. Just listen. Yes, this does freak me out without a doubt, and it will going forward.  But, there's good from it. Remember Time Tagger? When he arrived, Bunnix told us we may or may not be Ladybug and Cat Noir in the future.  On one note, we could be dead in the future.  Afterwards, you were so scared of what's to come in the future.  I understand that is scary, but do you remember how I claimed you down?" Cat Noir asked back. "No." Ladybug replied. "I calmed you down by looking for the good in the future. There might and will be deadly things going to happen to us, but in the end, you should always look for the good in what's to come. Like Cat Blanc. I am a bit traumatized that I caused the deaths of everyone in the world, but now that I know, I will do what it takes for it to never happen again." Cat Noir said. " really think so?" Ladybug asked. "I know so." Cat Noir replied. "[silence for about five seconds].  So, are you going to stay with me and the others?  Even after all I've done to you?" Ladybug asked. "Well, I am still pretty upset as well for what you did, but it wasn't enough for me to hate you. I mean, the only way that would happen is if you tried to make sure I would never show up again in anyway. But since you did apologize to me for everything and explain why you were so scared of me, then I will stay." Cat Noir replied. Ladybug stares at Cat, and then hugs him again tight. "I'm going to do what needs to be done to make things better for us, Cat. I promise." Ladybug said. Cat Noir smiles, and hugs Ladybug again. "Thank you, Ladybug." Cat Noir replied. The two hug in the moonlight. Finally ending this horrific arc.

The scene cuts to Jack Edgers, walking into his hotel room. After he closes the door, he reaches into his pocket. Soon, he pulls out the Peacock miraculous. A bright blue shine goes off. Blinding Jack, as he falls to the ground, and against his wall. As Jack covers his eyes, he looks astonished. The bright blue shine stops when Duusu forms in front of him. Jack watches in total shock at the sight of Duusu, as the scene cuts to black.

You'll get all the answers in Season 5.

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