Cat Noir's Perfect Payback Part 1(original story by me)

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(Alright, we are finally here.  The time has come I finally show you all my conclusion for the Cat Noir being left out arc.  The Penalteam rewrite is the final rewrite I will be doing for this show.  From here on out, it is only fully original stories by me.  Starting off with the one that I would consider as the absolute best story I have ever write for MLB.  To be entirely honest, I LOVE Cat Noir's Perfect Payback.  This idea was in my head for a couple of months ever since I started watching Season 4, and saw how this arc was playing.  I have been constantly thinking and rethinking ways to do this, all while fusing it with the music that can fit well for this finale.  If you don't know, there are a song I listen to in multiple ways that I love. Simply because the lyrics and sound, can easily represent Adrien's pain in Season 4.  So just for you guys, I am going to list them now for you to listen to.  If you are interested.

.Electro Theme/Dubstep in The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Sounds like a weird entry, but the lyric in this sing perfectly summarizes how Adrien is feeling.  TAPM2 may not be the best MCU movie out there, but you have to admit if you've seen it. The Electro theme is badass. Plus as a fan of dubstep, the sound in it is incredible.  First, listen to Electro Theme Kinetic Energy first on YouTube it shows the lyrics of the song.  Then, you can listen to My Enemy(by Hans Zimmer), Electro Suite(by Hans Zimmer), the time Hans crew performed it in Prague, the electric guitar version(by Neil Stenson), and the piano version by Patrick Pietschmann) all on YouTube.  I highly recommend all of them if you want to have a better time with this finale.

Now you are probably thinking this is going to be an emotional roller coaster ride that will be fun and sad.  And while there are some comedic moments, for the most part it is not.  This finale is probably one of the darkest things I have written for my fanfic/rewrite.  Everything you have reading here, the rewrites and the original stories, have lead to this moment.  And if you thought I couldn't get any scarier/darker, well I got news for you.  Believe me or not, you are going to witness the true dark side of someone who has been pushed to his/her limit for the last time.  This is my Season 4 Finale).

Our finale starts with a Shadowmoth attack.  His latest villain Mooklak, dude from Ephermal's opening, it blasting and turning people into coins.  In order to fulfill his greed.  As Moolak laughs, Ladybug, Cat Noir, and their team of Caprikid,  King Monkey, and Polymouse, are following Moolak's path.  They watch him from a rooftop.  "Ok, team.  Here's the plan.  Polymouse, you will use multitude to distract Moolak.  That distraction will allow King Monkey to use up roar, to malfunction Moolak's powers.  Caprikid, you will stay on defense, and make sure no one gets hurt.  If so, you know what to do.  As for me, capture the megakuma.  Any questions?"  Ladybug asked.  "Uhh, yeah.  What do I do here?"  Cat Noir asked back.  " can just stay here to watch, or leave.  We don't need you anyway for this one."  Ladybug replied.  "I'm sorry, but you want me to do what exactly?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Stay here, or leave.  Ok.  Now, let's go guys."  Ladybug replied.  Her team and herself leave, as Cat Noir starts to get a little infuriated at this treatment.  In any case, Polymouse distracts Moolak, which allows King Monkey to use up roar.  He throws his object at Moolak, and he malfunctions.  Ladybug then wraps her yo-yo around Moolak, and throws his safe to the ground.  Ladybug and her team walk up to the safe, and see that the vault door is busted open.  Ladybug opens the door.  Spilling a sea of gold coins out.  They find the akumatized coin, and Ladybug breaks it.  She captures the megakuma, and saves the day with her team.  They all do a pound it, and leave.  As well as leave Cat Noir once again by himself.  The next fight is with Guitar Villain, and it is Ladybug, Cat Noir, Ryuko, Pigella, and Minotaurox.  "Here's our battle strategy.  Ryuko, use wind dragon to get the crocodile's attention.  You will lead it to Minotaurox in the street, where he will use resistance to separate Guitar Villain from his pet.  As for the croc, Pigella will use gift to calm the animal down.  I capture the megakuma, and heroes will again."  Ladybug said.  "Good plan, but what about Cat Noir?  He has no role in this mission."  Ryuko asked.  "Oh, Cat something....I think pale, can just leave us alone.  or he can watch if he wants to."  Ladybug replied.  Ladybug and her team leave, and pull off their plan.  Ryuko uses wind dragon, and distracts Guitar Villain.  As they fly in the sky Minotaurox gets into position.  With a signal from Ladybug, Ryuko flies to Minotaurox's area.  Ryuko reforms over Minotaurox, as he uses his power, resistance.  When the crocodile rams into Minotaurox, he and Guitar Villain get deflected away.  With them separated, Pigella uses gift, so sees Fang's(crocodile) greatest desire.  Raw meat.  Ladybug grabs the guitar, frees the megakuma, and captures it.  Ladybug and her team do a pound it, and leave the battle.  As well as Cat Noir of course.  At another fight, Rogercop causes crime in Paris.  Ladybug, Cat Noir, and their team of Rooster Bold, Miss Hound, and Carapace, show up to stop him.  "Rooster Bold, give yourself the intelligence symbol, so we can think of a good plan."  Ladybug said.  "You got it.  Sublimation."  Rooster Bold replied as he uses his powers.  He gives himself the intelligence symbol.  Rooster Bold thinks of what to do for this situation.  "Ok, here's what I think we should do.  Carapace, you should use your shelter to capture Rogercop.  But you will not use it, until Miss Hound uses fetch to get his akumatized object.  Which I can only assume in the whistle around his neck.  The play it was for the last few times.  As for Cat Noir, you can use your cataclysm to distract Rogercop, so Miss Hound can get a chance to use fetch, get the object, and then shelter."  Rooster Bold said.  Cat Noir is happy to finally get involved this time, expect.  "Good plan, but a cataclysm would be a waste for this one."  Ladybug replied.  "Are you sure?  I do think it is a good use for us here."  Rooster Bold asked.  "I'm the guardian, so I know what's best for us."  Ladybug replied.  Ladybug and her team leave, as Cat Noir just leaves the battle.  Since he has no point after all.  After one battle, Ladybug meets her team of Viperion, Queen Bee, and Purple Tigress, at the Arc de Triomphe.  They do a pound it to celebrate their victory.  "Awesome job guys.  You all are the best heroes any guardian could ask for. Viperion, you were incredible with Second Chance. Purple Tigress, you did phenomenal with Clout. And Queen Bee, as always, great on Venom." Ladybug said. "What can I say. Shadowmoth just isn't good enough to defeat us.  Must sting real back that he loses every time." Queen Bee replied.  "Nice joke.  [looks at phone].  Ok, it's 9:00.  Go to your spots, so I can get the miraculous."  Ladybug said.  Her team leaves, and from a distance, Cat Noir is watching them. He wants to take this chance to speak with Ladybug about what is happening. He goes to the Arc, and tries to get Ladybug's attention by calling her name. Ladybug hears, and sees Cat Noir, but all she sees is Cat Blanc. So, Ladybug ignores Cat, and leaves just when he arrived. Feeling left out, Cat Noir signs, and leaves, as Ladybug goes to collect the miraculous.  As she works, Luka, already de-transformed, talks with Sass.  "You look very upset, Luka.  What's on your mind?"  Sass asked.  "It should be clear.  Cat Noir."  Luka replied in concern.  "Is it because he is Adrien?  And FYI, I still haven't told anyone our secret.  It is safe with me."  Sass said.  "Thanks, Sass.  But that's not my issue.  It's been three days, and Cat has been left out of almost every mission.  Just like he was a few weeks ago."  Luka replied.  "Ok.  And that's worrying you because?"  Sass asked.  "Because Adrien has one of the worst lives I can think of.  His Dad is overprotective.  He is a prisoner inside of his home.  And he doesn't hang out with us much.  So to see his hero side fade away slowly, makes me feel that he isn't ok now.  He is probably devastated at this point.  Do you understand, Sass?"  Luka replied.  "I mean, you have a good point.  Marinette...I mean....Ladybug has been acting strange when it comes to Cat Noir.  She never tells us the reason why.  Just, he cannot help that, and that's that.  We all have an problem with it.  She just doesn't want to speak of it."  Sass said.  "Well, I am just praying he is ok now."  Luke said in concern.  Just then, Ladybug shows up, and takes Luka's miraculous.  Ladybug leaves, as Luka looks sad in the process. 
Cat Noir then walks on rooftops to go home.  He walks with no positivity.  "Ahhhh, yes.  Abandonment."  Someone replied.  "What?"  Cat Noir asked as he turns around.  [Cat Noir looks around during this scene].  "That cold feeling of rejection.  A sense of betrayal.  The pain of a knife piercing you through the back, and out the front.  The pain, and agony of this makes you feel like the stupidest one in the room.  It just makes you want to release all the wrath.  All of it on the one who ruined your life.  [figure stands behind Cat Noir].  Boo."  The figure said.  Cat Noir screams, and falls to the ground.  He looks up, and sees who the figure speaking is.  Essence.  "Essence?!  [gets up with staff in hand].  What are you doing here?"  Cat Noir asked ready to fight him.  "Relax, kitty.  I am just enjoying the pure beauty of the Paris."  Essence replied.  "Yeah, funny joke.  I know why are you here.  You want my ring for your selfish desires."  Cat Noir said.  "For the most part, you are correct.  But today, I don't want to fight with you, Cat Noir.  Just have a simple one on one conversation."  Essence replied.  "As if I will ever fall for that."  Cat Noir said.  "For your information, I'm not always the fighting type of guy.  I am also often the social kind of guy.  And all I want is a little chat with my favorite black cat.  Haha.  I did a little rhyme there."  Essence replied.  "Yeah.  I can hear you loud and clear.  So are we going to fight or what?"  Cat Noir asked.  Essence kicks Cat's staff into the air.  It spins around in the sky, as Essence punches Cat Noir in the face two times.  He slams his boot on his right foot, and uppercuts him to the ground.  As Cat falls again, his staff falls into Essence's hands.  And he points the weapon at Cat.  "There's your little fight you wanted.  Now we can continue to fight, but if we do.....I will rip out you guts, where them as a scarf, and drag your empty corpse back to my place.  And maybe, I will have a brand new wall decoration for my dining room.  Or, we can talk, with no harm whatsoever.  It's you choice."  Essence said.  Cat Noir thinks of what to do, and he makes his decision.  "Ok.  Ok, we can have your little talk."  Cat Noir said.  "Great."  Essence replied as he offers his hand to Cat.  Cat Noir is skeptical to take it, but he does using his left hand.  Essence pulls him up, and gives his staff back to Cat.  "So what do you want to talk about?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Oh, nothing relevant.  Just your life long partner, Ladybug.  The new guardian.  The creator of anything, if she reached her full potential.  The holder of all the miraculous inside of the Mother Box.  You know who."  Essence replied.  "Of course I do.  What about her?"  Cat Noir asked.  "How does it feel like she is treating you like a bag of trash, she desperately wants to throw away?"  Essence asked.  "Excuse me?"  Cat Noir asked.  "You heard me, alley cat. throwing you away.  She doesn't want you anymore.  She doesn't need you anymore.  She doesn' you anymore.  She is nothing more than a pathetic bully, who doesn't see the potential and importance her dear partner has. You know it, and I know it"  Essence replied.  Cat Noir is in a bit of shock that this is their conversation.  "That's not true.  Ladybug."  Cat Noir said.  "Still cares for me.  Is that what you were going to say?  If so, then wake up from your little fantasy dream.  This is real life, Cat Noir.  It is filled with innocent lives like you, and heartless monsters like Ladybug.  It's been a month or two since my last appearance, but I have been keeping intact with the events Shadowmoth has caused over time.  He created a senti-monster that caused a whole tech war.  That you and a replacement Ladybug stopped.  He held a girl's family hostage.  Which you really weren't apart of. And he created a giant black cat, which if I recall, was the last mission you were ever apart of.  For the most part, you were just a spectator.  A reactor.  Forced to watch, instead of get in there, and fight.  And whose fault is that?  One, Miraculous Ladybug."  Essence replied.  "[doesn't say a thing].........ok, so maybe she has been leaving me out, and.......and........and there is no reason why."  Cat Noir said.  "That's what I thought.  She is abandoning you.  So, Cat Noir.  Why stand here and take it......Why don't you do what is right, and get revenge."  Essence suggested.  "Revenge?  I don't need revenge."  Cat Noir said.  "Of course you do.  Do you really expect Ladybug to do all of this, and get away with it?  That's just letting your abuser walk all over you.  You shouldn't let your bully treat you like dirt.  Instead, you should make the bully, or in this context, Ladybug, pay for what she did.  People say revenge is like a poison.  One that can take control of your mind, and body.  But.......those people, simply don't understand that revenge......feels phenomenal when you do it.  They only say that to prevent it from happening.  And also, why shouldn't you make Ladybug pay?  She's been with you from day one, and now she wants to get rid of you.  There is seriously no good way to defend her actions.  She is guilty.  Almost as guilty as you, holding yourself back from doing what is right."  Essence replied.  Cat Noir stands, and thinks on what Essence is saying.  "See.  Even deep down you know I have a good point.  So tell me, why settle with a disrespectful scum bag, when you can leave her, and ride with someone else. me."  Essence said.  "Hold on, WHAT???  Are.....are you trying to make me join forces with you?"  Cat Noir asked in shock.  "Well.....yeah.  But hear me out.  I know we had out history of me trying to kill you in creative ways.  But honestly, I'm as strong, smart, and handsome just like you."  Essence replied.  "Pffff.  How do I know your not a freak?  I don't even know who you are underneath that mask."  Cat Noir asked.  "Trust me.  If you knew who I was, you would agree with me.  Anyway, what I am trying to say is with your power of Destruction, and my ways.  We can rule this world together.  As partners.  No more being abused.  No more feeling left out.  No more being treated like trash. And best of all, join me, and you will be able to get your undying revenge on Ladybug.  We can do whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want.  All you have to do is leave her, and join my side.  So what do you say, team?"  Essence asked back as he offers his hand to Cat Noir.  Cat looks at Essence's hand, and questions if he should do it or not.  Essence really did express all of Cat's problems he had this season.  Eventually, Cat Noir starts to reach out his hand, and move it towards Essence's.  Cat Noir still looks concerned if this is the right idea.  So after thinking what Plagg told him during Kuro Neko, he stops.  "No.  No, I won't do it.  Your right, Ladybug has been bad to me, but revenge isn't the right solution.  And I am not going to join forces with one of my enemies.  How do I know this was all a scam for you to get my ring?  Your worse than Ladybug, Essence.  Your worse than anyone here.  And I will NEVER become a villain.  No matter what."  Cat Noir declared.  Cat goes to leave the rooftop now.  "Very well then.  Well, if you change your mind, take this."  Essence said.  Essence throws a replica of his mask to Cat Noir.  Cat caught it.  "It's......a mask.  Just your mask."  Cat Noir said.  "Hohohohoho.  Put on the mask, and you'll finally get all the answers you've been waiting for.  If you do happen to reconsider you choice, I provided a number you can call me with.  But it is your choice, not mine."  Essence replied.  Essence leaves, as Cat Noir looks at the mask.  It fades to Adrien's bedroom, where he is holding the mask in his bed.  "Your not considering taking his deal right?"  Plagg asked.  "Plagg.  The day I join forces with Essence, is the day you stop eating cheese.  In other words, no.  Essence was just trying to trick me into getting my miraculous.  There's no way I am falling for his trap."  Adrien replied.  Adrien puts the mask into a trash bag, and puts it into his trash bag.  "Well I am happy you are making the correct choice."  Plagg said.  "Thanks, Plagg.  Well, I'm going to bed now.  See you in the morning."  Adrien replied.  Adrien climbs into bed, as Plagg lies next to him.  "Say, what do you think Essence meant by all the answers you've been waiting for?"  Adrien asked.  "Probably something to make you believe he is helping you.  It doesn't matter."  Plagg replied.  "Yeah, I guess your right.  Well, good night, Plagg."  Adrien said.  "Good night, Adrien."  Plagg replied.  The two go to sleep, as we transition to the morning.
    The next day, Adrien stretches, and gets out of his bed. "So, what's on today's agenda?" Plagg asked. "Just an average day of school to be honest. But more importantly, today is the day I get to go to my friend's concert. The one Luka invited me to. I have been waiting ever since my Father said I can go. I am so happy to finally go out with my friends for once. It's been a while since the last time we've hung out." Adrien replied. "I almost forgot. Today is very special for you." Plagg said. "It is. After everything that has happened to me, I truly need this." Adrien replied. "You deserve it. Well, I am going to have my breakfast now. I'll leave you to your personal needs." Plagg said. Adrien leaves to get dressed for the day. As for Plagg, he forms a sad face, and flies to his cheese. He picks up some camembert. "[signs]. I still don't know what to do? If this actual happens, things will never be the same again. [eats cheese]. Not even cheese can calm me down with this amount of stress. But as long as Adrien doesn't know, he will be safe. But as long as I don't find a solution, it's all over." Plagg said expressing his concern. Adrien comes out of his bathroom. All dressed for the day. Adrien packs his stuff for school, and is prepared to leave. "Adrien. Can you come to my office for a moment?" Gabriel asked. "Uhh......yes, Father." Adrien replied. Adrien walks into his office, and is disgusted when he enters. Because of his Dad's office, is one, Lila Rossi. "WHAT, LILA?!!!! Why are you here?" Adrien asked in shock. "Just following orders. Your Father invited me here to tell me allow about what he has planned." Lila replied. "What do you mean by planned?" Adrien asked. "I'll take over. Thank you, Lila for calming my son down. So, Adrien. I am sure you are aware with Lila." Gabriel replied. "I am." Adrien said. "Well, she is no longer a fellow classmate to you anymore. She is now your newest model partner." Gabriel replied. "WHAT????!!!!!!! MODEL PARTNER!!!!!!!" Adrien said in shock. "I took some time into thinking, and realized that Lila holds a very special talent. Apart from telling me she was protecting you from bad influences, she also has a history of being in the fashion business." Gabriel replied. "It's true. My Mom makes only the best clothing the world has ever seen. She wishes she could let me wear her designs to school, but I don't want to brag to anyone." Lila said. "Very cute, Lila. Father I need to......." Adrien replied. "I decided to give her an opportunity she couldn't resist. Being the new member of the Gabriel Agreste brand. She will be your partner throughout the rest of our ad campaigns, photo shots, and fashion shows. It will work well with some of my latest ideas." Gabriel interrupted. "Cool, but I....." Adrien replied. "And you and Lila will soon be the newest sensation of the fashion industry. Lila as well as myself are very excited to do this." Gabriel interrupted. "You hear that, Adrien. We are going to be the newest sensation in the fashion industry. Aren't you happy?" Lila asked. "Very much so. Listen, Father. I hate to disappoint you, but........I don't want to work with Lila." Adrien replied. "I'm sorry. Is their a problem with her, Adrien?" Gabriel asked back. "Yeah. Is there a problem with me?" Lila asked as well. "No...I mean....I guess there is a problem with her. She.........she.......[Gabriel and Lila wait]...........she's a liar, Father." Adrien replied. "WHAT? How could you say that to me, Adrien. I never told a single lie in my life. Is is because I'm not like Kagami, or Chloe, or better, Marinette?" Lila asked. "No...I didn't mean...." Adrien replied. "ADRIEN! How dare you harm Lila's feelings like that. I raised you better than this. You can complain all you want, but Lila is one of us now. And will you enjoy working with her. Starting tonight at the Mayor's office. We are hosting a party sponsoring you two." Gabriel said. "Wait? But you told me I can go to my friend's party tonight. Natalie convinced you." Adrien asked in shock. "Now why would I agree to such an irresponsible idea? Your just trying to make an excuse not to go with her. I heard enough from you. Go outside now, so you can go to school." Gabriel ordered. "But.....but you said...." Adrien replied. "I SAID, LEAVE NOW!!!!!!!!" Gabriel yelled as he interrupts his son.. "Uh.....yes, Father." Adrien replied in a sad manner.
    Adrien arrives to school, already starting his day off horribly. He walks into school, all sad and gloomy that he has to attend this event.  His friends, Nino, Ivan, Kim, Max, Mylene, Rose, Nathaniel, Juleka, and Alix are chatting, when they see him.  Adrien approaches his friends.  "Hey guys."  Adrien said in a sorrow tone.  "Morning, dude.  Why the long face?"  Nino asked.  "Huh?....oh, this is nothing.  Just had little time to sleep."  Adrien replied.  "Ok.  Well, listen bro.  We all heard what happened, and we are really sorry that had to happen."  Nino said.  The rest reply as well.  "Sorry for what exactly?"  Adrien asked in confusion.  "What's going on tonight.  You and Lila are going to celebrate being parters for the Gabriel Agreste brand.  Because of that, you are going to miss out party."  Nino replied.  "Wait, you know?"  Adrien asked.  "Of course we do.  Lila told us all about it.  But yeah, we are all so sorry about this."  Nino replied.  Adrien is shocked that his friends feel bad for him.  Normally, they would freak out when stuff like this happens.  Especially with Lila.  "We feel sorry that you two haven't been named a global couple of the fashion world.  This is so awesome to hear."  Nino said in joy.  "Wait, what?"  Adrien asked in shock.  "What do you mean what?  This is seriously so exciting for us.  Lila and Adrien.  New faces of fashion.  Now we get to have two fashion models at school.  One of which is the best girl in the world."  Nino replied.  "Well, I need to admit that......"  Adrien said.  "And they are in the same class.  This will make it so much better."  Rose interrupted.  "Right.  But can I please clarified....."  Adrien said.  "You two can do some much together in the process.  Go around the world, share us any lates ideas, invite us to one of your photo shoots."  Alix interrupted.  "Indeed I would, but I really need to tell you all that......."  Adrien said.  "Guys look, it's Lila."  Mylene pointed.  Lila enters the school, and everyone is obsessed with her.  Adrien's friends leave him, so they can see her.  Just like a hero, Adrien is left all alone.  "Thanks guys."  Adrien said in a depressed way.  Adrien leaves to the locker room, as we see Mari and Alya talking outside of school.  "So yeah, Trixx and I have been doing smooth ever since we became your new spy."  Alya said.  "And thanks to you, Shadowmoth won't try anything of his sneaky tricks to find more secrets of ours."  Marinette replied.  "I'm happy for us, girl.  And you and I will be even more happy when we go to tonight's party and Luka and Juleka's."  Alya said.  "Oh right.  I forgot about that.  Hopefully you know who won't cause any trouble."  Marinette replied.  "He did enough damage already.  I'm sure he won't do a thing tonight.  Also, how is Cat Noir?  I haven't been able to spy on the battles because I've been keeping a good eye on anything suspicious."  Alya asked.  "Oh.......He........He is doing great.  Yep, we worked things out like you asked."  Marinette replied lying.  "Awesome.  See, I told you all you needed was a chat, and your good to go."  Alya said.  "Definitely, Alya.  Well, I have class to go to, so I need to go."  Marinette replied.  Mari leaves to also only to be confronted with the crowd of Lila fans.  Mari is confused, as is Alya, who arrives next to her.  They both see their friends, and go to them for answers.  "Hey guys, what's with all the commotion?"  Marinette asked.  "Today is one of the craziest days ever.  Lila just been hired to be Adrien's partner in modeling.  It's that marvelous to hear?"  Rose asked.  "It is, and..WHAT?????"  Marinette screamed.  "Yeah.  Apparently, Adrien's dad wanted another co star for his company.  So he hired Lila because who wouldn't hire her."  Nino replied.  "I know.  Who wouldn't want to hire, LILA!!  Ew.  So, where is Adrien?"  Marinette asked.  "We talked with him about his modeling upgrade.  Last I heard, he was over there.  Close to the locker rooms."  Alix replied.  "Ok, thanks."  Marinette said as she runs away.  Mari hides underneath some stairs.  "I have to find Adrien now.  He doesn't deserve to work with Lila."  Marinette said.  "Are you seriously going to try to sabotage Lila to keep Adrien safe?"  Tikki asked.  "No......[Tikki looks at her]........maybe.......[Tikki looks at her]........ok, yes."  Marinette replied.  "Marinette, we discussed this.  Adrien will be ok.  Lila will not be with him, and you and I know that."  Tikki said.  "But the fact the love of my life is working with my nemesis makes it worse for me.  I have to try help him."  Marinette replied.  Soon, Marinette hears crying coming somewhere close by.  "Huh?  Do you heard that?"  Marinette asked.  "I heard a bunch of Lila fans right there."  Tikki replied.  "No.  It's not that."  Marinette said.  She gets up, and moves closer to where she hears the sound.  It's coming from the locker room.  Mari carefully opens the door to peak inside.  There, she find Adrien crying by his locker.  "It's......Adrien.  And.....he's crying?"  Mari said in shock.  "Why do you think he would be crying?"  Tikki asked.  "I'm not sure.  But, I feel like something is really bothering him.  Ok, Lila is off to the side for now.  I am more focused on seeing what is up."  Marinette said.  "Bad that you are still after Lila, but good your helping out your friend."  Tikki replied.  Marinette opens the door slowly, and walks carefully to Adrien.  He is sobbing his eyes out.  "Umm......Adrien."  Marinette said.  "Huh?.....Mar......Marinette."  Adrien replied.  "Hey.  Umm.....I was trying to look for you, and then I found you here crying."  Marinette said.  "What?  Me, crying.  No.  Why would i be crying? I just have sleepy eyes that's all.  It was from a work load I got last night. So, there's nothing wrong."  Adrien replied as he sits in sorrow.  Marinette walks, and sits next to Adrien.  "Your eyes don't look sleepy. Are you sure you're ok? If not, I am more than happy to help you out." Marinette said. "[sniffs nose]. If that is true, would you really do that for me?" Adrien asked. "I would." Marinette replied. With tears in his eyes, Adrien allows it. "Ok, so I lied. So far, today has been terrible. And it isn't even the afternoon yet." Adrien said. "How was your day terrible?  What was it?"  Marinette asked.  "[signs].  Just my life getting worse by the second.  First my Dad breaks a promise with me not going to Luka and Juleka's party, then I have to go to a stupid modeling celebration party, and then no one tries to listen to me.  They all ignore me like I am one."  Adrien replied.  "Stop.  You were going to the party tonight?"  Marinette asked in shock.  "Not anymore.  My Father said so, after he said I can go.  All for what?  To promote his stupid business."  Adrien replied. "That's so horrible, Adrien." Marinette said. "It is. I actaully thought I can have some fun today. But instead, my father steped in, and ruined it all as he does. [quick moment of silence between them]. Marinette.  Is it ok if I tell you something?"  Adrien asked.  "Uhhh..........sure.  You can tell me."  Marinette replied confused.  "Ok.  [deep breath].  I hate being a model."  Adrien said.  Marinette gasp in surprise.  "I hate the photo shots.  I hate the ads.  I hate been forcing to do this, and miss out doing what I want.  I hate people seeing my as a statue of perfection.  I hate people thinking I am ok.  I hate........I hate being famous."  Adrien said in sadness.  "What?  If you hate it so much, why don't you tell them about it?  Or talk to your Dad?"  Marinette asked.  "I tried to tell the others, but they all ignored me and celebrated like I was ok with this.  I guess because Lila, who I cannot stand anymore, is my newest companion. And My Father.  He will just cut me down, and force me to still do it.  It's almost like he doesn't see me as his son, but as his star.  No one truly sees the agony of my life, Marinette.  And the absolute worst part of it, is that I cannot do a thing about it.  Even when I try, I fail.  There almost no joy in my life.  No happiness.  No love.  No pleasure.  No, anything."  Adrien replied as he cries again.  Mari is speechless at this confession.  She cannot believe that Adrien admitted to this.  "Adrien.  I'm so sorry."  Marinette said.  Adrien lifts his head up, as Mari whips some of his tears off his face.  "You need to talk to your Father, Adrien.  He is the only one who can help end your career. I understand how strict and scary he is, but as you once told me, you don't stop until you find a solution. There is and always will be a solution, Adrien. If you try hard enough, you will find the answer. And I promise you that I will make sure you are ok, until I see you smile again." Marinette said.  Adrien sits in silence, before he hugs Marinette.  "Thank you, Marinette.  For caring for me."  Adrien replied.  Marinette smiles, and hugs Adrien.
    The school bell rings, and the school day is over. Adrien leaves to go home. To get prepared for the party he is attending tonight. After getting into his car, he is taken back to his house. On the car ride, Adrien watches people talking about Ladybug and her team of heroes. Every single one of them. Except, Cat Noir. Because of his "absence," no one seems to remember who he is, or where he is now. Not a single sight of Cat Noir being talked about, or mentioned. Adrien feels broken inside that Cat Noir, is basically just a forgotten waste of potential. When Adrien arrives home, he walks inside, where his Father approaches him. "Make sure you are ready in ten minutes, Adrien. I don't want any wrong with my big night." Gabriel said. "I know, Father." Adrien replied sadly. He walks past his Dad, and goes to his room. Natalie watches Adrien go, and sees the sorrow in him. It makes Natalie feel bad. Inside of his room, Adrien is looking at his photo book, so he can feel at least some happiness. "It's happy to see Marinette understand your problem, and tried to comfort you. So, today really wasn't that entirely bad." Plagg said. "Marinette is a special friend to me, Plagg. But even though she cares, it's not enough to cure my misery. [flips page in book]. Same for this book. Back then, these pictures helped me a lot. But now, I don't feel the same anymore." Adrien replied as he puts his photo book down. "I'm sure tonight won't be so bad. Kagami and Chloe should be there. Maybe chatting with them will make you feel better." Plagg said. "Your right. They should be there. I mean, their parents are very famous, so I bet they would have to go to the event." Adrien replied. "See. Not that bad after all." Plagg said. "I was so excited for today to come. Excited to have hours of fun with my friends. But when that day finally came, I now wish it never existed. I just don't get it. Whenever something good, or fun, enjoyable happens to me, it gets crumbled at the last minute. Why do all this always happen to me? Why am I so miserable here?" Adrien replied. Plagg gets contended now. "It hurts to see this, Adrien. If only there was a way I can help." Plagg said. Adrien thinks, and says, "Maybe there is a way." Adrien gets up, and moves to his trash can. He digs his way through the trash. Adrien then pulls out the bag with the Essence mask inside. "WOAH, WHAT IN THE SWEET NAME OF CAMEMBERT ARE YOU DOING???!!!!!" Plagg asked in shock. "Putting on the mask Essence gave to me." Adrien replied. "AND HOW DO YOU EXPECT THAT TO HELP YOU????!!!!" Plagg asked in even more shock. "Essence said if I put on this mask, I will get all the answers I'VE been waiting for. That response has been lingering in my head ever since I heard it. Maybe Essence knows something I should know.  I see that this is wrong, but I will just put on the mask, see what's on it, and that's it. No joining forces with Essence. No bad stuff. None of that." Adrien replied. "Great to see you not go full insane, but this is more crazy than Tikki's sweet addiction. Not to mention, this is Essence we are talking about. ESSENCE!!!!! You know how dangerous he is, Adrien. I can name a list off the top of my head" Plagg replied. Plagg recalls some past Essence moments shown in a flashback. There was the time Essence slammed Cat Noir against the ground in Essence. The time Essence beat the crap out of Cat Noir in Essence. The time he locked Cat Noir in a room full of clawers to kill him in Essence 2.0. And a time where he feel onto a pallet of delivered camembert. Staining his cloak. "Yeah, I think the camembert one is a you problem, Plagg." Adrien said. "Well he should know how to respect quality cheese. My point being, you shouldn't trust Essence. Actually, you should NEVER trust Essence." Plagg replied. "Seriously, Plagg. What kind of psycho do you take me for? Of course I'm not going to trust Essence. [Plagg takes a deep breath in relief]. But, I might be wrong in the end. Essence talked all about Ladybug being an awful partner, and he is not wrong. Everything she has done to me has always bugged me. Apart from what she normally does now, Ladybug is allowing herself to reveal her identity but not me, allowing a couple to know their secret identity, breaking the promise I made with her that one evening, and just treating me like dirt. Maybe..........maybe I him after all." Adrien said. Adrien thinks on putting the mask on, but is interrupted by a knock on his door. Plagg hides, and Adrien hides the mask as Natalie enters the room. "Adrien, it's time to go. Are you ready for tonight's event?" Natalie asked. "Yes, Natalie. Just give me a second. I will meet you and Father in the car." Adrien replied. "Very well then." Natalie said as she closes the door. Adrien looks at the mask, as Plagg comes out again. "We can talk about this later." Adrien said. He puts the mask into Plagg's cheese drawer. Plagg gets worried that this is not going to end well.
    At the mayor's office, the entire room is filled with VIPs and special guest of the Gabriel Agreste brand. All of which are excited to see the future for Gabriel. Gabriel and Natalie are at the top of the stairs, and everyone starts clapping when they arrive. On a microphone, Gabriel speaks. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am very honored to be here tonight to show you all the future for the Gabriel Agreste brand. And the change you and everyone will see in the world of fashion. That change is here all thanks to two people. Ladies and gentlemen. Please give a warm welcome to, Adrien Agreste, and his new partner, Lila Rossi." Gabriel said. The crowd claps when Adrien and Lila make there appearance next to Gabriel. They all scream, and shout, and yell. Lila is overfilled with joy, while Adrien doesn't feel a thing. "I've always dreamed of doing this. Especially with you, Adrien." Lila said. "I bet you are, Lila." Adrien replied. We cut from the party, to the houseboat. Where Luka, Juleka, and some of their pals get the party ready. They put up the speakers, prepare the foo table, and clean the place up to feel appropriate. "It's nice that we are going this tonight. I'm so happy to see everyone here." Luka said. "Yep, dude. This is going to be the most lit party we've ever threw on this boat. We are going to be loud, crazy, and nothing is going to stop us." Nino replied. "Really, I'm really excited to see the music, and Adrien showing up." Luka said. "You wish. Adrien is doing something better than this. He is at a party celebrating Lila being apart of his Dad's brand." Nino replied. "Oh, cool.........WAIT, WHAT???!!!!!!" Luka asked in shock. "Yeah. Lila told us today. It was the biggest topic at school." Juleka replied. "Now, we have two stars in our class. [squeals]. It's so awesome." Rose said. "So.....Adrien is not coming tonight? Like, he is.....not joining us." Luka asked. "We just told you, yeah." Nino replied. "[looks down, and speaks in whisper]. Oh no." Luka said in fear. Back at the mayor's place, everyone is chatting with each other about this new change. Our most intriguing conversation is with Lila and Adrien with some others. With Lila bragging about her new role. "So yeah, after telling Mr. Agreste all about my time traveling the world, being related to a famous fashion designer, and all the care I've done for the world, he knew I would be the right pick. After all, who wouldn't want to pick a girl like." Lila said. Everyone agrees with her, and calls Lila a total sweetheart. "And best of all, I can teach Adrien how I walk the run way stage. Believe me, I've done it in Korean once, and everyone said I was fashion star material." Lila said. "I heard all about it, and it's true. Lila is a real star on the run way. I should knows since she NEVER tells lies." Adrien replied. "Yep. [whispers to Adrien's ear]. Don't try anything to blow my cover, Adrien. Your Father would be very disappointed in you." Lila said. "[whispers to Lila's ear]. Don't worry, I know how I need to behave. [not in whisper]. Apologies, but I have to go do something important. Lila can keep you busy in the process." Adrien replied as he leaves. Adrien walks, only to be confronted by some fan girls. They desperately want Adrien's autograph because he is such a perfect human being. Adrien calms the girls down, and does so. Adrien gives them all autographs, and they run away giggling. This doesn't make Adrien feel any better. He walks, but accidentally bumps into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry about that. I didn't see you there." Adrien said. "Well, if it isn't my daughter's ex, Adrien Agreste." Ms. Tsurugi replied. "Huh? [looks up]. Ah, Kagami's Mother. Your here at this event?" Adrien asked. "Why wouldn't I be? Gabriel and I have been good friends since I arrived." Mrs. Tsurugi replied. "Oh. Your.....not mad at me for....dumping your daughter are you?" Adrien asked. "I was considering you are a nice gentleman, but you apologized to her, so I have nothing against you. Kagami did tell me all about how you were an awful boyfriend to her. She really couldn't stand you. But she's over it now." Mrs. Tsurugi replied. "Speaking of Kagami, where is she at? I would like see her." Adrien asked. "I bet she would to. But she isn't here." Ms. Tsurugi replied. "What? Why not?" Adrien asked in shock. "Something about some party on a house boat. Kagami already planned to go, and it would feel bad for me to see her disappointed by telling her she couldn't come." Ms. Tsurugi. "Wait. So, you let your daughter, skip on this important event, to attend a party?" Adrien asked. "That is correct." Ms. Tsurugi replied. Adrien feels devastated. "Do you know where Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois are at? If they are here." Adrien asked. "Of course. Their over there." Ms. Tsurugi pointed. Adrien leaves her, passing people who look at Adrien. Happy to see him. Adrien arrives behind Audrey. "[deep breath]. Umm, excuse me." Adrien said as he taps Audrey on the shoulder. "Oh, HOW DARE YOU INTERPRET ME....oh, it's just you, Adrien." Audrey replied. "Yeah, it's me. Face of the Gabriel Agreste brand alongside Lila. I'm sorry if I was bothering you. I was just wondering if your daughter, Chloe, is here?" Adrien asked. "Oh, Chloe was suppose to come, but she's not. She going to some utterly ridiculous party by the lake. I think it's on a boat. Ew." Audrey replied. "Your serious?" Adrien asked. "I am." Audrey replied. With no good people to actually speak to, Adrien feels even more devastated. He doesn't want to show his sadness, so he tries to keep it inside. Adrien then gets pulled away by his Father, to do some pictures with Lila. He's put next to her, and the photos start. The flash brightens Adrien's eyes, as he gets blinded by the photos. Adrien cannot stand it. He cannot take it. He wishes he wasn't here. When the photos stop, Adrien leaves to get away from this. Adrien is seen in a room, sitting against a corner in despair. "So, I guess I was wrong about tonight." Plagg said. "You were miles from being correct, Plagg. Despite being forced to come here, I hoped that at least, there would be something that can put a smile on my face. Until the force of gravity made my smile go down. There has not been a single good thing about this event. NOT A SINGLE THING!!!!" Adrien replied. Still in sorrow, Adrien hears noise outside, and walks to a window to see what it is. There, Adrien sees flashing lights, and loud music blare from a distance. It is clearly the houseboat party. Having the time of their lives. Adrien watches, and leans on the window with more sadness. Adrien checks his phone, and eyes he got a lot of new messages from his friend. Adrien opens them up. In the photos, he sees his entire, including Marc, Chloe, and Kagami taking pictures of how fun the party is. It is a very lit party, that Adrien is not part of. Adrien leans still, until someone grabs his shoulder. "Why are you here, Adrien?" Gabriel demanded. "Uhh, Father. I....I was just...." Adrien replied. "Quiet. [looks at the party]. So, your still upset that you couldn't see your friends? That you have to miss out on a party everyone got invited to? These so called friends of yours are nothing, but negativity. Their influences are beyond devilish. Here, you are safe, and with people who care about you. Unlike them. Now come. We have......." Gabriel said. Adrien leaves his Father, unanswered, interrupting him. [they walk and talk]. "Excuse me, Adrien. Where do you think you are going? You really have the audacity to leave me? Ignore me? Not listen to me on my big day? If it weren't for me, your life wouldn't be so bad after all." Gabriel said. The two of them are in the middle of the party. "MY LIFE IS ALREADY AS BAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" Adrien screamed. Everyone heard what Adrien said, and cannot believe it. They walk, and circle around Adrien and his shocked Father. "Adrien..........How dare you respond to me like that! You don't treat your Father like that!" Gabriel demanded. "But you think it's a good thing you treat your son like a prisoner." Adrien replied. "Stop fighting back at me, Adrien. I command you to listen to me." Gabriel demanded. "No, no. Your going to listen to ME!!!! And me only. I am finally going to do what I've been wanting to do for so long. [deep breath]. Every since Mother died, you have been so overprotective of me, so ignorant of me, and just a down right TERRIBLE parent to ME! You never listen to me. You never talked to me. You never once, NEVER ONCE asked yourself, how is my son doing? Is he ok? Should I go check on him? You never asked yourself those questions because you only care about yourself you selfish prick." Adrien replied. The crowd gasp. "Now, Adrien. Relax. I know all about your anger issues, and you just need to stop this. Now!" Lila demanded. "Shut it, Lila!!!!" Adrien replied in anger. "ADRIEN!!!! How could you say....." Lila asked. "DON'T TRY IT, LILA. Don't say, oh, Adrien, why are you so mean to me. I did nothing wrong to you, or anyone. Lila, you are probably almost as despicable as Father here. You lie, you manipulate, you HURT people all for what???? All for yourself." Adrien replied. "This embarrassment has gone on for why to long, Adrien. Stop this temper tantrum of yours, and show some maturity." Gabriel demanded. "Why don't you show some love for me, Father. Tell me this, do you really love me?" Adrien asked. The crowd looks at Gabriel. Gabriel doesn't say a word. "Well, do you?" Adrien demanded. "ha......Now, Adrien. Why would you ask such a silly question. Of course I love you." Gabriel replied. "If you do love me, you would care for me. Look after me. Help me if I needed. Like any good Father would. But instead of a caring Father, I get a cold hearted abuser named Gabriel Agreste. Do you want to know how I know your lying to me, Father? Because if you would you know actually listen to me, then you would know that I HATE BEING YOUR MODEL!!!!!" Adrien yelled. The crowd is in surprise at this. "What?" Gabriel said. "I CANNOT STAND THIS WHOLE MODELING CAREER ANYMORE!!!!!! MODELING HAS BEEN NOTHING, BUT A NIGHTMARE TO ME!!!!! JUST A PAINFUL NIGHTMARE!!!!! MODEL NEVER MAKES ME HAPPY!!!!! IT JUST MAKES ME WANT TO WISH I NEVER EXISTED!!!!!! AND YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I HATE MODELING SO MUCH??!!!! BECAUSE EVERYONE SEES ME AS THIS IDOL!!! THIS GOD!!!! THIS STATUE OF PERFECTION!!!!! THEY NEVER SEE THE TRUE SIDE OF WHO I AM INSIDE!!!!! AND I DON'T THINK YOU OR ANYONE HERE EVER WILL!!!!! MOREOVER, THIS JOB GETS IN THE WAY OF ME SEEING MY FRIENDS!!!!! I MISSED OUT PLAYING A FUN SPORT, AND NOW A PARTY WITH ALL MY CLOSEST FRIENDS!!!!!! MY SITUATION GOT EVEN WORSE, WHEN THE WORST GIRL I CAN THINK OF JOINED ALONG!!!!!! [points at Lila]. AND THE WORST PART OF IT ALL IS YOU, FATHER!!!!!!!!! THE FACT THAT YOU THINK YOU CARE ABOUT ME, BUT DEEP DOWN, YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, AND MOTHER!!!! [takes a lot of deep breaths in anger, as Gabriel is speechless. Adrien calms down]. "Lila, I wish you the best of luck with modeling. And Father, I hope I never see or speak to you again." Adrien yelled as he is about to leave. No one says a thing. They just let Adrien walk away. But not Gabriel. "ADRIEN!!! I'm your Father, and I am telling you to come back, NOW!!!!" Gabriel demanded as he grabs Adrien's shoulder. Adrien gets anger again, and turns around. "I said, I NEVER WANT TO SEE OR SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN!!!!!" Adrien replied as he punches his Father in the nose, and onto the ground. The crowd gasp again in shock. Gabriel gets up, as his nose starts bleeding. Adrien takes anger deep breathes, before he turns around, and storms out the door. Gabriel lies in disbelief at his son. "Excuse me, everybody. We'll be back in a minute." Natalie said trying to clear the situation. She takes Gabriel to a private room, where Nooroo and Dussu emerge. Natalie helps clean the blood of Gabriel's face. "Adrien!! How could my own son treat me like that?!!" Gabriel asked. "Sir, stop moving. I'm trying to clean the blood off." Natalie replied. "WELL, CLEAN FASTER!!!!!!" Gabriel yelled. "Ok, sorry........[cleans blood]......I mean, you did break your promise with him." Natalie replied. "Are you telling me I am wrong, Natalie?" Gabriel asked. "No, no, sir. I'm just saying......" Natalie replied. "She's saying you are a bad parent." Nooroo replied. Gabriel stares at Natalie in rage. "Well........Nooroo does have a point." Natalie said. "What? That I am a bad parent?" Gabriel asked. "Umm........yes. You really have been a terrible role model for your son. As well as, you know, breaking your promise with him" Natalie replied. "Urg. I know I broke my promise with him. But can you blame me? I felt stupid for agreeing to such a terrible idea. I had to reconsider what I said." Gabriel said. "That really doesn't prove your innocence. But, why did you have to break your promise, master." Duusu asked. "Huh? It seems that all of you have forgotten." Gabriel said. "Forgotten? About what?" Duusu asked. "Does the katana behind my bookshelf ring any bells to you three?" Gabriel asked. Natalie, Nooroo, and Duusu don't answer, and stay in silence and shock. "That's what I expected. I don't care if Adrien hates modeling or not. He just doesn't understand I am trying to protect him. Protect him from the truth. He can whine, complain, possibly hurt me to get what he wants, but he will NEVER have control of his life as long as I'm around. Hope he enjoys that walk home. Because that will be the last time he steps foot outside in his life." Gabriel said in a menacing way. Gabriel's miraculous glows. "Natalie, I need to blow off some steam. A negative emotion is near by. And no, it's not Adrien. Go comfort the party guest. I have more important things to do." Gabriel ordered.
    Adrien is walking home in the dark night, still in rage and sorrow. "I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I HATE him!!!!" Adrien yelled. "Wow, you really punched your Dad in the face. Maybe that will teach him a lesson about messing with you." Plagg replied. "I hoped I punched him harder, so he can bleed more." Adrien said. "Jeez, Adrien. No need to get that violent." Plagg replied. "WHY NOT!!!!! He deserves it for being such a monster. And he is going to continue being a monster when he gets home. I know how this story is going to end for me. I'm going to go home, and my Father is going to pretend nothing bad happened. He thinks I never said I quit. He thinks my tantrum never happened. He is going to clean if off as a bad memory. And no matter what I do,.....I'm never going to feel joy." Adrien said in sadness. He starts to feel his rage fade, and his sadness rises up again. But his sadness is nothing compared to Gigantitan, being re-akumatized again. "Looks someone is having having a tantrum as well. Let's go, Plagg." Adrien said. They run to an alleyway. "Hold up. Should we wait for the others?" Plagg asked. "Someone needs to take care of this mess. And since I am the only one here, Plagg, claws out." Adrien replied as he transforms into Cat Noir. Cat Noir confronts Gigantitan, who turns around to see the kitty cat. Cat Noir uses his staff to carefully his the villain. Not wanting to hurt the baby of course. Gigantitan follows Cat Noir, who runs aways. Cat Noir looks around, and suspects that the megakuma is inside of the baby's bracelet. With that out of the way, he thinks of a plan. "Ok, babies love cute things. So, let's hope this idea works." Cat Noir said. Cat Noir stops running, and turns around. Gigantitan stops, and watches. Cat Noir starts acting like a cat. By purring, meowing, and rolling around. Gigantitan, as the baby he is, sits down, and laughs at Cat Noir's act. Cat Noir makes sure Gigantitan is distracted enough, so his plan can go into motion. When Gigantitan is distracted enough, Cat Noir makes his move. He drops the act, and uses his staff to break the braclet. The megakuma flies out, and Cat Noir runs and grabs it. Gigantitan gets de-evilized, and falls into Cat Noir's other openhand. The baby plays with Cat's bell, happy to be saved. This actual has Cat Noir smile, since he finally helped someone. "Don't worry little guy, this creature won't harm you again. Cataclysm." Cat Noir said as he destroyed the megakuma. After using his powers, Ladybug and her team of Viperion, Purple Tigress, Carapace, and Queen Bee arrive. They are a bit confused at the sight of no villain. "Ummm, where is the villain?" Ladybug asked. "Huh? [looks at the team]. Oh, hey guys. Gigantitan was attacking, but don't worry. I took care of him." Cat Noir replied. "You....took care of him?" Ladybug asked back. "Yeah. I used my charming kitty skills to comfort the baby. Then I got the megakuma, cataclysm it, and saved the baby. Your welcome." Cat Noir replied. 'WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????!!!!!!" Ladybug asked in anger. "What? I just stopped the villain. There's nothing wrong about that." Cat Noir replied. "Yes, there is something wrong. You showed up, and did it without US!!!! Urg. How stupid are you, what's your name? You left US out to handle a mission on your own? What's wrong with you?" Ladybug asked in anger. "What's wrong. No one was near by, and no damage was caused. I just stopped the villain. No consequences afterwards." Cat Noir replied. "Ok. Ok. Well thanks a lot. Thanks for wasting our time here. Come on guys, let's go thanks to this jerk." Ladybug yelled. Cat Noir looks in shock. "No need to be a hypocrite, Ladybug." Cat Noir said. Ladybug stops, and turns around anger. "What did you say to me?" Ladybug asked. "Your calling me out for leaving you out. When you do that to me all the time. You shouldn't have the right to get mad at me." Cat Noir replied in anger. "I do have the right because I am the guardian." Ladybug said. "Yeah, a guardian who doesn't care for her partner. You know, it baffles me that you started treating me like this all for what? From what I understand, no reason. There is no reason to why you treat me like trash. And I don't understand why you suddenly want to keep me away. You should be very grateful for me to be around. Because if it weren't for me sacrificing myself and caring for you, Shadowmoth would already have your miraculous by now." Cat Noir replied. Ladybug thinks and cliches her fist. "Well maybe my life as Ladybug would be better if Master Fu never gave you that miraculous IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!" Ladybug said like a total asshole. Cat Noir is struck with shock and horror that she said that. Even her team believes Ladybug took this way too far. Cat Noir starts to almost produce tears, but doesn't. "[sniffs]. Well then.......Thank you for actually telling me something for once." Cat Noir said. Cat leaves Ladybug, and her team. "Screw him. Come on guys, let's go." Ladybug said. After collecting all the miraculous, Ladybug de-transforms. "Let's go, Tikki." Marinette ordered. "Wait a minute. Did you really have to say that, Marinette? That Master Fu should have never gave that miraculous to Cat Noir?" Tikki asked. "He should have known what to do. Stay out of this, and let the heroes take care of this." Marinette replied. "But he saved the day. He stops the megakuma like the hero he is." Tikki said. "He is not a hero. At least, he isn't one to me." Marinette replied. "Ok, Marinette. This is way out of character for you. Cat Noir doesn't deserve this kind of abuse. You should have really thanked him for what he did." Tikki said. "He did nothing right. He only messed up like he always does. And besides, what is he going to do about?" Marinette asked.
    This cuts to Adrien grabbing the Essence mask, and walks into the bathroom. "Adrien, please. This isn't going to help you. There is a better way out of this." Plagg begged. "Like what? Just, lay there and take it. NO! Whatever is on this mask is the only thing that can make my day." Adrien yelled. "But this is a horrible solution to your problem." Plagg said. "WELL IT WAS A HORRIBLE DAY FOR ME ANYWAY!!!!! There was NOTHING memorable or exciting today. Apart from Marinette, today has to be the worst day of my life. My Father tortured me, Ladybug yelled at me like the hypocrite, and my friends ignored me!!!!!! I have nothing to lose anymore, and I don't CARE what your say Plagg. I'm putting this mask on whether you like it or not." Adrien declared as he is about to put on the mask. "No, Adrien Please!!!!" Plagg begged. But Plagg is too late. Adrien puts on the mask. Adrien sees nothing going on, and is confused. He waits, but nothing happens. That is, until a screen forms on the mask from the inside. The screen starts to play footage. And this is where Adrien gets all the answers he has been waiting for. The footage is of every single miraculous, and giving their miraculous to Ladybug. Every single one. Rena Rouge, Carapace, Queen Bee, Ryuko, Pegasus, King Monkey, Viperion, Pigella, Polymouse, Purple Tigress, Miss Hound, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, and Minotaurox. The sight of his classmates being superheroes the whole time brings a sight of shock to Adrien. And that's not all. After being revealed all the identities, the screen cuts to a video footage in a sewer. There, Ladybug and Rena Rouge meet. Not noticing the figure recoding them.  There, this happens. "So, another day at the office completed. All thanks to the Miraculous Ladybug." Rena Rouge said. "Yep, and perfectly well executed thanks to the almighty spy, Rena Rouge." Ladybug replied. The two girls laugh, as Adrien gets confused.  "It's been a week since I started this, and we already have been out of site.  "At least the opponent from before, Glaciator was fun to defeat.  Today's I heard was a real pain."  Rena Rouge said.  "Yeah, but we won in the end as we always do."  Ladybug replied.  Adrien is still confused on what this means.  "Hey, Rena." Ladybug said. "Yeah." Rena Rouge replied. "I've been meaning to tell you something, but it can only be between you and I.  Because you are the one I trust with these operations, after you "stopped being Rena."" Ladybug said. "Ok, what is it?" Rena Rouge asked. "Well, it's something I've been thinking of, so here it is....................I want to replace Cat Noir." Ladybug replied. Rena Rouge gasp. "Wh....What? But why?" Rena Rouge asked in shock. "Every since I became the guardian, Cat Noir hasn't been so useful to us. I mean, I've been more focus on the other heroes, and of course you that I found no time for him. Too be honest, him showing up seems pointless now. So, I was thinking I would get a new Cat Noir. Know his secret identity, and just treat him like all the other holders. Only calling the Black Cat holder if he or she is needed." Ladybug replied. "I mean..........I mean, that does sound extremely harsh of you. And how do you think Cat Noir would be if he finds out about it?" Rena Rouge asked. "He won't because he is never going to know about this." Ladybug replied. "Still, you do realize he will be heart broken about this?" Rena Rouge asked. "He will, but I'm sure he'll understand in the end." Ladybug replied. "Listen, Ladybug.  This is not a good idea at all. It sounds like a stupid idea if I have anything to say about it." Rena Rouge said. "To my defense, I am the guardian. And I have to do what it takes for us to win. Even if I need to do stuff like this." Ladybug replied. "Right. I'm still against your idea.  It's sounds down right terrible.  So promise me you will put some thought into what you are doing.  If anything, don't do it." Rena Rouge said. "If it will make you feel better, then yes." Ladybug replied. "It does.  But hey, as long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen. Because I help my best friend any time she needs it." Rena Rouge said. Ladybug hugs Rena Rouge. "Thanks, Rena. I'm so grateful to have you as my partner." Ladybug replied using the same sentence she said to Cat Noir in Miraculous Menace(And FYI, she is doing all of this because of Cat Blanc. Not for the reasons she stated. She is just lying to Rena because obviously). The screen cuts to black, as Adrien, in slow mo, falls to his hands and knees to the ground. The mask falls to the ground, as Plagg looks at his holder. "Adrien?" Plagg asked. Adrien starts producing tears that fall to the ground. "Ladybug........wants to.......get rid of me........Like,.......she doesn't....need me anymore." Adrien replied. "Wait. What did you say?" Plagg asked. "Ladybug wants to get rid of me..........she wants me....out of the picture." Adrien replied with more tears down his face. Plagg looks in absolute terror now. "Oh my God. Essence was right. Ladybug really.........has abandoned me." Adrien said. He falls to the ground crying, after this new revelation. Plagg starts to feel even more terrified. "No, no, no, no, no. That's not going to happen. I've been trying to find a way after...." Plagg replied as he immediately covers his mouth. "What? What do you mean, you finding a way?" Adrien asked. "Uhhh........whatever do you mean. Hehe." Plagg replied. Adrien gets up. "Plagg! I'll ask you again. What, do you mean, by finding, a way?" Adrien demanded. "Uhhhh, uhhhhh, uhhhh." Plagg replied. "What, Plagg?" Adrien asked. "Uhhhh........LADYBUG TOLD ME WHAT SHE WAS DOING!!!!!!" Plagg replied as he gasp. Adrien is filled with more shock than ever before. " knew? You knew she was going to replace me?" Adrien asked. "Uhhhh, I'm sorry, but yes." Plagg replied. "[Adrien sheds more tears]., no, no. PLEASE!! Please tell me this is a messed up joke? Please tell me this is not real? Please, Plagg. I'm begging you." Adrien prayed. "[signs]. It's.........not a joke." Plagg replied. Adrien gasp, and falls to the ground again. Shedding more tears on the ground of his bathroom. Plagg watches him, feeling his guilty caught up to him. "[Adrien stops crying]. How long did you know?" Adrien asked. I'm sorry, what?" Plagg asked back. "[Adrien stands up]. HOW LONG DID YOU KNOW, SHE WAS GOING TO DO THIS???!!!!!!!!!!!" Adrien screamed. "I found out.......[urgs].....when I paid her a visit the day you almost quit. She told me what she was planning on doing with you and me." Plagg replied telling the whole truth. "SO WHAT, YOU WERE OK WITH HER DOING THIS TO ME????!!!!!!" Adrien asked. "Of course not. I tried to stop it. I've been trying to find a solution ever since. I just......couldn't come up with anything." "IF YOU DID, DOES THAT CHANGE THE FACT YOU'VE BENE LYING TO ME???!!!! LIKE WHAT, LADYBUG STILL CARES FOR ME!!!! IT WILL BE ALL BETTER!!!!! URG!!! IT DEFINITELY WON'T GET BETTER WHEN SHE WAS PLANNING ON REPLACING ME!!!!!!!!" Adrien yelled as he pounds his fist on his bathroom counter. Adrien teaks deep breathes. "You were the only other person by my side that I can trust. And yet, you managed to break my trust with me as well." Adrien said. "Adrien........I'm so sorry I hide this from you." Plagg replied in guilt. "[signs]. I'm sorry too, Plagg. Sorry for what I'm going to have to do now. Plagg, claws out." Adrien said. Plagg gasp, as Adrien transforms into Cat Noir. Cat grabs the number Essence left for him, and types it into his staff. He calls the number, and waits. It rings. "So, you put on the mask after all." Essence said answering the phone. "Yep, and you were 100% right. Ladybug really has abandoned me. I just want to thank you for making me see the true dark side of my partner, Ladybug." Cat Noir replied. "My pleasure. Now, I can expect you to be very upset by this. But remember, my door is still open if you are looking for a new partner." Essence said. "I know, and I'm interested. There is no point for me here anymore. Ladybug doesn't care for me. My friends don't care for me. My parents don't care for me. People don't care for me. Paris doesn't care for me. And why would I stay if Ladybug is going to get rid of me. So that's why, I'm done. I'm done playing the punching bag, the fall guy, the door mat everyone steps on. I changed my mind, Essence. I will join forces with you, AND make Ladybug pay." Cat Noir demanded. "Oh, your serious? Ha, I knew you would make the right choice in the end. Very well then. Meet me at the top of the Arc De Triomphe, and I'll discuss our plan." Essence said. "Of course. See you soon, partner." Cat Noir replied as he hangs up. Before he leaves, Cat Noir grabs a duffle bag, and packs some stuff in it. Among one of which is the mask Essence gave to him.  So he can avoid suspicion. He also grabs his photo book full of happy memories. But there is no more happiness inside of him. He takes the photo book, and goes to his family's study. He looks at the pages, but feels nothing but anger. He clinches the book in his hands, chucks it into the fireplace, and sets the book on fire. Burning every photo and page inside. Before Cat Noir leaves, he finds his Father's grimoire on the bed. Thinking back to the time he found the book, Cat decides to take it with him. He puts the grimoire into his bag, goes to his bedroom window, takes one final look at his room, and leaves home forever.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 4: The Collusion of TraumaWhere stories live. Discover now