Chapter 9 - Okay Maybe

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After and hour of Chanel going my hair and makeup. I look pretty good if I do say myself. I slipped on my stilettos. I grabbed my purse putting in my phone and my lip gloss and emergency make up bag. I admired the tight curls Chanel did. She put a light purple eyeshadow to match my dress. I put lip gloss on my lips. Chanel stood back admiring her work.

"Kaitlyn you look HOT!" she said. The doorbell rang. Chanel squealed as if she was going on the date. I opened the door Niall looked me up and down and he smiled.

"Wow," He said. "Katy you look beautiful," I blushed smiling. Chanel came from behind me. She smiled at Niall holding out her hand.

"HI!" she yelled. "I'm Chanel Katy's best friend."

"Nice to meet you," said Niall. He shook Chanel's hand. "Are you ready to go?" I nodded as he held my hand walking out with me.

"Have  fun kids!" yelled Chanel. "Remember... WRAP IT UP!" I covered my face in embarrassment. Niall laughed.

"Your friend is interesting," he said. I laughed. If he only knew. I got into Niall's car. We drove in silence for a couple of minutes but it wasn't awkward. He looked adorable in his white shirt with a black tie. He was wearing a pair of jeans and converses. Niall's hair was well done. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

He smirked. "Like what you see?" he asked. I blushed a bit but then I smirked back. 

"Actually I do," I said. Niall smiled looking at the road. He stopped in front of a restaurant. He opened the door of the drivers seat and came around opening my door. He held my hand before throwing his arm around my shoulder while giving the valet his keys.

He kissed my on the forehead causing me to shiver. We waled up to the host at the front podium. "Horan for two," said Niall. 

"Of course Mr. Horan," The host grabbed two menus leading us over to a table. He put the menus on the table. Niall pulled out my chair for me as I sat down. I smiled at him as he sat across from me. 

"This must be a really expensive place," I said. 

He smiled at me. "Anything for you," I blushed looking down at my lap. Instead of blushing all through dinner I picked up my menu. "What are you getting," he asked me. 

"I don't know but the steak sounds good for me," I said. "I haven't really had a steak in a while," 

"I love a woman who can eat," He said winking at me. It was true I loved to eat. And steak right now is making my mouth water. Finally the waiter cam over to our table. 

"Hello I'm James," he sad."I'm going to be serving you tonight, what would you like to eat?" 

"Um I would like a steak well done but don't burn it," I said. The waiter nodded and wrote down on his notepad, 

"And for you sir?" Asked The waiter. Niall closed his menu. 

"I'll have the same but medium rare," he said. "Cooked enough so I don't see blood,"

"Of course sir," said the James. "Anything to drink?" 

"A bottle of champagne for the both of us to share," said Niall. James nodded picking up our menus and walked away. 

Niall looked up at me. "What did I do?" asked Niall. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"What did I do to get such a beautiful and awesome girl like you?" he asked. I blushed once again. I seemed to be doing that a lot. We ate our steaks It was so good by the way. Then we drove to his place. I walked in he closed the door.

I turned around and he kissed me. He licked my lip begging for entrance and of course I gave it to him. He lead me upstairs to his room. We were still kissing when we both landed on his bed. He put his hand on my back trying to zip down the zipper on my back. I gasped as he kissed me behind my ear. 

"Found your weak spot," he whispered in my ear.

"Niall wait," I said. He looked at me. "Do you have a condom?"

"Shit sorry," he said.

"Its ok next time," I said. He ran his hand through his hair. I kissed him on the lips as I laid down on his bed. I went under his blanket. He laid down with me and he spooned my. I sighed relaxing as I laid back into him. I smiled to myself before I drifted off into sleep.

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