Chapter 17 - Easy Forgiving

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Katy POV

We didn't speak a word during the whole drive to Niall's house. I really didn't really wanna talk. When the car stopped I stepped out of the car with him. He opened the door to his house for me. I walked in taking off my shoes. Before I could walk upstairs to his room, Niall grabbed my by my arm and he spun me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For leaving you alone," he said. "if I was with you that never would've happened,"

Listen Niall," I said. "It wasn't your fault, I'm just happy I'm with you now," I kissed him on the lips. Niall kissed back pressing me against the wall behind me. We pulled away at the same time not wanting things to get to heated. " I'm pretty tired I guess I can tell you the full story in the morning but promise me one thing?"

" Yeah babe?"

" You won't fight Harry or ignore him, One Direction is your dream come true and you can't let it all go because of one drunken mistake."

" Think about it he dragged you to a dark room, was feeling on you, and kissed you. Why would I not be mad?"

" I know, just, just please don't fight him or hold a grudge we can talk in the morning, goodnight babe." I pecked his lip and walked fastly to his room to get changed and go to sleep. Tommorows another day.

I heard the door creeck and I automatically felt Niall presence in the room. Im assuming he's changing into some more comfortable clothes. He lifted the covers and got in the bed, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder bringing us closer. I layed my head on his chest and drifted into a deep sleep. Only to be awoken in the morning by a loud screech, Im assuming it was Niall because he isn't in the bed.

" Babe? You okay?" I asked

" Yeah, I just dropped my tea, go back to sleep."

" Okay. Im up now can you make me a cup?"

" Sure."

I got up out of the bed and ruffled my fingers through my hair adn put it in a messy bun. I walked to the kitchen to be greeted by a very tired looking Niall.

" Tired much?"

" Yeah, I got up early and couldn't get back to sleep."

" So you ready for the story now." I asked clearing my throught.

" Yeah." He said leading me to the couch in the living room.

" Okay, so I was dancing when I felt someone grab my hand, I just assumed it was you because it was a guy's hand. He lead me to a dark room and pressed me against the wall, I thought it was you, something you would do to me. He started running his hadn up my thigh and I smacked it away. Harry kissed my neck like you I grabbed a handful of his hair and that's when I realized it was him and not you. I was drunk, he was drunk and all I remember is me screaming your name and you and Chanel telling Harry off. PHEW!: I tooka deep breath after all fo that.

Niall sat there speechless mouth wide open.

" Close your mouth." I used my index finger against his chin.

" I don't know what to say, I though he really hurt you like was abusing you. Im upset it got that far but Im glad you realized before it escelated know. So yeah, I'm gonna call Harry and tell him to apologize and all that stuff. I promise I won't fight Harry."

" Oh my god, Thank you." I said embracing him in a hug." How about in like 15 I need to take a shower and stuff.?"

" Cool cool."

" DON"T try to sneak up on me either. We all know how that ended. Me naked on the bathroom floor in shock for like 5 days."

" It was so funny though, I didn't think you would be that scared."

" What did you expect, I was singing and you just jumped out of no where. All I know is shampoo and body wash was EVERYWHERE! A.k.a places it shouldn't be."

" Okay, but hurry up with that shower, Imma text Harry now."


With that I left and got in a Niall-less shower and brushed my teeth. I threw on some jammies and waited in the living room for Harry's arrival. What a morning. I smiled at the thought, life's crazy.

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