Chapter Seven

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I checked the hallways for any signs of Kelin or any one of the crowd he hangs with. I don't think I could face him right now.

Not only had I agreed to do something absolutely outrageous, but I didn't know if I could do it.

If I saw him I know the first words to come out of my mouth would be along the lines of 'I'm not doing it' and then... What would he do?

Maybe he would beat me up for it, if I was lucky, but I doubted it. If I'm being realistic he would probably just walk out of my life, and our two years of a shaky relationship would just drown.

Sure I complained about Kelin. He did sometimes hurt me, and he had some issues he needed to sort out that he tended to take out on me, and maybe he had a foul mouth and a bad temper.

But as much as I complained about him, I didn't want him to leave.

I really didn't want him to leave.

When he was calm he was so good to me. So sweet and charming. So warm and friendly.

It's just sometimes hard to find the good memories among all the shitty ones.

I think in general, what I feared the most, was being left alone.

I hated being alone.

The thought of being alone, it was what made the home in my mind run under the rail road tracks.

Because I was alone, the few people who kept me company, I needed them. More than I'd ever allow myself to let them know.

There was no one.

Kelin mostly turned up at school around 9:30 anyway, so being here at 7:50 meant I was good. I just hoped so at least. I'd had unexpected run-ins with early morning bullies before.

I made my way back through the main hall and down past the gym to the student lockers.

This was the day. I decided. That I would make them stop, get bored, go away.

I opened my locker and took out my pe bag, my work, my exercise books and text books, my spare school clothes I'd nicked from the lost and found, but I left a couple discarded books from old teachers who I'd never see or need again, and put back the lock on the door.

There it was. Locker 903. It was a small one, a half locker, it just about fit all of my stuff in it and it was in the grade below me's locker room. It was perfect. I slid another lock in through the slip and locked it.

It would be a good while before they found out I'd switched.

Maybe today was going to be a good day.

Maybe if I just kept out of everyone's hair no one would search for a fight with me. Maybe I won't have to pretend to ignore the hate they sent my way. Maybe I wouldn't be forced to break down in the lockers.

"Good." I heard a silky monotone female voice say from behind me.

I jumped and turned to face with Amber, who was leaning calmly against the door frame between the lockers and the hall.

"Oh hi. Uh, how are you." I said.

"I'm proud to see you're maturing. Life is made of resolutions, even the ones you don't follow through with will impact your life."

"Oh thanks." What was she talking about? That sounded like something out of fortune cookie.

"However I will remind you my brother has come to earth with every intention of meeting you."

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