Chapter Twenty Nine

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The over the next few days of school I noticed a lot of changes. The first thing was that teachers didn't care if I didn't turn up to detention, I mean they would sometimes give me a prescription for more detentions but if I'm not going to them in the first place then that was tantamount to saying 'I don't care'.

The people who were on the receiving end of my petty revenge schemes were furious and took their complaints to the deaf ears of the teachers. I felt pride every time I heard a teacher say 'you should try talking to him' or 'you should take this to the headmaster'. Nope. That meant nope.

There was a sense of helplessness in their eyes that I recognised immediately. It gave me a sense of peace.

Still I was beginning to grow bored of all of the shenanigans and so was Till. At this point the only reason I was still here was because I had a great friend who I wanted to make the best of my time with.

I took Till to the funfair which was happening down by our local funfair. I told him we had to fatten him up with some festival food and bought him a hot dog, some candy floss, spicy corn on the cob and we shared some chocolate dipped strawberries. In general the day was really good. We never even went on any rides because they all looked like they were for two year olds, aside from one which looking like it was for suicidal people.

Till would occasionally, almost randomly, start talking about what was going on in his life with his crush on the college boy. It was small snippets into a complicated love life.

In return I told Till about the Devil, who I called Lucifer as a little joke to myself.

Till was extremely interested in Lucifer and perked up whenever I mentioned his name. I admit that I described him in a barely contained adoring way. It seemed like he was dying to hear about the positive sides to our relationship and not the complications of me having to move into his world.

It was quite fun to transpose everything into a different format, inside of coming from Hell he had to come from another country and such and I suspected that he did something similar.

We didn't have any classes together because we weren't in the same year but I had taken to invading his art class because the art teacher was either almost always absent or really high. It was strange she was even still under employment.

We sat and mostly he was interested in the clay which was fun to play with. It was just really nice.

On our way back from school this day I held a token from the art class which I would give to the Devil and I was very excited.

Till wanted me to tell him more about him so I did.

"He has this whole powerful look about him. I guess you could call it an aura. Something about the way he towers over me that makes my legs feel funny," I chuckled, "He has dreadlocks you know, really broad shoulders, his can sometimes look like they're red." I grinned.

Till nodded, "I have heard of this will the albinos, there is a lack of pigment in the iris so you are able to see the blood vessels."

I nodded slowly, frowning, "Something like that."

"And?" He asked me.

I wondered what more I could tell him, "He is very kind." Was all I could manage.

The look in Till's eyes softened and he looked away.

Suddenly, I really wanted to introduce Till to the Devil. I think that he would really like him. This line of thought sparked another, I really missed the Devil. There was a great big tug in my heart whenever I thought of him and I pretended in my head that this was only a few days and that he could have nothing to complain about and neither could I because I wasn't sure if I would even be allowed back on earth after this.

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now