Chapter Twenty

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Even my strange debauched reflection, with all of the makings of a slut in shining armour, was shocked and seemed just as helpless as I felt.

I was about to get up and follow and give him a piece of my mind because when you kiss a man like that you are going to bed with said man, you can't tease me like that and get away with it. Throughout that entire kiss a need had built up, one that had been heating up ever since I got here.

However, before I could get off the bed on shaky legs, he returned with something that glimmered in his hand and held it out in front of me.

"Take it," He demanded.

Was there anything he didn't demand?

I saw that in his hand was some sort of chain necklace, really pretty actually, maybe just about not right for the men's jewellery department. The necklace had a locket attached to it which was in the shape of a sort of flask. It was silver and nothing else, there was no gaudiness about it, but it still looked expensive somehow.

"What is this?" I asked, somehow knowing that this wasn't a simple gift.

He took the necklace and wrapped it twice around my wrist and I swear it just disappeared like that, didn't seem to be there at all, there was no weight or change in temperature. Like it never existed.

"This is the austere locket. If you really need this, I mean really, really need this. You realise, maybe I'm need that extra help, something to aid me in returning home to me without feeling tied down to your home on earth... this will maybe help you."

I rubbed my wrist a little, worried.

"What does it do?"

"It makes you feel cold, emotionless," He told me with such seriousness that I knew it was no joke. "Pose your questions."

I frowned.

"What, it just takes all of my emotions away?" I couldn't even fathom what that could possibly feel like. Well, it wouldn't feel like anything would it. What? Even the thought of it was confusing.

"No," He told me. "Without any emotions you would simply lie around like you were brain dead. Your only motivation to move or do anything would have to come from your instinctual, not emotional side, so eating, breathing, going to the toilet.

"This just takes away enough for it to make you feel stronger."

I stared at my wrist in wonder.

That sounded fucking amazing.

"That's amazing," I grinned, then realised something, "But how to I take it off to put it on?" I asked him.

He gave me an authoritative look, "Only use it when you really need it, this doesn't really get rid of emotions so much as it collects them, when you take it off they will all return to you in one go and that can be pretty powerful stuff.

"Now, look at your wrist."

I looked at my wrist.

"You see that mark there?" He asked me.

He pointed the middle of my wrist.

Indeed there was a mark there, like a weird smudge, it looked like I was a little dirty. I rubbed at it instinctively, I thought it had disappeared but I realised it had moved!

"That's the shadow of the locket, if you play around with it you'll see that you can move it. Take it off and tie it around your neck and your feelings with drain away into the locket."

I beamed at him and started playing around with the shadow. "I love this, this feels really good, I have a security blanket now."

He nodded, but still seemed a little concerned.

"When you're done it's better not to just take it off, as I said it will release your gathered emotions at you at once, that makes everything feel so much more intense, you end up reliving the emotional memory of a scene you weren't aware you experienced. You can take it slower if you sip at it instead... but if you use it too much it will hit all the same."

"I will be careful," I promised.

He ruffled my hair and kissed me, this time softly, on the corner of my mouth.

"Can't wait to fuck your sweet little arse," He murmured and stroked my cock through my clothes.

I gasped and pulled away because if we weren't doing anything now then what he was doing was only torture. I considered taunting him into it, leaving here with a good memory to take back to earth, a little evidence if you will. But I would feel bad.

Kelin was still, somehow, attached to me and although I was becoming increasingly cold hearted toward the boy it felt a little as though it would be a disgrace to the Devil if I did go ahead with him before I had sorted out Kelin.

After all, wasn't I technically cheating on the Devil as well?

No, I would come back to Hell after I was done kicking Kelin to the curb and I would go and wrap myself up like a virgin offering and present myself on a platter to the Devil. Because I couldn't feel embarrassed if I knew that it would rile the man up, if I knew that it would have the intended effect. I felt something inside me stir at the idea of it. It all gave me a little purpose in returning to earth.

Part of me couldn't wait. There was work to be done.

But the Devil seemed to disagree and pushed me back onto the bed, on top of that pile of cushions, and swaddled me in the covers like I was a newborn baby.

"Sleep now, tomorrow you deal with everything," And he brushed my eyelids closed with a gentle sweep of his fingers.

With a deliciously bruised mouth and warmly wrapped up in his smell I did fall asleep very quickly. This time my dreams were full of him, and I felt good and safe and calm.

I had a lot to anticipate for the following 'day'. I had a man to dispose of and a little bit of revenge to carry out.

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