Chapter Two

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Science was my fourth period so here came lunch.

I hated the school lunch here, it really set an all new low. Whats that show called? Hell's Kitchen? With the blonde in it? He should have a series where he checks out the kitchens in schools cause I grantee even the devil himself would be squirming when he saw the mess.

I remember the first day here, I had come late because of a dentist's appointment so Lunch was my first experience of the day. I remember thinking the food looked great, sandwich's neatly packaged to the side while they sold burnt meat and veggies in plastic plates to the side.

I obviously chose a sandwich and, like most others, was disappointed. I chose egg and mayo. Egg shells... Lots of them, are they even allowed to get away with that? That was the first time I skipped lunch, now I skipped it for a bunch of other reasons.

After waiting nearly half an hour in a long queue to pay for a tuna sandwich I sat down in a nice spot in front of the window, far away from the jocks and next to a small shy looking boy with over grown messy black hair. After giving him a nice smile and happily chomping on my sandwich I noticed;

1. My sandwich had a bone in it.

2. The boys hair was dripping with finger sized lice

3. My History essay I had left on Miss Mellough's table was in pieces strewn around the tree outside the window.

As if the bone in my sandwich wasn't enough to put me off my lunch.

I left.

I didn't often go to the library when it was full but I did today, it smelt nice but it was cold and too open for me to find a nice nook and cranny to crawl into. All the books here where rubbish anyway, I couldn't see myself reading a single one of them.

I watched as Mr Benord, a single bitter old man, reprimanded a girl in the year below me for using her Kindle to read a book. Why? She's reading isn't she? Just because its not hard back its suddenly a crime?

I left almost as soon as I came, all the sofas where taken anyway and I think I saw a couple of the kids I had marked as AVOID in my brain book wandering around there.

I left for the I.C.T room. Its a long rectangular room with a somewhat mouldy smell crammed with old desktop computers. I liked it. You'd think it would be full of people since, well, all you really need to do to attract a teenager is to flash lights.. But no, it was empty as always except for the I.T teacher and the creepy kid who never seems to go anywhere else.

I sat down in the swivel office chairs provided and got out my notepad to doodle in.

How did I get into this mess? In primary school I had always been a loner but I had never been outright bullied like this. It seemed unreal, like it was something more likely to appear in films. I had been able to keep a rather oblivious attitude throughout however it was only a matter of time before I accidentally break down and cry in front of everyone. I would rather die before that happens.

Mr something or rather stepped out of the room with a sand which in one hand and his phone in the other. I watched as the door closed so silently and gently it was as though it was afraid the walls would come down.

The memory of how they found out is burned into my brain. It was possibly the most embarrassing day in my life. Someone put gay magazines in my locker. When they asked me if I was gay I just admitted it but also told them the magazines weren't mine. I wish I hadn't, I had no idea they would do this. Not that I had any friends before but its better to have no friends and no enemies then have friends and enemies. The last thing high school needed was more drama.

Talking about drama I almost forgot to mention, I'm dating someone... His name is Kelin Moran. Hes sexy but not worth the trouble. He's a part of the in crowd you know? He joins in bullying me when he gets the chance.

Punches me in front of the crowd, kisses me when we're alone.

Isn't that just romantic?

The most annoying thing about him was his cute face and sexy smile. Then came the muscles and the beautiful eyes. I hated him for everything that endeared me to him. It is infuriating to have someone so lovable who you simply shouldn't love.

And speak of Kelin here he is...

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now