Chapter Fourteen

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Blonde told me to wait inside while he talked with someone else outside. The door didn't have a window and I couldn't hear much else but mumbling so I waited impatiently on the sofa. Despite how ugly they might have looked the furniture here was really damn comfy. I resisted the urge to put my feet up and relax into the cushions.

Finally Blonde returned into the room, he held in both arms neatly folded fabric. I eyed him as he made his way towards me and sat back down in the seat beside me with the clothes on his lap.

"This will be your attire Gallagher." He said, referring to me by my last name. "If you dislike it we may make a trip to the fashionista and a new set of clothing will be prepared by next yatimana. That should be about a week for you."

I leaned forwards and caught my head with my hands. A week. That was all the time the devil was giving me till I was going to be moved to his quarters. Was I ready for that?

Being with the man felt right, instinctively it felt as natural as breathing air. But then again he was so... I can't say oppressive, he isn't cruel... I never thought I'd be saying that. The devil isn't cruel... Feels strange.

In fact it did strike me a little, somehow a part of me believed he had not been telling me the entire truth... Maybe I didn't trust him yet?

He was gorgeous, a hunk, I'd never seen a man that could match him. But at the same time the contrast of our bodies made me a little nervous.

In comparison to Kellin I had always been a little taller. It felt odd to kiss someone nearly a head taller than me.

Oh, but it was good though. I get on the tip of my toes and he holds me in place and I can just melt into his embrace as he takes the lead...

I flushed. Blonde looked at me inquisitively and I tried to wipe my head of any remaining thoughts.

"This carries around from there to there, you need to wrap it around your shoulders and pin it... There's a button just there..."

I had no idea what he was telling me, honestly I never really learnt anything unless it was through actions. Words went straight through my head.

I watched as he rambled on and on and unraveled each item of clothing, which there was more of than I thought.

The clothes looked like a much, much fancier version of his. I could see why changing clothes was important, I didn't want to get singled out... But then they had patterns in what looked like liquid gold on the night time blue material... Unless others dressed like this I was going to get a lot of stares.

When Blonde was finally silent I came to and felt self conscious as I tried to remember the last thing he said in case it would provide a reason for his silence.

"Okay, strip." He said.

I stared at him, slowly my eyes grew.

"Wait, what?"

He sighed impatiently. "I said strip, I need to show you how to wear the garments, they aren't like your simple minded creations."

I just went silent for a minute.

"I have to strip in front of you?" I asked, feeling increasingly embarrassed.

"Yes." He said, like it was obvious.

I wanted to ask if the devil would be okay with that, but I didn't want to sound too submissive, too resigned to my fate to the annoying Blonde. Anyway, maybe keeping others eyes of your boyfriend was a human thing.

What if he shared?

Shit I hoped the fuck not.

"Does... Would the uhh..." Dammit. Why was this so hard?

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now