Chapter Twenty Six

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[A/N] I'm back for good this time, I have a way of making money out of my writing this time around so I'll be able to justify spending time writing updates and not seem like a lazy bum to my family and friends. If you'd like to support me feel free to donate to me on patreon at


Kelin wasn't really listening anymore. He was on the approach now, so much anger on his face I should have been shaking in my socks but that invaluable locket kept me safe from thoughts of pain and self preservation.

I simply looked on and waited.

He raised his fist and I did not close my eyes.

He swung with all the force he could must and I did not blink.

I smiled.

He yelled in pain as I caught his wrist and twisted it hard and his entire body was forced to bend sideways until his legs lost balance and he was splayed out across the floor with his belly up and a fitting expression of fear on his face.

"So," I hummed, "I know what we can do. Who wants to read my diary, raise your hand." I raised our hands. "Yay."

I pulled out the book from my backpack and flipped through the pages until I found a page from a long time ago.

"Dear No one," I began;

"This evening you-know-who made me feel so garbage about my drawings that I had to throw them out after he left because looking at them made me feel humiliated. They weren't very good, I knew that, I'm not sure what I expected when I showed them to him. Some white lies? I think I was hoping he would say something like "well it's not bad" but he seemed almost angry at me for showing them.

Why is it so hard for me to get along with him? It's like good times are immediately followed by bad times, in fact, when we have really good days I'm frightened the rest of the time of the invisible shadow of the future that's going to mess it all up. I want to be modest and say that I know it's my fault but I can't and I won't because I don't believe it. Was it really normal for someone to just spit on your drawing after seeing it, I got him telling me I shouldn't try to make it a career, that was crude but fair, but spitting on it was plain rude. So... now I'm all pumped up with anger and no place to put it and part of me thinks that this is probably just a bit of dramatising on my part.

Still I was hurt and he made me blow him like right after and it felt like that just added insult to the wound. Should I say insalt? LOL no one will know so why not. :)"

I tutted, "Not very kind of you."

Kelin didn't say anything but sat there, listening, with dark, wet eyes.

I flipped to another page.

"Dear No one,

Today I cut really deep in my wrist and it was too hot to wear a blazer but I did anyway because otherwise the teachers might have seen it... It itched all day and that sucked and during maths I scratched it and it started bleeding and Andy started telling everyone I'd had a nosebleed looking at Mr Tanin's arse and everyone laughed and they dragged that joke out the entire day. I really wanted them to know the truth because a part of me thinks that they would feel sorry if they knew but the other part knows that is rubbish. If they knew it would be another joke to add to the list.

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now