Chapter Twenty Three

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When attendance was over we were expected to move on to our classes. I didn't share a class with Andy next but I was pretty sure he was waiting for me somewhere in the halls and despite my new found powers I didn't really think I was impenetrable and still wanted to remain in one piece.

So I was cautious as I left for my next class and did actually manage to get there damage free.

More boys had now realised there was egg all over their belongings and one of those boys was Kelin.

He looked really good as he walked in. I felt like I hadn't seen him in years because of the strange detachment I felt as I watched him.

He didn't notice me at first, his blond hair had just been newly shaven and his eyes had that strange concentrated glare he sometimes wore. His pale skin matched his dark blue eyes and the shadows that only hung above. He had a well defined jawbone structure that make him look more muscular than I knew he was. He was so handsome, it was not hard to remember why I forgave him so many times.

It was really quite hard to meet his glare but I summoned all the strength in me and managed it without the slightest bit of weakness coming to the surface and ruining everything.

When I looked at him now I could see what I liked about him. Mostly that was looks, maybe a little bit the fact that he was scary. That scariness made me feel like I was special for him to put all his attention on even if the attention didn't genuinely bid me any relief.

Kelin seemed a little speechless and said nothing, his glare only deepened even as he looked away.

Yet nothing happened when I thought it would, in my head Kelin threw himself at me and punched my ribs inside out but in reality he looked sour and that was all.

The class passed by pretty much uneventfully, the rest of the boys with the eggs in their lockers didn't seem to have recognised that I was the one who had done it because they didn't even give me dirty looks.

Towards the end of class I received a text and I peaked at the phone to check what it was.

[Kelin] Meet me in the stairwell

I didn't want to. I really didn't want to. I felt some slice of nostalgic fear from before which made me feel weak and pathetic.

Oh, but why would I meet him in the stairwell if I don't want to. I frowned, that was logical, if I didn't want to, I wouldn't.

Yes, that made sense.

Happy with that conclusion I texted him back.

[Me] No

I had a quick look over at his seat to see what his reaction would be and it was just as angry as I thought it would be and for a moment I remembered what it was like to fear that boy.

[Kelin] I know you're trying to piss me off, you want to see what happens?

My heart beat faster.

[Me] Not interested.

[Kelin] You'll find out if you don't stop being a stupid bitch

[Me]   K

[Kelin] Have it your way then

That sounded ominous. To be honest it also freaked me out a little bit, but I didn't want him to realise this so I made sure to send him a text that would convey the opposite.

[Me] Sounds good

I chuckled under my breath and picked up my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. It was almost time.

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