Chapter Five

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"No." He said simply grabbing both my arms and smashing them into the door. I felt them pound with apprehension. I could just imagine the bruise already. I tried to look into his eyes to see what he was thinking but before I knew it he was already smashing himself into my lips again.

This time I was too scared to move. But that left me feeling lust-less and his kisses felt dry and clumsy. I just couldn't be sure of his motive. This was what he did every time he needed to talk to me, he would get scary and do everything but.

Why did he feel he couldn't talk to me? I was closer than any of his friends wasn't I? He made me feel like I was just some kind of sex friend minus the friend bit. I wanted him to believe in me, to trust me, to be able to confide with me. Whenever he had issues he just tucked them under his belt and used me as a release and I hated that. I wanted him to do it with me for the simple reason that he liked me, not that he wanted to get something off his chest.

He tugged harshly on my hair and made me move my head to the side as he snaked kisses up the side of my jaw line before returning to my mouth and roughly forcing his tongue against mine.

I pulled away from the kiss, leaning as far to the side as I could. The further I leaned away the closer he came. He continued kissing me for a while, ignoring my antics before finally giving in to irritation and drawing it to a halt.

He looked me in the eyes and growled. "Bitch what is this, a dance party? Just fucking stay still will you!"

I glared back at that. "No! Why are you mad at me?! I'm the one who found you snaking your arm round that fucking whore from P.E!" I growled, all calm in me lost. If he didn't explain what he was angry about I decided, I was going to stop this because I needed to know.

"Your the one that let a fucking bitch kiss you!" He yelled, if my story was on paper, what he said would be in caps.

I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for that, I'd always imagined it being his fault if we broke up but if it was my fault I don't know what I would do. I had let a girl kiss me, even if it was just on the cheek, he was barely touching the girl.

It was annoying to regret something that had made me so happy at the time but there it was. I wished Amber hadn't read my thoughts and played along to my willful minds foolish antics.

I think he noticed the guilt in my face because he grew angrier, like my own self conviction made it easier for him to convict me.

"I tried to talk to you about it but what do you do?! You fucking run off with the bitch! And holding her hand too! What do you think you are some sort of Disney princess?!" He ran a hand through his blonde hair and rubbed his temples angrily.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, biting my lip and glaring, with a new found interest, at my dirty black sneakers.

He nodded and pressed his mouth against mine once again, sticking his tongue inside and pulling harshly on my hair. I hissed at the pain, my scalp felt like it was on fire and I hoped he would stop with his habit of tugging or pulling or toying about with my hair. I allowed his hand to snake under my shirt and start roaming my chest before he finally broke the kiss and pulled me in closer.

"No one." He muttered. "No one will love you as much as I do."

I smiled and gave him a quick tap on the lips with mine. "And I you." I replied, letting my head fall over the side of his broad shoulders.

Was it just my imagination or did he snort?

I ignored the thought as he deepened the kiss. His tongue entwining with mine and mine with his as he roughly probed my mouth and tangled ours. I stifled a moan, knowing that Kelin hated it when I made a sound during sex. And his hands began to start roaming lower till soon they where toying with the waist band of my briefs giving me a sexy smile before ripping them down below my legs along ith my trousers.

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now