Chapter Twenty Five

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Kelin didn't let go of the grip he had on my collar until we reached the stairwell on the east most side of the school.

No one would find us here, it was essentially a useless staircase that was furthest from the lunch hall and the entrance and within which most of the juvenile delinquents practised their craft of smoking and snogging girls in. Occasionally the mathematics teacher, a miss Tonya, walked up and down the stairs here in an effort to spot the smokers and snoggers in the act.

I can't deny that my heart was beating twice it's normal rate and I wasn't completely sure about this meeting, there was a reason I wanted to avoid dealing with Kelin, there was a reason why pissing off the others was easier to me.

"Look me in the eyes Niles." He ordered.

I did so automatically.

"You played a prank on me this morning?" He asked me, in that reasonable and calm voice that he usually did when he wanted an honest answer so that he could beat the living daylights out of you.

I bit my lip and hid my fear, "Yeah, what, wasn't it funny?"

His eyes widened slightly then narrowed, "What the fuck is wrong with you today Niles!" He shouted.

I tried not to jump because those empty walls really made his works louder and the echo bounced off every surface.

"I'm feeling good," I patted his cheek, "I'm just really happy today."

He snarled and slapped my hand away, "You shouldn't."

I frowned, "Why shouldn't I, feeling happy is a good thing." Talk, talk, talk and talk until he goes away.

He glared for maybe a minute, silently, with his eyes focused on me.

"You know," He said slowly, "I think you're really a piece of shit."

I flushed, it felt like cockroaches were crawling in my stomach. But I didn't say anything, I had been in a situation like this once before and I couldn't do anything but watch because I knew what was coming and when the guillotine comes for your head you freeze, you don't try to move away.

"You know I love you, right? I spend so much time trying to make you happy but you always come back at me with this shit. You're really a garbage person and I hope you know that. You might think I'll let you jerk me around but watch and wait because I don't take that kind of treatment from you.

"Of all the people I could have dated I chose you, I chose you because I really, genuinely, thought that you had something special about you. But I was wrong and I see that now. Really, you're just a pathetic joke of a person and I think you know deep inside that no one would miss you if you died, your corpse would go unnoticed and your memory would fade and that is the truth."

I swallowed deeply, already I hurt, one paragraph in and I wanted to run away and hide from him. But he if he saw my hurt he didn't care because he swiftly continued.

"You and I both know that you are an ugly person, someone that no one can trust, someone that no one can rely on because you are the kind of fuck-up that is a burden on everyone. Sometimes I think that I see something better than that in you, that you have a side to you that is actually smart and not selfish or weak. But I think that's just my willingness to see good in everything. You're the most self absorbed person on the planet, someone as vain as you could never really see me or understand my needs so why would I want to date you? You should know that with that kind of revolting personality no one can care about you. That's why no one likes you, it's not because of me or because of someone else, but because you're rotting inside.

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now