Chapter Eleven

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I felt my mouth open and close a couple times. I hadn't even enough time to recover from brain melting kiss he just gave me before I was hit with another surprise.

We were in the locker room, now we are in what looks like a gigantic bank. I don't even want to try to think up how we got here because my brain really wasn't up to it.

Damn, this place was amazing though.

It looked like one of those rich ancient banks that had a floor space the size of a football pitch with rich extravagant engravings on every marble floor tile, pillar, wall, and even the doors took a beating under a marble carvers artistic tongue. The floor was completely smothered in marble tiles and the walls were smooth and glassy. Each collar beam was held up by what seemed to be a gathering of four marble pillars pressed against each other.

Every six or so meters there was a high sprung chandelier, the base was no decorated with crystals as the average chandelier would be, it too seemed to be dangling sharp marble shards from delicate white gold that appeared as though they could stab you if they fell.

The entire place was empty which struck me as insanely odd. I mean the place was massive. I couldn't even tell what it was.

In the far corner along all the walls I could see what looked like counters. As though someone might queue up there and buy a product. It looked almost business like. The slightly messy counters were the only sign of other life forms in the desolate place.

The counters had compartments that were separated by a short pillar between. Behind a small marble stool that was at the time empty, there was a large visible marble plate with an image engraved in it. Each one with it's own image. I wasn't close enough to see exactly what.

The entire room seemed some how domineering, cold, unexpected. But I think what confused me most was that the entire place was entirely made of white.

"Welcome to Hell." The devil behind me spoke.

I turned to him. Ready to demand that he take me back to earth or at least explain what the flaming toast was going on.

However when I had tilted my head far enough back to look directly into his eyes I found all questions lost. His eyes really were something. So cool and beautiful. Such a strange red. I could almost see waves in his eyes. I was mesmerized.

"Did I just cheat on my boyfriend?" I blurted out. I wasn't really thinking and it was the first thing that came to mind. Even as the original question I had intended to ask had been why hell looked like an elfish palace and not a giant bowl of netherrack and lava.

I watched in almost slow motion as he narrowed his eyes and his lips set in a firm line. Muscles tense.

"You are mine. Any previous relations become irrelevant at that fact." He said. He sounded monotone but he seemed somewhat angry.

"I'm yours?" I asked, still trying to tear my eyes away from his eros perfect body.

He hummed a yes. "Always will be."


"I have been granted a mate, one for eternity. And so fate created one. And that one was you. Dear." He slung a warm arm around my waist and tugged me closer. I shuddered at the contact. He was warm and his clothes were thin. I could feel every ribbon of rippling muscle under that fabric. I wanted at it. I wanted to see it, touch it.

I pushed my thoughts back to the corner of my mind. "What exactly is a mate?" I asked, tilting my head to the side but not removing his hand from my waist. "A kiss isn't exactly an answer."

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now