Hold me tighter (Luke)

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"Yeah well unless you wanna sleep in a different hotel across town at 12am I guess you have to stay with me!" Luke yells. We have been arguing all day. About nothing is seems like. Ive been on tour with the boys all year being their photographer. It seems like Luke and I can never get along. "Fine whatever!" I yell back grabbing my bags. I have nothing absent Luke but it seems like all I do is bother him. I can't even get pictures of fine smiling.

I stomp into the elevator him following behind. The ride up was silent. We get to the hotel room and open the door. He slammed it behind him and I toss my bags down. "I'm showering." I tell him he mumbles under his breath. But I keep walking. Am I really that bad to be around?

Y/n pov; I finish in the shower and get dressed. I didn't have any other clothes that are clean. So I had to put on one of Mike's shirts he lets me borrow. It comes just above my knee so this will have to do. I step out of the shower preparing myself to see angry Luke. He is sitting on the couch with a beer. He does look really good in his suit. I'm going to take a picture.

I grab my camera and put it up to my eyes. I snap a picture of him and he looks over at me. "Always taking picture aren't you?" He ask taking a sip of his beer. I set my camera down and shove his feet off the couch and sit. Sometimes Luke and I get along so hopefully tonight will be one of them. "Yeah well it's my job." I tell him with a sigh.

He looks at me with his sad eyes. Has he been crying? He offers me a sip of his beer and I take it. I bring it to my lips and his eyes are on me. I wipe my mouth and hand it back. He takes a sip. "Well I'm going to sleep I'll sleep on the floor." He grabs my hand. I stop. I look at him and he drops my hand and hold the back of his neck. "I mean we can just share right?".

I nod my head. He stands up "y/n I'm sorry. I really am. I just don't handle my emotions well when it comes to you. When I see you I just-." He stop he looks away. His eyes are red again. "Hey look at me." I say and grab his chin. His eyes go wide and he quickly dips his head down and kisses me. I'm taken back but quickly relax and kiss him back. I wrap my hands around his hips. "I'm sorry." He says wiping his eyes. I run my thumbs under his eyes to wipe them. "I'm sorry, I wasn't exactly nice either."

I kiss his lips once more before taking his hand. He has a small smile on his face as but it drops. "Is that Michael's shirt?" He asks with a frown. I nod my head. "Take it off please." He says rubbing his chin. I don't know what came over me but I quickly slip the shirt off leaving me only in a bra and underwear. His eyes go wide "fuck, such a good girl." He says and brings me to him. He kisses me shoulder and rubs back.

"I never wanna hurt you again, I never meant to in the first place but I will never ever hurt you or let alone hurt you." He whispers in my ear. Making my skin warm. "I love you." I blurt out..but I really meant it. He backs up and his face lights up. He grabs my face to make me look at him. "Say it again please." He says. "I. Love. You Luke Hemmings." I says slowly.

He crashes his lips onto mine. "I love you so much baby." He says breathless. He reaches down into his bags and pulls out a hoodie. He slides it over my body. It's kinda big but it's comfy. He lifts his shirt off and slides on a old band than he puts on some sweat pants. For some reason it doesn't feel weird to change in front of each other. I crawl into bed.

I feel the bed dip beside me. His arm slowly goes up the side of my hip and wraps his arm around me. I scoot closer to him. He lifts his head and lays it on my shoulder. I reach a hand up and play with his curly blonde hair. He groans. "Hold me tighter baby." I tell him. He pulls me closer and tighter. I wrap my arms around him. "I love you. I always have and forever will." He says, his breath warm on my neck. "I love you too sweet boy." I tell him. He smiles up at me, his eyes show he really does mean what he said. I kiss kiss forehead and his lips. He squeezes me one more. We fall asleep tangled together.

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