Want You For Myself (Ashton)

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I hop off the tour bus and look up at the very tall black hotel with lights shining all around. Luke finally let me come along for this tour after weeks of begging. He only thinks of me as his annoying little sister all the time but he can be protective, specially since it is just me and mom isn't here. I think I can handle myself, I'm 19 years old for god sakes. "Let's go Y/N I'm tired" Luke says with an arm around his girlfriend and a bag in the other hand. I pick up my bag off the ground. "Sorry he is prissy, he gets like that a lot of tour." Michael says with a smile. Micheal has been a really good friend of tour. We mostly play video games together when traveling. Calum is great too but he can be quite a lot of the time. Ashton on the other hand, he doesn't talk to me much and when he does he has a attitude. Michael puts his arm around me and we walk into the hotel. Ashton scoffs and shakes his head. I can never understand why he doesn't like me so much.

We check into the hotel and we started for the elevator. "Shit guys there is only 3 rooms." Luke says holding up the room keys. "Oops like you and Ashton are bunking Y/N" Michael says with a grin. "Yeah because mike and I are having some girls over" Calum mumbles while typing on his phone. Ashton let's out a sigh and lays his head back on the elevator wall. I grip my backpack as the elevator comes to a stop at the 10th floor and we all get off. "Text me if you need me alright?" Luke asks about to head down the other hall to his room. I look at Ashton who is already walking down the hall and back at Luke and nod. I try to catch up to Ashton.

I open the door and walk in Ashton slams the door making me jump. He drops his bag and heads to the bathroom. What did I ever do to him. I hear water running so I assume that he is showering. So I quickly change my clothes. I put on some black shorts that are kinda too short but my other clothes are dirty. I pair the shorts with one of the boys shirts I found on the bus. It was cute and clean so I just picked it up. I think I'm gonna read before bed so I make some coffee.

I hear the water shut off so I mind as well make him some too. Maybe that will make him like bitchy. Ashton comes out of the bathroom and I am shocked to see him only in a towel hanging on his hips. I watch as he walks over to his bag and grabs clothes. "You wanna take a picture?" He asks with that smirk. I look back at the coffee cups "I wasn't staring Ash." He laughs and walked back to the bathroom. He laughed? By the time I am headed to the couch he comes out. I reach out my hand with a cup of coffee for him. He gives me a questionable look and takes it. He sits down on the opposite end of the couch.

He is wearing a stripped sweater with gray sweatpants. He looks really good but I try to keep my forces on the tv. "Why do you hate me?" I blurt out. Why did I ask that? Ashton takes in a deep breath "I don't hate you, I never have." He mumbles the last part. Look over at him and he is looking at his cup of coffee. "Than why do you act like this towards me?" He sets his coffee on the table in front of us and turns towards me. "Do you really wanna know why?" I nod my head turning to make eye contact with him. His eyes are tired and hair fluffy and wet from the shower.

"Because I cannot have you. You are Luke's sister and so that makes you untouchable. It's hard you know? Seeing you every morning and every night and wearing my shirt." He reaches out touching the end of the shirt I am wearing. I had no idea this was his. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't know this was yours." I start to stand up but he grabs my hand "No keep it, it looks better on you." I can feel my heart beat going faster. I sit back on the couch. "I'm not untouchable Ash, I may be Luke's sister but that doesn't mean anything." I have a sudden bust of confidence and before I can think I say "What if I want to be touched?" Ashton's eyes snap to mine.

"By who?" He cocks his head. I don't say anything and I slowly get up with him watching me. I can feel my body getting hot. I slowly straddled his lap. He puts his hands on my hips. "I want you to touch me Ash, I always have." I say low into his ear. His grip on my hips gets tighter. "You are driving me insane Y/N." He says slowly dragging his fingers down my neck. I am so close to him I can smell the coffee on his breath. "Prove it than." I say with a smirk. His eyes grow bigger and he grabs me and lays me down onto the couch. He runs his hands down my body stoping at my shorts. Before I can say anything he kisses me. I quickly kiss back. I tangle my hands into his hair but I'm stopped when he grabs my hands and pins them above me. "No I want tonight to be about you. I wanna show you how much I want you princess." My heart is pounding I and I can only nod. "Words my love." He says with a stern voice. "Yes daddy." I say lowly. He grins and dives into my neck. Kissing and biting. The biting hurt a little but he kisses the marks after making them feel better. I turn my head allowing him for more room. I moan and he stops.

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