CHAPTER 6: Call Out His Name

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"Where is he?" Pete asked Nop as he descends down the stairs with Venice in his arms.

"Uh, he's been outside for quite some time now. Don't fret, this place has men guarding everywhere–

"IT'S RAINING, NOP!" Pete raised his voice. He handed Venice to Nop so he can go to Vegas.

With an umbrella on his hands, Pete went out the pouring rain and called Vegas' name.

The said man was spotted by Pete; he was walking slowly and somewhat focused. He's carrying a bunch of flowers with careful hands. Pete sighed in both relief and annoyance. Relieved that he's not harmed and annoyed at his now drenched figure.

"Vegas!" He called for his attention whilst running towards him.

Vegas raised his head at Pete then smiled widely. "Hey Pete! Oh, shit. I can't wave my hands." Instead of waving at Pete, he just lifted his hands.

"Look! Look what I made–

"You're drenched! Do you want to be sick?" Pete scolded before dragging Vegas under the umbrella with him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Believe me, I wanted to hurry back but I got caught in the rain trying to carry these, unharmed." Vegas proudly showed his creation to Pete but the shorter just glared at him. Pete being upset made Vegas pout like a child.

"Is that so important?" Pete clicked his tongue.

Vegas nodded. "Mhm. I don't want my efforts to be in vain. I want to give this in good shape."

"And I need you to be in good shape! I don't want to see you in a hospital again." In a low voice, Pete retorted.



"Why don't you wanna see me again in a hospital?"

"Shit. Did I say that out loud?"

Vegas nodded again then chuckled. "Yes. Yes, you did. Haha. I knew you were talking to yourself back then. Cute." The last part was whispered but due to their close distance, Pete heard it.

Flustered, a pink stain crept inevitably in Pete's cheeks which he tried to hide by pretending to look around as they walk back to the safe house.

Vegas, however, was oblivious of Pete's state as he was busy hanging the flower crowns in his right arm. He picked the flower crown made of sunflowers.

They reached the house and as Pete was closing the umbrella, Vegas called his name.

"Huh–Wait–" Pete was startled when Vegas closed the gap between them even more. He felt him place something in his head.

"Stay still..." Vegas instructed Pete. The latter was stunned by Vegas' serious tone.

Pete was staring at Vegas' face all while the younger is engrossed in whatever he was doing.

"There." Vegas proudly said. For a second, they locked eyes.

"Pretty." Vegas said under his breath.

Pete couldn't move from Vegas' intense eyes. Suddenly, Vegas smiled widely and that made Pete wake up from his trance.

"Ehem." Nop fake-coughed.

"Sorry for the intrusion but as much as I hate breaking the moment, your child needs you." Nop pointed at Venice who's crying in his stroller.

Without wasting any time, Pete went to Venice's side and tried to calm him down in any way he could think of. Vegas, like Pete, is also worried for Venice that he as well, ran to his aid.

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