CHAPTER 20: Seal It With A Kiss [R18+]

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Author's Note:

Let's just say that in KP world, same-sex marriage is legalized in Thailand. I hope this doesn't offend or make anyone uncomfortable. :<

The young Vegas, bored out of his wits, found himself in the garden. He roamed around trying to find anything that'll be worth his while. To his dismay, he deemed nothing here will satisfy his boredom therefore, he decides to return inside the mansion.

However, just as he was about to turn around and ascend the stairs, his ears caught the sound of faint sobs.

Wondering who could it possibly be – given he's the only person to frequent in the garden – his feet mindlessly dragged him to search for the owner of those noise.

His pursuit led him to the part of the garden where red roses blooms.

It's his favorite flower since he likes red.

And he saw the back of a boy probably his age, there, sitting by himself and silently crying.

Considering how he's hard to spot, he concluded that he must be hiding.

Vegas tilts his head by the unfamiliar figure. Nonetheless, he still approached the boy but his confusion doubled when he saw the boy intentionally pricking the thorns of the roses.

"Why are you out of plain sight? I mean, why are you hiding there?" Vegas lowly spoke to not startle the other.

The one in question quickly wiped off his tears and hid his hands. "I'm not– I just got lost, that's all." Then he laughed dryly before facing Vegas. He didn't remain facing him though hence, he have his head low.

"Okay, let's say I believe that..." The young master shifted his view from the boy's face to the ground.

There was blood.

"Show me your hands." He ordered in an authoritative voice. He barely uses this tone but he thinks the boy in front of him will refuse if he asks politely.

And Vegas was right, the crying lad followed his orders without hesitation as he realizes who he's conversing with. He showed both his hands to him.

The curious Vegas closed their gap before observing the boy's hands. Noticing how stiff he's become, the young master chuckled.

"Relax... I'm not gonna hurt you." Vegas smiles to assure the other.

The still unidentified boy heaved out a sigh at his words.

"May I know your name?" With calmness in his voice, Vegas asked.

"Of course, sir. My name's Pete." The boy called Pete, replies.

"Pete... Tell me, Pete. Were you crying because of the thorns?" Vegas didn't gaze on Pete while he ask this.

"No, sir." The latter shakes his head.

"It's not because it hurts that's why you're crying?" Vegas asked dumbfounded.

"No, sir. It does feel painful but for some reason, I don't hate it–

"Isn't that self-harming?" He's really at lost why would he hurt himself.

"I'm not sure–

"Or are you just a masochist?" Now, Vegas is staring straight to Pete's eyes with raised brows.

VegasPete: For The ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now