CHAPTER 8: You're Not Him

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"Asshole." Pete whispers then walked away not sparing a glance at Vegas.

You're so gonna regret saying that you bastard. If you keep up with your bullshit, just make sure you won't go crying and begging for me to stay again.

Or else, you're really gonna see that angel with a gun you're talking about.

Pete said to himself as he approach the safe house. "To hell with your safety..." He cursed whilst gazing on the flower crown in his hand before taking calculated breaths.

"Shit, who am I kidding." Pete sharply sighed. He saw Nop near the front door then he jogged a bit to reach him a little faster.

"Hey, Nop. Can you please tell Vegas to go in, now?" Pete requested, meeting Nop's eyes.

"You're eyes and nose are red. Did you cry? What happened?" Nop asked a series of worried questions.

Pete shakes his head. "Mhm. I was holding back from crying but now I'm mad. That stupid idiotic bastard is testing me a bit too much lately." Pete says before clicking his tongue.

Nop's eyes widened as Pete's sudden verbal outburst startled him. He nervously laughed before adjusting his glasses.

"Anyway, don't mind me. Just go tell him to go back here." Pete slightly pushed Nop.

"Just seeing his face right now makes me wanna punch him." Pete says in gritted teeth while glaring to who knows who.

"And here I thought you're on the verge of shattering but I underestimated you, Pete. Color me impressed." Nop chimes then flinched when Pete panned his head to him.

"I actually was but your master provoked me. Just–Just get him inside, Nop." Pete repeats.

Nop nodded while he pursed his lips into a thin line – not daring to say another word. He's really upset. Master Vegas what have you done? Nop scratches his head.

The four-eyed bodyguard went near to his master with reluctant movements. That said master is just sitting there looking like he's deep in his thoughts.

"Master Vegas, you should go sleep now." Nop muttered feets away from Vegas.


With just a word, Nop was shut down by Vegas. He turns his head back to where Pete was.

The latter was about to near his room but he halted when he noticed that it's been some time and yet, there's not even a silhouette of them. He'd be lying to himself if he says he's not bothered at the thought of Vegas being in harm's way.

That being said, he went back to the front door and it was just in time for Nop to be back, as well.

"I'm sorry, Pete. He just wouldn't budge no matter what I say–


Yup, he just screamed in the middle of the night. Good thing that room is soundproof. It was Nop closing his eyes and nodding to himself. He can't believe Pete just did that.

"Shit." Vegas hurriedly stood up and ran towards the safe house – even stumbling on his way. It was probably the fastest he's reacted to someone's voice in his whole life.

"Are you going to sleep or should I help you. I'll make it so that you'll sleep for day–

"Sleeping!" Vegas said breathlessly. He gasped for air before continuing. "I'm sleeping! I'm tired. Wooh! Aren't you tired, Nop? 'Coz I am. Oh Pete, you should sleep too. I'll be in my room. Adios

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