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15 years later

Descending the staircase is Venice – who's barely awake as he pulled an all-nighter to study for an exam. He didn't know where he found the strength to shower and get ready.

Well, it's perhaps from the unusual silence. His Pa always was the first to scold him if he's a minute late and his nagging would go on for days on end.

But today, it's quite.

And it's scaring the shit out of him.

At the end of the steps was Vegas, leaning on the bannister with hands crossed and just staring at Venice knowingly.

He was relieved when he saw Vegas but the way he's looking at him is nothing to be happy about. This caused Venice to press his lips together as he approach his dad. "I was studying! I swear!" He reasons.

"I didn't say anything." Vegas shrugs.

"Right." Venice nodded to himself before walking to the entrance along with Vegas.

"How about lunch?" Vegas asks now leaning on the door.

"I'll just eat there. I'm going now." Then he proceeds to his bike.

"Get rid of that man bun, will you?" Vegas looks disapprovingly at Venice's hair.

"Pa likes it so, I'm not getting rid of it." Venice smirks. He knows his dad's weakness is Pete and that he can shut him with just the mention of his name.

Vegas scoffs in disbelief. "Just go already or else I'm going to tell Pete you went late–

"Dad!" Venice whines. "Please don't tell him!" He begs.

And it made Vegas snicker. "Of course, I won't. Because if I do, I'm gonna be dragged along and we'll both be scolded."

Venice sighed in relief. "Thank you! Love you, dad!" Venice threw a playful flying kiss.

While Vegas responds by shooing him away. "Go now."

Venice laughs.

"Careful." Vegas reminded.


"I meant, careful with the bike." Vegas smirks satisfied that he's teased the other.

Venice just rolled his eyes and scoffs. He starts his bike but then he realized  something.

"Where's Pa?" He finally asks.

"At the shop. He wanted to try the new menu." Vegas explains while smiling.

"Of course he would." Then they both laughed and Venice sped off to university.

That said man, Pete, was done checking the menu. Considering how he can't contain his smile, he definitely approves of the dishes.

Finished with his goal here, he decides to go home but as he was about to exit the shop, someone caught his attention.

He heard the boy speak his son's name.

VegasPete: For The ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now