CHAPTER 10: Leave A Scar

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A/N: Wow! I'm still surprised this book is still getting reads. Sorry it took a while but I've finally rewritten Chapter 10. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy reading! <3

"NO!! NOO!! VENICE!!" Macau screamed in horror as he hold Venice in his arms.

He lost all his strength and weakly fell to the cold floor. He was already gasping for air and even more so when he saw the blood on his arms.

It was Venice's blood.

Nop, despite in shock, still managed to approach his masters and tried his best to snap from his trance.

Pete on the other hand, was unmoving.

He was nailed in his place.

"N-Nop..." he barely managed. "Hospital– Please take him there–"

Nop looked over at Pete and his eyes widened. Pete was aiming his gun at Vegas. "Pete–" he tries.

"Please! Nop, I beg you..." Pete turned his head to Nop and pleaded with his eyes full of tears.

And all Nop could do was obey. He hurriedly guided Macau outside and ran as fast and carefully as they could.

When Macau's worried cries faded into nothing but Vegas and Pete's heavy breathing, Pete gripped his gun in visible anger.

"Fuck– Where are they?!" Vegas, still a hand on his head, aimed his gun at Pete, as well.

"I TOLD YOU TO PUT THE FUCKING GUN DOWN! YOU IDIOT!" Pete was fuming and at the same time worried. He's in turmoil but he neither can change anything or blame anyone.

"F-fuck." Vegas grabbed his hair from the pain in his head. The gun is still dangerously in his hold and it was now directed at the floor.

Pete gasped for air. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO VENICE!"

"I didn't do anything– Shit." Vegas was was sweating while holding his head and raggedly breathing. He took one last glance at Pete before he saw black.

In that moment, all Pete's anger subsided and was overcome by worry. He immediately went to Vegas and carefully embraced him. "Vegas..." Pete calls, slightly shaking him in the process. "Help! Call for help! Help him..." he cries.

"Call the Main Family's doctor! Call Porsche, anyone!" He chants. Not long after, the bodyguard helped him lift Vegas' body to his room.

"FUCKING IDIOTS! HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE A SINGLE MAN?!" Porsche slammed the tablet on the table that made every bodyguard flinch. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF HAVING HUNDREDS OF GUYS THERE HUH?!"

"Apologies for our incompetence, Porsche but Khun Vegas outsmarted us." It was Arm, head low.

"I fucking know that he's cunning that's why I'm mad. If we can't outsmart him, we could've outnumbered him at least. Shit..." Porsche, defeated, sighed heavily when Kinn tried to calm him. "Did you call Pete already?"

"Yes, but he couldn't be reached. I tried calling Nop but he's not answering, as well." Arm replied and Porsche just clicked his tongue.

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