CHAPTER 11: The Last Straw

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Khun Noo is still mortified at the high chance of Venice growing up if not identical, having very similar features to Vegas.

As opposed to Khun Noo's reactions, I'm actually kind of pleased by that idea. What if Venice do end up looking like Vegas in the future?

He'd be a mini Vegas.

I chuckled which made them turn their attention to me. When I shake my head they understood that I was just having intrusive thoughts.

A faint smile appeared on my lips when I saw Khun Noo having a dispute with Arm and Pol. The two kept reassuring their master that Venice will not look like Vegas to which Khun Noo wouldn't believe.

I know that this is just Khun Noo's little way to distract me from all the recent happenings and to somehow comfort me, too. He wouldn't admit it and he'll never will but I've been with him for so long to not know his behaviour.

Someone patted my shoulder which cut me from my train of thoughts. It was Macau holding a phone. I shifted my view from him to the others. They gave me a nod then Kin and Kim along with their lovers Porsche and Chay told me they're heading home as some important matters came up. Khun Noo, on the other hand, didn't want to leave Venice's side so he remained there of course, with Arm and Pol. Once that was settled, I followed Macau immediately.

"It's the doctor, Phi." Macau informed me then gave me his phone. I saw that it was Nop's number.

Macau later went to sit beside Venice when I received the phone and walked to a corner for some privacy.

The doctor told me the information I needed to know. He told me that his memories probably have mixed due to memory overload. He also gave me some advice. He suggested that we should have not and shouldn't force his memories to return just like what Dr. Top said.

The doctor didn't prolong the call; it was just short but enough to get everything I needed to hear. After I ended the call, I gave Macau his phone and sat near him.

I relayed what the doctor said to him.

Not long after I finished, it was to my surprise when I heard him sob.

"It's my fault." Macau cries avoiding my gaze. He wiped his eyes as his tears kept falling uncontrollably.

"No...No, Macau. It's not your fault–

"It is! Stop defending me for once, Phi!" Macau abruptly chimes in. Though my words were cut off, my hands still proceeded to reach him for an embrace.

The moment I guided him to face me and our eyes met, his walls shattered. He gripped my shirt as we hugged. My heart aches hearing his cries.

He probably bottled it up just as much as I did.

"It's my fault... All of it... If only I was old enough, my brother wouldn't have to carry all the burden. If only I was competent and suitable enough, Pa wouldn't have to make another heir when he noticed that nor Hia and I will never be as good as cousin Kinn!" Macau catches his breath first.

"But– But don't get me wrong... I love Venice. He's an angel in disguise. I'm glad he was born and came to us." Macau sobs while shaking his head to emphasize that he indeed doesn't despise Venice. I just nodded and didn't say anything to give him an opportunity to vent out all his pent up  feelings.

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