CHAPTER 15: Lost at Sea

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Even with the music blaring, Khun still overpowers it with his voice on the phone. He's talking to Vegas who's close to hanging up because of how repetitive his words have become. Nop can only shake his head in disbelief.

"Vegas! I'll really kill you if I see a single scratch on Venice! Also, give him everything he requests! And–And, send me–

"Pictures. Yeah, got it–

"No, you don't! You're not listening to me! Whatever he does, take a picture of him and send them to me! I need my daily does of V's cuteness! Especially, his dimples! Yes! How could I forget

"Sure. We've arrived, I'm hanging up." Vegas monotonously said. He turns to Venice who's peeking outside the car window, smiling oh so widely that his dimples are showing. He's busy admiring the view that he can't even hear Tankhun's loud voice.

Because if he did, he would've reacted.

Venice has always been fond of Tankhun even after 5 years.

Vegas tapped Venice then the smaller looked his way with raised brows. "Hmm? What is it, Dada?" Venice asked as he scoots closer to Vegas.

The latter smiles at Venice, finding the scene cute. Then, he handed the phone to the younger.

"It's your Uncle Khun."

Venice beamed then hurriedly snatched the phone. "Uncle Tata!" He enthusiastically called.

The other side of the phone became even more chaotic when they heard Venice's voice. It was Porsche, Pol, Arm, Khun, and Chay who keeps on stealing Khun's phone.

Their childishness caused Venice to laugh. "Hello, Uncle Porsche, Uncle Pol, Uncle Arm, Uncle Chaychay!" Venice waved at them when Vegas turned it into a video call.

"No fair, how come you two get nicknames from Venice?!"

Porsche whined while he stomps his feet.

Arm and Pol nodded in sync, also feeling envious. Tankhun and Chay smirked at the three.

"Ay! Stop interrupting me, all of you! Anyway, my baby Venice, just don't mind them, okay?"

Tankhun smiles as if he's calm but his arms that are harshly pushing his other company's hands away, says otherwise.

Vegas who's just quietly observing them, just rolled his eyes. "Hey V, we've arrived already. Do you want to say goodbye to your uncles?" Vegas gently speaks.

The little one nodded. "Uncle Tata! We're going to swim now! Bye-bye!"

"Oh, right! Be careful, okay? Enjoy baby! Ay! I miss you already! Come home quick na?"

Venice giggles. "We only just arrived, Uncle Tata but okay! Bye-bye everyone!" He waved his hands and the other line did the same. The call ended and Venice returned the phone to Vegas.

"Are you excited?" Vegas grinned.

"Yes! Yes! Venice is excited! Venice will go swim-swim!" Venice responds while jumping happily.

"Shall we?" Vegas chuckled and held his small hands. They got out the car with the younger still jumping.

"Oh, careful now, V." Vegas looks at Venice. The latter nodding understandably.

While they're walking towards the front desk, Venice suddenly stops midway. Nop and Vegas were startled by it.

"Hmm." Venice furrowed his brows then tilted his head as if he's finding something unusual.

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