CHAPTER 13: Let Go

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"Why are you laughing? Did you mess with someone for them to destroy your car?" Chay clicked his tongue.

His partner, Kim was still recovering from laughing. Not long after his little act, he shakes his head as a response to Chay's question.

"Nah, he just thanked me." Kim ruffles the younger's hair and smiles to assure him that it was not a big deal.

"How is blowing off your car a form of gratitude? And who is this person anyway?"

"Well, his name speaks for itself."

"Just say it."

"It's Vegas."

"Oh, that's understandable. That explains your actions, as well."

"My actions?"

"It's like you're fascinated."

Kim stared at Chay for a moment. "You know what, I am. He's a fun guy. This is fun." Then he smiled.

The younger furrowed his brows then shakes his head. "You both are the same. I'll never understand the way you two think. Like, how is having your car set afire a thanks and why are you amused by it. Your brains have a loose screw. You two are beyond normal. In short, you both are crazy."

That statement received a scoff from Kim. "And yet here you are, cuddling with the one you call crazy." Kim said smugly. Chay nudged him and rolled his eyes.

Upon saying that, Chay couldn't retaliate anything back at Kim. For this reason, they were drowned in silence; Kim brushing through Chay's locks while the latter laying comfortably in his lover's chest.

The older glanced at the clock. "You should sleep now." Kim said after he saw the time.

"I don't want to–

"I'll be sleeping beside you. Still don't want to?"

Chay beamed and he then smiled widely which caused Kim's heart to skip a beat. "Really?! Okay! But first–

"Milk? Stay here, I'll make it for you." Kim laughed before rubbing his hands on Chay's back then later headed to the kitchen.

"Oh, right! Hey, do you happen to know where Phi Pete is? My brother's going insane finding him." Chay turned back his body then lean on the sofa in order to face Kim who's busy making his milk. The older noted that Chay sounded worried for his brother.

Kim pursed his lips into a thin line. "Although he sought me here, I honestly don't know where he's really ran off to."

"Phi was here? Eh? Why did he come to you? Isn't his first line of help supposed to be Porsche or even Phi Khun?" He's worried and intrigued by the sudden events. And in order to listen properly to Kim, he wanted follow him to the kitchen.

Kim gazed over Chay then worry washed over him. "Careful! Love, don't move!" Kim leaps towards Chay and sighed. He chuckled when he saw Chay frozen.

"Do you want to go there?" Kim points to kitchen counter which Chay nodded to.

"Sorry for the mess." Kim apologized pertaining to the scattered shards of glass on the floor. "You're barefoot so, let me carry you." With that, Kim lifted Chay and carried him bridal style towards the counter.

Afterwards, Kim handed Chay his milk. "And as for you question. Well... I asked Pete that too but let me ask you something first." Kim tilted his head.

"Hmm?" Chay hummed while he taking a sip on his milk.

"If you ever run away, would you ask help to those close to you? Like your friends, for example." Kim asked while his hand caressed Chay's face. The younger shakes his head.

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