Chp 17

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Months later You were sitting down on the couch laughing at your favorite show " yeah beat her ass boo" you yelled at the TV " YEAH BEAT HER ASSSSS BITCHHHH!" Miruko came downstairs from her room " what are you laughing at?" She said laughing herself " this show, she's beating her ass" " oh are you watching ( your f/s)?" She said sitting down next to you " ye" you said nodding than a kick came you grunted and she noticed " the baby kicked?" You nodded and got up " DABI!" You yelled " WHAT?!" He yelled back " bring your brunt ass down here!" You yelled he came downstairs with a smirk " why tf you always smirking fo? Like stop" you said walking in the kitchen " I csnt smirk?" He asked " no you can't" you said walking towards him " and I feel like I'm about to give birth" you said grabbing your stomach.

Dabi panicked " a-are you ok?" Then you felt a dripping down your leg " m-my water broke" you said with your eyes widen " MIRUKO SHES IN LABOR" Dabi yelled miruko ran over " damn" she said she holding you up " I wanna have the baby here" you said grunting " HAWKS!" Miruko yelled hawks came downstairs " what's wrong?" " she's in labor and she wants to have the baby here" miruko said " KUROGIRI!!!!!" You yelled. A purple portal came " yea?" He said coming through " BRING SHIGGY, COMPRESS, TOGA, AND TWICE HERE NOW!" You yelled and everything shook " yes ms l/n" he went into the portal and left " we need to go in a room.

Dabi and miruko made you comfy in the room " fuck it hurts" you said crying Miruko nodded and kissed your head " alright baby just breathe" shiggy and everyone came through the portal even your uncle miruko went to lift up your legs a little and saw hair sticking out " ok y/n we need to push now" " NOW?!" You yelled she nodded " yea" you pushed and a wave a pain came " FUCKKKKKKK!" You yelled Dabi Held your hand " you got it" you pushed again and the head started to come out slowly " shiggy came to you " you got it" you nodded and pushed again.

" The heads out" Miruko said you nodded and pushed again " oh shit its a girl" you stopped " ITS A WHAT?!" Everything shook like horribly " WHAT YOU MEAN ITS A GIRL?!" Miruko gulped " I-it's a girl" you pushed all the way and the baby came out " Omg" miruko said holding her " she gave her to you " she has different color eyes" you said smiling your baby had one ocean blue eye like Dabi and one hazel eye like you " she's so beautiful" Dabi said smiling her skin was a shiny yet beautiful brown skin " she is so cute" hawks said you smiled and kissed her head then she started to cry you thought she's hungry so you took out your tit and she started to eat everyone looked away expect for miruko and dabi " Why aren't you looking away?" Dabi asked miruko " because I'm a women too" " ok? You shouldn't be looking" Dabi said " mind ur business" Miruko said you laughed and your daughter Amari ate perfectly.

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