Kings of the school

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The classroom is bland. Boring. Plain.

The teacher looks at the class expectantly as he dictates each question. No one is paying attention, the bell will go soon and you'll be free from this hell.

*tap tap tap*

All the students heads turn towards the door. The teacher rolls his eyes, a knock at the door proving to be more interesting than himself.

The door swings open and 6 boys file in.

Jesus. They... They're... Gorgeous.

"Anneyeong hasaeyo" they say in unison, bowing a straight 90°.
The girls squeal and basically Fangirl. You sigh and look out the window.

Sure they were gorgeous but hey, from your experience, beautiful people have ugly personalities.

They introduce themselves one by one.

"Yo! I'm Chen!" He says happily and some giggle.

"Hi, I'm Tao" he says then winks, girls swoon.

"Hello, I'm xiumin" he says cutely and some girls squeal.

"Hello everyone, I'm lay" he says and bows.

"Hello, I'm luhan" omo, he looks princely.

"Yo, I'm kris" he says coolly.

You sigh loudly at their cliche introductions and see some girls raise a questioning eyebrow at you.

Here we go. Six more jerks to be called the princes of the school.

There are currently six others, Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol, Kai, Baekyun and Kyungsoo. The kingkas of the school.

You basically despised them. Mainly because of the whole popularity and kingka thing. But you really shouldn't because then again, you're one of the most popular girls in school.

Not intentionally of course. You have been said to 'radiate cool'. You were like some adorable/silent/badass/kind student. Something of an all rounder. Most of them were rumours though.

Apparently you were too cool to be talked to. So no friends.

There was a time when you had friends. A few close ones. Your bestfriend being Chanyeol, a current kingka.

After he met his group called 'exo' he just sort of avoided you. It hurt at first, but you thought that he had the idea that he was too good for you. So you cut him out of your life.

It sucked but you had to deal with it.

"Miss y/n, would you please listen when I'm talking"
You snap your head up in the teachers direction.

He groans and rubs his temple. "Would you kindly show around our new students during the lunch break?"
The group looks at you excitedly, grinning like idiots at you.

"I don't have a choice do I?"

"Nope" your teacher replies.


Well crap. The class leaves and the boys are standing around your desk staring down at you.

"What's your name?" Tao pipes up.

"Y/n, not that you'll remember anyway" you say tiredly.

"I think I'd remember a pretty face" Chen says. You narrow your eyes at him in annoyance. Was he trying to act like the nice guy?

You snort then stand up, heading out the door.
"Hurry up, we don't have all day"


The boys are loud. That's for sure. You show them around and receive stares from the students. Some making it painfully obvious that they're glaring at you.

You rub your arms nervously at all the eyes. Someone's arm wraps around you and begins rubbing circles on your shoulder.
"You alright?" luhan asks worryingly

What is with these guys? Just drop the nice guy act already. Hmmph.

"Great" you say then slip out of his grasp. You walk ahead of them and make your way to the feild where most of the school hangs out.

You show them the available areas to sit, who sits where and-

"Yah! Our other half!" A deep voice yells. You look for the owner sitting on a table. Chanyeol grins widely at the group.

His eyes scan the group then they sit still after seeing you.
"Oh y/n" all the boys from the table turn at the mention of your name.

What the hell?
Where you not wanted here?
Oh well, so be it.

"Since that guy knows you, go hang out with him" you say, putting your hands into your pockets.

Xiumin wraps his arm around you.
"But I want you to stay y/n-ah"
He pouts cutely at you with pleading eyes. Tao grabs your other arm and leads his head on yours.
"You should stay with us"

You hear a low growl from the table.

Looks like you're realllly not wanted here.

"Well those jerks over there are basically growling at me so I'm getting the idea I'm not wanted here. I'm leaving now, cool? Bye"
You say as you shrug the boys off. You walk away coolly as if nothing happened.

They watch you in awe.

Both groups are silent for a while, when kris finally says something,
"She's my style."

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