How did you even?

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Xiumins pov

Okay. This is unusual.
Y/n is sitting beside me, with our sides touching. I-I don't know why, but my belly feels weird.

What is this?!

I've acknowledged that she's cute and that she's admirable, but I hadn't even considered the fact that I might like her!

I thought the guys were just joking around before! Now they're my competition?

As my heart pumps, she leaves the room. I stare after her and luhan catches me.

"Hyung?" He smirks as I stare at the doorway. "You like her, huh?"

"B-BO?" I exclaim. Luckily all the members had left to their own rooms as y/n disappeared.

"Were competition then. But since you are my hyung (and have no experience with ladies) I'll help you" he says to me proudly.

AISH, this dongseng!

"Tsk, you worry about yourself dongseng" I say stubbornly. He smiles to himself and leaves to his room.


You walk on the path with Suho on the way to school. Apparently he's always the last one out, which in most cases is true. You had been able to catch him.

"Y/n-ah, how have you been feeling?" He asks.

"Mm" you him and nod in contemplation. "I've been good, how about you oppa?"

"I'm always happy when I'm with you I guess" he says nonchalantly. You scrunch up your nose and playfully punch him.

These boys sure know how to capture your heart.

"Say, y/n-ah, are you in any clubs?" His expression is serious and his words are thoughtful.

"Aniyo, never been in one before."

"Jinja? Y/n! Let's make one!" He says happily.

A club?

You frown then shrug. It wasn't a bad idea. Maybe you could use a little extracurricular activities in your school life.

"You'll be the president" he laughs. You scowl.

"No way, I can't even manage you boys let alone a club"

He laughs nervously then scratches the back of his head. "So you'll join the club?"

You nod and he claps happily. "Kris owes me five bucks" he says as he skips off.



"Jinja?! You actually got her to agree to it?" Kris yells.

"How? I thought she was cold" Tao says. Suho dusts his shoulder smugly.

"It's all part of my charm."

Chen scoffs loudly and the group cackles. "So when do we begin?"

"Today's good. I'll get her to tag along with me." Luhan says. "Hyung you'll come with me, ne?" He says to xiumin.
Xiumin scowls but then hastily agrees

"It's all sorted then, this'll be easy!"


Luhan comes behind you and places his hands on your face. "Ermmm..... Sunbae?"

Luhan laughs. "Oppa" he corrects.

"Luhan? What're you doing?"

"Shhhhhh just hold xiumins hand and we'll be there in a second" luhan wiggles his eyebrows at xiumin. You wave your arms hopelessly in the air, hoping to find the boy. The hyung snatches your hands before you can hit someone and luhan smirks.

'Aigooo, boazi and y/n-ah are so cuteeeeee >.<'
Luhan thinks, then reconsiders his thoughts.
'Ahem, they're...suitable. Yes. Suitable.

I am a man. A manly man' he confirms.

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