On the rooftop.

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You drag your legs tiredly up the staircase. The rooftop awaits you.

Lay had asked you to meet him here during your chemistry class. So here you are, mindlessly ascending to the rooftop.

The door is before you, you reach out and grab the doorknob. For suspense you open the door slowly.

Lay is in front of you, holding a single rose.

What is he doing?! I've seen stuff where people confess on rooftops! Hellllllll nahhhhhhhh.

Your eyes widen and you slam the door immediately. From the other side you hear someone begin cracking up.

"Open the door!" Someone says through a laugh.

You do so and lay grins widely at you. "They put me first so I wouldn't forget what to do". He hands you the rose as planned, then steps away. You blush as you thought he had other intentions.

Soon Baekyun follows him and hands you a flower. "A flower for the lady"he bows goofily then skips off.

Chanyeol is after him. "You're as beautiful as this flower, and I'm the ray of sun that keeps you happy" he says.

Chen follows him. He whispers to you, "I'm pretty sure a spider crawled in there"he indicates to the rose. You squeal and he laughs.

Next is Sehun. "I could've bought bubble tea, but I bought you this". He hands you the rose and winks as he leaves.

Kai dances towards you cheesily. You laugh as he hands you the rose then he moonwalks away.

Tao hands you his rose. "Flowers are so cliche" he says but doesn't forget to wink at you before he leaves.

Kris is next. "Your my style" he says as the rose enters your palm. He walks off coolly.

Do approaches, hands you the rose and kisses your hand before leaving. Strong but silent.

Xiumin walks up to you, handing you the rose and grinning happily at you. He attached a small candy onto the flower. "Just as sweet as you"

Suho comes forward. He hands you the rose. "Your like the umma to this family, is that why everyone calls me appa?"
Tao snorts. "Actually you're the umma, Suho"

Lastly is luhan. He gives you the rose. "You're very DEAR to me" he says with a laugh then leaves.

The boys arrange themselves in a line. "We are one!" They yell.

Music plays and they begin to dance. How long have they been working on this?
How did they get so good?

The main dancers are at the front, they switch out as the vocals come forward. Chanyeol, Sehun, Tao and kris rap whilst the others continue with their rapid movements. Suho, luhan, xiumin and Do sing like angels and Baekyun and Chen hit high notes that you've never thought could be hit. Kai and lay dances make you swoon from the sidelines.

When the performance is done you hoot and clap and scream. "DAEBAK DAEBAK DAEBAK!!!!!" You yell. The members laugh and blush.

"What was all that?!" You ask with a broad smile.

"That'll be our audition" kris says. He rests his arm on your shoulder, leaning on you tiredly.

"Did you like it?" Tao asks you like a child showing off his latest drawing/masterpiece.

"I loved it!" You yell and clap like a seal.

"I love you!" Luhan says and wraps his arms around you in a hug. Being in the happy state you were in you hugged him just as tightly back. The members sent looks of envy towards luhan.

"Ya luhan~ share~" Sehun says as he hugs you from behind. You blush as you're sandwiched between the two.

The members glares intensify.

"Anyways" xiumin says as he grabs your arm and yanks you free. "What about you?"


"We asked you to be our manager but you said you couldn't. We don't want to just leave you" kai says.

You pout and ruffle up his hair. "I'll be fine! You guys go ahead" you tell them.

"Wait... What if sh-" before Suho can finish Baekyun interrupts.

"We can't just leave you here!"

Chanyeol wails loudly. "You can't give up on us now!"

"AISH I'll be fine" you say over his crying.

"Ya, what if she auditioned-"

Now Chen takes part in the drama whilst ignoring Suho. "I won't let them take you away! You're all I have left!"

Baekyun begins fake crying. "I won't let them take away my baby girl" Chanyeol begins fake crying and cradling your head against his chest.

You roll your eyes. "Chanyeol-"

He brings a finger to your lips. "Shhhhhhh everything will be ok" he says as he caresses your hair. He stares off into the distance as a forced year rolls down his cheek.

"WHY DOESNT SHE JUST AUDITION WITH US" Sehun suddenly exclaims.

"Ya! Sehun-ah! Good idea" do says with a smile, he pats the maknae on his back approvingly.

Suho visibly deflates as his credit has been wrongfully stolen.

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