Why cant I just....?

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Kai placed a hand on your hip, guiding you around. You avoided his piercing gaze as you waltzed around the room. He and all the boys stared you down, hoping you'd spill at any moment.

You felt tense and uncomfortable with all the eyes that were on you. It was enough pressure that you were going to crush their dreams of you joining them in SM. Their eyes bore holes in your head and the pressure only made it worse.

Kai's grip tightened on your hand and you snapped your head up to glare at him. He snickered at your expression, clearly not seeing how ticked off you were.

The teacher stopped the music. Kai released you, shooting you a charming smile then kissing your hand. The girls in your class swoon and squeal. You keep your eyes to the floor, ignoring all the attention.

You walk away to sit on the benches. Kai only followed you, the rest of EXO tailing him. You rolled your eyes and took a seat on an empty bench.

It was empty. If only for a moment, before the boys had taken the spots beside you.

You sat in between Tao and kris. They sat close to you. You could feel their sides press against your own and the heat radiating off of them.

"Princess," Tao calls. You blush but keep your eyes to the floor. "What's wrong?" Kris proceeds.

"Nothing, nothing" you laugh, hoping to brush them off.

Tao wraps an arm around you. "Jinja?" He says as if he knows you're lying.

You nod and pat him on the head. "Gomawo, I'm fine." You say, skipping off.


The end of your sport period has come. You leave before any members can follow you. You walk away, thinking you'd had lost them.

Buuuut, you didn't.

Chanyeol and Baekyun pretended they were ninjas. They clung to the walls, scuttled around the corners and hid half of their faces in their shirts to 'conceal their identity'. It was outrageously obvious that they were trailing you. Considering that Baekyun was humming the James Bond tune.
For a moment it was amusing to see them commando roll across the floor and tumble into the walls, before you began to get annoyed.

"What're you doing?" You spit, spinning around to face them.

Baekyuns eyes widened, temporarily stopping the humming. "How did you know?" Chanyeol asks, caught completely by shock.

"You guys suck at being ninjas," you laugh.

They laugh along with you, standing up straight from their ninja stance. Baekyun and Chanyeol walk on either side of you. You form a human chain as they link their arms with yours.

No escaping this time.

"What's wrong?"

Please don't ask me.

"You can tell us"

I really don't want to though.

"Were friends, you can-

"Friends? Who said we were friends?" You spit. You pull your arms away and take a step back.

"Wasn't it just weeks ago when I hated you?" You ask. It seems as though you're more asking yourself than the boys.

Baekyun falters for a moment, his smile fading.

Chanyeol does the opposite, grinning like an idiot. "Yea, but you love us now! Were best buddies!"

"We were best buddies."

Why am I acting like this?

Chanyeol stops. The colour drains from his face.

"Sorry.... I have to go."

Why.... Why can't I just tell the truth?

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