What they say....

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You indeed sing to your hearts content. You let out words with a voice as sweet and thick as honey, never missing a note. The words of Baby Don't Cry seep from your mouth, flowing through the air and into the judges ears. You finish, allowing a final and softened note to ring out.

The judges look at you with blank and emotionless faces. You feel a nervous sweat run down your brow.

The woman in the middle, seemingly being the leader, finally spoke.
"Well... to say the least..."

Luhans pov_________________

I see my little Bambi walk out of the room. Her beautiful face tilted towards the ground. Her hands fiddled with the fabric that clung to her wrists, pulling at loose threads.

All eyes went to her, wanting to know what had happened. She looked at us glumly. Surely they would've accepted her?

Despite the saddened look, I still felt my heart jump. It always does when I'm with her. Some of the boys have admitted to it too.

Kai says how she makes him want to dance and sweep her off her feet. The way you made his heart beat sounded like a song in itself. He felt as if he could go anywhere with you.

Sehun says that he'd choose her over bubble tea any day. He said that you knocked the wind out of his lungs.

Tao says that shes his little princess, him being the mighty prince. He'd do anything for his princess, he'd stop time if he could.

Kris says she's worth every star in the galaxy. She made him feel like he was on cloud nine, like he could even fly.

D.O says that he'd look forward to coming home from a long day of work and seeing her face to greet him, in the future. He said he'd never get tired from her smile. She gave his heart strength.

Chanyeol says that she's the virus that makes him happy. She lit an inextinguishable fire within his heart.

Xiumin says that she is his sweet little dumpling, though the mature hyung would never say it to her face. He felt as if she was as beautiful as a snowy day.

Suho says that if he's the appa of the group, there's no doubt in his mind that she'd be the one and only umma. his yeobeo. (Is that how you spell it?) she was as pure as water.

Chen says that shes the reason that his lips curl up into an never ending smile. Even without her there, he's always happy that she's in his heart. He felt electricity running through his veins when you were around.

Baekyun says that she's the light of his world, the thing that allows him to see what makes him happy, that being her.

Lay says how he'd always be there to help her, to heal her. He said he couldn't wait for the day that he could call you jagiya.

We all say how much we love her.

And what do I say?

I always say that I....

Normal pov__________________

"They're still deciding the results," you lie with a smile. They had told you your results, but you didn't want to tell the boys, just not yet.

"Jinja? I can't wait that long! I want to know nowwww" Tao whine, clinging to you like glue.

You pry him off with much effort, in the end kris had to get him off of you.

You turn to the group, smiling at them. "They'd like you to all go in. Good luck" you say. They all hesitantly nod, nervously walking into the room.

You sigh as you slump over in the waiting room. The couch bounces a bit from the movement. You clutch a pillow to your chest, feeling your beating heart ache.

I didn't make it...

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