Chapter 1:

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Climbing out of the sky-blue car, I wait for the rest of my friends as they all pass their keys to the awaiting chauffeurs. As I myself don't drive, I usually catch a ride from one of the guys. They never had an issue with driving me around. We were best friends after all.

I walk over to the guys, linking my arms with both Kavin and Ren as the five of us walk into school together. My phone's notifications start going off, my phone buzzing from within my bag. The guys all have smiles on their faces. It's begun.

I don't bother to check my phone, knowing exactly what was going on. Kavin unlinks his arm from my own, walking over to MJ and throwing an arm around his shoulder as we walk through the school's halls. From where we stand, we can see students running out of their classrooms and making their way to the back doors of the building. Some look back to watch us as we make our way in the same direction. Only we were taking our time. After all, it's not like today's events would be a one-time thing. It has happened many times before, and because of my best friends, will probably happen many more times again.

As we make our way past the now-empty classrooms, the teachers simply nod their heads to us before turning to go about their own business. They are already aware of what's going to happen, and they knew to just wait for students to come back to class on their own.

Finally making our way through the school, the guys and I finally exit through the back doors. We were now heading in the direction of the abandoned athletics stadium. I could already hear students cheering and yelling from ahead of us.

As we get closer, I pull away from Ren and take my phone out of my purse, unlocking it and opening up the school group chat that was the cause of the constant buzzing in my bag.

"How's it looking?" MJ asks, looking at me from beside Kavin.

Clicking on one of the many videos being sent in the chat, I hit play, letting it play out loud for the guys to all hear. The video showed a boy running throughout the halls of the school, running along the same path that we were currently walking. Students were throwing things at the boy as he went. Clicking on the next video, the boy is now shown being punched, right before the video cuts out. I stare down at the screen, feeling bad for the boy in the video.

MJ and Kavin both saw the look on my face and gave each other knowing looks before walking on either side of me. Kavin takes my phone, wrapping one arm around my shoulder, while MJ links his arm with my own.

"Don't worry so much. Just know that this one deserved what's coming to him." Kavin says.

"Plus the videos will be taken down by the end of the day anyways. That way you won't have to look at them anymore." Says Thyme, as he now joins the conversation.

We stop walking, as the five of us now stand right outside of the abandoned stadium. I could now clearly hear the sounds of all the students inside the stadium. Cringing slightly at the sounds that I was hearing, I turn to the guys, trying to buy as much time as possible before we inevitably had to enter the stadium.

"What did the boy even do? I didn't recognize him?" I ask, inquiring about the boy from the videos.

Kavin was the first to speak, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose as he did. "He's been saving the videos from the group chat. He plans on releasing them to the public." He tells me.

"And of course, you know we can't let that happen," MJ adds, placing his hands on my shoulders as he bends down with his face next to my own, winking at me with a mischievous smile. I roll my eyes at this. He and Kavin were the most flirtatious guys I knew. Kavin is more so than MJ, but it didn't help that I've had a crush on MJ since we were children.

*********For anyone who hasn't watched F4 Thailand, this is MJ(shown in the photo below). He is my favorite character on the whole show and rightfully deserves his face to be plastered on billboards. And the hairstyle he wears in the show just makes him look so asdfghhjbcshjgbjhvgfdyuf😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍. But anyways, MJ is played by Nani Hirunkit Changkham. He is currently my favorite Thai actor.*********

                                                               ***Anyways, back to the story

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                                                               ***Anyways, back to the story.***

I smile back at the boy softly. "Well, let's get this over with," I say, pulling out of M.J.'s reach, and looking towards the run-down building.

Taking a deep breath, I prepare to enter, knowing that all eyes would be on us as we walked in. Just another thing I had to get used to after having grown up with my four best friends. "Don't forget you all promised to go to that new movie with me after school today," I tell the guys.

"Yes, we remember. That American film, The Adventurers, right?" Thyme asks, moving to enter the stadium. However, when he realizes that no one is following him, he turns around to find us all staring at him.

Ren speaks up for the first time today now.
"How is he like this?" He asks, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's called the Avengers, not the Adventurers," I say, trying my best not to call Thyme stupid. The last thing I wanted was an annoyed Thyme. He could be quite reckless when he was annoyed or angered.

"Let's just go. Everyone's already inside." Kavin says, gesturing to the cheering that was growing louder from inside the stadium.

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