Chapter 2:

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As we walk to enter the stadium, I can hear the cheers of all the students. The cheers continue to rise, becoming almost deafening when they see us enter.

"They're coming. F4 is here." A girl yells. She slightly squealed as she sees the guys walk in ahead of me.

As we fully enter the stadium, I see the three red couches that have been placed there for our use. MJ and Kavin go to one, while I go to sit on another. Ren follows after me, sitting on the arm of the couch I was at. And of course, Thyme sits on the couch in the middle. In perfect view for everyone to see.

Looking around, I take in the site of the students that line the stands, all cheering on a group of boys in the center of the stadium. The group all surrounded one student. The boy was sitting on the water-covered ground, covered in scrapes and bruises given to him by the other students.

Two male students come up to us, carrying different items. They give MJ and Kavin a laptop, Thyme a phone, and Ren and I a stack of papers. All of which either belonged to or contain information about the boy from the group chat videos.

I simply hand the papers to Ren, not wanting to deal with the red card situation. I never did care for the whole game, but I also never did anything to stop it from happening.

"Phupha Komolpetch of Class 6/1. A top student with a clean record. Never had any trouble. You're a teacher's pet." Thyme says. The boy, Phupha, struggles as he tries to stand on his feet, only to get pushed back onto his knees.

Thyme stands up now, walking through the soaked floor and standing before the boy. "It's a shame that all that will be ruined just because you planned to expose what happened in this school." He then kneels to look the boy in the eyes. "Honestly, do you think I'm an idiot?" Thyme asks.

At this, I see Ren smiling slightly. Turning away from the scene in front of us, I look at Ren, seeing him hide his smile.

"Thyme IS kind of an idiot sometimes," I whisper to him as the two of us now try to hold back our laughter.

"Erase it all" I hear MJ say. I turn and see him talking into his phone before hanging up with whoever was on the other end. A strand of hair falls into his eyes as he snaps his phone shut. Even with what's going on right now, I couldn't help but watch MJ. He was just so handsome in my eyes.

I only look away when I hear students start to cheer once more. I look up, just in time to see Thyme walking back to us. However, before he reaches us, the boy runs up and punches him.

The stadium goes silent now, everyone waiting to see what would happen next. I already knew how Thyme would react.  When Thyme punches the boy to the ground, everyone continues to cheer once more. Kavin and MJ make a bet on how long the fight will last, telling another student to time the fight. I can't help but watch anxiously.

Ren is the only one to notice my distraught look. I hated watching Thyme get into fights. Or any of my friends. I worried so much about them all. And I worried about them getting hurt. Watching them fight always made me feel sick. Even when I knew that they wouldn't get hurt.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Ren tells me as he stands up from the couch. I just nod my head, following along after him. Ren and I never stuck around for the entirety of these games, especially if one of the guys joined in on a fight.

We go to leave, but first, Ren stops beside Kavin and MJ. "I'm gonna take Rose and head out." He tells the two boys.

"Yeah, sure thing," Kavin says, but he doesn't bother to take his eyes off the fight.

MJ turns our way, seeing the worried look on my face as I glance over at our fighting friend. "Hey, we'll come to find you later, alright? Then we can all go watch that movie and go out to eat." MJ tells me before looking at Ren. I just nod my head, barely listening as I watch Thyme punch the male student once more, flinching slightly as I continue to watch the fight. MJ nods his head at Ren, motioning for him to take me and leave.

"Come on," Ren says, taking my hand in his own and gently pulling me away from the fighting boys.

We are slowly making our way toward the stadium exit when I hear a girl's voice speaking from the floor just above us. I can't see her face that well, but I can see that the girl beside her is wearing a white headband.

"The one leaving is Ren." The first girl says, pointing to my friend who's walking beside me.

"Who's the girl that he's with?" The girl in the headband asked. I knew she was asking about who I was. The girl must be new to the school if she didn't know who we were.

"That's Rose Chantharat. She's known as F4's flower." The first girl says. I cringe slightly as I hear that name. "She's not mean like F4, but she is very close to them since she grew up with them. She doesn't really hang out with anyone here at school. Some girls have tried to befriend her but I think she just prefers to stick with F4 since they're already so close. And don't get me started on guys in our school. F4 has made it pretty clear that Rose is off limits for any guy that comes near her." The girl continues to say. I catch a quick glimpse of the girl just as Ren and I go to leave. I didn't recognize her but she seemed to be pretty.

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