Chapter 10:

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****No one POV****:

She blinked fast, trying to control her tears, but it was no use. The three boys watched in concern as the girl they cared for broke down in front of them. Kavin gently wrapped his arm around the girl. It pained him when he felt her flinch at his touch, but he didn't pull away. He just held on tight, allowing her to bury her face into his shirt as she continued to cry.

Kavin looks to Ren. "Go run her a bath, she needs to get cleaned up. MJ and I will bring her up in a bit." Kavin says, gently brushing the hair of the girl in his arms.

*****Rose POV*****:

"Rose, we need to get you cleaned up. And then we need to change your bandages." Kavin whispers into my hair.

By now, I had stopped crying. For the past few minutes, I just sat frozen in his arms, not wanting to leave the comfort of someone I trusted.

"Come on. Why don't you go on upstairs." He continues before I tighten my grip on the jacket he wore.

"No! Don't leave me alone. Please." I beg. Not wanting to be left alone for even a moment. I was afraid of what would happen if I was alone. What if the other students came back? What if I was attacked again?

"Don't worry. We're not leaving you." MJ says from beside us. He stands up, offering his hand out to me. I hesitantly take his hand, allowing him to pull me to my feet. He looks down at me, meeting my eyes before he looks further down. He quickly reaches forward, zipping up his jacket that I was wearing so that it covered my stomach.

"Let's get you upstairs. Do you think you can walk?" Kavin asks.

"I can try," I say. MJ and Kavin both jump to action and take hold of either of my arms. They helped me to a standing position.

It took a few minutes, but we had finally made it up the stairs and into the bathroom that was in my bedroom. Ren was already there in the bathroom.

"The bath is ready for you," Ren says as he sets some towels down on the counter beside the tub.

"Get yourself cleaned up and dressed. We'll be right outside of your room if you need anything." The guys all make their way to exit the bathroom. I watch in silence as they go. But when MJ goes to close the door, I yell for him to stop.

"Please, don't close the door. What if something happens?" I ask.

"Look, we'll wait in your room okay? And the door can stay cracked open. That way we can hear you if you call for us, alright?" MJ says.

I nod my head, finding this compromise to be fair. 

***Time skip***

After my bath, one of the female house staff came to help me change into new clothes and rebandage my wounds.

They helped me to leave the bathroom and enter my room, where the guys were all waiting for me. The three boys stand up, rushing to my sides as I am seated on the edge of my bed.

"How are you feeling?" Ren asks me.

"Sore," I say, pulling myself up further on the bed.

"You should eat something. Here have some of this soup." Kavin says, picking up a tray from the bedside table. It had a bowl of soup and a glass of water.

"I'm not very hungry," I say, backing away slightly from the food. 

"Please, just eat a few spoonfuls," MJ says. He takes the bowl, using the accompanied spoon to pick up some of the soup and bring it towards me.

While I wasn't hungry, not having an appetite after today's events, seeing the caring look in MJ's eyes made me obey. I didn't want to go against him.  I nod my head, opening my mouth just enough for him to bring the soon to me, letting me eat the food.

This went on for a few minutes until all of the soup was gone.

"See, that wasn't so bad," MJ says, lifting his hand and brushing a stray hair from my face. I can't help but blush at this, turning my face away so he wouldn't see. I looked at Ren, seeing a knowing look in his eyes as he watched us. He wore a small smirk on his face. 

"Now, you might feel a bit tired soon. The doctor told us to give you medicine with food, so we just mixed it right in." Kavin says, making me quickly look at him in confusion.

Did he just admit to drugging my food? I sit in confusion, wondering if and how I should react to what he had said. He was one of my best friends, and he was just looking out for me after all.

"Also, I have your things from school," Kavin states, grabbing a bag off the floor and placing it on the bed in front of me.

It was my bookbag. I reach forward, pulling open the bag to find that all of my things had been messily thrown in. I first notice my phone. Unlocking it, I took notice of the dozens of messages that were in my notifications. Most of them were from the school's group chat. I quickly delete them without taking a look. I didn't want to see the messages. I already knew what I would see. Pictures and videos of myself.

Next, I saw a bunch of messages from Thyme dating back to last night and early this morning. I click on a message and open it.

From Thyme: "Rose. Don't go to school today. I'll explain everything later, but please, just don't go in. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have acted out against you. So please, don't go to school while I try to fix another problem that I caused."

There were a bunch more messages, all saying similar things. Thyme had practically begged me to not go to school. There were even missed calls, the times matching with the timeframe that the messages were sent.

"Where is Thyme?" I ask, looking at the three guys. 

They all look at one another, unsure of whether or not to tell me. 

"He's handling the mess that he made. But don't worry, we won't let him near you-" MJ starts before I cut him off.

"No. I know Thyme didn't mean it. We were both upset. We both said things we shouldn't have." I say, but he just looks at me in confusion.

"You got hurt because of him," Kavin adds.

"No, I got hurt because of this stupid game," I say, suddenly feeling tired, but I push the feelings aside. I needed to see Thyme first. I knew he would feel bad about what happened, and I needed to let him know that I still cared for him.

"He tried to fix it. He tried to make me stay home so he could remove the red card. But I was too stubborn. I ignored his messages. He tried to fix things. I need to see Thyme." I say, my voice cracking. 

As if by some miracle, I suddenly heard Thyme's voice yelling through the house. 

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