Chapter 3:

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As we exit the stadium, I think about what the female student had said. About me being off-limits to the guys at our school. While being partially true, seeing as the boys were protective over me, it wasn't as if they wouldn't let me date someone if I wanted to. I just had no interest in any of the boys at our school. That is except for one person.

There was really only one guy who I wanted to look my way. Yet he only thought of me as a friend. Maybe even as a little sister. MJ wasn't exactly innocent, I knew that very well. I've witnessed the countless girls that he has partied with over the years. But he was also always ready to choose hanging out with me over the girls that he partied with. That alone made me like him even more, but it also made me more hated by the girls in our school. Usually, I didn't bother him too much, not wanting to make him hang out with me if I could see that he was having fun with others, but seeing him partying with other girls, broke me a little every time.

Most girls knew how close I was to the guys, so they tried to befriend me to get closer to them. But I could almost always see through their fakeness, which is why I never hung out with anyone but the boys.  That is except for the girls that would come to party with the boys. I always tried my best to at least get along with those girls, seeing as the boys enjoyed their company. But I've never needed any other friends. The boys were all I needed. They were my life.

"Hurry up you slowpoke," Ren says, linking his arm with my own and pulling me along toward the school.

We eventually make our way up to the roof of the school, where we had a small spot set up for us to sit and watch the sun. Ren was the quietest of the boys. He would often sit and draw, thinking of different things in his mind. Growing up, Ren never partied as much as the others, so he didn't always attend all of the parties that the guys threw. As much as I loved to hang out with the others, it was nice to just relax and hang out quietly with Ren sometimes.

Sitting on the roof, I flip through Ren's sketchbook, looking at the different drawings. There were mainly drawings of the guys and me, however, I stop on a drawing dated a few days back. It was from the weekend we spent at Thyme's house. We had all hung out together in Thymes pool. The drawing was of Thyme, Kavin, MJ, and myself all sitting by the edge of the pool. However, I blocked out everyone else but MJ and myself. In the drawing, I was staring at MJ.

Realization hits me that Ren had caught me staring at MJ. Before I could say anything, Ren speaks up first. "I know you like him." He says, taking the sketch pad from me. Shock runs through me as he says this, a deep blush forming on my cheeks now.

"What? I don't know what you mean?" I say, unsure of how to respond. A feeling of vulnerability came over me. It was an uncomfortable feeling as if all my secrets were written on my forehead to be read by the world. Never before had I ever spoken about my crush on MJ. It was something that I kept to the depths of my mind, away from the ears of even my best friends.

"Don't act dumb. The way you look at him, it's more than how you look at the rest of us. I can tell that he's not just a friend in your eyes." Ren continues to say.

By now, I feel my face heating drastically. I'm too embarrassed to speak. So instead, I stand up and start walking away. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't even know how to respond. All my life, I could tell the guys anything. Every little secret. All but this one. And now, after all this time, I still couldn't bring myself to discuss it with any of my friends.

"Rose, wait. It's okay. I won't tell him." Ren says, looking at me with a small smile.

I knew he meant well. But I was too embarrassed to face him right now. If Ren knew of my crush, what was stopping the other guys from discovering it too? Or even MJ himself.

"I'll see you later. When we go to the movie." I say, not turning to face Ren. I then walk to the roof door, pulling it open before rushing down the stairs.

As I rush down the stairs, I run headfirst into someone, causing us both to fall to the ground.

"Are you all right?" Says the voice, I recognize it to be a girl speaking.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I gotta go." I say, not turning to see who it was as I kept rushing down the stairs.

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