Chapter 11:

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"Thyme?" I whisper, unsure if it was him. In the back of my mind, a part of me feared that it was the other students coming back to hurt me again, but when my bedroom door slammed open, I breathed in a huge sigh of relief. Happy to see my other best friend, despite everything that happened today.

"Rose. Thank god!" Thyme says when he spots me. He rushes over and tries to reach me but gets stopped when Ren, Kavin, and MJ all stand up, quickly blocking him before he can get within 5 feet of me.

"No, please. Let me see him." I say, climbing towards the edge of the bed so that I can try to get to Thyme.

I watch as the three guys all calm down a bit, stepping to the sides to let Thyme pass. But MJ stayed close, opting to sit on the bed edge so that he was close in case something happened.

Thyme rushes to my bedside, kneeling on his knees before me. He takes my hands into his own, holding them tightly. I could feel his hands trembling as he held my own.

"Rose, I am so sorry. I don't know what went through my mind. I was so stupid, and" Thyme rambles but gets cut off when I throw myself off of the bed and into his arms.

I don't ignore the panicked looks of the others as they prepare to come to my aid if I need it. I ignore the glares that the others are giving Thyme after he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug.

"It's okay. I forgive you." I mumble into his chest, but he just holds me tighter.

"No. It's not okay. I'm such a shitty person. I should have never even thought of doing something like that to you, You should never forgive me." Thyme says as he slowly pulls away from the hug.

"I've just now seen the messages. I shouldn't have ignored you like that. You tried to warn me. You tried to keep me home to fix this. I've known you my whole life Thyme, you are one of my best friends in the whole wide world. And you know that I could never hate you. Any of you. You four are all that matter to me. And because I care for you so much, I know when you are being honest. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we stayed angry at one another for too long." I say, looking from Thyme to the rest of the guys.

By the end of my spew, I'm feeling more tired and now a little dizzy.

Kavin must have noticed my state, as he was quick to help me to my feet, helping me to sit on the bed again. 

"What's wrong with her? Has a doctor come to see her yet?" Thyme asks, worry in his eyes as he looks me over. I notice when his eyes freeze on what should have been exposed skin on my arms and legs. After my bath, I was changed into a T-shirt and comfortable shorts. So all of my bandages were exposed and I could see Thyme staring at them with guilt in his eyes.

"The medicine must be kicking in. The doctor said it would make her drowsy." Kavin states. 

"Here. I found this at your locker." Thyme says. He reaches into his jacket pocket, pulling out what appears to be a piece of paper.

"I tried to put it back together." He continues, handing me the paper.

Looking down, I stare at the Polaroid photo. It was torn down the middle but had been taped back together with clear tape. I smile widely, so happy that the picture wasn't completely ruined. Just like the photo was back in one piece, I feel like our friendship can be taped back together. It may take some time, but the friendship will always be there.

"Thank you," I say, staring down at the photo. I was glad to have it back.

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