Chapter 6:

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I woke up the following day feeling an array of emotions going through me. Anger towards Thyme and the way he acted yesterday. Sadness for the girl from yesterday, as I knew that Thyme would try to find a way to get back at her. And I also had a slight fear that, like Ren, the others would find out about my crush on MJ.

Shaking all of these thoughts from my head, I get up to get dressed for school. I decided to ask my family's driver to take me to school today. It would give me some time to think about what I would say to my friends once I saw them today. Especially Thyme.

During the drive to school, I tried to organize my thoughts. My first priority would be to find Thyme and make amends. After all, he was still one of my best friends. Even with how he acted yesterday, I could never come to hate him.

After making amends, I wanted to talk him down about punishing the female student. I always see how hard it is for male students who get red cards. The bullying is so harsh. The affected student always ends up beaten up and attacked by all of their peers. All it takes is a simple piece of paper for students to turn against one another.

As the car pulls up to the school, I look at the driver before they could leave.

"Thank you for driving me today. I'll get a ride home with one of the boys, so don't worry about picking me up." I say with a smile. The driver nods their head to me before pulling away from the curb and driving away. Looking up at the school, I take in a deep breath, preparing for the day as I walk into the building.

The halls are filled with the usual chatter of students when I enter the building. Only when I'm a few feet away from my locker did the halls suddenly go quiet.

There are a few excited cheers before students begin yelling across the halls. I could hear students mumbling about the school group chat. Pulling out my phone, I realize that I never turned it back on after yesterday. Pressing down the power button, I watch as my screen goes from black to the familiar lock screen that was a picture of me and the guys. I smile down at the picture before unlocking my phone.

All at once, my phone begins to get spammed with multiple notifications. There are messages from Ren, Kavin, and MJ. As well as the school's group chat which is blowing up with new texts. Before I can click on the group chat, I see Thyme's name appear on my screen. "Don't go to school today. We'll talk about-" The text cuts off and only half of the message shows, as it wants me to open the message to view the whole text.

"I'll check that in a second. But first, what's going on now?" I say to myself. I was now standing in front of my locker. I open the school chat while putting my combination into my locker.

Quickly skimming through the chat, I see that people are talking about two new red cards. I scroll up into the conversation, seeing that after I had left school yesterday that Thyme had put out a red card on the girl who talked back to him. According to the chat, her name was Gorya, and she was 2 years younger than us.

"Shit, those poor girls. What the hell is wrong with you Thyme?" I say to myself. I think back to the two girls from yesterday. I knew that Thyme must have also given the red card to the girl with the headband. And if the red cards are still out, then that meant they hadn't caught either of the girls yesterday. Today there would be two people for the students to torture. 

If I find them, maybe I can help them hide. I think to myself.

I mentally decide to go search for and help the two girls, as I didn't want to see them suffer unnecessarily. I shove my phone into my purse before finally opening up my locker.

Once my locker is open, I don't look in it at first, as I am digging through my bag. I pull out my science and math notebooks, knowing that I wouldn't need them until after lunch.

I then realize that there is now an eerie silence in the air. 'Why did everyone get so quiet?' I think, just as I look at my locker.

My breath catches in my throat as I stare, wide-eyed, into my locker. Right inside my locker, taped onto the door, is a red F4 card. I stare at the card in confusion. Of course, I had seen the F4 card before. I even helped in creating the design on the front of it. Thyme always had them readily available whenever he wanted to start a new game. But why was it in my locker?

I grabbed the card, yanking it out of my locker as I stare at the card in bewilderment. But in the process, I knock over a glass picture frame of me and the guys. It was my favorite picture of us, a Polaroid picture, so there was only one copy of it. The frame falls to the floor, the glass shattering as it hits the ground.

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