Chapter 5:

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"What are you doing?" Thyme asks, looking down at the girl. He becomes annoyed when she doesn't immediately respond to him.

"Answer me!" He says louder.

"I think it's too much!" She exclaims. I watch on anxiously, hoping that this girl didn't anger Thyme any more than he already was. I already knew he would be difficult to talk down later.

"What did you just say?" Thyme asks, unsure if he heard the girl talk back to him.

"I said, I think it's too much. You can see my friend didn't mean to. Can't you forgive her? Please spare her." The girl asks.

When Thyme doesn't at first respond, I have a slight hope that he has come to his senses and will stop now before he takes the situation too far. But when he opens his mouth again, I know that my thoughts were just wishful thinking.

"You dare order me around?" He asks.

"I'm not.." The girl says, before stopping, seeming unsure of how to respond to him.

"Sure. Sure. I forgive your friend as per your order." Thyme says before walking up to the crying girl now.

"You're lucky to have such a good friend." He says to her before he turns and walks away.

Thyme walks out of the canteen and the students all sit back in their seats, going back to their previous conversations as if nothing had just happened. The guys and I all exchanged looks of uncertainty as we start to follow after Thyme.

We all make it to an empty classroom, finding Thyme sitting at the teacher's desk. He had his feet propped up on the desk as he seemed deep into thought. I sat at one of the desks, while the others sat on top of the desks.

After a few minutes of silence, he stands up from the teacher's seat, walking around it before sitting down on the edge to look at us all. "I'm going to give that bossy girl a red card," Thyme says. He says it so nonchalantly, almost as if there was nothing wrong with what he had just said.

"What?!" We all ask simultaneously.

"You know we don't give red cards to girls," Kavin states.

"Yeah, that's too cruel, man," MJ adds.

"Who cares? She deserves it." Thyme speaks. "Plus, who does she think she is, talking back to me." He continues.

I stand up quickly, pushing back the chair that I was sitting on. It scrapes loudly against the floor as I go to speak. "Stop being such an ass," I say, having had enough of Thyme's attitude.

"Me? What about you, defending some nobody instead of me? You're supposed to side with us." Thyme argues back, using his hand to gesture to himself and the others.

"Yes, but giving her a red card is going too far. You don't know what they'll do to her." I say, thinking about how the girl will be tortured and bullied. This stupid game, the kids in our school took it to an extreme. Bullying whoever got a red card to the point that the student would rather quit school than continue to be bullied again.

"That's none of my concern. All I care for is that she gets punished!" Thyme states, taking a step in my direction.

"But there has to be another option. You can't just-" I say, but I get cut off as Thyme pushes aside the desk that stood between us. The desk slams to the floor loudly after colliding with the next desk beside it.

I step back slightly, my legs hitting the discarded chair behind me, seeing the anger in Thyme's eyes as he starts to speak.

"I make the rules here. Do you understand that?" He asks, looking at me as if warning me not to step up to him. The others all stood up now, ready to step in between Thyme and me.

"Now, if you wanna go defend that little bitch, then go ahead. But don't try to run back to us when you get dragged down to her leve-" Thyme says, but he doesn't get to finish speaking when he feels a slap across his face.

After realizing what had just happened, it takes barely a second for Kavin and MJ to quickly jump in between Thyme and me. They both grab one of Thyme's arms. In turn, Ren pulls me back as well.

"Both of you, just calm down," MJ says, trying to de-escalate the situation.

"Ren, let go of me. I'm leaving." I say calmly, waiting for Ren to let go of me. He sighs but does as I say. I turn to look at the guys, and finally at Thyme. He was one of my best friends, and never have I had to go to such extremes before. Sure we have fought before, but never to this point. It pained me that I even had to go this far today, but I couldn't just stand by and allow him to continue down this path.

"I hope by tomorrow that you will have come to your senses. I'll see you all tomorrow" I say, before turning and walking out of the classroom.

As I leave the building, I make sure to turn off my phone. I don't want any of the guys to message me about apologizing to Thyme.

I just need to take time to think by myself. I'll apologize to Thyme tomorrow for hitting him. I think to myself. 

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