Chapter 14:

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*******Rose POV******:

Thyme and I were now upstairs in his room. I had just changed into some spare clothes that I had here. 

I was finishing the final touches on my hair and makeup

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I was finishing the final touches on my hair and makeup. With Thyme's mother, everything had to be no less than perfect. Everything from her career, all the way to her children. Although, she didn't spend much time with her children to care how they acted, so long as they didn't embarrass her in any way. And I didn't want to get Thyme in trouble for not looking my best in front of his mother.

Thyme and I were seated in the main dining room twenty minutes later. His mother had not yet arrived, but the maids quickly started serving our meals. Thyme busied himself with an article on his tablet while I pushed my food around my plate. After everything that's gone on these past few days, I didn't have much of an appetite. Just as I reached out to grab the cup of juice placed before me, I heard the sound of heels coming our way. I had just grasped the juice when Thyme's mother spoke.

"See, you look so much better now. Have one of the maids dispose of those clothes you wore earlier. I never want to see them again." She says, taking her seat. I nod my head. Knowing that it was better to agree with her than to argue. I start to eat my meal, using it as a distraction from my thoughts when Thyme's mother starts to speak again.

"What are you doing?" She asks her son. Thyme looks at the article before turning off the tablet and placing it to the side. "I was just reading the news." He says. He starts to eat his meal. We sit in silence for a few moments before a gasp is heard from the head of the table. Looking up, it seems that one of the young maids had spilled some wine onto the table.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, madam!" She exclaims. Fear was etched onto her face as she was aware that one mistake could cost her her job. "I'll take care of it right away." The maid says as she quickly moves to clean up the spilled wine.

Thyme's mother picked up a glass of water that was sitting in front of her. She took a sip as she watched the maid clean the table beside her. She turns to look at the head maid of the house, who stands watching from the corner of the room. "Find someone new in time for tomorrow morning." She tells the head maid. "Yes ma'am." The maid responds. She signals to a pair of guards who are stationed in the doorway. They walk over, dragging the young maid out of the room.

Thyme and I exchange tense looks before looking back down at our plates. We could feel that his mother was watching us. Scrutinizing us as she decided on what to as next.

"I heard that you had problems at school again?" She asks. This question was pointed towards Thyme. After all, he was the leader of our friend group and the leader of our school. "It's quite frequent lately" She continues. Thyme looks up at her before speaking. "It's not a big deal. I can handle it." He says.

"Frequent problems mean that there are internal waves. I don't care what kind of game you create for fun at school but remember that the Paramaanantras have always run a tight ship. If you can't even rule at school, you will never be able to control anything when you grow up." She then turned to me, studying me as I sat quietly eating my meal. I notice her eyes lingering on my arms, presumably on the bandages that wrapped around them, hiding my wounds.

"Poor Rose. Such a pretty thing." She says, lifting her glass to take a sip of her wine. I continued to eat my food, unsure where she was going with this.

"How do you expect to find a suitable husband when no doubt you'll have such ugly scars." She says. At this I freeze, my hands clutching my utensils tightly in my grasp.

'Ugly scars'  the words repeat in my head. Swallowing the food that remained in my mouth, I slowly place the utensils down, before bringing my hands to lay in my lap beneath the table. Of course, she was right. Who would want me now that I was damaged? What will people think when my wound heals, leaving such ugly scars behind? What would my friends think? What would MJ think?

"Of course, I'm sure your family wouldn't be against an arrangement between you and Thyme. Our companies would be unstoppable if we joined together" She says. Noticing the silence between Thyme and I, she continues to speak. "If not my son, I'm sure one of the other boys will have you as a wife. Their families would be just as proud to merge their companies with yours." She says when Thyme suddenly stands up, his chair scrapping loudly against the floor.

I watch as he takes a few steps towards where I was seated. "Rose, come on. Let me drive you home." He says he holds his hand out to me, waiting for me to follow him. Nodding my head, I place my hand into his, allowing him to pull me from my seat and to my feet.

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